;;; php-face.el --- Face definitions for PHP script -*- lexical-binding: t; -*- ;; Copyright (C) 2020 Friends of Emacs-PHP development ;; Author: USAMI Kenta ;; Created: 5 May 2019 ;; Version: 1.24.0 ;; Keywords: faces, php ;; Homepage: https://github.com/emacs-php/php-mode ;; License: GPL-3.0-or-later ;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify ;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by ;; the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or ;; (at your option) any later version. ;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, ;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of ;; MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the ;; GNU General Public License for more details. ;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License ;; along with this program. If not, see . ;;; Commentary: ;; Face definitions for PHP script. ;;; Code: ;;;###autoload (defgroup php-faces nil "Faces used in PHP Mode." :tag "PHP Faces" :group 'php-mode :group 'faces) (defface php-string '((t (:inherit font-lock-string-face))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight string literals." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP String") (defface php-keyword '((t (:inherit font-lock-keyword-face))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight keywords." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Keyword") (defface php-builtin '((t (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight builtins." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Built-in") (defface php-function-name '((t (:inherit font-lock-function-name-face))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight function names." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Function Name") (defface php-function-call '((t ())) "PHP Mode face used to highlight function names in calles." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Function Call") (defface php-method-call '((t (:inherit php-function-call))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight method names in calles." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Method Call") (defface php-static-method-call '((t (:inherit php-method-call))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight static method names in calles." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Static Method Call") (defface php-variable-name '((t (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight variable names." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Variable Name") (defface php-property-name '((t (:inherit php-variable-name))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight property names." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Property Name") (defface php-variable-sigil '((t ())) "PHP Mode face used to highlight variable sigils ($)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Variable Sigil") (defface php-operator '((t ())) "PHP Mode face used to operators." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Operator") (defface php-assignment-op '((t (:inherit php-operator))) "PHP Mode face used to assignment operators (=, +=, ...)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Object Op") (defface php-comparison-op '((t (:inherit php-operator))) "PHP Mode face used to comparison operators (==, !=, ===, ...)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Comparison Op") (defface php-logical-op '((t (:inherit php-operator))) "PHP Mode face used to logical operators (&&, ||, ?:)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Logical Op") (defface php-arithmetic-op '((t (:inherit php-operator))) "PHP Mode face used to arithmetic operators (+, -, %, ...)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Arithmetic Op") (defface php-inc-dec-op '((t (:inherit php-operator))) "PHP Mode face used to increment and decremt operators (--, ++)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Increment/Decrement Op") (defface php-string-op '((t (:inherit php-operator))) "PHP Mode face used to logical operators (.)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP String Op") (defface php-object-op '((t (:inherit php-operator))) "PHP Mode face used to object operators (->)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Object Op") (defface php-paamayim-nekudotayim '((t ())) "PHP Mode face used to highlight \"Paamayim Nekudotayim\" scope resolution operators (::)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Paamayim Nekudotayim") (defface php-type '((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight types." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Type") (defface php-class '((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight class." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Class") (defface php-constant '((t (:inherit font-lock-constant-face))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight constants." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Constant") (defface php-constant-assign '((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight constant assigning (\"const\" statement)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Constant Assign") (defface php-magical-constant '((t (:inherit font-lock-builtin-face))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight magical constants." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Magical Constant") (defface php-$this '((t (:inherit php-constant))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight $this variables." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP $this") (defface php-$this-sigil '((t (:inherit php-constant))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight sigils($) of $this variable." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP $this Sigil") (defface php-errorcontrol-op '((t (:inherit font-lock-type-face))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight errorcontrol operators (@).." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP ErrorControl Op") (defface php-php-tag '((t (:inherit font-lock-preprocessor-face))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight PHP tags." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP php Tag") (defface php-doc-annotation-tag '((t . (:inherit font-lock-constant-face))) "Face used to highlight annotation tags in doc-comment." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHPDoc Annotation Tag") (defface php-doc-variable-sigil '((t (:inherit font-lock-variable-name-face))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight variable sigils($)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHPDoc Variable Sigil") (defface php-doc-$this '((t (:inherit php-type))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight $this variable in doc-comment." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHPDoc $this") (defface php-doc-$this-sigil '((t (:inherit php-type))) "PHP Mode face used to highlight sigil of $this variable in doc-comment." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHPDoc $this Sigil") (defface php-doc-class-name '((t (:inherit php-string))) "PHP Mode Face used to class names in doc-comment." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHPDoc Class Name") (defface php-class-declaration '((t (:inherit php-keyword))) "PHP Mode Face used to class declarations." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Class Declaration") (defface php-class-declaration-spec '((t (:inherit php-keyword))) "PHP Mode Face used to highlight class declaration specification keywords (implements, extends)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Class Declaration Specification") (defface php-namespace-declaration '((t (:inherit php-keyword))) "PHP Mode Face used to highlight namespace declaration keyword." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Namespace Declaration") (defface php-import-declaration '((t (:inherit php-keyword))) "PHP Mode Face used to highlight import statements (use ... as ...)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Import Statement") (defface php-class-modifier '((t (:inherit php-keyword))) "PHP Mode Face used to highlight class modifiers (final, abstract)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Class Modifier") (defface php-method-modifier '((t (:inherit php-keyword))) "PHP Mode Face used to highlight method modifiers (final, abstract)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Method Modifier") (defface php-visibility-modifier '((t (:inherit php-keyword))) "PHP Mode Face used to highlight access keywords (public, protected, private)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Visibility Modifier") (defface php-control-structure '((t (:inherit php-keyword))) "PHP Mode Face used to highlight control structures (if, foreach, while, switch, catch...)." :group 'php-faces :tag "PHP Control Structure") (define-obsolete-face-alias 'php-annotations-annotation-face 'php-doc-annotation-tag "1.19.0") (provide 'php-face) ;;; php-face.el ends here