http-equiv This enumerated attribute defines the pragma that can alter servers and user-agents behavior. The value of the pragma is defined using the content and can be one of the following: content-language [Trashed] This pragma defines the default language of the page. Usage note: do not use this pragma as it is obsolete. Use the global lang attribute on the element instead. content-type [Trashed] This attribute defines the MIME type of the document, eventually followed by its character set. It follows the same syntax as the HTTP content-type entity-header field, but as it is inside an HTML Element, most values are not possible. Therefore the valid syntax for its content is the literal string 'text/html' eventually followed by a character set with the following syntax:'; charset=IANAcharset' where IANAcharset is the preferred MIME name for a character set as defined by the IANA. Usage note: Do not use this pragma as it is obsolete. Use the charset attribute on the element instead. As the may not be used to change the type of a document in an XHTML document, or in an HTML5 document following the XHTML syntax, never set MIME type to an XHTML MIME type that way. It would be incorrect. Only an HTML document can use the content-type, so most of it is redundant: that's why it has been obsoleted and replaced by the charset attribute. default-style This pragma specifies the preferred stylesheet to be used on the page. The content attribute must contain the id of a element whose href attribute links to a CSS stylesheet, or the id of a