(1 (0blayout . [(20190703 527) nil "Layout grouping with ease" single ((:commit . "fd9a8f353dbd45b4628b5f84b8d8c2525ebf571d") (:authors ("Elis \"etu\" Axelsson")) (:maintainer "Elis \"etu\" Axelsson") (:keywords "convenience" "window-management") (:url . "https://github.com/etu/0blayout"))]) (0x0 . [(20210701 839) ((emacs (26 1))) "Upload sharing to 0x0.st" single ((:commit . "63cd5eccc85e527f28e1acc89502a53245000428") (:authors ("William Vaughn ")) (:maintainer "William Vaughn" . "vaughnwilld@gmail.com") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/willvaughn/emacs-0x0"))]) (0xc . [(20201025 2105) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (1 11 0))) "Base conversion made easy" tar ((:commit . "eec4fb10b9288c0852f751cfb05d638664fa2411") (:authors ("Adam Niederer" . "adam.niederer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Adam Niederer" . "adam.niederer@gmail.com") (:keywords "base" "conversion") (:url . "http://github.com/AdamNiederer/0xc"))]) (2048-game . [(20200417 259) nil "play 2048 in Emacs" single ((:commit . "aad4a590ea91f9a3256233b9b345e9159c6993f2") (:authors ("Zachary Kanfer" . "zkanfer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Zachary Kanfer" . "zkanfer@gmail.com") (:url . "https://hg.sr.ht/~zck/game-2048"))]) (2bit . [(20200926 1418) ((emacs (24 3))) "Library for reading data from 2bit files" single ((:commit . "69b4ec1d6d2ad95c9e59dacb43224abbec7a8989") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "davep@davep.org")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "davep@davep.org") (:keywords "files" "data") (:url . "https://github.com/davep/2bit.el"))]) (4clojure . [(20210102 459) ((request (0 2 0))) "Open and evaluate 4clojure.com questions." single ((:commit . "6f494d3905284ccdd57aae3d8ac16fc7ab431596") (:authors ("Joshua Hoff")) (:maintainer "Sasha Kovar" . "sasha-git@arcocene.org") (:keywords "languages" "data") (:url . "https://github.com/abend/4clojure.el"))]) (750words . [(20210701 1950) ((emacs (24 4))) "Emacs integration and Org exporter for 750words.com" single ((:commit . "0fed7621c04debad64ea6455455494d4e6eb03fa") (:authors ("Diego Zamboni ")) (:maintainer "Diego Zamboni" . "diego@zzamboni.org") (:keywords "files" "org" "writing") (:url . "https://github.com/zzamboni/750words-client"))]) (@ . [(20181225 1438) ((emacs (24 3))) "multiple-inheritance prototype-based objects DSL" tar ((:commit . "0a6189f8be42dbbc5d9358cbd447d471236135a2") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com") (:url . "https://github.com/skeeto/at-el"))]) (a . [(20201203 1927) ((emacs (25))) "Associative data structure functions" single ((:commit . "3d341eb7813ee02b00ab28e11c915295bfd4b5a7") (:authors ("Arne Brasseur" . "arne@arnebrasseur.net")) (:maintainer "Arne Brasseur" . "arne@arnebrasseur.net") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/plexus/a.el"))]) (aa-edit-mode . [(20170119 320) ((emacs (24 3)) (navi2ch (2 0 0))) "Major mode for editing AA(S_JIS Art) and .mlt file" single ((:commit . "1dd801225b7ad3c23ad09698f5e77f0df7012a65") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:keywords "wp" "text" "shiftjis" "mlt" "yaruo"))]) (aas . [(20210605 1143) ((emacs (26 3))) "Snippet expansions mid-typing" single ((:commit . "118ed7fc948b6d91eea727df35a1639521bf5fdb") (:authors ("Yoav Marco" . "yoavm448@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yoav Marco" . "yoavm448@gmail.com") (:keywords "abbrev" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/ymarco/auto-activating-snippets"))]) (abc-mode . [(20210508 1552) nil "Major mode for editing abc music files" single ((:commit . "80fa954787b57d14e21e19bd65e52abab1686f4a") (:authors ("Matthew K. Junker" . "junker@alum.mit.edu")) (:maintainer "Matthew K. Junker" . "junker@alum.mit.edu") (:keywords "local" "docs"))]) (abgaben . [(20171119 646) ((pdf-tools (0 80)) (f (0 19 0)) (s (1 11 0))) "review and correct assignments received by mail" single ((:commit . "20d14830f07d66e2a04bcad1498a4a6fbf4b4451") (:authors ("Arne Köhn" . "arne@chark.eu")) (:maintainer "Arne Köhn" . "arne@chark.eu") (:keywords "mail" "outlines" "convenience") (:url . "http://arne.chark.eu/"))]) (abl-mode . [(20210122 1508) nil "Python TDD minor mode" single ((:commit . "fdd83e732b2c870f4ddc0f62b5b261e03bfb212a") (:authors ("Ulas Tuerkmen ")) (:maintainer "Ulas Tuerkmen ") (:url . "http://github.com/afroisalreadyinu/abl-mode"))]) (abridge-diff . [(20210519 322) ((emacs (26 1))) "Abridge long line-based diff hunks, including in magit" single ((:commit . "fb1fe91ab8ec75dcd52130c38f13759f19d20fe9") (:authors ("J.D. Smith ")) (:maintainer "J.D. Smith ") (:keywords "magit" "diffs" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/jdtsmith/abridge-diff"))]) (abs-mode . [(20210411 1013) ((emacs (25 3)) (erlang (0)) (maude-mode (0)) (flymake (0 3))) "Major mode for the modeling language Abs" single ((:commit . "3b332ec1e941874f220897e5c0e0a6df762ca28d") (:authors ("Rudi Schlatte" . "rudi@constantly.at")) (:maintainer "Rudi Schlatte" . "rudi@constantly.at") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/abstools/abs-mode"))]) (abyss-theme . [(20170808 1345) ((emacs (24))) "A dark theme with contrasting colours." single ((:commit . "18791c6e8d9cc2b4815c9f08627a2e94fc0eeb14") (:authors ("Matt Russell" . "matt@mgrbyte.co.uk")) (:maintainer "Matt Russell" . "matt@mgrbyte.co.uk") (:keywords "theme" "dark" "contrasting colours") (:url . "https://github.com/mgrbyte/emacs-abyss-theme"))]) (ac-alchemist . [(20150908 656) ((auto-complete (1 5 0)) (alchemist (1 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "auto-complete source for alchemist" single ((:commit . "b1891c3d41aed83f61d78a609ea97be5cc2758d9") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-ac-alchemist"))]) (ac-c-headers . [(20200816 1007) ((auto-complete (1 3 1))) "auto-complete source for C headers" single ((:commit . "67e1e86a48c9bed57bc7ce5ce2553ad203f5752e") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . "http://zk-phi.gitub.io/"))]) (ac-capf . [(20151101 217) ((auto-complete (1 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "auto-complete source with completion-at-point" single ((:commit . "17571dba0a8f98111f2ab758e9bea285b263781b") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-ac-capf"))]) (ac-cider . [(20161006 719) ((cider (0 8 0)) (auto-complete (1 4)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Clojure auto-complete sources using CIDER" single ((:commit . "fa13e067dd9c8c76151c7d140a2803da1d109b84") (:authors ("Alex Yakushev" . "alex@bytopia.org") ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") ("Sam Aaron" . "samaaron@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Yakushev" . "alex@bytopia.org") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "nrepl" "cider" "compliment") (:url . "https://github.com/clojure-emacs/ac-cider"))]) (ac-clang . [(20180710 546) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (auto-complete (1 4 0)) (pos-tip (0 4 6)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Auto Completion source by libclang for GNU Emacs" tar ((:commit . "3294b968eb1a8317049190940193f9da47c085ef") (:authors ("yaruopooner [https://github.com/yaruopooner]")) (:maintainer "yaruopooner [https://github.com/yaruopooner]") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:url . "https://github.com/yaruopooner/ac-clang"))]) (ac-dcd . [(20210428 1556) ((auto-complete (1 3 1)) (flycheck-dmd-dub (0 7))) "Auto Completion source for dcd for GNU Emacs" single ((:commit . "56d9817159acdebdbb3d5499c7e9379d29af0cd4") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . "") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "http://github.com/atilaneves/ac-dcd"))]) (ac-emacs-eclim . [(20180911 1121) ((eclim (0 3)) (auto-complete (1 5))) "auto-complete source for eclim" single ((:commit . "222ddd48fcf0ee01592dec77c58e0cf3f2ea1100"))]) (ac-emmet . [(20131015 1558) ((emmet-mode (1 0 2)) (auto-complete (1 4))) "auto-complete sources for emmet-mode's snippets" single ((:commit . "88f24876ee3b759978d4614a758280b5d512d543") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "emmet") (:url . "https://github.com/yasuyk/ac-emmet"))]) (ac-emoji . [(20150823 711) ((auto-complete (1 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "auto-complete source of Emoji" tar ((:commit . "40a639764eb654f1b4bb705c817b66032a26ff2b") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-ac-emoji"))]) (ac-etags . [(20161001 1507) ((auto-complete (1 4))) "etags/ctags completion source for auto-complete" single ((:commit . "7983e631c226fe0fa53af3b2d56bf4eca3d785ce") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-ac-etags"))]) (ac-geiser . [(20200318 824) ((geiser (0 5)) (auto-complete (1 4))) "Auto-complete backend for geiser" tar ((:commit . "93818c936ee7e2f1ba1b315578bde363a7d43d05"))]) (ac-haskell-process . [(20150423 1402) ((auto-complete (1 4)) (haskell-mode (13))) "Haskell auto-complete source which uses the current haskell process" single ((:commit . "0362d4323511107ec70e7165cb612f3ab01b712f") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "languages"))]) (ac-helm . [(20160319 233) ((helm (1 6 3)) (auto-complete (1 4 0)) (popup (0 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Helm interface for auto-complete" single ((:commit . "baf2b1e04bcffa835084389c0fab415f26efbf32") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "rubikitch@ruby-lang.org") ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "helm"))]) (ac-html . [(20151005 731) ((auto-complete (1 4)) (s (1 9)) (f (0 17)) (dash (2 10))) "auto complete source for html tags and attributes" tar ((:commit . "668154cba123c321d1b07c2dc8b26d14092253b8") (:authors ("Zhang Kai Yu" . "yeannylam@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Zhang Kai Yu" . "yeannylam@gmail.com") (:keywords "html" "auto-complete" "slim" "haml" "jade") (:url . "https://github.com/cheunghy/ac-html"))]) (ac-html-angular . [(20151225 719) ((web-completion-data (0 1))) "auto complete angular15 data for `ac-html' and `company-web'" tar ((:commit . "6bafe09afe03112ca4183d58461c1a6f6c2b3c67") (:authors ("Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "olexandr.syd@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "olexandr.syd@gmail.com") (:keywords "html" "auto-complete" "angular") (:url . "https://github.com/osv/ac-html-bootstrap"))]) (ac-html-bootstrap . [(20160302 1701) ((web-completion-data (0 1))) "auto complete bootstrap3/fontawesome classes for `ac-html' and `company-web'" tar ((:commit . "481e6e441cd566554ce71cd8cb28c9e7ebb1c24b") (:authors ("Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "olexandr.syd@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "olexandr.syd@gmail.com") (:keywords "html" "auto-complete" "bootstrap" "cssx") (:url . "https://github.com/osv/ac-html-bootstrap"))]) (ac-html-csswatcher . [(20151208 2113) ((web-completion-data (0 1))) "css/less class/id completion with `ac-html' or `company-web'" single ((:commit . "b0f3e7e1a3fe49e88b6eb6432377232fc715f221") (:authors ("Olexandr Sydorchuck " . "olexandr.syd@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Olexandr Sydorchuck " . "olexandr.syd@gmail.com") (:keywords "html" "css" "less" "auto-complete") (:url . "https://github.com/osv/ac-html-csswatcher"))]) (ac-inf-ruby . [(20131115 1150) ((inf-ruby (2 3 2)) (auto-complete (1 4))) "Enable auto-complete in inf-ruby sessions" single ((:commit . "ee53fc9c61950da9a96df3ff5ef186f9a9faf151") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "languages" "tools"))]) (ac-ispell . [(20151101 226) ((auto-complete (1 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "ispell completion source for auto-complete" single ((:commit . "22bace7387e9012002a6a444922f75f9913077b0") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-ac-ispell"))]) (ac-js2 . [(20190101 933) ((js2-mode (20090723)) (skewer-mode (1 4))) "Auto-complete source for Js2-mode, with navigation" tar ((:commit . "2b56d09a16c1a0ce514cc1b85d64cb1be4502723") (:authors ("Scott Barnett" . "scott.n.barnett@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Scott Barnett" . "scott.n.barnett@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/ScottyB/ac-js2"))]) (ac-math . [(20141116 2127) ((auto-complete (1 4)) (math-symbol-lists (1 0))) "Auto-complete sources for input of mathematical symbols and latex tags" single ((:commit . "c012a8f620a48cb18db7d78995035d65eae28f11") (:authors ("Vitalie Spinu")) (:maintainer "Vitalie Spinu") (:keywords "latex" "auto-complete" "unicode" "symbols") (:url . "https://github.com/vitoshka/ac-math"))]) (ac-mozc . [(20150227 1619) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (auto-complete (1 4)) (mozc (0))) "auto-complete sources for Japanese input using Mozc" single ((:commit . "4c6c8be4701010d9362184437c0f783e0335c631") (:authors ("igjit" . "igjit1@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "igjit" . "igjit1@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/igjit/ac-mozc"))]) (ac-octave . [(20180406 334) ((auto-complete (1 4 0))) "An auto-complete source for Octave" single ((:commit . "fe0f931f2024f43de3c4fff4b1ace672413adeae") (:authors ("coldnew" . "coldnew.tw@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "coldnew" . "coldnew.tw@gmail.com") (:keywords "octave" "auto-complete" "completion") (:url . "https://github.com/coldnew/ac-octave"))]) (ac-php . [(20200916 751) ((ac-php-core (2 0)) (auto-complete (1 4 0)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Auto Completion source for PHP." single ((:commit . "8a0dc9888de87ea3aace06628bff52ed32f3ca2b") (:authors ("jim" . "xcwenn@qq.com")) (:maintainer "jim") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:url . "https://github.com/xcwen/ac-php"))]) (ac-php-core . [(20210617 949) ((dash (1)) (php-mode (1)) (s (1)) (f (0 17 0)) (popup (0 5 0)) (xcscope (1 0))) "The core library of the ac-php." tar ((:commit . "8a0dc9888de87ea3aace06628bff52ed32f3ca2b") (:authors ("jim" . "xcwenn@qq.com") ("Serghei Iakovlev" . "sadhooklay@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "jim") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:url . "https://github.com/xcwen/ac-php"))]) (ac-racer . [(20170114 809) ((emacs (24 3)) (auto-complete (1 5 0)) (racer (0 0 2))) "auto-complete source of racer" single ((:commit . "4408c2d652dec0432e20c05e001db8222d778c6b") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-ac-racer"))]) (ac-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((auto-complete (1 4 0)) (rtags (2 10))) "auto-complete back-end for RTags" single ((:commit . "3a057f127b931c683288f8731f05ba5e2aab4133") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "jhanssen@gmail.com") ("Anders Bakken" . "agbakken@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "jhanssen@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/Andersbakken/rtags"))]) (ac-skk . [(20141230 119) ((auto-complete (1 3 1)) (ddskk (16 0 50)) (tinysegmenter (0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "auto-complete-mode source for DDSKK a.k.a Japanese input method" single ((:commit . "d25a265930430d080329789fb253d786c01dfa24") (:authors ("lugecy ")) (:maintainer "myuhe") (:keywords "convenience" "auto-complete") (:url . "https://github.com/myuhe/ac-skk.el"))]) (ac-slime . [(20171027 2100) ((auto-complete (1 4)) (slime (2 9)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "An auto-complete source using slime completions" single ((:commit . "6c80cb602ddad46486288f94ad7546396c6e4b1a") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/ac-slime"))]) (ac-sly . [(20170728 1027) ((sly (1 0 0 -3)) (auto-complete (1 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "An auto-complete source using sly completions" single ((:commit . "bf69c687c4ecf1994349d20c182e9b567399912e") (:authors ("Damian T. Dobroczy\\'nski" . "qoocku@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Damian T. Dobroczy\\'nski" . "qoocku@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/qoocku/ac-sly"))]) (academic-phrases . [(20180723 1021) ((dash (2 12 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (ht (2 0)) (emacs (24))) "Bypass that mental block when writing your papers." single ((:commit . "25d9cf67feac6359cb213f061735e2679c84187f") (:authors ("Nasser Alshammari" . "designernasser@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Nasser Alshammari" . "designernasser@gmail.com") (:keywords "academic" "convenience" "papers" "writing" "wp") (:url . "https://github.com/nashamri/academic-phrases"))]) (ace-flyspell . [(20170309 509) ((avy (0 4 0))) "Jump to and correct spelling errors using `ace-jump-mode' and flyspell" single ((:commit . "538d4f8508d305262ba0228dfe7c819fb65b53c9") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/cute-jumper/ace-flyspell"))]) (ace-isearch . [(20200912 754) ((emacs (24))) "A seamless bridge between isearch, ace-jump-mode, avy, helm-swoop and swiper" single ((:commit . "422aaa50b6452c2399682782cbf23168ed4357c6") (:authors ("Akira Tamamori")) (:maintainer "Akira Tamamori") (:url . "https://github.com/tam17aki/ace-isearch"))]) (ace-jump-buffer . [(20171031 1550) ((avy (0 4 0)) (dash (2 4 0))) "fast buffer switching extension to `avy'" single ((:commit . "0d335064230caf3efdd5a732e8fbd67e3948ed6a") (:authors ("Justin Talbott" . "justin@waymondo.com")) (:maintainer "Justin Talbott" . "justin@waymondo.com") (:url . "https://github.com/waymondo/ace-jump-buffer"))]) (ace-jump-helm-line . [(20160918 1836) ((avy (0 4 0)) (helm (1 6 3))) "Ace-jump to a candidate in helm window" single ((:commit . "1483055255df3f8ae349f7520f05b1e43ea3ed37") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/cute-jumper/ace-jump-helm-line"))]) (ace-jump-mode . [(20140616 815) nil "a quick cursor location minor mode for emacs" single ((:commit . "8351e2df4fbbeb2a4003f2fb39f46d33803f3dac") (:authors ("winterTTr" . "winterTTr@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "winterTTr" . "winterTTr@gmail.com") (:keywords "motion" "location" "cursor") (:url . "https://github.com/winterTTr/ace-jump-mode/"))]) (ace-jump-zap . [(20170717 1849) ((ace-jump-mode (1 0)) (dash (2 10 0))) "Character zapping, `ace-jump-mode` style" single ((:commit . "52b5d4c6c73bd0fc833a0dcb4e803a5287d8cae8") (:authors ("justin talbott" . "justin@waymondo.com")) (:maintainer "justin talbott" . "justin@waymondo.com") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/waymondo/ace-jump-zap"))]) (ace-link . [(20210121 923) ((avy (0 4 0))) "Quickly follow links" single ((:commit . "e1b1c91b280d85fce2194fea861a9ae29e8b03dd") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "links" "avy") (:url . "https://github.com/abo-abo/ace-link"))]) (ace-mc . [(20190206 749) ((ace-jump-mode (1 0)) (multiple-cursors (1 0)) (dash (2 10 0))) "Add multiple cursors quickly using ace jump" single ((:commit . "6877880efd99e177e4e9116a364576def3da391b") (:authors ("Josh Moller-Mara" . "jmm@cns.nyu.edu")) (:maintainer "Josh Moller-Mara" . "jmm@cns.nyu.edu") (:keywords "motion" "location" "cursor") (:url . "https://github.com/mm--/ace-mc"))]) (ace-pinyin . [(20190917 318) ((avy (0 2 0)) (pinyinlib (0 1 0))) "Jump to Chinese characters using avy or ace-jump-mode" single ((:commit . "8b2e9335b02486730ea4ceee790130cc5328f9ea") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/cute-jumper/ace-pinyin"))]) (ace-popup-menu . [(20210608 839) ((emacs (24 3)) (avy-menu (0 1))) "Replace GUI popup menu with something more efficient" single ((:commit . "594a305704be8ca0ef79a12b787bdb59bc6077c0") (:authors ("Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "popup" "menu") (:url . "https://github.com/mrkkrp/ace-popup-menu"))]) (ace-window . 