# OCaml 3.12.1 # Keywords and as assert begin class constraint do done downto else end exception external false for fun function functor if in include inherit initializer lazy let match method module mutable new object of open or private rec sig struct then to true try type val virtual when while with # Pervasives ! != & && * ** *. + +. - -. / /. := < <= <> = == > >= @ FP_infinite FP_nan FP_normal FP_subnormal FP_zero LargeFile Open_append Open_binary Open_creat Open_nonblock Open_rdonly Open_text Open_trunc Open_wronly Oupen_excl ^ ^^ abs abs_float acos asin asr at_exit atan atan2 bool_of_string ceil char_of_int classify_float close_in close_in_noerr close_out close_out_noerr compare cos cosh decr do_at_exit epsilon_float exit exp expm1 failwith float float_of_int float_of_string floor flush flush_all format format4 format_of_string fpclass frexp fst ignore in_channel in_channel_length incr infinity input input_binary_int input_byte input_char input_line input_value int_of_char int_of_float int_of_string invalid_arg land ldexp lnot log log10 log1p lor lsl lsr lxor max max_float max_int min min_float min_int mod mod_float modf nan neg_infinity not open_flag open_in open_in_bin open_in_gen open_out open_out_bin open_out_gen or out_channel out_channel_length output output_binary_int output_byte output_char output_string output_value pos_in pos_out pred prerr_char prerr_endline prerr_float prerr_int prerr_newline prerr_string print_char print_endline print_float print_int print_newline print_string raise read_float read_int read_line really_input ref seek_in seek_out set_binary_mode_in set_binary_mode_out sin sinh snd sqrt stderr stdin stdout string_of_bool string_of_float string_of_format string_of_int succ tan tanh truncate unsafe_really_input valid_float_lexem || ~ ~+ ~+. ~- ~-.