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[(20210430 302) nil "A color theme based on Acme & Sam from Plan 9" single ((:commit . "7c408d111c5e451ecb8fdd5f76cf7d8074aec793") (:authors ("Ian Y.E. Pan")) (:maintainer "Ian Y.E. Pan") (:url . "https://github.com/ianpan870102/acme-emacs-theme"))]) (actionscript-mode . [(20180527 1701) nil "A simple mode for editing Actionscript 3 files" single ((:commit . "75639cc7fe85392b5671a1e94dcedb409a949cae") (:authors ("Austin Haas")) (:maintainer "Austin Haas") (:keywords "language" "modes"))]) (activity-watch-mode . [(20200416 637) ((emacs (25)) (request (0)) (json (0)) (cl-lib (0))) "Automatic time tracking extension." single ((:commit . "9d591c5ec9a2b2c7b55a754dd37c7434b2ef9fdc") (:authors ("Gabor Torok , Alan Hamlett" . "alan@wakatime.com")) (:maintainer "Paul d'Hubert" . "paul.dhubert@ya.ru") (:keywords "calendar" "comm") (:url . "https://github.com/pauldub/activity-watch-mode"))]) (adafruit-wisdom . 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"marschik_neri@cyberagent.co.jp") (:keywords "javascript" "node" "node_modules" "eslint") (:url . "https://github.com/codesuki/add-node-modules-path"))]) (addressbook-bookmark . [(20190612 1638) ((emacs (24))) "An address book based on Standard Emacs bookmarks." single ((:commit . "d8e502fc2f3d3ab1508ce9e50ebf8a9addc6e5b3") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto" . "thierry.volpiatto@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . "thierry.volpiatto@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/thierryvolpiatto/addressbook-bookmark"))]) (ado-mode . [(20210510 1902) ((emacs (25 1))) "Major mode for editing Stata-related files" tar ((:commit . "4832a51c2e94e969a99817ccdd13d656344d0afc") (:authors ("Bill Rising" . "brising@alum.mit.edu")) (:maintainer "Bill Rising" . "brising@alum.mit.edu") (:keywords "tools" "languages" "files" "convenience" "stata" "mata" "ado") (:url . "https://github.com/louabill/ado-mode"))]) (adoc-mode . 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[(20140104 1859) ((emacs (24 1))) "Dark color theme with a deep blue background" single ((:commit . "89b1d778a1f8b385775c122f2bd1c62f0fbf931a") (:authors ("Ozan Sener" . "ozan@ozansener.com")) (:maintainer "Ozan Sener" . "ozan@ozansener.com") (:keywords "themes") (:url . "http://github.com/osener/emacs-afternoon-theme"))]) (ag . [(20201031 2202) ((dash (2 8 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "A front-end for ag ('the silver searcher'), the C ack replacement." single ((:commit . "ed7e32064f92f1315cecbfc43f120bbc7508672c") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk") (:url . "https://github.com/Wilfred/ag.el"))]) (agda2-mode . [(20210619 545) ((emacs (24 3)) (annotation (1 0)) (eri (1 0))) "interactive development for Agda, a dependently typed functional programming language" tar ((:commit . "1f7932e3efb26a8ba58528e7e652c77780ee8108"))]) (aggressive-fill-paragraph . [(20180910 816) ((dash (2 10 0))) "A mode to automatically keep paragraphs filled" single ((:commit . "4a620e62b5e645a48b0a818bf4eb19daea4977df") (:authors ("David Shepherd" . "davidshepherd7@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "David Shepherd" . "davidshepherd7@gmail.com") (:keywords "fill-paragraph" "automatic" "comments") (:url . "https://github.com/davidshepherd7/aggressive-fill-paragraph-mode"))]) (aggressive-indent . [(20210701 2224) ((emacs (24 3))) "Minor mode to aggressively keep your code always indented" single ((:commit . "cb416faf61c46977c06cf9d99525b04dc109a33c") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "emacs@endlessparentheses.com")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "emacs@endlessparentheses.com") (:keywords "indent" "lisp" "maint" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/Malabarba/aggressive-indent-mode"))]) (agtags . [(20200730 116) ((emacs (25))) "A frontend to GNU Global" tar ((:commit . "d80c6f61dee74040c07b7010d48cab1df13a3abf") (:authors ("Vietor Liu" . "vietor.liu@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Vietor Liu" . "vietor.liu@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/vietor/agtags"))]) (ah . [(20201213 218) ((emacs (25 1))) "Additional hooks" single ((:commit . "869219e7853510aeb00af3580aede0e5d49b324a") (:authors ("Takaaki ISHIKAWA ")) (:maintainer "Takaaki ISHIKAWA ") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/takaxp/ah"))]) (ahg . [(20210412 847) nil "Alberto's Emacs interface for Mercurial (Hg)" single ((:commit . "77bc2a628df006dcd2dc359ac12acdf8091a1356") (:authors ("Alberto Griggio" . "agriggio@users.sourceforge.net")) (:maintainer "Alberto Griggio" . "agriggio@users.sourceforge.net") (:url . "https://bitbucket.org/agriggio/ahg"))]) (ahk-mode . [(20200412 1832) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing AHK (AutoHotkey and AutoHotkey_L)" single ((:commit . "729007b5f22a49f5187ff47fca18c0d674e73047") (:authors ("Rich Alesi")) (:maintainer "Rich Alesi") (:keywords "ahk" "autohotkey" "hotkey" "keyboard shortcut" "automation") (:url . "https://github.com/ralesi/ahk-mode"))]) (ahungry-theme . [(20180131 328) ((emacs (24))) "Ahungry color theme for Emacs. Make sure to (load-theme 'ahungry)." single ((:commit . "a038d91ec593d1f1b19ca66a0576d59bbc24c523") (:authors ("Matthew Carter" . "m@ahungry.com")) (:maintainer "Matthew Carter" . "m@ahungry.com") (:keywords "ahungry" "palette" "color" "theme" "emacs" "color-theme" "deftheme") (:url . "https://github.com/ahungry/color-theme-ahungry"))]) (aio . [(20200610 1904) ((emacs (26 1))) "async/await for Emacs Lisp" tar ((:commit . "da93523e235529fa97d6f251319d9e1d6fc24a41") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com") (:url . "https://github.com/skeeto/emacs-aio"))]) (airline-themes . 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"pvandam@kjerner.com")) (:maintainer "Paul van Dam" . "pvandam@kjerner.com") (:keywords "alan" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/Kjerner/AlanForEmacs"))]) (alarm-clock . [(20191204 716) ((emacs (24 4)) (f (0 17 0))) "Alarm Clock" tar ((:commit . "644f331071f8b09a898fae490541908b5054d2e6") (:authors ("Steve Lemuel" . "wlemuel@hotmail.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Lemuel" . "wlemuel@hotmail.com") (:keywords "calendar" "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/wlemuel/alarm-clock"))]) (alchemist . [(20180312 1304) ((elixir-mode (2 2 5)) (dash (2 11 0)) (emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 0)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (s (1 11 0))) "Elixir tooling integration into Emacs" tar ((:commit . "6f99367511ae209f8fe2c990779764bbb4ccb6ed") (:authors ("Samuel Tonini" . "tonini.samuel@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Samuel Tonini" . "tonini.samuel@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "elixir" "elixirc" "mix" "hex" "alchemist") (:url . "http://www.github.com/tonini/alchemist.el"))]) (alda-mode . [(20210705 654) ((emacs (24 0))) "An Alda major mode" single ((:commit . "4de011d572e958a377fb16daae05a1b411f0c8ad") (:authors ("Jay Kamat" . "jaygkamat@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jay Kamat" . "jaygkamat@gmail.com") (:keywords "alda" "highlight") (:url . "http://gitlab.com/jgkamat/alda-mode"))]) (alect-themes . [(20200801 2041) ((emacs (24 0))) "Configurable light, dark and black themes for Emacs 24 or later" tar ((:commit . "684249b83d711145865ec31650e66ed9aa6e691b") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:url . "https://github.com/alezost/alect-themes"))]) (alectryon . [(20210722 1554) ((flycheck (31)) (emacs (25 1))) "Toggle between Coq and reStructuredText" tar ((:commit . "41d419293d45d28a934cda34fab0bb43c45926a1") (:authors ("Clément Pit-Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/cpitclaudel/alectryon"))]) (alert . [(20200303 2118) ((gntp (0 1)) (log4e (0 3 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Growl-style notification system for Emacs" single ((:commit . "7046393272686c7a1a9b3e7f7b1d825d2e5250a6") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "jwiegley@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "jwiegley@gmail.com") (:keywords "notification" "emacs" "message") (:url . "https://github.com/jwiegley/alert"))]) (alert-termux . [(20181119 951) ((emacs (24 4))) "alert.el notifications on Termux" single ((:commit . "47c414285c2f5971f3be52aaf0a4066ea6989238") (:authors ("Gergely Polonkai" . "gergely@polonkai.eu")) (:maintainer "Gergely Polonkai" . "gergely@polonkai.eu") (:keywords "terminals") (:url . "https://github.com/gergelypolonkai/alert-termux"))]) (align-cljlet . [(20160112 2101) ((clojure-mode (1 11 5))) "Space align various Clojure forms" single ((:commit . "602d72a7ad52788a0265e3c6da519464a98166b8") (:url . "https://github.com/gstamp/align-cljlet"))]) (all-ext . [(20200315 1443) ((emacs (24 4)) (all (1 0))) "M-x all with helm-swoop/anything/multiple-cursors/line-number" single ((:commit . "c865c62506af2c9edc7705a7c24dc8b70d5d4de2") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "rubikitch@ruby-lang.org")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "rubikitch@ruby-lang.org") (:keywords "matching" "all" "search" "replace" "anything" "helm" "helm-swoop" "occur") (:url . "https://github.com/rubikitch/all-ext"))]) (all-the-icons . [(20210728 2330) ((emacs (24 3))) "A library for inserting Developer icons" tar ((:commit . "e01eeb40858f971e45c014726a14c75556d8cc8f") (:authors ("Dominic Charlesworth" . "dgc336@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Dominic Charlesworth" . "dgc336@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenient" "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/domtronn/all-the-icons.el"))]) (all-the-icons-dired . 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"seagle0128@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "icons" "ibuffer") (:url . "https://github.com/seagle0128/all-the-icons-ibuffer"))]) (all-the-icons-ivy . [(20190508 1803) ((emacs (24 4)) (all-the-icons (2 4 0)) (ivy (0 8 0))) "Shows icons while using ivy and counsel" single ((:commit . "a70cbfa1effe36efc946a823a580cec686d5e88d") (:authors ("asok")) (:maintainer "asok") (:keywords "faces"))]) (all-the-icons-ivy-rich . [(20210802 1808) ((emacs (25 1)) (ivy-rich (0 1 0)) (all-the-icons (2 2 0))) "Better experience with icons for ivy" single ((:commit . "1f9f22233be4302f7282bae77239cdd8802e4164") (:authors ("Vincent Zhang" . "seagle0128@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Vincent Zhang" . "seagle0128@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "icons" "ivy") (:url . "https://github.com/seagle0128/all-the-icons-ivy-rich"))]) (almost-mono-themes . [(20210306 1040) ((emacs (24))) "Almost monochromatic color themes" tar ((:commit . "a7dc21078e25dab2b054d64e5b40ecce2878edb2") (:authors ("John Olsson" . "john@cryon.se")) (:maintainer "John Olsson" . "john@cryon.se") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/cryon/almost-mono-themes"))]) (alsamixer . [(20191002 1133) nil "Functions to call out to amixer." single ((:commit . "1bdb99e433acd38685f05408562746cfbf2bc820") (:authors ("R.W. van 't Veer")) (:maintainer "R.W. van 't Veer") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/remvee/alsamixer-el"))]) (alt-codes . [(20200723 1037) ((emacs (24 4))) "Insert alt codes using meta key" single ((:commit . "4aba676d49b0705cb4431b7e7c733ef8eac7d5aa") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/alt-codes"))]) (amd-mode . [(20180111 1402) ((emacs (25)) (projectile (20161008 47)) (s (1 9 0)) (f (0 16 2)) (seq (2 16)) (makey (0 3)) (js2-mode (20140114)) (js2-refactor (0 6 1))) "Minor mode for handling JavaScript AMD module requirements." single ((:commit . "01fd19e0d635ccaf8e812364d8720733f2e84126") (:authors ("Nicolas Petton" . "petton.nicolas@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Petton" . "petton.nicolas@gmail.com") (:keywords "javascript" "amd" "projectile"))]) (ameba . [(20200103 1454) ((emacs (24 4))) "An interface to Crystal Ameba linter" single ((:commit . "0c4925ae0e998818326adcb47ed27ddf9761c7dc") (:authors ("Vitalii Elenhaupt")) (:maintainer "Vitalii Elenhaupt") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/crystal-ameba/ameba.el"))]) (ammonite-term-repl . [(20200416 559) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 12 0)) (scala-mode (0 23))) "Scala Ammonite REPL in term mode." single ((:commit . "b552fe21977e005c1c460bf6607557e67241a6b6") (:authors ("zwild" . "judezhao@outlook.com")) (:maintainer "zwild" . "judezhao@outlook.com") (:keywords "processes" "ammnite" "term" "scala") (:url . "https://github.com/zwild/ammonite-term-repl"))]) (ample-regexps . [(20200508 1021) nil "ample regular expressions for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "153969ce547afe410b8986f01c9ed4087c9cd20b") (:authors ("immerrr" . "immerrr@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "immerrr" . "immerrr@gmail.com") (:keywords "regexps" "extensions" "tools"))]) (ample-theme . [(20180207 1745) nil "Calm Dark Theme for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "f5a163626e04abda2d3c168f703c3f330f302a7c") (:authors ("Jordon Biondo" . "jordonbiondo@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jordon Biondo" . "jordonbiondo@gmail.com") (:keywords "theme" "dark") (:url . "https://github.com/jordonbiondo/ample-theme"))]) (ample-zen-theme . [(20150119 2154) nil "AmpleZen Theme for Emacs 24" single ((:commit . "b277bb7abd4b6624e8d59f02474b79af50a007bd") (:authors ("Michael Wall")) (:maintainer "Michael Wall") (:keywords "theme" "dark" "emacs 24") (:url . "https://github.com/mjwall/ample-zen"))]) (amread-mode . [(20200623 1544) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 6 1))) "A minor mode helper user speed-reading" single ((:commit . "7b1ed6c8aea409e2dce4a3b59f304d716a8efab7") (:keywords "wp") (:url . "https://github.com/stardiviner/amread-mode"))]) (amsreftex . [(20201004 2148) ((emacs (25 1))) "Add amsrefs bibliography support for reftex" single ((:commit . "46bc6683e904e898de8bae831df9106cf8881163") (:authors ("Fran Burstall" . "fran.burstall@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Fran Burstall" . "fran.burstall@gmail.com") (:keywords "tex") (:url . "https://github.com/franburstall/amsreftex"))]) (amx . [(20210305 118) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (0))) "Alternative M-x with extra features." single ((:commit . "37f9c7ae55eb0331b27200fb745206fc58ceffc0") (:authors ("Ryan C. Thompson" . "rct@thompsonclan.org") ("Cornelius Mika" . "cornelius.mika@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ryan C. Thompson" . "rct@thompsonclan.org") (:keywords "convenience" "usability" "completion") (:url . "http://github.com/DarwinAwardWinner/amx/"))]) (anaconda-mode . 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"walker@pobox.com")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "http://github.com/rolandwalker/anaphora"))]) (android-env . [(20200722 1403) ((emacs (24 3))) "Helper functions for working in android" single ((:commit . "5c6a6d9449f300eec4f374a5410edc1cbab02e40") (:authors ("Fernando Jascovich")) (:maintainer "Fernando Jascovich") (:keywords "android" "gradle" "java" "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/fernando-jascovich/android-env.el"))]) (android-mode . [(20190903 811) nil "Minor mode for Android application development" single ((:commit . "d5332e339a1f5e30559a53feffb8442ca79265d6") (:authors ("R.W. van 't Veer")) (:maintainer "R.W. van 't Veer") (:keywords "tools" "processes") (:url . "https://github.com/remvee/android-mode"))]) (angry-police-captain . [(20120829 1252) nil "Show quote from http://theangrypolicecaptain.com in the minibuffer" single ((:commit . "d11931c5cb63368dcc4a48797962428cca6d3e9d") (:authors ("Rolando Pereira" . "rolando_pereira@sapo.pt")) (:maintainer "Rolando Pereira" . "rolando_pereira@sapo.pt") (:keywords "games" "web" "fun"))]) (angular-mode . [(20151201 2127) nil "Major mode for Angular.js" tar ((:commit . "8720cde86af0f1859ccc8580571e8d0ad1c52cff") (:authors ("Rudolf Olah" . "omouse@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Rudolf Olah" . "omouse@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "javascript") (:url . "https://github.com/omouse/angularjs-mode"))]) (angular-snippets . [(20140514 523) ((s (1 4 0)) (dash (1 2 0))) "Yasnippets for AngularJS" tar ((:commit . "af5ae0a4a8603b040446c28afcf6ca01a8b4bd7b") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com") (:keywords "snippets"))]) (anki-connect . [(20191123 1858) ((emacs (24 3))) "AnkiConnect API" single ((:commit . "1324f0c248aa2c6e73d6cf93fad6119d699f7dae") (:authors ("DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp" "anki") (:url . "https://github.com/lujun9972/anki-connect.el"))]) (anki-editor . [(20190922 1223) ((emacs (25)) (request (0 3 0)) (dash (2 12 0))) "Minor mode for making Anki cards with Org" tar ((:commit . "546774a453ef4617b1bcb0d1626e415c67cc88df") (:authors ("Lei Tan")) (:maintainer "Lei Tan") (:url . "https://github.com/louietan/anki-editor"))]) (anki-mode . [(20201223 719) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12 0)) (markdown-mode (2 2)) (s (1 11 0)) (request (0 3 0))) "A major mode for creating anki cards" single ((:commit . "d9b84028cd6a1ae040fb5604080a8b5fa8138562") (:authors ("David Shepherd" . "davidshepherd7@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "David Shepherd" . "davidshepherd7@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/davidshepherd7/anki-mode"))]) (anki-vocabulary . [(20200103 325) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (1 0)) (youdao-dictionary (0 4)) (anki-connect (1 0)) (s (1 10))) "Help you to create vocabulary cards in Anki" single ((:commit . "863fe0219577f996ab126f1b7902db3c2cc59b2b") (:authors ("DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp" "anki" "translator" "chinese") (:url . "https://github.com/lujun9972/anki-vocabulary.el"))]) (annalist . [(20190929 207) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Record and display information such as keybindings" tar ((:commit . "134fa3f0fb91a636a1c005c483516d4b64905a6d") (:authors ("Fox Kiester" . "noct@posteo.net")) (:maintainer "Fox Kiester" . "noct@posteo.net") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "keybindings" "org") (:url . "https://github.com/noctuid/annalist.el"))]) (annotate . [(20210620 751) nil "annotate files without changing them" single ((:commit . "9aba6305fef54f32b085a56ce2b843b3d8194ac2") (:authors ("Bastian Bechtold")) (:maintainer "Bastian Bechtold") (:url . "https://github.com/bastibe/annotate.el"))]) (annotate-depth . [(20160520 2040) nil "Annotate buffer if indentation depth is beyond threshold." single ((:commit . "fcb24fa36287250e40d195590c4ca4a8a696277b") (:authors ("Morten Slot Kristensen ")) (:maintainer "Morten Slot Kristensen ") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/netromdk/annotate-depth"))]) (annotation . [(20200914 644) nil "Functions for annotating text with faces and help bubbles" single ((:commit . "1f7932e3efb26a8ba58528e7e652c77780ee8108") (:url . "https://github.com/agda/agda"))]) (annoying-arrows-mode . [(20161024 646) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Ring the bell if using arrows too much" single ((:commit . "3c42e9807d7696da2da2a21b63beebf9cdb3f5dc") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com"))]) (ansi . [(20200611 944) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 6)) (s (1 6 1)) (dash (1 5 0))) "Turn string into ansi strings" single ((:commit . "a41d5cc719297515d85bb5256980cd1204a71b88") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . 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"http://github.com/zellio/ansible-vault-mode"))]) (ant . [(20160211 1543) nil "helpers for compiling with ant" single ((:commit . "510b5a3f57ee4b2855422d88d359a28922c1ab70") (:keywords "compilation" "ant" "java"))]) (anti-zenburn-theme . [(20180712 1838) nil "Low-contrast Zenburn-inverted theme" single ((:commit . "dbafbaa86be67c1d409873f57a5c0bbe1e7ca158") (:authors ("Andrey Kotlarski" . "m00naticus@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Andrey Kotlarski" . "m00naticus@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/m00natic/anti-zenburn-theme"))]) (anx-api . [(20140208 1514) nil "Interact with the AppNexus API from Emacs." single ((:commit . "b2411ebc966ac32c3ffc61bc22bf183834df0fa0") (:authors ("Rich Loveland")) (:maintainer "Rich Loveland") (:keywords "convenience" "json" "rest" "api" "appnexus"))]) (anybar . [(20160816 1421) nil "Control AnyBar from Emacs" single ((:commit . "7a0743e0d31bcb36ab1bb2e351f3e7139c422ac5") (:authors ("Christopher Shea" . "cmshea@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Christopher Shea" . "cmshea@gmail.com") (:keywords "anybar"))]) (anyins . [(20131229 1041) nil "Insert content at multiple places from shell command or kill-ring" single ((:commit . "83844c17ac9b5b6c7655ee556b75689e4c8ea663") (:authors ("Anthony HAMON" . "hamon.anth@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Anthony HAMON" . "hamon.anth@gmail.com") (:keywords "insert" "rectangular") (:url . "http://github.com/antham/anyins"))]) (anzu . [(20201203 529) ((emacs (25 1))) "Show number of matches in mode-line while searching" single ((:commit . "bdb3da5028935a4aea55c40769bc191a81afb54e") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto" . "neil.okamoto+melpa@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsorphanage/anzu"))]) (aozora-view . [(20140310 1317) nil "Aozora Bunko text Emacs viewer." tar ((:commit . "b0390616d19e45f15f9a2f5d5688274831e721fd") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi ")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi ") (:keywords "text") (:url . "https://github.com/kawabata/aozora-view"))]) (apache-mode . [(20210519 1931) nil "Major mode for editing Apache httpd configuration files" single ((:commit . "f2c11aac2f5fc598123e04f4604bea248689a117") (:authors ("Karl Chen" . "quarl@nospam.quarl.org")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:keywords "languages" "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-php/apache-mode"))]) (apdl-mode . [(20210423 1115) ((emacs (25 1))) "Major mode for the APDL programming language." tar ((:commit . "5e9de43494cc307a3b43b0eebf774c03670a4582") (:authors ("H. Dieter Wilhelm" . "dieter@duenenhof-wilhelm.de")) (:maintainer "H. Dieter Wilhelm") (:keywords "languages" "convenience" "tools" "ansys" "apdl") (:url . "https://github.com/dieter-wilhelm/apdl-mode"))]) (apel . [(20201106 2221) ((emacs (24 5))) "A Portable Emacs Library provides support for portable Emacs Lisp programs" tar ((:commit . "4e3269b6e702db2dba48cf560563ac883e81e3bf"))]) (apib-mode . 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"https://github.com/vietor/aproject"))]) (apropospriate-theme . [(20210514 1710) nil "A colorful, low-contrast, light & dark theme set for Emacs with a fun name." tar ((:commit . "b17a8ce0686848ffd7c6d20aa66bf2e97b7ce3e5"))]) (apt-sources-list . [(20180527 1241) ((emacs (24 4))) "Mode for editing APT source.list files" single ((:commit . "5289443ceff230dfc8a2c1c6b524c90560eb08a5") (:authors ("Dr. Rafael Sepúlveda" . "drs@gnulinux.org.mx")) (:maintainer "Joe Wreschnig" . "joe.wreschnig@gmail.com") (:url . "https://git.korewanetadesu.com/apt-sources-list.git"))]) (aqi . [(20200215 1334) ((emacs (25 1)) (request (0 3)) (let-alist (0 0))) "Air quality data from the World Air Quality Index" single ((:commit . "c107a2e21cd1ac6008d8baaeeedb3fab26583d45") (:authors ("nik gaffney" . "nik@fo.am")) (:maintainer "nik gaffney" . "nik@fo.am") (:keywords "air quality" "aqi" "pollution" "weather" "data") (:url . "https://github.com/zzkt/aqi"))]) (arc-dark-theme . 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"http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/download/archive-region.el"))]) (archive-rpm . [(20180706 1232) ((emacs (24 4))) "RPM and CPIO support for archive-mode" tar ((:commit . "59f83caebbd2f92fd634f6968e6d17b50ffa3dc7") (:authors ("Magnus Henoch" . "magnus.henoch@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Magnus Henoch" . "magnus.henoch@gmail.com") (:keywords "files"))]) (arduino-cli-mode . [(20210511 653) ((emacs (25 1))) "Arduino-CLI command wrapper" single ((:commit . "a93de7e8fef202163df4657f2ab522b57f70f202") (:authors ("Love Lagerkvist")) (:maintainer "Love Lagerkvist") (:keywords "processes" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/motform/arduino-cli-mode"))]) (arduino-mode . [(20210527 1341) ((emacs (25 1)) (spinner (1 7 3))) "Major mode for editing Arduino code" tar ((:commit . "d7c87812c205bc01c8c8a7ab02f201b6138c7e57") (:maintainer "stardiviner" . "numbchild@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "arduino") (:url . "https://github.com/stardiviner/arduino-mode"))]) (aria2 . 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"https://github.com/jcs-elpa/atl-long-lines"))]) (atl-markup . [(20210731 609) ((emacs (24 3))) "Automatically truncate lines for markup languages" single ((:commit . "e586473d49acbb16c092017e3e65bf8798c397dc") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/atl-markup"))]) (atom-dark-theme . [(20181022 1602) nil "An Emacs port of the Atom Dark theme from Atom.io." single ((:commit . "5c8610d0b45a536b8f7f9777297c86362685a357") (:authors (nil . "Jeremy Whitlock ")) (:maintainer "Nikolaj Schumacher ") (:keywords "wp") (:url . "http://nschum.de/src/emacs/auto-dictionary/"))]) (auto-dim-other-buffers . [(20210210 1744) nil "Makes windows without focus less prominent" single ((:commit . "62c936d502f35d168b9e59a66c994d74a62ad2cf") (:authors ("Michal Nazarewicz" . "mina86@mina86.com")) (:maintainer "Michal Nazarewicz" . "mina86@mina86.com") (:url . "https://github.com/mina86/auto-dim-other-buffers.el"))]) (auto-highlight-symbol . [(20210715 1416) ((emacs (26 1)) (ht (2 3))) "Automatic highlighting current symbol minor mode" single ((:commit . "3425ee2eac724d1d64170a8b9d23afc18f8951a9") (:authors ("Mitsuo Saito" . "arch320@NOSPAM.gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:keywords "highlight" "face" "match" "convenience") (:url . "http://github.com/jcs-elpa/auto-highlight-symbol"))]) (auto-indent-mode . [(20191112 1418) nil "Auto indent Minor mode" tar ((:commit . "ebb1ee5ca24f3040c34b9455502a0e94f19903d0") (:authors ("Matthew L. Fidler, Le Wang & Others")) (:maintainer "Matthew L. Fidler") (:keywords "auto" "indentation") (:url . "https://github.com/mlf176f2/auto-indent-mode.el/"))]) (auto-minor-mode . [(20180527 1123) ((emacs (24 4))) "Enable minor modes by file name and contents" single ((:commit . "17cfa1b54800fdef2975c0c0531dad34846a5065") (:authors ("Joe Wreschnig" . "joe.wreschnig@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Joe Wreschnig" . "joe.wreschnig@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/joewreschnig/auto-minor-mode"))]) (auto-org-md . [(20180213 2343) ((emacs (24 4))) "export a markdown file automatically when you save an org-file" single ((:commit . "9318338bdb7fe8bd698d88f3af89b2d6413efdd2") (:authors ("jamcha" . "jamcha.aa@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "jamcha" . "jamcha.aa@gmail.com") (:keywords "org" "markdown") (:url . "https://github.com/jamcha-aa/auto-org-md"))]) (auto-package-update . [(20210211 2036) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 1 0))) "Automatically update Emacs packages." single ((:commit . "22130fb17d00d79497253c94f3e88382cb40c3ac") (:authors ("Renan Ranelli")) (:maintainer "Renan Ranelli") (:keywords "package" "update") (:url . "http://github.com/rranelli/auto-package-update.el"))]) (auto-pause . [(20160426 1216) ((emacs (24 4))) "Run processes which will be paused when Emacs is idle" single ((:commit . "a4d778de774ca3895542cb559a953e0d98657338") (:authors ("DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "menu") (:url . "https://github.com/lujun9972/auto-pause"))]) (auto-read-only . [(20200827 1754) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Automatically make the buffer to read-only" single ((:commit . "db209bf5b7f76f4c3dc4d0892fc6a24430779f29") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:keywords "files" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/zonuexe/auto-read-only.el"))]) (auto-rename-tag . [(20210629 1537) ((emacs (24 4))) "Automatically rename paired HTML/XML tag" single ((:commit . "9511446c4359100d0b6433579e663852bf8f36ef") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/auto-rename-tag"))]) (auto-save-buffers-enhanced . [(20161109 710) nil "Automatically save buffers in a decent way" single ((:commit . "461e8c816c1b7c650be5f209078b381fe55da8c6") (:authors ("Kentaro Kuribayashi" . "kentarok@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Kentaro Kuribayashi" . "kentarok@gmail.com"))]) (auto-shell-command . [(20180817 1502) ((deferred (20130312)) (popwin (20130329))) "Run the shell command asynchronously that you specified when you save the file." single ((:commit . "a8f9213e3c773b5687b81881240e6e648f2f56ba") (:authors ("ongaeshi")) (:maintainer "ongaeshi") (:keywords "shell" "save" "async" "deferred" "auto"))]) (auto-sudoedit . [(20210522 612) ((emacs (26 1)) (f (0 19 0))) "Auto sudo edit by tramp" single ((:commit . "0dec9e632f1f3208f0da2f94b57efa1aae9ce2ab") (:authors ("ncaq" . "ncaq@ncaq.net")) (:maintainer "ncaq" . "ncaq@ncaq.net") (:url . "https://github.com/ncaq/auto-sudoedit"))]) (auto-virtualenv . [(20200729 2204) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (pyvenv (1 9)) (s (1 10 0))) "Auto activate python virtualenvs" single ((:commit . "214604ebd3366078d03814a344c3249268d1f15a") (:authors ("Marcwebbie" . "marcwebbie@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Marcwebbie" . "marcwebbie@gmail.com") (:keywords "python" "virtualenv" "tools") (:url . "http://github.com/marcwebbie/auto-virtualenv"))]) (auto-virtualenvwrapper . [(20200510 1006) ((cl-lib (0 6)) (s (1 10 0)) (virtualenvwrapper (0))) "Lightweight auto activate python virtualenvs" single ((:commit . "30fb54aa3c99f3c614ea9a92669d634df30c9439") (:authors ("Marcwebbie" . "marcwebbie@gmail.com") ("Robert Zaremba" . "robert-zaremba@scale-it.pl")) (:maintainer "Marcwebbie" . "marcwebbie@gmail.com") (:keywords "python" "virtualenv" "tools"))]) (auto-yasnippet . [(20191015 942) ((yasnippet (0 13 0))) "Quickly create disposable yasnippets" single ((:commit . "db9e0dd4335b2202cd5dac95bbbc87a1032d9bbe") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/abo-abo/auto-yasnippet"))]) (autobookmarks . [(20190919 841) ((dash (2 10 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Save recently visited files and buffers" single ((:commit . "224b24950d3ae57cd16d7417c07fda337fe0ea09") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "files"))]) (autobuild . [(20200713 227) ((cl-lib (0 3)) (emacs (26 1))) "Define and execute build rules and compilation pipelines" single ((:commit . "9b068d979bad78aba8e8bef9f9e7c3bfecb34d2d") (:authors ("Ernesto Alfonso")) (:maintainer nil . "(concat \"erjoalgo\" \"@\" \"gmail\" \".com\")") (:keywords "compile" "build" "pipeline" "autobuild" "extensions" "processes" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/erjoalgo/autobuild"))]) (autocrypt . [(20210720 1810) ((emacs (24 3))) "Autocrypt implementation" tar ((:commit . "b2c8d431f89788d1e01d42c55e65612e6fc11b44") (:authors ("Philip Kaludercic" . "philipk@posteo.net")) (:maintainer "Philip Kaludercic" . "philipk@posteo.net") (:keywords "comm") (:url . "https://git.sr.ht/~pkal/autocrypt"))]) (autodisass-java-bytecode . [(20151005 1612) nil "Automatically disassemble Java bytecode" tar ((:commit . "3d61dbe266133c950b39e880f78d142751c7dc4c") (:authors ("George Balatsouras ")) (:maintainer "George Balatsouras ") (:keywords "convenience" "data" "files"))]) (autodisass-llvm-bitcode . [(20150411 125) nil "Automatically disassemble LLVM bitcode" tar ((:commit . "d2579e3a1427af2dc947c343e49eb3434078bf04") (:authors ("George Balatsouras ")) (:maintainer "George Balatsouras ") (:keywords "convenience" "data" "files"))]) (autotest . [(20190331 2230) nil "ZenTest's autotest integration with emacs." single ((:commit . "2d76365d2aa13543121d5c623df465adb68b76f7") (:authors ("Ryan Davis" . "ryand-ruby@zenspider.com")) (:maintainer "Ryan Davis" . "ryand-ruby@zenspider.com") (:keywords "testing" "ruby" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/zenspider/elisp/blob/master/autotest.el"))]) (autotetris-mode . [(20141114 1646) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "automatically play tetris" single ((:commit . "0c3a746dcc304a67d2a6e7ad4ef93f512486343a") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com") (:url . "https://github.com/skeeto/autotetris-mode"))]) (autothemer . [(20180920 923) ((dash (2 10 0)) (emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Conveniently define themes." single ((:commit . "8ec0c27a73b2d0a335eda63fde695a101e2956b2") (:authors ("Sebastian Sturm")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Sturm") (:url . "https://github.com/sebastiansturm/autothemer"))]) (autumn-light-theme . [(20150515 1447) nil "A light color theme with muted, autumnal colors." single ((:commit . "1e3b2a43a3001e4a97a5ff073ba3f0d2ea3888f9") (:authors ("Adam Alpern" . "adam.alpern@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Adam Alpern" . "adam.alpern@gmail.com") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:url . "http://github.com/aalpern/emacs-color-theme-autumn-light"))]) (avandu . [(20170101 1903) nil "Gateway to Tiny Tiny RSS" tar ((:commit . "f44588d8e747fa880411cb4542cc39962252b90a") (:authors ("Tom Willemse" . "tom@ryuslash.org")) (:maintainer "Tom Willemse" . "tom@ryuslash.org") (:keywords "net"))]) (avk-emacs-themes . [(20210521 1051) nil "Collection of avk themes" tar ((:commit . "7b9b6517873c4d4d73e6e34ca56c54062db60759") (:authors ("Alex V. Koval" . "alex@koval.kharkov.ua")) (:maintainer "Alex V. Koval" . "alex@koval.kharkov.ua") (:keywords "theme") (:url . "https://github.com/avkoval/avk-emacs-themes"))]) (avy . [(20201226 1734) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Jump to arbitrary positions in visible text and select text quickly." single ((:commit . "e92cb37457b43336b765630dbfbea8ba4be601fa") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com") (:keywords "point" "location") (:url . "https://github.com/abo-abo/avy"))]) (avy-embark-collect . 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"markkarpov92@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com") (:keywords "popup" "menu") (:url . "https://github.com/mrkkrp/avy-menu"))]) (avy-migemo . [(20180716 1455) ((emacs (24 4)) (avy (0 4 0)) (migemo (1 9))) "avy with migemo" tar ((:commit . "922a6dd82c0bfa316b0fbb56a9d4dd4ffa5707e7") (:authors ("momomo5717")) (:maintainer "momomo5717") (:keywords "avy" "migemo") (:url . "https://github.com/momomo5717/avy-migemo"))]) (avy-zap . [(20190801 329) ((avy (0 2 0))) "Zap to char using `avy'" single ((:commit . "7c8d1f40e43d03e2f6c1696bfa547526528ce8cb") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/cute-jumper/avy-zap"))]) (aws-ec2 . [(20161007 1914) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12 1)) (tblui (0 1 0))) "Manage AWS EC2 instances" single ((:commit . "5601d4f268fc34b86a02ca90cde7d3771619a368") (:authors ("Yuki Inoue ")) (:maintainer "Yuki Inoue ") (:url . "https://github.com/Yuki-Inoue/aws.el"))]) (aws-snippets . [(20191203 1553) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for AWS" tar ((:commit . "557d19a0bc486e0fddb597b2be5087769d9bd47e") (:keywords "snippets"))]) (awscli-capf . [(20190930 1517) ((emacs (26))) "Completion at point function for the AWS CLI" single ((:commit . "eadfb26b35802ae8164565581e4a9c4d0280a7b5") (:authors ("Sebastian Monia" . "smonia@outlook.com")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Monia" . "smonia@outlook.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience" "abbrev") (:url . "https://github.com/sebasmonia/awscli-capf.git"))]) (axe . [(20201113 2237) ((emacs (25 1)) (hmac (0 0)) (request (0 3 2)) (s (1 12 0)) (xmlgen (0 5)) (dash (2 17 0)) (mimetypes (1 0))) "AWS Extensions" tar ((:commit . "f6fb37f6035605755be41d018ca8b70caa2bc75a") (:authors ("Craig Niles ")) (:maintainer "Craig Niles ") (:url . "https://github.com/cniles/axe"))]) (axiom-environment . [(20210714 1912) ((emacs (24 2))) "An environment for using Axiom/OpenAxiom/FriCAS" tar ((:commit . "7d72e6319b98b334f74b78f3d4151e92fb7dcbad") (:authors ("Paul Onions" . "paul.onions@acm.org")) (:maintainer "Paul Onions" . "paul.onions@acm.org") (:keywords "axiom" "openaxiom" "fricas"))]) (ayu-theme . [(20200521 1157) ((emacs (24 1))) "Ayu theme" tar ((:commit . "ed98a9f41d9f0e08458ee71cc1038f66c50e1979") (:authors ("Tran Anh Vu")) (:maintainer "Tran Anh Vu") (:keywords "lisp" "theme" "emacs") (:url . "https://github.com/vutran1710/Ayu-Theme-Emacs"))]) (babel . [(20210612 640) nil "interface to web translation services such as Babelfish" single ((:commit . "946e69c61188bc41793402ac48466d8967ddb43d") (:authors ("Juergen Hoetzel" . "juergen@hoetzel.info") ("Eric Marsden" . "emarsden@laas.fr")) (:maintainer "Juergen Hoetzel" . "juergen@hoetzel.info") (:keywords "translation" "web") (:url . "http://github.com/juergenhoetzel/babel"))]) (babel-repl . [(20160504 2201) ((emacs (24))) "Run babel REPL" single ((:commit . "e619c16e349a1ee7bd0ee0d7f3650d33bff73fc3") (:authors ("Hung Phan")) (:maintainer "Hung Phan") (:keywords "babel" "javascript" "es6") (:url . "https://github.com/hung-phan/babel-repl/"))]) (back-button . [(20150804 2004) ((nav-flash (1 0 0)) (smartrep (0 0 3)) (ucs-utils (0 7 2)) (list-utils (0 4 2)) (persistent-soft (0 8 8)) (pcache (0 2 3))) "Visual navigation through mark rings" single ((:commit . "98d92984a740acd1547bd7ed05cca0affdb21c3e") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com") (:keywords "convenience" "navigation" "interface") (:url . "http://github.com/rolandwalker/back-button"))]) (backlight . [(20210513 129) ((emacs (24 3))) "backlight brightness adjustment on GNU/Linux" single ((:commit . "b6826a60440d8bf440618e3cdafb40158de920e6") (:authors ("Michael Schuldt" . "mbschuldt@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Michael Schuldt" . "mbschuldt@gmail.com") (:keywords "hardware") (:url . "https://github.com/mschuldt/backlight.el"))]) (backline . [(20200104 1851) ((emacs (25 1)) (outline-minor-faces (0 1 2))) "Preserve appearance of outline headings" single ((:commit . "dc541a6daf82ab73774904ae9ccecd13e3c2af48") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:keywords "outlines") (:url . "https://github.com/tarsius/backline"))]) (backup-each-save . [(20180227 557) nil "backup each savepoint of a file" single ((:commit . "3c414b9d6b278911c95c5b8b71819e6af6f8a02a") (:authors ("Benjamin Rutt" . "brutt@bloomington.in.us")) (:maintainer "Conor Nash" . "conor@nashcobusinessservicesllc.com"))]) (backup-walker . [(20130720 1516) nil "quickly traverse all backups of a file" single ((:commit . "934a4128c122972ac32bb9952addf279a60a94da") (:authors ("Le Wang")) (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:keywords "backup") (:url . "https://github.com/lewang/backup-walker"))]) (backward-forward . [(20161229 550) ((emacs (24 5))) "navigation backwards and forwards across marks" single ((:commit . "58489957a62a0da25dfb5df902624d2548d800b4") (:authors ("Currell Berry" . "currellberry@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Currell Berry" . "currellberry@gmail.com") (:keywords "navigation" "convenience" "backward" "forward") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/vancan1ty/emacs-backward-forward/tree/master"))]) (badger-theme . [(20140717 232) nil "A dark theme for Emacs 24." single ((:commit . "493d672d5a5478976da7d5ca752008cc7837c57f") (:authors ("Cody Canning" . "cocanning11@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Cody Canning" . "cocanning11@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/ccann/badger-theme"))]) (badwolf-theme . [(20161004 715) ((emacs (24))) "Bad Wolf color theme" single ((:commit . "ea01a3d9358e968f75e3ed15dec6a2a96ce3d9a1") (:authors ("bkruczyk" . "bartlomiej.kruczyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "bkruczyk" . "bartlomiej.kruczyk@gmail.com") (:keywords "themes") (:url . "https://github.com/bkruczyk/badwolf-emacs"))]) (baff . [(20200824 1807) ((emacs (24 3)) (f (0 20 0))) "Create a byte array from a file" single ((:commit . "7af72db9c6e542ed2b60952933113d0aa86728cf") (:authors ("Dave Footitt" . "dave.footitt@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Dave Footitt" . "dave.footitt@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "usability") (:url . "https://github.com/dave-f/baff/"))]) (baidu-translate . [(20190817 1318) nil "A plugin using baidu-translate-api" single ((:commit . "b04a74d09ff5e3fbefd1b39b2abe79a9e272321a") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . "") (:keywords "docs") (:url . "https://github.com/liShiZhensPi/baidu-translate"))]) (balanced-windows . [(20190903 1120) ((emacs (25))) "Keep windows balanced" single ((:commit . "1da5354ad8a9235d13928e2ee0863f3642ccdd13") (:authors ("wouter bolsterlee" . "wouter@bolsterl.ee")) (:maintainer "wouter bolsterlee" . "wouter@bolsterl.ee") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/wbolster/emacs-balanced-windows"))]) (banner-comment . [(20190606 1809) ((emacs (24 4))) "For producing banner comments." single ((:commit . "35d3315683d3f97605207691b77e9f447af18fe2") (:authors ("James Ferguson" . "james@faff.org")) (:maintainer "James Ferguson" . "james@faff.org") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/WJCFerguson/banner-comment"))]) (bap-mode . [(20200128 1354) nil "Major-mode for BAP's IR" single ((:commit . "8969679f60db0aa918d35f40d959c0a9c723b111") (:authors ("Thomas Barabosch ")) (:maintainer "Thomas Barabosch" . "thomas.barabosch@fkie.fraunhofer.de") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/fkie-cad/bap-mode"))]) (bar-cursor . [(20201204 2244) nil "package used to switch block cursor to a bar" single ((:commit . "78f195b6db63459033c4f1c7e7add5d82f3ce424") (:authors ("Joe Casadonte" . "emacs@northbound-train.com")) (:maintainer "Andrew Johnson" . "andrew@andrewjamesjohnson.com") (:keywords "files") (:url . "https://github.com/ajsquared/bar-cursor"))]) (bart-mode . [(20190601 1004) ((emacs (24 3))) "Real time BART departures info." single ((:commit . "f70b6c42452e47c0c6b3ebd4c90e555a9bedeec7") (:authors ("Michael Schuldt" . "mbschuldt@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Michael Schuldt" . "mbschuldt@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "transit") (:url . "https://github.com/mschuldt/bart-mode"))]) (base16-theme . [(20210710 1645) nil "Collection of themes built on combinations of 16 base colors" tar ((:commit . "7f1db3df9bb6f4a3c9f4d3c10b9a6cf231752547") (:authors ("Kaleb Elwert" . "belak@coded.io") ("Neil Bhakta")) (:maintainer "Kaleb Elwert" . "belak@coded.io") (:url . "https://github.com/belak/base16-emacs"))]) (bash-completion . [(20210615 1601) ((emacs (24 3))) "BASH completion for the shell buffer" single ((:commit . "d9c97b741db389ceb127b0f0180b2087cb24d0ef") (:authors ("Stephane Zermatten" . "szermatt@gmx.net")) (:maintainer "Stephane Zermatten" . "szermatt@gmail.com") (:keywords "shell" "bash" "bash-completion") (:url . "http://github.com/szermatt/emacs-bash-completion"))]) (basic-c-compile . [(20170302 1112) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (f (0 19 0))) "Quickly create a Makefile, compile and run C." single ((:commit . "0129786aeee50d7bb0020d9fc2b7508875d403e8") (:authors ("Nick Spain" . "nicholas.spain96@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Nick Spain" . "nicholas.spain96@gmail.com") (:keywords "c" "makefile" "compilation" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/nick96/basic-c-compile"))]) (basic-ide . [(20200429 1104) ((emacs (25)) (basic-mode (0 4 2)) (company (0 9 12)) (flycheck (0 22)) (dash (2 12 0)) (f (0 17 0))) "BASIC IDE c64" single ((:commit . "1d026b6ae70db9cde36596dcf46b101058a2e004") (:authors ("Fermin MF" . "fmfs@posteo.net")) (:maintainer "Fermin MF" . "fmfs@posteo.net") (:keywords "languages" "basic") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/sasanidas/emacs-c64-basic-ide"))]) (basic-mode . [(20210316 1253) ((seq (2 20)) (emacs (24 3))) "major mode for editing BASIC code" single ((:commit . "eaa5f24d2fb303d9e5d7de2a28c7c18b01532ab6") (:authors ("Johan Dykstrom")) (:maintainer "Johan Dykstrom") (:keywords "basic" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/dykstrom/basic-mode"))]) (basic-theme . [(20160817 827) ((emacs (24))) "Minimalistic light color theme" single ((:commit . "e2a855bd39f4b78296228d4b790f9123156f7d7e") (:authors ("Felix Geller" . "fgeller@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Felix Geller" . "fgeller@gmail.com") (:keywords "theme" "basic" "minimal" "colors") (:url . "http://github.com/fgeller/basic-theme.el"))]) (bats-mode . [(20160514 615) nil "Emacs mode for editing and running Bats tests" single ((:commit . "d519f7c89f5ae17dfc33400596df4564b478315f") (:authors ("Doug MacEachern")) (:maintainer "Doug MacEachern") (:keywords "bats" "tests") (:url . "https://github.com/dougm/bats-mode"))]) (battery-notifier . [(20210521 1238) ((alert (1 3))) "Notify when battery capacity is low" single ((:commit . "ae2043db954e131d9de7347ab1a6107fd07e8893") (:authors ("Jason Johnson" . "jason@fullsteamlabs.com")) (:maintainer "Jason Johnson" . "jason@fullsteamlabs.com") (:keywords "hardware" "battery") (:url . "https://github.com/jasonmj/battery-notifier"))]) (battle-haxe . [(20210219 354) ((emacs (25)) (company (0 9 9)) (helm (3 0)) (async (1 9 3)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 18 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 19 0))) "A Haxe development system, with code completion and more" single ((:commit . "2f32c81dcecfc68fd410cb9d2aca303d6e3028c7") (:authors ("Alon Tzarafi " . "alontzarafi@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alon Tzarafi " . "alontzarafi@gmail.com") (:keywords "programming" "languages" "completion") (:url . "https://github.com/AlonTzarafi/battle-haxe"))]) (bazel . [(20210715 2325) ((emacs (26 1))) "Bazel support for Emacs" single ((:commit . "3b0a3a2200cd93497563812d4026c4d67b13e91a") (:keywords "build tools" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/bazelbuild/emacs-bazel-mode"))]) (bbcode-mode . [(20190304 2122) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for phpBB posts (BBCode markup)" single ((:commit . "e16619c80ea21154b4a4ccc2e13d0077e97c9caf") (:authors ("Eric James Michael Ritz" . "lobbyjones@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Lassi Kortela" . "lassi@lassi.io") (:keywords "bbcode" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/lassik/emacs-bbcode-mode"))]) (bbdb . [(20210108 38) nil "The Insidious Big Brother Database for GNU Emacs" tar ((:commit . "03c9ab00642fd54d7fb601f95a094b8b7f0eefb0") (:maintainer "Roland Winkler" . "winkler@gnu.org"))]) (bbdb- . [(20140221 2354) ((bbdb (20140123 1541)) (log4e (0 2 0)) (yaxception (0 1))) "provide interface for more easily search/choice than BBDB." single ((:commit . "2839e84c894de2513af41053e80a277a1b483d22") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com") (:keywords "bbdb" "news" "mail") (:url . "https://github.com/aki2o/bbdb-"))]) (bbdb-csv-import . [(20140802 1142) ((pcsv (1 3 3)) (dash (2 5 0)) (bbdb (20140412 1949))) "import csv to bbdb version 3+" single ((:commit . "dc9e722d1c1fcd55b71625ee3f05a4921851d186") (:authors ("Ian Kelling" . "ian@iankelling.org")) (:maintainer "Ian Kelling" . "ian@iankelling.org") (:keywords "csv" "util" "bbdb") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/iankelling/bbdb-csv-import"))]) (bbdb-ext . [(20151220 2013) ((bbdb (2 36))) "Extra commands for BBDB" single ((:commit . "fee97b1b3faa83edaea00fbc5ad3cbca5e791a55") (:authors ("Joe Bloggs" . "vapniks@yahoo.com")) (:maintainer "Joe Bloggs" . "vapniks@yahoo.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/vapniks/bbdb-ext"))]) (bbdb-vcard . [(20210325 2208) ((bbdb (3 0))) "vCard import/export for BBDB" tar ((:commit . "113c66115ce68316e209f51ebce56de8dded3606") (:authors ("Bert Burgemeister" . "trebbu@googlemail.com") ("Toke Høiland-Jørgensen") ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer") ("Steve Purcell") ("Vincent Geddes" . "vincent.geddes@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Bert Burgemeister" . "trebbu@googlemail.com") (:keywords "data" "calendar" "mail" "news") (:url . "https://github.com/tohojo/bbdb-vcard"))]) (bbdb2erc . [(20190822 907) ((bbdb (3 0))) "make bbdb show if pal is online with ERC, click i to chat" single ((:commit . "40b89e961762af3e7ade3a1844a9fbcd4084ac65") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer@fsfe.org")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer@fsfe.org") (:keywords "irc" "contacts" "chat" "client" "internet"))]) (bbyac . [(20180206 1441) ((browse-kill-ring (1 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Type a little Bit, and Bang! You Are Completed." tar ((:commit . "9f0de9cad13801891ffb590dc09f51ff9a7cb225") (:authors ("Bao Haojun" . "baohaojun@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Bao Haojun" . "baohaojun@gmail.com") (:keywords "abbrev") (:url . "https://github.com/baohaojun/bbyac"))]) (beacon . [(20190104 1931) ((seq (2 14))) "Highlight the cursor whenever the window scrolls" single ((:commit . "bde78180c678b233c94321394f46a81dc6dce1da") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "emacs@endlessparentheses.com")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "emacs@endlessparentheses.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/Malabarba/beacon"))]) (beeminder . [(20201227 1533) ((emacs (24 3)) (seq (2 16)) (org (7))) "Emacs interface for Beeminder" tar ((:commit . "161d9c94c594614a01cb08219693d9e000af4f69") (:authors ("Phil Newton" . "phil@sodaware.net")) (:maintainer "Phil Newton" . "phil@sodaware.net") (:keywords "tools" "beeminder") (:url . "http://www.philnewton.net/code/beeminder-el/"))]) (beginend . [(20210504 341) ((emacs (25 3))) "Redefine M-< and M-> for some modes" single ((:commit . "4b4e4808dc3248ea61b3d8bdd7c6b73edd3b6902") (:url . "https://github.com/DamienCassou/beginend"))]) (belarus-holidays . [(20190102 1343) nil "Belarus holidays whith transfers" single ((:commit . "35a18273e19edc3b4c761030ffbd11116483b83e") (:authors ("Yauhen Makei" . "yauhen.makei@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yauhen Makei" . "yauhen.makei@gmail.com") (:url . "http://bitbucket.org/EugeneMakei/belarus-holidays.el"))]) (benchmark-init . [(20150905 938) nil "Benchmarks Emacs require and load calls" tar ((:commit . "7a0f263282bbc86b01b662636306f22813082647") (:authors ("Steve Purcell")) (:maintainer "David Holm" . "dholmster@gmail.com") (:keywords "benchmark"))]) (benchstat . [(20171014 312) nil "proper benchmarking made simple" single ((:commit . "a5b67cf7972ca2bbc9f5bc6a0f521ab02b76d4f0") (:authors ("Iskander Sharipov" . "quasilyte@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Iskander Sharipov" . "quasilyte@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/Quasilyte/benchstat.el"))]) (bencoding . [(20200331 1102) ((emacs (25 1))) "Bencoding decoding and encoding" single ((:commit . "1e16ccfd5c6560a83ae2926afe4a5076a541d3d6") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/bencoding.el"))]) (bento . [(20191024 2123) ((flycheck (0 22)) (emacs (25 1)) (f (0 20))) "Flycheck integration for the Bento code checker" single ((:commit . "31546a03475fc2b3ffd3159fe1beda55f7762224") (:authors ("Ash Zahlen" . "ash@returntocorp.com")) (:maintainer "Ash Zahlen" . "ash@returntocorp.com") (:url . "https://github.com/returntocorp/bento-emacs"))]) (berrys-theme . [(20191201 1609) ((emacs (24 1))) "A light, clean and elegant theme" single ((:commit . "888a14206b2fb3dc45b5273aeb05075f3e0b5f60") (:authors ("Slava Buzin" . "v8v.buzin@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Slava Buzin" . "v8v.buzin@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/vbuzin/berrys-theme"))]) (bert . [(20131117 1014) nil "BERT serialization library for Emacs" single ((:commit . "a3eec6980a725aa4abd2019e4c00246450260490") (:authors ("Oleksandr Manzyuk" . "manzyuk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oleksandr Manzyuk" . "manzyuk@gmail.com") (:keywords "comm" "data"))]) (better-defaults . [(20210222 1928) ((emacs (25 1))) "Fixing weird quirks and poor defaults" single ((:commit . "4c5409406ee35c5ba46880c6cfe98df4b14dc631") (:authors ("Phil Hagelberg")) (:maintainer "Phil Hagelberg") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/technomancy/better-defaults"))]) (better-jumper . [(20210713 1426) ((emacs (25 1))) "configurable jump list" single ((:commit . "7f328a886ba4dd01993d269eee01c8ee3d0ddf52") (:authors ("Bryan Gilbert ")) (:maintainer "Bryan Gilbert" . "bryan@bryan.sh") (:keywords "convenience" "jump" "history" "evil") (:url . "https://github.com/gilbertw1/better-jumper"))]) (better-scroll . [(20210715 1004) ((emacs (24 3))) "Improve user experience when scrolling window" single ((:commit . "eb389204f9dadd8a040a78e79a17732daca7e253") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/better-scroll"))]) (better-shell . [(20191025 1737) ((emacs (24 4))) "Better shell management" single ((:commit . "70c787b981caeef8c5f8012b170eb7b9f167cd13") (:authors ("Russell Black" . "killdash9@github")) (:maintainer "Russell Black" . "killdash9@github") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/killdash9/better-shell"))]) (bf-mode . [(20130403 1442) nil "Browse file persistently on dired" single ((:commit . "7cc4d09aed64d9db6be95646f5f5067de68f8895") (:authors ("isojin")) (:maintainer "myuhe ") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-jp/bf-mode"))]) (bfbuilder . [(20210228 1740) ((cl-lib (0 3)) (emacs (24 4))) "A brainfuck development environment with interactive debugger" single ((:commit . "689f320a9a1326cdeff43b8538e0d739f8519c4b") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . "http://zk-phi.gitub.io/"))]) (bibclean-format . [(20190302 2017) ((emacs (24 3)) (reformatter (0 3))) "Reformat BibTeX and Scribe using bibclean" single ((:commit . "b4003950a925d1c659bc359ab5e88e4441775d77") (:authors ("Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen" . "peter.w.v.jorgensen@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen" . "peter.w.v.jorgensen@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/peterwvj/bibclean-format"))]) (biblio . [(20210418 406) ((emacs (24 3)) (biblio-core (0 2))) "Browse and import bibliographic references from CrossRef, arXiv, DBLP, HAL, Dissemin, and doi.org" tar ((:commit . "517ec18f00f91b61481214b178f7ae0b8fbc499b") (:authors ("Clément Pit-Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com") (:keywords "bib" "tex" "convenience" "hypermedia") (:url . "https://github.com/cpitclaudel/biblio.el"))]) (biblio-bibsonomy . [(20190105 1200) ((emacs (24 4)) (biblio-core (0 2))) "Lookup bibliographic entries from Bibsonomy" single ((:commit . "778cc944db3c6dababe2e7fec5877fba42e8c00d") (:authors ("Andreas Jansson and contributors")) (:maintainer "Andreas Jansson and contributors") (:keywords "bib" "tex" "bibsonomy") (:url . "http://github.com/andreasjansson/biblio-bibsonomy/"))]) (biblio-core . [(20210418 406) ((emacs (24 3)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (seq (1 11)) (dash (2 12 1))) "A framework for looking up and displaying bibliographic entries" single ((:commit . "517ec18f00f91b61481214b178f7ae0b8fbc499b") (:authors ("Clément Pit-Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com") (:keywords "bib" "tex" "convenience" "hypermedia") (:url . "https://github.com/cpitclaudel/biblio.el"))]) (bibliothek . [(20190124 1828) ((emacs (24 4)) (pdf-tools (0 70)) (a (0 1 0 -3 4))) "Managing a digital library of PDFs" single ((:commit . "8a3b529d5ece261a8847298ea03ed35615cc9bfa") (:authors ("Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "self@gkayaalp.com")) (:maintainer "Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "self@gkayaalp.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://dev.gkayaalp.com/elisp/index.html#bibliothek-el"))]) (bibretrieve . [(20191124 1855) ((auctex (11 87)) (emacs (24 3))) "Retrieve BibTeX entries from the internet" tar ((:commit . "81dc8e0db3629cc180eafb2bc34b60dcd8980316") (:authors ("Antonio Sartori")) (:maintainer "Pavel Zorin-Kranich" . "pzorin@uni-bonn.de") (:keywords "bibtex" "bibliography" "mathscinet" "arxiv" "zbmath") (:url . "https://github.com/pzorin/bibretrieve"))]) (bibslurp . [(20151202 2346) ((s (1 6 0)) (dash (1 5 0))) "retrieve BibTeX entries from NASA ADS" single ((:commit . "0116bbb04840d20a6b087e6d9c921bb1c2489a8f") (:keywords "bibliography" "nasa ads") (:url . "https://github.com/mkmcc/bibslurp"))]) (bibtex-actions . [(20210802 1641) ((emacs (26 3)) (bibtex-completion (1 0))) "Biblographic commands based on completing-read" tar ((:commit . "1119f98d5d31dc715957b6c52e6b51d59122f601") (:authors ("Bruce D'Arcus ")) (:maintainer "Bruce D'Arcus ") (:url . "https://github.com/bdarcus/bibtex-actions"))]) (bibtex-completion . [(20210725 1459) ((parsebib (1 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 6 0)) (f (0 16 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (biblio (0 2)) (emacs (26 1))) "A BibTeX backend for completion frameworks" single ((:commit . "12079bb09f203dda5cc2dd003bd60a6ad490f762") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "malsburg@posteo.de") ("Justin Burkett" . "justin@burkett.cc")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "malsburg@posteo.de") (:url . "https://github.com/tmalsburg/helm-bibtex"))]) (bibtex-utils . [(20190703 2117) nil "Provides utilities for extending BibTeX mode" single ((:commit . "26a8f0909b6adbf545a2b5e57ce7f779bf7a65af") (:authors ("Tyler Smith" . "tyler@plantarum.ca")) (:maintainer "Tyler Smith" . "tyler@plantarum.ca") (:keywords "bibtex") (:url . "https://github.com/plantarum/bibtex-utils"))]) (bicycle . [(20210615 1459) ((emacs (25 1))) "cycle outline and code visibility" single ((:commit . "2f0d6fbe0e363a0ed1f878316d1c0d7c1d6e1082") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:keywords "outlines") (:url . "https://github.com/tarsius/bicycle"))]) (bifocal . [(20200325 539) ((emacs (24 4))) "Split-screen scrolling for comint-mode buffers" single ((:commit . "de8d09b08b0b30714c4f9b98c97e9577d47b9be6") (:keywords "frames" "processes") (:url . "https://github.com/riscy/bifocal-mode"))]) (binclock . [(20170802 1116) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Display the current time using a binary clock." single ((:commit . "87042230d7f3fe3e9a77fae0dbab7d8f7e7794ad") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "davep@davep.org")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "davep@davep.org") (:keywords "games" "time" "display") (:url . "https://github.com/davep/binclock.el"))]) (bind-chord . [(20171204 2010) ((bind-key (1 0)) (key-chord (0 6))) "key-chord binding helper for use-package-chords" single ((:commit . "a7422fb8ab1baee19adb2717b5b47b9c3812a84c") (:authors ("Justin Talbott" . "justin@waymondo.com")) (:maintainer "Justin Talbott" . "justin@waymondo.com") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/waymondo/use-package-chords"))]) (bind-key . [(20210210 1609) nil "A simple way to manage personal keybindings" single ((:commit . "a7422fb8ab1baee19adb2717b5b47b9c3812a84c") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "johnw@newartisans.com")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "johnw@newartisans.com") (:keywords "keys" "keybinding" "config" "dotemacs") (:url . "https://github.com/jwiegley/use-package"))]) (bind-map . [(20161207 1511) ((emacs (24 3))) "Bind personal keymaps in multiple locations" single ((:commit . "bf4181e3a41463684adfffc6c5c305b30480e30f") (:authors ("Justin Burkett" . "justin@burkett.cc")) (:maintainer "Justin Burkett" . "justin@burkett.cc") (:url . "https://github.com/justbur/emacs-bind-map"))]) (binder . [(20210131 1227) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (2 20))) "Global minor mode to facilitate multi-file writing projects" tar ((:commit . "52f1c11b01a5f7e7a470a73dec4c3335dea4124b") (:authors ("Paul W. Rankin" . "pwr@bydasein.com")) (:maintainer "Paul W. Rankin" . "pwr@bydasein.com") (:keywords "files" "outlines" "wp" "text") (:url . "https://github.com/rnkn/binder"))]) (bing-dict . [(20200216 110) nil "Minimalists' English-Chinese Bing dictionary" tar ((:commit . "1d581aaa9622b34f8fb83af5579fa252aa24cfef") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/cute-jumper/bing-dict.el"))]) (birds-of-paradise-plus-theme . [(20130419 2129) nil "A brown/orange light-on-dark theme for Emacs 24 (deftheme)." single ((:commit . "bb9f9d4ef7f7872a388ec4eee1253069adcadb6f") (:authors ("Jim Myhrberg" . "contact@jimeh.me")) (:maintainer "Jim Myhrberg" . "contact@jimeh.me") (:keywords "themes") (:url . "https://github.com/jimeh/birds-of-paradise-plus-theme.el"))]) (bison-mode . [(20210527 717) nil "Major mode for editing bison, yacc and lex files." single ((:commit . "4f2e20394a475931409618c1635e9c9f1cf07d9c") (:authors ("Eric Beuscher" . "beuscher@eecs.tulane.edu")) (:maintainer "Eric Beuscher" . "beuscher@eecs.tulane.edu") (:keywords "bison-mode" "yacc-mode"))]) (bitbake . [(20190107 1155) ((emacs (24 1)) (dash (2 6 0)) (mmm-mode (0 5 4)) (s (1 10 0))) "Running bitbake from emacs" single ((:commit . "4896ff48712a6be37009605ba697a7104462e2fd") (:authors ("Damien Merenne")) (:maintainer "Damien Merenne") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/canatella/bitbake-el"))]) (bitbucket . [(20170405 446) ((emacs (24)) (request (0 1 0)) (s (1 9 0))) "Bitbucket API wrapper" tar ((:commit . "5e663da1bd38a14c1ecf4d66a79d4321ac833bcf") (:authors ("2017 Tjaart van der Walt" . "tjaart@tjaart.co.za")) (:maintainer "2017 Tjaart van der Walt" . "tjaart@tjaart.co.za") (:keywords "bitbucket") (:url . "http://github.com/tjaartvdwalt/bitbucket.el/"))]) (bitlbee . [(20151203 0) nil "Help get Bitlbee (http://www.bitlbee.org) up and running." single ((:commit . "3a92a4119e0c007df2c7dcf1b1c3a5f23ee40e05"))]) (blackboard-bold-mode . [(20160813 206) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Easily insert Unicode mathematical double-struck characters" single ((:commit . "5299cb064ba71baa3e331b8560bf8dd38cbbc4ed") (:authors ("Grant Rettke" . "gcr@wisdomandwonder.com")) (:maintainer nil . "") (:keywords "unicode" "double struck" "blackboard bold" "math" "mathematical") (:url . "https://github.com/grettke/blackboard-bold-mode"))]) (blackboard-theme . [(20161216 656) ((emacs (24))) "TextMate Blackboard Theme" single ((:commit . "7a0d79410feb728ff5cce75c140fadc19a3f9a6d") (:authors ("Dong Zheng")) (:maintainer "Dong Zheng") (:url . "https://github.com/don9z/blackboard-theme"))]) (blacken . [(20210406 813) ((emacs (25 2))) "Reformat python buffers using the \"black\" formatter" single ((:commit . "880cf502198753643a3e2ccd4131ee6973be2e8a") (:authors ("Artem Malyshev" . "proofit404@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Artem Malyshev" . "proofit404@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/proofit404/blacken"))]) (blackout . [(20200404 1550) ((emacs (26))) "Better mode lighter overriding" single ((:commit . "8f7cd388abccdf25baeca99c07ef2dfe264e8f2f") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "radon.neon@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "radon.neon@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/raxod502/blackout"))]) (blgrep . [(20150401 1416) ((clmemo (20140321 715))) "Block grep" tar ((:commit . "605beda210610a5829750a987f5fcebea97af546") (:authors ("Masayuki Ataka" . "masayuki.ataka@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Masayuki Ataka" . "masayuki.ataka@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience"))]) (blimp . [(20180903 2240) ((emacs (25)) (eimp (1 4 0))) "Bustling Image Manipulation Package" single ((:commit . "39562f02acc1113595cb253a85bb3b9da743ddd2") (:authors ("Sebastian Wålinder" . "s.walinder@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wålinder" . "s.walinder@gmail.com") (:keywords "multimedia" "unix") (:url . "https://github.com/walseb/blimp"))]) (bliss-theme . [(20170808 1307) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on Bliss (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "c3cf6d8a666ab26909b7da158f9e94df71a5fbbf") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsfodder/tmtheme-to-deftheme"))]) (blitzmax-mode . [(20200415 1529) ((emacs (24 1))) "A major mode for editing BlitzMax source code" single ((:commit . "5f67bb3c8e4baf1f6881cc998f9f031641a7b08a") (:authors ("Phil Newton")) (:maintainer "Phil Newton") (:keywords "languages" "blitzmax") (:url . "https://www.sodaware.net/dev/tools/blitzmax-mode/"))]) (bln-mode . [(20181121 918) nil "binary line navigation minor mode for cursor movement in long lines" single ((:commit . "a601b0bf975dd1432f6552ab6afe3f4f71133b4a") (:authors ("Maarten Grachten")) (:maintainer "Maarten Grachten") (:keywords "motion" "location" "cursor" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/mgrachten/bln-mode"))]) (block-nav . [(20201005 202) ((emacs (25 1))) "Jump across indentation levels for quick navigation" single ((:commit . "d69acaa3d6c75bf4c518d8ab8896ad63580253fc") (:maintainer "Philip Dumaresq" . "phdumaresq@protonmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/nixin72/block-nav.el"))]) (blockdiag-mode . [(20160427 524) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing blockdiag files" single ((:commit . "f3b21ba433d60327cebd103ae4492200750e24a9") (:authors ("xcezx" . "main.xcezx@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "xcezx" . "main.xcezx@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/xcezx/xdiag-mode"))]) (blog-admin . [(20170923 1409) ((ctable (0 1 1)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 17 3)) (names (20151201 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Blog admin for emacs with hexo/org-page supported" tar ((:commit . "b5f2e1dad7d68ec903619f7280bb0bcb7e398a1e") (:authors (nil . "code.falling@gmail.com")) (:maintainer nil . "code.falling@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "blog" "org" "hexo" "org-page"))]) (blog-minimal . [(20181021 849) ((ht (1 5)) (simple-httpd (1 4 6)) (mustache (0 22)) (s (1 11 0)) (org (9 0 3))) "a simple static site generator based on org mode" tar ((:commit . "356c878322258159021eecdd15757e11cf02e335") (:authors ("Thank Fly" . "thiefuniverses@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Thank Fly" . "thiefuniverses@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/thiefuniverse/blog-minimal"))]) (blox . [(20210225 1900) ((emacs (25 1))) "Interaction with Roblox tooling" single ((:commit . "2bf0e618451fb1da11263d8a35ffcd9210590c0a") (:authors ("Kenneth Loeffler" . "kenneth.loeffler@outlook.com")) (:maintainer "Kenneth Loeffler" . "kenneth.loeffler@outlook.com") (:keywords "roblox" "rojo" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/kennethloeffler/blox"))]) (bm . [(20210421 1351) nil "Visible bookmarks in buffer." tar ((:commit . "9a31c61f44e6f1033ca43bd7f3eb33ffdb2ca595") (:authors ("Jo Odland ")) (:maintainer "Jo Odland ") (:keywords "bookmark" "highlight" "faces" "persistent") (:url . "https://github.com/joodland/bm"))]) (bmx-mode . [(20210319 620) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 9 4)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 12 0))) "Batch Mode eXtras" single ((:commit . "6f008707efe0bb5646f0c1b0d6f57f0a8800e200") (:authors ("Jostein Kjønigsen" . "jostein@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jostein Kjønigsen" . "jostein@gmail.com") (:keywords "c" "convenience" "tools") (:url . "http://github.com/josteink/bmx-mode"))]) (bnf-mode . [(20200323 1348) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing BNF grammars." tar ((:commit . "2d1ee12f3ba6e75841066bf429d7bf836d4b89d7") (:authors ("Serghei Iakovlev" . "egrep@protonmail.ch")) (:maintainer "Serghei Iakovlev" . "egrep@protonmail.ch") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/sergeyklay/bnf-mode"))]) (bnfc . [(20160605 1927) ((emacs (24 3))) "Define context-free grammars for the BNFC tool" single ((:commit . "1b58df1dd0cb9b81900632fb2843a03b94f56fdb") (:authors ("Jacob Mitchell" . "jmitchell@member.fsf.org")) (:maintainer "Jacob Mitchell" . "jmitchell@member.fsf.org") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/jmitchell/bnfc-mode"))]) (bog . [(20201030 357) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Extensions for research notes in Org mode" single ((:commit . "af929c164c4ffaee0c33ba97c06733f0ce9431d4") (:authors ("Kyle Meyer" . "kyle@kyleam.com")) (:maintainer "Kyle Meyer" . "kyle@kyleam.com") (:keywords "bib" "outlines") (:url . "https://github.com/kyleam/bog"))]) (bolt-mode . [(20180310 810) ((emacs (24 3))) "Editing support for Bolt language" single ((:commit . "85a5a752bfbebb4aed884326c25db64c000e9934") (:authors ("Mikhail Pontus" . "mpontus@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mikhail Pontus" . "mpontus@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/mpontus/bolt-mode"))]) (bongo . [(20201002 1020) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "play music with Emacs" tar ((:commit . "9e9629090262bba6d0003dabe5a375e47a4477f1"))]) (bonjourmadame . [(20170919 1134) nil "Say \"Hello ma'am!\"" single ((:commit . "d3df185fce78aefa689fded8e56a654f0fde4ac0"))]) (boogie-friends . [(20210703 238) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 10 0)) (flycheck (0 23)) (yasnippet (0 9 0 1)) (company (0 8 12))) "A collection of programming modes for Boogie, Dafny, and Z3 (SMTLIB v2)." tar ((:commit . "1e3b6a8aee9fa7c113468838c5b647080caf3703") (:authors ("Clément Pit--Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit--Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/boogie-org/boogie-friends/"))]) (bool-flip . [(20161215 1539) ((emacs (24 3))) "flip the boolean under the point" single ((:commit . "f58a9a7b9ab875bcfbd57c8262697ae404eb4485") (:authors ("Michael Brandt" . "michaelbrandt5@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Michael Brandt" . "michaelbrandt5@gmail.com") (:keywords "boolean" "convenience" "usability") (:url . "http://github.com/michaeljb/bool-flip/"))]) (boon . [(20210518 1244) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 12 0)) (expand-region (0 10 0)) (multiple-cursors (1 3 0)) (pcre2el (1 8))) "Ergonomic Command Mode for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "db1cbdcdfb3ea246d0d0090534d998f7c9c19f4f"))]) (borg . [(20210618 2112) ((emacs (26)) (epkg (3 3 0)) (magit (3 0 0))) "assimilate Emacs packages as Git submodules" tar ((:commit . "6ea061f30065493e206132ff3f7a2d8febb859d0") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/emacscollective/borg"))]) (borland-blue-theme . [(20160117 1321) ((emacs (24 1))) "Blue/yellow theme based on old DOS Borland/Turbo C IDE" single ((:commit . "db74eefebbc89d3c62575f8f50b319e87b4a3470") (:authors ("Alexey Veretennikov ")) (:maintainer "Alexey Veretennikov ") (:keywords "themes") (:url . "http://github.com/fourier/borland-blue-theme"))]) (boron-theme . [(20170808 1308) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on Boron (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "87ae1a765e07429fec25d2f29b004f84b52d2e0a") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsfodder/tmtheme-to-deftheme"))]) (boxquote . [(20200727 1203) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Quote text with a semi-box." single ((:commit . "bdc6c84b9274b228dbc383a14abf9694157e869c") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "davep@davep.org")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . 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"https://github.com/ilya-babanov/emacs-bpr"))]) (bracketed-paste . [(20160407 2348) ((emacs (24 3))) "bracketed paste mode support within emacs -nw" single ((:commit . "843ce3bbb63d560face889e13a57a2f7543957d5") (:authors ("Takeshi Banse" . "takebi@laafc.net")) (:maintainer "Takeshi Banse" . "takebi@laafc.net") (:keywords "terminals"))]) (brainfuck-mode . [(20150113 842) ((langdoc (20130601 1450))) "Brainfuck mode for Emacs" single ((:commit . "36e69552bb3b97a4f888d362c59845651bd0d492") (:authors ("Tomoya Tanjo" . "ttanjo@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tomoya Tanjo" . "ttanjo@gmail.com") (:keywords "brainfuck" "langdoc") (:url . "https://github.com/tom-tan/brainfuck-mode/"))]) (brazilian-holidays . [(20210302 107) ((emacs (26))) "Brazilian holidays" single ((:commit . "68811fd5f3e9d9c0572995c3ca46ead2c35eb421") (:authors ("Jaguaraquem A. Reinaldo" . "jaguar.adler@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jaguaraquem A. Reinaldo" . "jaguar.adler@gmail.com") (:keywords "calendar" "holidays" "brazilian") (:url . "https://github.com/jadler/brazilian-holidays"))]) (brf . [(20210509 1534) ((fringe-helper (0 1 1)) (emacs (24 3))) "Add functionality from the editor Brief" tar ((:commit . "9e66643e1153133508bb1d63a21f3bd8f46908fd") (:authors ("Mike Woolley" . "mike@bulsara.com")) (:maintainer "Mike Woolley" . "mike@bulsara.com") (:keywords "brief" "crisp" "emulations") (:url . "https://bitbucket.org/MikeWoolley/brf-mode"))]) (brightscript-mode . [(20200321 2126) ((emacs (26 3))) "Major mode for editing Brightscript files" single ((:commit . "3b34032bdde6a37b4566c45ce93cb38da21d4965") (:authors ("Daniel Mircea" . "daniel@viseztrance.com")) (:maintainer nil . "daniel@viseztrance.com") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/viseztrance/brightscript-mode"))]) (broadcast . [(20151205 212) ((emacs (24 4))) "Links buffers together for simultaneous editing." single ((:commit . "f6f9cd2e0e3f8c31d6b8e7446c27eb0e50b25f16") (:authors ("Russell Black" . "killdash9@github")) (:maintainer "Russell Black" . "killdash9@github") (:keywords "convenience" "frames" "link" "cursors") (:url . "https://github.com/killdash9/broadcast.el"))]) (browse-at-remote . [(20210603 802) ((f (0 17 2)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Open github/gitlab/bitbucket/stash/gist/phab/sourcehut page from Emacs" single ((:commit . "cef26f2c063f2473af42d0e126c8613fe2f709e4") (:authors ("Rustem Muslimov" . "r.muslimov@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Rustem Muslimov" . "r.muslimov@gmail.com") (:keywords "github" "gitlab" "bitbucket" "gist" "stash" "phabricator" "sourcehut" "pagure") (:url . "https://github.com/rmuslimov/browse-at-remote"))]) (browse-kill-ring . [(20200210 921) nil "interactively insert items from kill-ring" single ((:commit . "c7a188a6148f6391b6926d25b9cf191d4a8b3f42") (:authors ("Colin Walters" . "walters@verbum.org")) (:maintainer "browse-kill-ring" . "browse-kill-ring@tonotdo.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/browse-kill-ring/browse-kill-ring"))]) (browse-url-dwim . [(20140731 1922) ((string-utils (0 3 2))) "Context-sensitive external browse URL or Internet search" single ((:commit . "3d611dbb167c286109ac53995ad68286d87aafb9") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com") (:keywords "hypermedia") (:url . "http://github.com/rolandwalker/browse-url-dwim"))]) (brutal-theme . [(20210226 1538) ((emacs (24 1))) "Brutalist theme" single ((:commit . "8173b7d041cccfa3e5bb3f3f85ec8c6109fd264b") (:authors ("Topi Kettunen" . "topi@kettunen.io")) (:maintainer "Topi Kettunen" . "topi@kettunen.io") (:url . "https://github.com/topikettunen/brutal-emacs"))]) (brutalist-theme . [(20181023 1222) nil "Brutalist theme" tar ((:commit . "6568844b83dc916a5d6aa69960cbc85ded5f7d73") (:authors ("Gergely Nagy")) (:maintainer "Gergely Nagy") (:url . "https://git.madhouse-project.org/algernon/brutalist-theme.el"))]) (bshell . [(20201219 139) ((emacs (26)) (buffer-manage (0 11))) "Manage and track multiple inferior shells" single ((:commit . "469c841f19f28c271b4f172b40f3f9ca830254df") (:authors ("Paul Landes")) (:maintainer "Paul Landes") (:keywords "unix" "interactive" "shell" "management") (:url . "https://github.com/plandes/bshell"))]) (btc-ticker . [(20151113 1459) ((json (1 2)) (request (0 2 0))) "Shows latest bitcoin price" single ((:commit . "845235b545f070d0812cd1654cbaa4997565824f") (:authors ("Jorge Niedbalski R." . "jnr@metaklass.org")) (:maintainer "Jorge Niedbalski R." . "jnr@metaklass.org") (:keywords "news"))]) (bts . [(20151109 1333) ((widget-mvc (0 0 2)) (log4e (0 3 0)) (yaxception (0 3 3)) (dash (2 9 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (pos-tip (0 4 5))) "A unified UI for various bug tracking systems" single ((:commit . "df42d58a36447697f93b56e69f5e700b2baef1f9") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . 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"1ef6f210f38c0686bc5b445b9704190f168f30ea") (:authors ("Joe HAKIM RAHME" . "joehakimrahme@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Joe HAKIM RAHME" . "joehakimrahme@gmail.com") (:keywords "arabic" "transliteration" "i18n") (:url . "https://github.com/joehakimrahme/buckwalter-arabic"))]) (buffer-buttons . [(20150106 1439) nil "Define, save, and load code-safe buttons in files for emacs" single ((:commit . "2feb8494fa7863b98256bc85da670d74a3a8a975") (:authors ("Ryan Pavlik" . "rpavlik@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ryan Pavlik" . "rpavlik@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/rpav/buffer-buttons"))]) (buffer-env . [(20210520 1616) ((emacs (27 1))) "Buffer-local process environments" single ((:commit . "32c1cfdf06dfa7bdbd79aba8066064212672e755") (:authors ("Augusto Stoffel" . "arstoffel@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Augusto Stoffel" . "arstoffel@gmail.com") (:keywords "processes" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/astoff/buffer-env"))]) (buffer-flip . 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"25c44a39742b21122e1e2adf1f6c5828148cd3ee") (:authors ("Mike Mattie" . "codermattie@gmail.com") ("Sid Kasivajhula" . "sid@countvajhula.com")) (:maintainer "Sid Kasivajhula" . "sid@countvajhula.com") (:url . "https://github.com/countvajhula/buffer-ring"))]) (buffer-sets . [(20170718 340) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Sets of Buffers for Buffer Management" single ((:commit . "bc84c2f79a33609cccf3c996101125859b2e26ab") (:authors ("Samuel W. Flint" . "swflint@flintfam.org")) (:maintainer "Samuel W. Flint" . "swflint@flintfam.org") (:keywords "buffer-management") (:url . "http://github.com/swflint/buffer-sets"))]) (buffer-utils . [(20140512 1400) nil "Buffer-manipulation utility functions" single ((:commit . "685b13457e3a2085b7584e41365d2aa0779a1b6f") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "http://github.com/rolandwalker/buffer-utils"))]) (buffer-watcher . 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"https://github.com/alphapapa/bufler.el"))]) (bufshow . [(20130726 1838) ((emacs (24 1))) "A simple presentation tool for Emacs." single ((:commit . "d60a554e7239e6f7520d9c3436d5ecdbc9cf6957") (:authors ("Peter Jones" . "pjones@pmade.com")) (:maintainer "Peter Jones" . "pjones@pmade.com") (:url . "https://github.com/pjones/bufshow"))]) (bug-reference-github . [(20200206 2158) nil "Set `bug-reference-url-format' in Github repos" tar ((:commit . "c9512a010f19633e69f1d4b1597eff7048b21112") (:authors ("Arne Jørgensen" . "arne@arnested.dk")) (:maintainer "Arne Jørgensen" . "arne@arnested.dk") (:keywords "programming" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/arnested/bug-reference-github"))]) (bui . [(20210108 1141) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Buffer interface library" tar ((:commit . "f3a137628e112a91910fd33c0cff0948fa58d470") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/alezost/bui.el"))]) (build-farm . [(20181218 2002) ((emacs (24 4)) (bui (1 2 1)) (magit-popup (2 1 0))) "Interface for Nix and Guix build farms (Hydra and Cuirass)" tar ((:commit . "5c268a3c235ace0d79ef1ec82c440120317e06f5") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/alezost-emacs/build-farm"))]) (build-helper . [(20161009 1755) ((projectile (0 9 0))) "Utilities to help build code" single ((:commit . "7a6fe71125a26ed1c492dab77cc688a7fe1d68ac") (:authors ("Afonso Bordado" . "afonsobordado@az8.co")) (:maintainer "Afonso Bordado" . "afonsobordado@az8.co") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "http://github.com/afonso360/build-helper"))]) (build-status . [(20190807 1231) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Mode line build status indicator" single ((:commit . "1a1d2473aa62f2fdda47d8bfeb9fe352d2579b48") (:authors ("Skye Shaw" . "skye.shaw@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Skye Shaw" . "skye.shaw@gmail.com") (:keywords "mode-line" "ci" "circleci" "travis-ci") (:url . "http://github.com/sshaw/build-status"))]) (bundler . [(20200129 1338) ((inf-ruby (2 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Interact with Bundler from Emacs" single ((:commit . "43efb6be4ed118b06d787ce7fbcffd68a31732a7") (:authors ("Tobias Svensson" . "tob@tobiassvensson.co.uk")) (:maintainer "Tobias Svensson" . "tob@tobiassvensson.co.uk") (:keywords "bundler" "ruby") (:url . "http://github.com/endofunky/bundler.el"))]) (burly . [(20210726 125) ((emacs (26 3)) (map (2 1))) "Save and restore frame/window configurations with buffers" tar ((:commit . "59fa9e92abdf1e730f8f3908d5a42852c10c5e2b") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/alphapapa/burly.el"))]) (burnt-toast . [(20201113 814) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 10)) (alert (1 2))) "Elisp integration with the BurntToast PowerShell module" tar ((:commit . "eed66036d65b0ee26ce02371d14dce16a360acb4") (:authors ("Sam Cedarbaum" . "scedarbaum@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sam Cedarbaum" . "scedarbaum@gmail.com") (:keywords "alert" "notifications" "powershell" "comm") (:url . "https://github.com/cedarbaum/burnt-toast.el"))]) (bury-successful-compilation . [(20181106 403) nil "Bury the *compilation* buffer after successful compilation" single ((:commit . "674644c844184605a1bb4f9487a60f7a780a6fe7") (:authors ("Eric Crosson" . "esc@ericcrosson.com")) (:maintainer "Eric Crosson" . "esc@ericcrosson.com") (:keywords "compilation"))]) (buster-mode . [(20140928 1213) nil "Minor mode to speed up development when writing tests with Buster.js" single ((:commit . "de6958ef8369400922618b8d1e99abfa91b97ac5") (:keywords "buster" "testing" "javascript"))]) (buster-snippets . [(20151125 1010) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for the Buster javascript testing framework" tar ((:commit . "bb8769dae132659858e74d52f3f4e8790399423a") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . 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"https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/emacs-buttercup"))]) (buttercup-junit . [(20190802 2258) ((emacs (24 3)) (buttercup (1 15))) "JUnit reporting for Buttercup" single ((:commit . "3ae4f84813c9e04e03a6e703990ca998b62b6deb") (:authors ("Ola Nilsson" . "ola.nilsson@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ola Nilsson" . "ola.nilsson@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "test" "unittest" "buttercup" "ci") (:url . "https://bitbucket.org/olanilsson/buttercup-junit"))]) (button-lock . [(20200309 1323) nil "Clickable text defined by regular expression" single ((:commit . "9afe0f4d05910b0cccc94cb6d4d880119f3b0528") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com") (:keywords "mouse" "button" "hypermedia" "extensions") (:url . "http://github.com/rolandwalker/button-lock"))]) (buttons . [(20201123 2333) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Define and visualize hierarchies of keymaps" single ((:commit . "de41b48244574a13000c4289fdb4216a2b0490ff") (:authors ("Ernesto Alfonso")) (:maintainer nil . "(concat \"erjoalgo\" \"@\" \"gmail\" \".com\")") (:keywords "keymap" "template" "snippet") (:url . "http://github.com/erjoalgo/emacs-buttons"))]) (c-c-combo . [(20151224 255) nil "Make stuff happen when you reach a target wpm" tar ((:commit . "a261a833499a7fdc29610863b3aafc74818770ba") (:authors ("Diego Berrocal" . "cestdiego@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Diego Berrocal" . "cestdiego@gmail.com") (:url . "https://www.github.com/CestDiego/c-c-combo.el"))]) (c-eldoc . [(20201004 2347) nil "helpful description of the arguments to C functions" single ((:commit . "f4ede1f37f6de583376669735326367d84a0a917") (:authors ("Nathaniel Flath" . "flat0103@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Nathaniel Flath" . "flat0103@gmail.com") (:url . "http://github.com/nflath/c-eldoc"))]) (c-eval . [(20210611 705) ((emacs (24 5))) "Compile and run one-off C code snippets" single ((:commit . "fd129bfcb75475ac6820cc33862bd8efb8097fae") (:authors ("Lassi Kortela" . "lassi@lassi.io")) (:maintainer "Lassi Kortela" . "lassi@lassi.io") (:keywords "c" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/lassik/emacs-c-eval"))]) (c0-mode . [(20151110 1852) nil "Major mode for editing C0 files" tar ((:commit . "c214093c36864d6208fcb9e6a72413ed17ed5d60") (:authors ("Jakob Max Uecker")) (:maintainer "Jakob Max Uecker") (:keywords "c0" "languages") (:url . "http://c0.typesafety.net/"))]) (ca65-mode . [(20210218 106) ((emacs (26 1))) "Major mode for ca65 assembly files" single ((:commit . "590d90cc0e1c1864dd7ce03df99b741ba866d52a") (:authors ("Wendel Scardua" . "wendel@scardua.net")) (:maintainer "Wendel Scardua" . "wendel@scardua.net") (:keywords "languages" "assembly" "ca65" "6502") (:url . "https://github.com/wendelscardua/ca65-mode"))]) (cabledolphin . [(20160204 938) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (1 0))) "capture Emacs network traffic" single ((:commit . "fffc192cafa61558e924323d6da8166fe5f2a6f9") (:authors ("Magnus Henoch" . "magnus.henoch@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Magnus Henoch" . "magnus.henoch@gmail.com") (:keywords "comm"))]) (cache . [(20111019 2300) nil "implementation of a hash table whose key-value pairs expire" single ((:commit . "7499586b6c8224df9f5c5bc4dec96b008258d580") (:authors ("Nathaniel Flath")) (:maintainer "Nathaniel Flath"))]) (cacoo . [(20120319 2359) ((concurrent (0 3 1))) "Minor mode for Cacoo : http://cacoo.com" tar ((:commit . "c9fa04fbe97639b24698709530361c2bb5f3273c") (:authors ("SAKURAI Masashi ")) (:maintainer "SAKURAI Masashi ") (:keywords "convenience" "diagram") (:url . "https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-cacoo/"))]) (caddyfile-mode . [(20181204 858) ((emacs (25)) (loop (1 3))) "Major mode for Caddy configuration files" single ((:commit . "976ad0664c3f44bfa11cb9b8787ddfb094d0a666") (:authors ("Thomas Jost" . "schnouki@schnouki.net")) (:maintainer "Thomas Jost" . "schnouki@schnouki.net") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/Schnouki/caddyfile-mode/"))]) (cake-inflector . [(20140415 858) ((s (1 9 0))) "Lazy porting CakePHP infrector.php to el" single ((:commit . "a1d338ec4840b1b1bc14f7f9298c07e2c1d2d8fc") (:authors ("k1LoW (Kenichirou Oyama), ")) (:maintainer "k1LoW (Kenichirou Oyama), ") (:url . "https://github.com/k1LoW/emacs-cake-inflector"))]) (cakecrumbs . [(20180929 139) ((emacs (24 4))) "Show parents on header for HTML/Jade/Sass/Stylus" single ((:commit . "cf8c1df885eee004602f73c4f841301e200e5850") (:authors ("ono hiroko ")) (:maintainer "ono hiroko ") (:keywords "languages" "html" "jade" "pug" "sass" "scss" "stylus") (:url . "https://github.com/kuanyui/cakecrumbs.el"))]) (cal-china-x . [(20200924 1837) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Chinese localization, lunar/horoscope/zodiac info and more..." tar ((:commit . "94005e678a1d2522b7a00299779f40c5c77286b8") (:authors ("William Xu" . "william.xwl@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "William Xu" . 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"https://github.com/beacoder/call-graph"))]) (calmer-forest-theme . [(20130926 510) nil "Darkish theme with green/orange tint" single ((:commit . "87ba7bae389084d13fe3bc34e0c923017eda6ba0") (:authors ("Artur Hefczyc, created 2003-04-18") ("David Caldwell" . "david@porkrind.org")) (:maintainer "Artur Hefczyc, created 2003-04-18") (:url . "https://github.com/caldwell/calmer-forest-theme"))]) (camcorder . [(20190317 2138) ((emacs (24)) (names (20150000)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Record screencasts in gif or other formats." single ((:commit . "b11ca61491a27681bb3131b72b51c105fd996bed") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "bruce.connor.am@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "bruce.connor.am@gmail.com") (:keywords "multimedia" "screencast") (:url . "http://github.com/Bruce-Connor/camcorder.el"))]) (caml . [(20190413 1205) nil "OCaml code editing commands for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "38ebde12d3d529e6ef8078967997d32226e69e82") (:authors ("Jacques Garrigue" . 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"https://github.com/HKey/caseformat"))]) (cask . [(20210801 1509) ((emacs (24 1)) (s (1 8 0)) (f (0 16 0)) (epl (0 5)) (shut-up (0 1 0)) (cl-lib (0 3)) (package-build (0)) (ansi (0 4 1))) "Cask: Project management for package development" tar ((:commit . "09c3851c118d2e850314e7f3b9efa786932a145b") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com") (:keywords "speed" "convenience") (:url . "http://github.com/cask/cask"))]) (cask-mode . [(20160410 1449) ((emacs (24 3))) "major mode for editing Cask files" single ((:commit . "7c6719d3bb4fe552958634bd5a11abc56681f3a7") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk"))]) (cask-package-toolset . [(20170921 2256) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 3)) (s (1 6 1)) (dash (1 8 0)) (f (0 10 0)) (commander (0 2 0)) (ansi (0 1 0)) (shut-up (0 1 0))) "Toolsettize your package" tar ((:commit . "2c74cd827e88c7f8360581a841e45f0b794510e7") (:authors ("Adrien Becchis" . "adriean.khisbe@live.fr")) (:maintainer "Adrien Becchis" . "adriean.khisbe@live.fr") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:url . "http://github.com/AdrieanKhisbe/cask-package-toolset.el"))]) (caskxy . [(20140513 1539) ((log4e (0 2 0)) (yaxception (0 1))) "Control Cask in Emacs" single ((:commit . "dc18dcab7ed526070ab76de071c9c5272e6ac40e") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/aki2o/caskxy"))]) (catmacs . [(20170826 1157) ((emacs (24))) "Simple CAT interface for Yaesu Transceivers." single ((:commit . "65d3e0563abe6ff9577202cf2278074d4130fbdd") (:authors ("Frank Singleton" . "b17flyboy@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Frank Singleton" . "b17flyboy@gmail.com") (:keywords "comm" "hardware") (:url . "https://bitbucket.org/pymaximus/catmacs"))]) (cbm . 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"614a8d94f67cdc1eeef8371f7b6b90aef8a78158") (:authors ("Carsten Dominik" . "carsten.dominik@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Carsten Dominik" . "carsten.dominik@gmail.com") (:keywords "tex"))]) (cdnjs . [(20161031 1522) ((dash (2 13 0)) (deferred (0 4)) (f (0 17 2)) (pkg-info (0 5))) "A front end for http://cdnjs.com" single ((:commit . "ce19880d3ec3d81e6c665d0b1dfea99cc7a3f908") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/yasuyk/cdnjs.el"))]) (cedit . [(20200816 526) nil "paredit-like commands for c-like languages" single ((:commit . "cb38316903e6cfa8b8c978defa7e1dafcd4e0c12") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . "http://zk-phi.gitub.io/"))]) (celery . [(20170225 924) ((emacs (24)) (dash-functional (2 11 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (deferred (0 3 2))) "a minor mode to draw stats from celery and more?" single ((:commit . "51197d74f5eaa8ae09144af7663a2f4277f07d16") (:authors ("ardumont" . "eniotna.t@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "ardumont" . "eniotna.t@gmail.com") (:keywords "celery" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/ardumont/emacs-celery"))]) (celestial-mode-line . [(20180518 822) ((emacs (24))) "Show lunar phase and sunrise/-set time in modeline" single ((:commit . "3f5794aca99b977f1592cf1ab4516ae7922196a1") (:authors ("Peter" . "craven@gmx.net")) (:maintainer "Peter" . "craven@gmx.net") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/ecraven/celestial-mode-line"))]) (centaur-tabs . [(20210507 1633) ((emacs (24 4)) (powerline (2 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Aesthetic, modern looking customizable tabs plugin" tar ((:commit . "9c7c936e4e1de6f4f4095d70e43c9ae738d05086") (:authors ("Emmanuel Bustos" . "ema2159@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Emmanuel Bustos" . "ema2159@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/ema2159/centaur-tabs"))]) (centered-cursor-mode . [(20200507 1529) nil "cursor stays vertically centered" single ((:commit . "4093821cc9759ca5a3c6e527d4cc915fc3a5ad74") (:authors ("André Riemann" . "andre.riemann@web.de")) (:maintainer "André Riemann" . "andre.riemann@web.de") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/andre-r/centered-cursor-mode.el"))]) (centered-window . [(20200426 1053) ((emacs (24 4))) "Center the text when there's only one window" single ((:commit . "f50859941ab5c7cbeaee410f2d38716252b552ac") (:authors ("Anler Hernández Peral" . "inbox+emacs@anler.me")) (:maintainer "Anler Hernández Peral" . "inbox+emacs@anler.me") (:keywords "faces" "windows") (:url . "https://github.com/anler/centered-window-mode"))]) (centimacro . [(20201225 1132) nil "Assign multiple macros as global key bindings" single ((:commit . "0149877584b333c4f1953f0767f0cae23881b0df") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com") (:keywords "macros") (:url . "https://github.com/abo-abo/centimacro"))]) (cerbere . [(20181113 1641) ((pkg-info (0 5))) "Unit testing in Emacs for several programming languages" tar ((:commit . "c667c165d9c1657f13d2d46f09ba21b61f9402cc") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "nicolas.lamirault@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "nicolas.lamirault@gmail.com") (:keywords "python" "go" "php" "phpunit" "elisp" "ert" "tests" "tdd") (:url . "https://github.com/nlamirault/cerbere"))]) (ceylon-mode . [(20180606 1324) ((emacs (25))) "Major mode for editing Ceylon source code" single ((:commit . "948515672bc596dc118e8e3ede3ede5ec6a3c95a") (:authors ("Lucas Werkmeister" . "mail@lucaswerkmeister.de")) (:maintainer "Lucas Werkmeister" . "mail@lucaswerkmeister.de") (:keywords "languages" "ceylon") (:url . "https://github.com/lucaswerkmeister/ceylon-mode"))]) (cfengine-code-style . [(20171115 2108) nil "C code style for CFEngine project." single ((:commit . "e1f2e64b4d65238b2b3c21bd72bbc324da69bb8c") (:authors ("Mikhail Gusarov" . "mikhail.gusarov@cfengine.com")) (:maintainer "Mikhail Gusarov" . "mikhail.gusarov@cfengine.com") (:url . "https://github.com/cfengine/core"))]) (cff . [(20160118 2018) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "Search of the C/C++ file header by the source and vice versa" single ((:commit . "b6ab2a28e64ef06f281ec74cfe3114e450644dfa") (:authors ("Alexey Veretennikov" . "alexey.veretennikov@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alexey Veretennikov" . "alexey.veretennikov@gmail.com") (:keywords "find-file") (:url . "https://github.com/fourier/cff"))]) (cfml-mode . [(20190617 1130) ((emacs (25))) "Emacs mode for editing CFML files" single ((:commit . "2de315abddb6af088a2346e142cc305889dcd775") (:authors ("Andrew Myers" . "am2605@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Andrew Myers" . "am2605@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/am2605/cfml-mode"))]) (cfn-mode . 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"https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/cfrs"))]) (cg . [(20201211 1238) ((emacs (24 3))) "major mode for editing Constraint Grammar files" single ((:commit . "6e0ad3007ab39e8438baaf87bde11aa72c6606f2") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer@fsfe.org")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer@fsfe.org") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://visl.sdu.dk/constraint_grammar.html"))]) (challenger-deep-theme . [(20210120 941) ((emacs (24))) "challenger-deep Theme" single ((:commit . "2a799259406a8b96a688873093ffab6630a3ad3b") (:authors ("MaxSt")) (:maintainer "MaxSt") (:url . "https://github.com/challenger-deep-theme/emacs"))]) (change-inner . [(20210126 1456) ((expand-region (0 7))) "Change contents based on semantic units" single ((:commit . "42cad58aed2caec260f8e8ff61f78a7d3db72d1b") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "extensions"))]) (chapel-mode . 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"524ba9592fc7095209e380392915b376f75bec00") (:authors ("contrapunctus" . "xmpp:contrapunctus@jabjab.de")) (:maintainer "contrapunctus" . "xmpp:contrapunctus@jabjab.de") (:keywords "calendar") (:url . "https://tildegit.org/contrapunctus/chronometrist"))]) (chronos . [(20150602 1529) nil "multiple simultaneous countdown / countup timers" tar ((:commit . "b360d9dae57aa553cf2a14ffa0756a51ad71de09") (:authors ("David Knight" . "dxknight@opmbx.org")) (:maintainer "David Knight" . "dxknight@opmbx.org") (:keywords "calendar") (:url . "http://github.com/dxknight/chronos"))]) (chruby . [(20180114 1652) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Emacs integration for chruby" single ((:commit . "42bc6d521f832eca8e2ba210f30d03ad5529788f") (:authors ("Arne Brasseur" . "arne@arnebrasseur.net")) (:maintainer "Arne Brasseur" . "arne@arnebrasseur.net") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/plexus/chruby.el"))]) (chyla-theme . [(20180302 1658) nil "chyla.org - green color theme." single ((:commit . "ae5e7ecace2ab474151eb0ac5ef07fba2dc32f8a") (:authors ("Adam Chyła" . "adam@chyla.org")) (:maintainer "Adam Chyła" . "adam@chyla.org") (:url . "https://github.com/chyla/ChylaThemeForEmacs"))]) (cider . [(20210729 521) ((emacs (25)) (clojure-mode (5 12)) (parseedn (0 2)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (queue (0 2)) (spinner (1 7)) (seq (2 22)) (sesman (0 3 2))) "Clojure Interactive Development Environment that Rocks" tar ((:commit . "dd4669b454f887350bbad7c3066621a270d21b13") (:authors ("Tim King" . "kingtim@gmail.com") ("Phil Hagelberg" . "technomancy@gmail.com") ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.com") ("Artur Malabarba" . "bruce.connor.am@gmail.com") ("Hugo Duncan" . "hugo@hugoduncan.org") ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.com") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider") (:url . "http://www.github.com/clojure-emacs/cider"))]) (cider-decompile . [(20151122 537) ((cider (0 3 0)) (javap-mode (9))) "decompilation extension for cider" single ((:commit . "5d87035f3c3c14025e8f01c0c53d0ce2c8f56651") (:authors ("Dmitry Bushenko")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Bushenko") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider") (:url . "http://www.github.com/clojure-emacs/cider-decompile"))]) (cider-eval-sexp-fu . [(20190311 2152) ((emacs (24)) (eval-sexp-fu (0 5 0))) "Briefly highlights an evaluated sexp." single ((:commit . "7fd229f1441356866aedba611fd0cf4e89b50921") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "sylvain.benner@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "sylvain.benner@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider"))]) (cider-hydra . [(20190816 1121) ((cider (0 22 0)) (hydra (0 13 0))) "Hydras for CIDER." single ((:commit . "c3b8a15d72dddfbc390ab6a454bd7e4c765a2c95") (:authors ("Tianxiang Xiong" . "tianxiang.xiong@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tianxiang Xiong" . "tianxiang.xiong@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/clojure-emacs/cider-hydra"))]) (ciel . [(20180914 815) ((emacs (24))) "A command that is clone of \"ci\" in vim." single ((:commit . "429773a3c551691a463ecfddd634b8bae2f48503") (:authors ("Takuma Matsushita" . "cs14095@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Takuma Matsushita" . "cs14095@gmail.com") (:keywords "convinience") (:url . "https://github.com/cs14095/ciel.el"))]) (cil-mode . [(20160622 1430) nil "Common Intermediate Language mode" single ((:commit . "a78a88ca9a66a82f069329a96e34b67478ae2d9b") (:authors ("Friedrich von Never" . "friedrich@fornever.me")) (:maintainer "Friedrich von Never" . "friedrich@fornever.me") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/ForNeVeR/cil-mode"))]) (cinspect . [(20150716 233) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (deferred (0 3 1)) (python-environment (0 0 2))) "Use cinspect to look at the CPython source of builtins and other C objects!" single ((:commit . "4e199a90f89b335cccda1518aa0963e0a1d4fbab") (:authors ("Ben Yelsey" . "ben.yelsey@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ben Yelsey" . "ben.yelsey@gmail.com") (:keywords "python") (:url . "https://github.com/inlinestyle/cinspect-mode"))]) (circadian . [(20181024 1256) ((emacs (24 4))) "Theme-switching based on daytime" single ((:commit . "925451a00e6defd4f5ac1a7fd76ffefefdbce3ef") (:authors ("Guido Schmidt")) (:maintainer "Guido Schmidt" . "git@guidoschmidt.cc") (:keywords "themes") (:url . "https://github.com/GuidoSchmidt/circadian"))]) (circe . [(20210717 1041) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Client for IRC in Emacs" tar ((:commit . "77e16de3b9fbaa0417b56a9acc70a9bca17c4ad0") (:authors ("Jorgen Schaefer" . "forcer@forcix.cx")) (:maintainer "Jorgen Schaefer" . "forcer@forcix.cx") (:keywords "irc" "chat" "comm") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-circe/circe"))]) (circe-notifications . [(20180102 2318) ((emacs (24 4)) (circe (2 3)) (alert (1 2))) "Add desktop notifications to Circe." single ((:commit . "291149ac12877bbd062da993479d3533a26862b0") (:authors ("Ruben Maher" . "r@rkm.id.au")) (:maintainer "Ruben Maher" . "r@rkm.id.au") (:url . "https://github.com/eqyiel/circe-notifications"))]) (circleci-api . [(20210227 1607) ((emacs (27)) (request (0 3 2))) "Bindings for the CircleCI API" single ((:commit . "2e39c5896819bb2063f9d7795c4299f419cf5542") (:authors ("Robin Schroer")) (:maintainer "Robin Schroer") (:url . "https://github.com/sulami/circleci-api"))]) (citeproc . [(20210803 1033) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (f (0 18 0)) (queue (0 2)) (string-inflection (1 0)) (org (9)) (parsebib (2 4))) "A CSL 1.0.1 Citation Processor" tar ((:commit . "bea4b2224176495b9b7bf30541566fda19165aa7") (:authors ("András Simonyi" . "andras.simonyi@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "András Simonyi" . "andras.simonyi@gmail.com") (:keywords "bib") (:url . "https://github.com/andras-simonyi/citeproc-el"))]) (citeproc-org . [(20200915 2009) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 12 0)) (org (9)) (f (0 18 0)) (citeproc (0 1)) (org-ref (1 1 1))) "Render org-mode references in CSL styles" tar ((:commit . "0fb4c96f48b3055a59a397af24d3f1a82cf77b66") (:authors ("András Simonyi" . "andras.simonyi@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "András Simonyi" . "andras.simonyi@gmail.com") (:keywords "org-ref" "org-mode" "cite" "bib") (:url . "https://github.com/andras-simonyi/citeproc-org"))]) (citre . [(20210802 1843) ((emacs (26 1))) "Ctags IDE on the True Editor" tar ((:commit . "4e0ff7c28145bea0a071399bdbeca79e85feb59c") (:authors ("Hao Wang" . "amaikinono@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hao Wang" . "amaikinono@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/universal-ctags/citre"))]) (cl-format . [(20160413 45) nil "CL format routine." tar ((:commit . "4380cb8009c47cc6d9098b383082b93b1aefa460") (:authors ("Andreas Politz" . "politza@fh-trier.de")) (:maintainer "Andreas Politz" . "politza@fh-trier.de") (:keywords "extensions"))]) (cl-libify . [(20181130 230) ((emacs (25))) "Update elisp code to use cl-lib instead of cl" single ((:commit . "f215866d7d7c52e84220cd541f40608a5b85abf0") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/cl-libify"))]) (clang-capf . [(20210707 1127) ((emacs (24 4))) "Completion-at-point backend for c/c++ using clang" single ((:commit . "258863d5cd77d2c9d07cc5dfa41b20db22a178f7") (:authors ("Philip K. ")) (:maintainer "Philip K. ") (:keywords "c" "abbrev" "convenience") (:url . "https://git.sr.ht/~pkal/clang-capf"))]) (clang-format . [(20191106 950) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Format code using clang-format" single ((:commit . "e48ff8ae18dc7ab6118c1f6752deb48cb1fc83ac") (:keywords "tools" "c"))]) (clang-format+ . [(20190824 2216) ((emacs (25 1)) (clang-format (20180406 1514))) "Minor mode for automatic clang-format application" single ((:commit . "ddd4bfe1a13c2fd494ce339a320a51124c1d2f68") (:keywords "c" "c++" "clang-format") (:url . "https://github.com/SavchenkoValeriy/emacs-clang-format-plus"))]) (clean-aindent-mode . [(20171017 2043) nil "Simple indent and unindent, trims indent white-space" single ((:commit . "a97bcae8f43a9ff64e95473e4ef0d8bafe829211") (:authors ("peter marinov" . "efravia@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "peter marinov" . "efravia@gmail.com") (:keywords "indentation" "whitespace" "backspace") (:url . "https://github.com/pmarinov/clean-aindent-mode"))]) (clean-buffers . [(20160529 2259) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "clean useless buffers" single ((:commit . "1be6c54e3095761b6b64bf749faae3dfce94e72a") (:authors ("DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "usability" "buffers"))]) (clear-text . [(20160406 2043) nil "Make you use clear text" tar ((:commit . "b50669b6077d6948f72cb3c649281d206e0c2f2b") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "xuchunyang56@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "xuchunyang56@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/clear-text.el"))]) (clevercss . [(20131229 155) nil "A major mode for editing CleverCSS files" single ((:commit . "b8a3c0dd674367c62b1a1ffec84d88fe0c0219bc") (:authors ("Joe Schafer" . "joesmoe10@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Joe Schafer" . "joesmoe10@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "css"))]) (clhs . [(20210428 1911) nil "Access the Common Lisp HyperSpec (CLHS)" single ((:commit . "7b106c4fb5a6388ab753f94740f6dfadcdeedcbb") (:maintainer "Sam Steingold" . "sds@gnu.org") (:keywords "lisp" "common lisp" "emacs" "ansi cl" "hyperspec") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/sam-s/clhs"))]) (click-mode . [(20180611 44) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for the Click Modular Router Project" single ((:commit . "b94ea8cce89cf0e753b2ab915202d49ffc470fb6") (:authors ("Brian Malehorn" . "bmalehorn@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Brian Malehorn" . "bmalehorn@gmail.com") (:keywords "click" "router") (:url . "https://github.com/bmalehorn/click-mode"))]) (clipetty . [(20200327 2241) ((emacs (25 1))) "Send every kill from a TTY frame to the system clipboard" single ((:commit . "01b39044b9b65fa4ea7d3166f8b1ffab6f740362") (:authors ("Mike Hamrick" . "mikeh@muppetlabs.com")) (:maintainer "Mike Hamrick" . "mikeh@muppetlabs.com") (:keywords "terminals" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/spudlyo/clipetty"))]) (cliphist . [(20210803 57) ((emacs (25 1))) "paste from clipboard managers" tar ((:commit . "caa2f10eeb1665081ad163f31d9a4c7f72d504b2") (:authors ("Chen Bin ")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin ") (:keywords "clipboard" "manager" "history") (:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/cliphist"))]) (clipmon . [(20180129 1054) nil "Clipboard monitor - watch system clipboard, add changes to kill ring/autoinsert" tar ((:commit . "95dc56c7ed84a654ec90f4740eb6df1050de8cf1") (:authors ("Brian Burns" . "bburns.km@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Brian Burns" . "bburns.km@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/bburns/clipmon"))]) (clippy . [(20161028 1954) ((pos-tip (1 0))) "Show tooltip with function documentation at point" single ((:commit . "e77f6b63e54d74e243be98accad474e38f7e2a86") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "docs") (:url . "https://github.com/Fuco1/clippy.el"))]) (clips-mode . [(20170909 823) nil "Major mode for editing CLIPS code and REPL" tar ((:commit . "dd38e2822640a38f7d8bfec4f69d8dd24be27074") (:authors ("David E. Young" . "david.young@fnc.fujitsu.com") ("Andrey Kotlarski" . "m00naticus@gmail.com") ("Grant Rettke" . "grettke@acm.org")) (:maintainer "Grant Rettke" . "grettke@acm.org") (:keywords "clips"))]) (clj-decompiler . [(20201004 1019) ((emacs (26 1)) (clojure-mode (5 12)) (cider (0 18 0))) "Clojure Java decompiler expansion" single ((:commit . "f04e97af2678f170b872ff35dcbe81f86f7c39f2") (:authors ("Ben Sless" . "ben.sless@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ben Sless" . "ben.sless@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider" "java" "decompiler") (:url . "https://www.github.com/bsless/clj-decompiler.el"))]) (clj-refactor . [(20210628 1154) ((emacs (25 1)) (seq (2 19)) (yasnippet (0 6 1)) (paredit (24)) (multiple-cursors (1 2 2)) (clojure-mode (5 9)) (cider (1 0)) (parseedn (0 2)) (inflections (2 3)) (hydra (0 13 2))) "A collection of commands for refactoring Clojure code" tar ((:commit . "466822ff6f9da584f7cf72c868017b8840574dbd") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com") ("Lars Andersen" . "expez@expez.com") ("Benedek Fazekas" . "benedek.fazekas@gmail.com") ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.com")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "clojure" "cider"))]) (cljr-helm . [(20160913 828) ((clj-refactor (0 13 0)) (helm-core (1 7 7)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Wraps clojure refactor commands with helm" single ((:commit . "f2fc7b698a56e4a44d5dfbc6a55d77a93c0fa9a4") (:authors ("Phil Jackson" . "phil@shellarchive.co.uk")) (:maintainer "Phil Jackson" . "phil@shellarchive.co.uk") (:keywords "helm" "clojure" "refactor") (:url . "https://github.com/philjackson/cljr-helm"))]) (cljr-ivy . [(20200602 1607) ((clj-refactor (2 5 0)) (ivy (0 13 0)) (emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 6 1))) "Access clojure refactor with ivy completion" single ((:commit . "921ba65d0db7cda4edcd690c708946125b874a70") (:authors ("Wanderson Ferreira" . "iagwanderson@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Wanderson Ferreira" . "iagwanderson@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/wandersoncferreira/cljr-ivy"))]) (cljsbuild-mode . [(20160402 1700) nil "A minor mode for the ClojureScript 'lein cljsbuild' command" single ((:commit . "fa2315660cb3ce944b5e16c679dcf5afd6a97f4c") (:keywords "clojure" "clojurescript" "leiningen" "compilation") (:url . "http://github.com/kototama/cljsbuild-mode"))]) (clmemo . [(20160326 1623) nil "Change Log MEMO" tar ((:commit . "846a81b984d71edf8278a4d9f9b886e44d5b8365") (:authors ("Masayuki Ataka" . "masayuki.ataka@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Masayuki Ataka" . "masayuki.ataka@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/ataka/clmemo"))]) (cloc . [(20170728 1824) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "count lines of code over emacs buffers" single ((:commit . "f30f0472e465cc8d433d2473e9d3b8dfe2c94491") (:authors ("Danny McClanahan" . "danieldmcclanahan@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Danny McClanahan" . "danieldmcclanahan@gmail.com") (:keywords "cloc" "count" "source" "code" "lines") (:url . "https://github.com/cosmicexplorer/cloc-emacs"))]) (clocker . [(20190214 1833) ((projectile (0 11 0)) (dash (2 10)) (spaceline (2 0 1))) "Note taker and clock-in enforcer" single ((:commit . "c4d76968a49287ce3bac0832bb5d5d076054c96f") (:authors ("Roman Gonzalez" . "romanandreg@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Roman Gonzalez" . "romanandreg@gmail.com") (:keywords "org"))]) (clojars . [(20180825 1951) ((request-deferred (0 2 0))) "clojars.org search interface" single ((:commit . "696c5b056e45067512a7d6dcce2515f3c639f61b") (:authors ("Joshua Miller" . "josh@joshmiller.io")) (:maintainer "Joshua Miller" . "josh@joshmiller.io") (:keywords "docs" "help" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/joshuamiller/clojars.el"))]) (clojure-essential-ref . [(20200619 1653) ((emacs (24)) (cider (0 24 0))) "Cider-doc to \"Clojure, The Essential Reference\"" single ((:commit . "13ac560c25f7355fba00d9ca8c9f4ca03e7fd189") (:url . "https://github.com/p3r7/clojure-essential-ref"))]) (clojure-essential-ref-nov . [(20200719 608) ((emacs (24)) (dash (2 16 0)) (nov (0 3 1)) (clojure-essential-ref (0 1 0))) "Cider-doc to \"Clojure, The Essential Reference\" (EPUB)" single ((:commit . "13ac560c25f7355fba00d9ca8c9f4ca03e7fd189") (:url . "https://github.com/p3r7/clojure-essential-ref"))]) (clojure-mode . [(20210706 1318) ((emacs (25 1))) "Major mode for Clojure code" single ((:commit . "ba59133b8ebdd98fdd282d21514dc718d600568a") (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.com") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "clojurescript" "lisp") (:url . "http://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-mode"))]) (clojure-mode-extra-font-locking . [(20210322 704) ((clojure-mode (3 0))) "Extra font-locking for Clojure mode" single ((:commit . "ba59133b8ebdd98fdd282d21514dc718d600568a") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.com")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.com") (:keywords "languages" "lisp") (:url . "http://github.com/clojure-emacs/clojure-mode"))]) (clojure-quick-repls . [(20150814 736) ((cider (0 8 1)) (dash (2 9 0))) "Quickly create Clojure and ClojureScript repls for a project." single ((:commit . "730311dd3ac4e0aceb0204f818b422017873467f") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider" "clojurescript") (:url . "https://github.com/symfrog/clojure-quick-repls"))]) (clojure-snippets . [(20180314 1308) ((yasnippet (0 10 0))) "Yasnippets for clojure" tar ((:commit . "6068dca90467a0f4ebc2cd39338a173d6f5ddc04") (:authors ("Max Penet" . "m@qbits.cc")) (:maintainer "Max Penet" . "m@qbits.cc") (:keywords "snippets"))]) (clomacs . [(20201224 1358) ((emacs (24 3)) (cider (0 22 1)) (s (1 12 0)) (simple-httpd (1 4 6))) "Simplifies Emacs Lisp interaction with Clojure." single ((:commit . "ffcb122194507593815d67b26f5d2d8ffcc52bf8") (:authors ("Kostafey" . "kostafey@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Kostafey" . "kostafey@gmail.com") (:keywords "clojure" "interaction") (:url . "https://github.com/clojure-emacs/clomacs"))]) (closql . [(20210616 1951) ((emacs (25 1)) (emacsql-sqlite (3 0 0))) "store EIEIO objects using EmacSQL" single ((:commit . "e2687e7ff958a19e6e5d6552c4e0b7b33c424bab") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/emacscollective/closql"))]) (closure-lint-mode . [(20101118 2124) nil "minor mode for the Closure Linter" single ((:commit . "bc3d2fd5c35580bf1b8af43b12484c95a343b4b5") (:authors ("Roman Scherer" . "roman@burningswell.com")) (:maintainer "Roman Scherer" . "roman@burningswell.com") (:keywords "tools" "closure" "javascript" "lint" "flymake") (:url . "https://github.com/r0man/closure-lint-mode"))]) (cloud-theme . [(20200221 2201) ((emacs (24))) "A light colored theme" single ((:commit . "bdac53baf1c38f83a16091db515047f7d42dac14") (:authors ("Valerii Lysenko" . "vallyscode@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Valerii Lysenko" . "vallyscode@gmail.com") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:url . "https://github.com/vallyscode/cloud-theme"))]) (cloud-to-butt-erc . [(20130627 2308) nil "Replace 'the cloud' with 'my butt'" single ((:commit . "6710c03d1bc91736435cbfe845924940cae34e5c") (:authors ("David Leatherman" . "leathekd@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "David Leatherman" . "leathekd@gmail.com") (:url . "http://www.github.com/leathekd/cloud-to-butt-erc"))]) (clues-theme . [(20161213 1127) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme which may well be fully awesome..." single ((:commit . "abd61f2b7f3e98de58ca26e6d1230e70c6406cc7") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "jasonm23@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "jasonm23@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-clues-theme"))]) (cm-mode . [(20170203 2107) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Minor mode for CriticMarkup" single ((:commit . "276d49c859822265070ae5dfbb403fd7d8d06436") (:authors ("Joost Kremers" . "joostkremers@fastmail.fm")) (:maintainer "Joost Kremers" . "joostkremers@fastmail.fm") (:keywords "text" "markdown"))]) (cmake-font-lock . [(20210103 1558) ((cmake-mode (0 0))) "Advanced, type aware, highlight support for CMake" single ((:commit . "5e20ed32193c2c7ebae920a6a3cd711c8c950597") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:keywords "faces" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/Lindydancer/cmake-font-lock"))]) (cmake-ide . [(20210610 1525) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (seq (1 11)) (levenshtein (0)) (s (1 11 0))) "Calls CMake to find out include paths and other compiler flags" single ((:commit . "28dc4ab5bd01d99553901b4efeb7234280928b18") (:authors ("Atila Neves" . "atila.neves@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Atila Neves" . "atila.neves@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "http://github.com/atilaneves/cmake-ide"))]) (cmake-mode . [(20210104 1831) ((emacs (24 1))) "major-mode for editing CMake sources" single ((:commit . "affd8b09e68e0e64ab391f11a26e58ba439c39fb"))]) (cmake-project . [(20171121 1115) nil "Integrates CMake build process with Emacs" single ((:commit . "a7cf9e4c01c4683e14b6942cc5cc5e8cddc98721") (:authors ("Alexander Lamaison" . "alexander.lamaison@gmail")) (:maintainer "Alexander Lamaison" . "alexander.lamaison@gmail") (:keywords "c" "cmake" "languages" "tools") (:url . "http://github.com/alamaison/emacs-cmake-project"))]) (cmd-to-echo . [(20161203 2133) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (1 11 0)) (shell-split-string (20151224 208))) "Show the output of long-running commands in the echo area" single ((:commit . "e0e874fc0e1ad6d291e39ed76023445297ad438a") (:authors ("Tijs Mallaerts" . "tijs.mallaerts@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tijs Mallaerts" . "tijs.mallaerts@gmail.com"))]) (cmm-mode . [(20150225 746) nil "Major mode for C-- source code" single ((:commit . "c3ad514dff3eb30434f6b20d953276d4c00de1ee"))]) (cnfonts . [(20200824 240) ((emacs (24))) "A simple Chinese fonts config tool" tar ((:commit . "b967605d571d827c1cb041c174fb363985758729") (:authors ("Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com") (:keywords "convenience" "chinese" "font") (:url . "https://github.com/tumashu/cnfonts"))]) (cobalt . [(20180304 1155) ((emacs (24))) "Easily use the Cobalt.rs static site generator" single ((:commit . "634ace275697e188746ca22a30ff94380ec756be") (:authors ("Juan Karlo Licudine" . "accidentalrebel@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Juan Karlo Licudine" . "accidentalrebel@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/cobalt-org/cobalt.el"))]) (cobra-mode . [(20140116 2116) nil "Major mode for .NET-based Cobra language" single ((:commit . "acd6e53f6286af5176471d01f25257e5ddb6dd01") (:authors ("Taylor \"Nekroze\" Lawson")) (:maintainer "Taylor \"Nekroze\" Lawson") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "http://github.com/Nekroze/cobra-mode"))]) (codcut . [(20190915 1009) nil "Share pieces of code to Codcut" single ((:commit . "7ca7db69e8c38ec45eb572ad16ab2b56086f2131") (:authors ("Diego Pasquali" . "hello@dgopsq.space")) (:maintainer "Diego Pasquali" . "hello@dgopsq.space") (:keywords "comm" "tools" "codcut" "share") (:url . "https://github.com/codcut/codcut-emacs"))]) (code-archive . [(20190612 308) ((emacs (24 3))) "git supported code archive and reference for org-mode" single ((:commit . "1ad9af6679d0294c3056eab9cad673f29c562721") (:authors ("Michael Schuldt" . "mbschuldt@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Michael Schuldt" . "mbschuldt@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/mschuldt/code-archive"))]) (code-cells . [(20210612 755) ((emacs (27 1))) "Work with code split into cells, including Jupyter notebooks" single ((:commit . "1bd650391a6fe84eb267f2534a0750ea1b5549f4") (:authors ("Augusto Stoffel" . "arstoffel@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Augusto Stoffel" . "arstoffel@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "outlines") (:url . "https://github.com/astoff/code-cells.el"))]) (code-library . [(20160426 1218) ((gist (1 3 1))) "use org-mode to collect code snippets" single ((:commit . "32d59c5c845d6dbdda18f9bd1c03a58d55417fc5") (:authors ("DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp" "code"))]) (code-stats . [(20201209 2135) ((emacs (25)) (request (0 3 0))) "Code::Stats plugin" single ((:commit . "9a467dfd6a3cef849468623e1c085cbf59dac154") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang" . "mail@xuchunyang.me")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang" . "mail@xuchunyang.me") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/code-stats-emacs"))]) (codebug . [(20140929 2137) nil "Interact with codebug" single ((:commit . "ac0e4331ba94ccb5203fa492570e1ca6b90c3d52") (:authors ("Shane Dowling")) (:maintainer "Shane Dowling") (:url . "http://www.shanedowling.com/"))]) (codesearch . [(20181006 1431) ((log4e (0 3 1))) "Core support for managing codesearch tools" tar ((:commit . "f6eb96f034a925444412cfa03e45e0ccbbafe3f2") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "austin.bingham@gmail.com") ("Youngjoo Lee" . "youngker@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "austin.bingham@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "development" "search") (:url . "https://github.com/abingham/emacs-codesearch"))]) (codic . [(20150926 1127) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Search Codic (codic.jp) naming dictionaries" tar ((:commit . "52bbb6997ef4ab9fb7fea43bbfff7f04671aa557") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-codic"))]) (coffee-fof . [(20131012 1230) ((coffee-mode (0 4 1))) "A coffee-mode configuration for `ff-find-other-file'." single ((:commit . "211529594bc074721c6cbc4edb73a63cc05f89ac") (:authors ("Yasuyki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yasuyki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:keywords "coffee-mode") (:url . "http://github.com/yasuyk/coffee-fof"))]) (coffee-mode . [(20200315 1133) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for CoffeeScript code" single ((:commit . "35a41c7d8233eac0b267d9593e67fb8b6235e134") (:authors ("Chris Wanstrath" . "chris@ozmm.org")) (:maintainer "Chris Wanstrath" . "chris@ozmm.org") (:keywords "coffeescript" "major" "mode") (:url . "http://github.com/defunkt/coffee-mode"))]) (coin-ticker . [(20170611 727) ((request (0 3 0)) (emacs (25))) "Show a cryptocurrency price ticker" single ((:commit . "9efab90fe4e6f29464af14e0d8fd1e20c0147b80") (:authors ("Evan Klitzke" . "evan@eklitzke.org")) (:maintainer "Evan Klitzke" . "evan@eklitzke.org") (:keywords "news") (:url . "https://github.com/eklitzke/coin-ticker-mode"))]) (colemak-evil . [(20200326 2359) ((evil (20170323 1140))) "Colemak-friendly keybindings for Evil." single ((:commit . "981bdcb1a48c6d9139493abe7e25fabe126e43c3") (:authors ("Patrick Brinich-Langlois" . "pbrinichlanglois@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Patrick Brinich-Langlois" . "pbrinichlanglois@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/patbl/colemak-evil"))]) (colonoscopy-theme . [(20170808 1309) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on Colonoscopy (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "64bbb322b13dae91ce9f1e3581f836f94f800ead") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsfodder/tmtheme-to-deftheme"))]) (color-identifiers-mode . [(20210607 1842) ((dash (2 5 0)) (emacs (24))) "Color identifiers based on their names" single ((:commit . "fa42b60f9e84995a8109a49798c0b4c618fc1ed3") (:authors ("Ankur Dave" . "ankurdave@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ankur Dave" . "ankurdave@gmail.com") (:keywords "faces" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/ankurdave/color-identifiers-mode"))]) (color-moccur . [(20141223 35) nil "multi-buffer occur (grep) mode" single ((:commit . "4f1c59ffd1ccc2ab1a171cd6b721e8cb9e002fb7") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "http://www.bookshelf.jp/elc/color-moccur.el"))]) (color-theme . [(20190220 1115) nil "An OBSOLETE color-theme implementation" tar ((:commit . "3a2f6b615f5e2401e30d93a3e0adc210bbb4b7aa") (:authors ("Jonadab the Unsightly One" . "jonadab@bright.net")) (:maintainer "Xavier Maillard" . "zedek@gnu.org") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki.pl?ColorTheme"))]) (color-theme-approximate . [(20140228 436) nil "Makes Emacs theme works on terminal transparently" single ((:commit . "f54301ca39bc5d2ffb000f233f8114184a3e7d71") (:authors ("Tung Dao" . "me@tungdao.com")) (:maintainer "Tung Dao" . "me@tungdao.com"))]) (color-theme-buffer-local . [(20170126 601) ((color-theme (0))) "Install color-themes by buffer." single ((:commit . "e606dec66f16a06140b9aad625a4fd52bca4f936") (:authors ("Victor Borja" . "vic.borja@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Victor Borja" . "vic.borja@gmail.com") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "http://github.com/vic/color-theme-buffer-local"))]) (color-theme-modern . [(20200729 921) ((emacs (24))) "Reimplement colortheme with Emacs 24 theme framework." tar ((:commit . "a996eca37f4df726eec95406deb76b538320771a") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-jp/replace-colorthemes"))]) (color-theme-sanityinc-solarized . [(20200805 603) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "A version of Ethan Schoonover's Solarized themes" tar ((:commit . "7ef39ac9d99bfb699903cfc3623521c0ceec7b86") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "faces" "themes") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/color-theme-sanityinc-solarized"))]) (color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow . [(20210528 2344) nil "A version of Chris Kempson's \"tomorrow\" themes" tar ((:commit . "c1a1091e39ecd69822e1494d8b6f0bbcb21eb9b1") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "faces" "themes") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/color-theme-sanityinc-tomorrow"))]) (color-theme-x . [(20201204 2245) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "convert color themes to X11 resource settings" single ((:commit . "ec853dd931d625e07116fbc91d8829bd15f90889") (:authors ("Matthew Kennedy" . "mkennedy@killr.ath.cx")) (:maintainer "Andrew Johnson" . "andrew@andrewjamesjohnson.com") (:keywords "convenience" "faces" "frames") (:url . "https://github.com/ajsquared/color-theme-x"))]) (colorless-themes . [(20210102 1035) ((emacs (24 1))) "A macro to generate mostly colorless themes" single ((:commit . "c1ed1e12541cf05cc6c558d23c089c07e10b54d7") (:authors ("Thomas Letan" . "contact@thomasletan.fr")) (:maintainer "Thomas Letan" . "contact@thomasletan.fr") (:keywords "faces themes" "faces") (:url . "https://git.sr.ht/~lthms/colorless-themes.el"))]) (colormaps . [(20171008 2224) ((emacs (25))) "Hex colormaps" single ((:commit . "19fbb64a6288d505b9cf45c9b5a3eed0bfb135e2") (:authors ("Abhinav Tushar" . "lepisma@fastmail.com")) (:maintainer "Abhinav Tushar" . "lepisma@fastmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/lepisma/colormaps.el"))]) (column-enforce-mode . [(20200605 1933) nil "Highlight text that extends beyond a column" single ((:commit . "14a7622f2268890e33536ccd29510024d51ee96f") (:authors ("Jordon Biondo")) (:maintainer "Jordon Biondo") (:url . "www.github.com/jordonbiondo/column-enforce-mode"))]) (com-css-sort . [(20201002 1430) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 12 0))) "Common way of sorting the CSS attributes" single ((:commit . "e91006ba4a77b8ea8c4fe4085ba5676c97cf0315") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs090218/com-css-sort"))]) (comb . [(20201010 1147) ((emacs (25 1))) "Interactive code auditing and grep tool" tar ((:commit . "31f3e94afb2a7f7d18d30c2468a0c683700f7a66") (:authors ("Andrea Cardaci" . "cyrus.and@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Andrea Cardaci" . "cyrus.and@gmail.com") (:keywords "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/cyrus-and/comb"))]) (comby . [(20200629 140) ((emacs (25 1))) "Emacs comby integration" single ((:commit . "928b8b8959a2556aba5526f2a25801341eb59dc3") (:authors ("Sergey Kostyaev" . "feo.me@ya.ru")) (:maintainer "Sergey Kostyaev" . "feo.me@ya.ru") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/s-kostyaev/comby.el"))]) (comint-hyperlink . [(20191104 2224) ((emacs (24 3))) "Create hyperlinks in comint for SGR URL control sequences" single ((:commit . "a7878825788ff6b9d6b8a5adf0214a028bad895e") (:authors ("Matthew Bauer" . "mjbauer95@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matthew Bauer" . "mjbauer95@gmail.com") (:keywords "comint" "shell" "processes" "hypermedia" "terminals") (:url . "https://github.com/matthewbauer/comint-hyperlink"))]) (comint-intercept . [(20200106 454) ((emacs (24 3))) "Intercept input in comint-mode" single ((:commit . "3c9a6125e450435b79ab5e6466f830e57c5e0a30") (:authors ("\"Huang, Ying\"" . "huang.ying.caritas@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "\"Huang, Ying\"" . "huang.ying.caritas@gmail.com") (:keywords "processes" "terminals") (:url . "https://github.com/hying-caritas/comint-intercept"))]) (command-log-mode . [(20160413 447) nil "log keyboard commands to buffer" single ((:commit . "af600e6b4129c8115f464af576505ea8e789db27") (:authors ("Michael Weber" . "michaelw@foldr.org")) (:maintainer "Michael Weber" . "michaelw@foldr.org") (:keywords "help") (:url . "https://github.com/lewang/command-log-mode"))]) (command-queue . [(20160328 1725) ((emacs (24 3))) "shell command queue" single ((:commit . "f327c6f852592229a755ec6de0c62c6aeafd6659") (:authors ("Yuki INOUE ")) (:maintainer "Yuki INOUE ") (:url . "https://github.com/Yuki-Inoue/command-queue"))]) (commander . [(20140120 1852) ((s (1 6 0)) (dash (2 0 0)) (cl-lib (0 3)) (f (0 6 1))) "Emacs command line parser" single ((:commit . "9ba1456b0a389a2f7b42b6f42a4208ddd87ce609") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com") (:keywords "cli" "argv") (:url . "http://github.com/rejeep/commander.el"))]) (comment-dwim-2 . [(20210101 1820) ((emacs (24 4))) "An all-in-one comment command to rule them all" single ((:commit . "7cdafd6d98234a7402865b8abdae54a2f2551c94") (:authors ("Rémy Ferré" . "dev@remyferre.net")) (:maintainer "Rémy Ferré" . "dev@remyferre.net") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/remyferre/comment-dwim-2"))]) (comment-or-uncomment-sexp . [(20190225 1122) ((emacs (24))) "Command for commenting the sexp under point." single ((:commit . "bec730d3fc1e6c17ff1339eb134af16c034a4d95") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "artur@endlessparentheses.com")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "artur@endlessparentheses.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/Malabarba/comment-or-uncomment-sexp"))]) (comment-tags . [(20170910 1735) ((emacs (24 5))) "Highlight & navigate comment tags like 'TODO'." single ((:commit . "7d914097f0a03484af71e621db533737fc692f58") (:authors ("Vincent Dumas" . "vincekd@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Vincent Dumas" . "vincekd@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "comments" "tags") (:url . "https://github.com/vincekd/comment-tags"))]) (commentary-theme . [(20210714 1757) ((emacs (24))) "A minimal theme with contrasting comments" single ((:commit . "a73e1256f667065933e96bd6032c463cb115201d") (:url . "https://github.com/pzel/commentary-theme"))]) (commenter . [(20160219 1627) ((emacs (24 4)) (let-alist (1 0 4))) "multiline-comment support package" single ((:commit . "6d1885419434ba779270c6fda0e30d390bb074bd") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada ")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada ") (:keywords "comment") (:url . "https://github.com/yuutayamada/commenter"))]) (commify . [(20200921 2002) ((s (1 9 0))) "Toggle grouping commas in numbers" single ((:commit . "b1c1a06e488208ef653e0d86c97b746fd6d2bbc2") (:authors ("Daniel E. Doherty" . "ded-commify@ddoherty.net")) (:maintainer "Daniel E. Doherty" . "ded-commify@ddoherty.net") (:keywords "convenience" "editing" "numbers" "grouping" "commas") (:url . "https://github.com/ddoherty03/commify"))]) (common-lisp-snippets . [(20180226 1523) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for Common Lisp" tar ((:commit . "c82ebf18f4ad49f390dd96ffcc59f8683c1a868b") (:authors ("Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com") (:keywords "snippets") (:url . "https://github.com/mrkkrp/common-lisp-snippets"))]) (company . [(20210802 1350) ((emacs (25 1))) "Modular text completion framework" tar ((:commit . "a3e487966f7e116a328aa5764ab907c1f7729d21") (:authors ("Nikolaj Schumacher")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Gutov" . "dgutov@yandex.ru") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching") (:url . "http://company-mode.github.io/"))]) (company-anaconda . [(20200404 1859) ((company (0 8 0)) (anaconda-mode (0 1 1)) (cl-lib (0 5 0)) (dash (2 6 0)) (s (1 9))) "Anaconda backend for company-mode" single ((:commit . "da1566db41a68809ef7f91ebf2de28118067c89b") (:authors ("Artem Malyshev" . "proofit404@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Artem Malyshev" . "proofit404@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/proofit404/anaconda-mode"))]) (company-ansible . [(20200306 1441) ((emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 12))) "A company back-end for ansible" tar ((:commit . "79dd421b161efa49fbdffad57fa40edb41f484a3") (:authors ("Krzysztof Magosa" . "krzysztof@magosa.pl")) (:maintainer "Krzysztof Magosa" . "krzysztof@magosa.pl") (:keywords "ansible") (:url . "https://github.com/krzysztof-magosa/company-ansible"))]) (company-arduino . [(20160306 1739) ((emacs (24 1)) (company (0 8 0)) (irony (0 1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (company-irony (0 1 0)) (company-c-headers (20140930)) (arduino-mode (1 0))) "company-mode for Arduino" single ((:commit . "d7e369702b8eee63e6dfdeba645ce28b6dc66fb1") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada" . "sleepboy.zzz@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada" . "sleepboy.zzz@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "development" "company") (:url . "https://github.com/yuutayamada/company-arduino"))]) (company-auctex . [(20200529 1835) ((yasnippet (0 8 0)) (company (0 8 0)) (auctex (11 87))) "Company-mode auto-completion for AUCTeX" single ((:commit . "9400a2ec7459dde8cbf1a5d50dfee4e300ed7e18") (:authors ("Christopher Monsanto , Alexey Romanov" . "alexey.v.romanov@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Christopher Monsanto , Alexey Romanov" . "alexey.v.romanov@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/alexeyr/company-auctex/"))]) (company-axiom . [(20191027 1928) ((emacs (24)) (company (0 9)) (axiom-environment (20171021))) "A company-mode backend for the axiom-environment system" single ((:commit . "7d72e6319b98b334f74b78f3d4151e92fb7dcbad") (:authors ("Paul Onions" . "paul.onions@acm.org")) (:maintainer "Paul Onions" . "paul.onions@acm.org") (:keywords "axiom" "openaxiom" "fricas" "axiom-environment"))]) (company-bibtex . [(20171105 644) ((company (0 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (parsebib (1 0))) "Company completion for bibtex keys" single ((:commit . "da67faf3a6faba8e7f1b222dedfc5521b02c7655") (:authors ("GB Gardner" . "gbgar@users.noreply.github.com")) (:maintainer "GB Gardner" . "gbgar@users.noreply.github.com") (:keywords "company-mode" "bibtex") (:url . "https://github.com/gbgar/company-bibtex"))]) (company-box . [(20210712 843) ((emacs (26 0 91)) (dash (2 13)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (company (0 9 6)) (frame-local (0 0 1))) "Company front-end with icons" tar ((:commit . "156f65cfbf690ed84e0e84f90277d665d873ff24") (:authors ("Sebastien Chapuis" . "sebastien@chapu.is")) (:maintainer "Sebastien Chapuis" . "sebastien@chapu.is") (:keywords "company" "completion" "front-end" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/sebastiencs/company-box"))]) (company-c-headers . [(20190825 1631) ((emacs (24 1)) (company (0 8))) "Company mode backend for C/C++ header files" single ((:commit . "9d384571b1190e99d0a789e5296176d69a3d0771") (:authors ("Alastair Rankine" . "alastair@girtby.net")) (:maintainer "Alastair Rankine" . "alastair@girtby.net") (:keywords "development" "company"))]) (company-cabal . [(20170917 1317) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0)) (emacs (24))) "company-mode cabal backend" tar ((:commit . "62112a7259e24bd6c08885629a185afe512b7d3d") (:authors ("Iku Iwasa" . "iku.iwasa@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Iku Iwasa" . "iku.iwasa@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/iquiw/company-cabal"))]) (company-coq . [(20210708 2357) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 12 1)) (yasnippet (0 11 0)) (company (0 8 12)) (company-math (1 1))) "A collection of extensions for Proof General's Coq mode" tar ((:commit . "382db93374380e5db56f02934ee32bbe39159019") (:authors ("Clément Pit-Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/cpitclaudel/company-coq"))]) (company-ctags . [(20210723 1322) ((emacs (25 1)) (company (0 9 0))) "Fastest company-mode completion backend for ctags" single ((:commit . "ff813c58e930d01fb55ee2f57fe810896a12c51b") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/redguardtoo/company-ctags"))]) (company-dcd . [(20210307 649) ((company (0 9)) (flycheck-dmd-dub (0 7)) (yasnippet (0 8)) (popwin (0 7)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (ivy (20160804 326))) "Company backend for Dlang using DCD." single ((:commit . "858500115d4f0285f963698ede9492f409a90e52") (:authors ("tsukimizake ")) (:maintainer "tsukimizake ") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "http://github.com/tsukimizake/company-dcd"))]) (company-dict . [(20190302 5) ((emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 12)) (parent-mode (2 3))) "A backend that emulates ac-source-dictionary" single ((:commit . "cd7b8394f6014c57897f65d335d6b2bd65dab1f4") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner ")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "henrik@lissner.net") (:keywords "company" "dictionary" "ac-source-dictionary") (:url . "https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-company-dict"))]) (company-distel . [(20180827 1344) ((distel-completion-lib (1 0 0))) "Erlang/distel completion backend for company-mode" single ((:commit . "acc4c0a5521904203d797fe96b08e5fae4233c7e") (:authors ("Sebastian Weddmark Olsson")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Weddmark Olsson") (:keywords "erlang" "distel" "company") (:url . "github.com/sebastiw/distel-completion"))]) (company-emacs-eclim . [(20180911 1121) ((eclim (0 3)) (company (0 7)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Eclim company backend" single ((:commit . "222ddd48fcf0ee01592dec77c58e0cf3f2ea1100"))]) (company-emoji . [(20210427 2151) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0))) "company-mode backend for emoji" tar ((:commit . "90594eb58b20fb937cfd4e946efcc446ee630e6f") (:authors ("Alex Dunn" . "dunn.alex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Dunn" . "dunn.alex@gmail.com") (:keywords "emoji" "company") (:url . "https://github.com/dunn/company-emoji.git"))]) (company-emojify . [(20210718 424) ((emacs (26 1)) (company (0 8 0)) (emojify (1 2 1)) (ht (2 0))) "Company completion for Emojify" single ((:commit . "cebfff07a21f885f87a692ec4d5e7f84468c6565") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/company-emojify"))]) (company-erlang . [(20170123 538) ((emacs (24 4)) (ivy-erlang-complete (0 1)) (company (0 9 2))) "company backend based on ivy-erlang-complete" single ((:commit . "bc0524a16f17b66c7397690e4ca0e004f09ea6c5") (:authors ("Sergey Kostyaev" . "feo.me@ya.ru")) (:maintainer "Sergey Kostyaev" . "feo.me@ya.ru") (:keywords "tools"))]) (company-flow . [(20180225 2159) ((company (0 8 0)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Flow backend for company-mode" single ((:commit . "76ef585c70d2a3206c2eadf24ba61e59124c3a16") (:authors ("Aaron Jensen" . "aaronjensen@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Aaron Jensen" . "aaronjensen@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/aaronjensen/company-flow"))]) (company-flx . [(20180103 518) ((emacs (24)) (company (0 8 12)) (flx (0 5))) "flx based fuzzy matching for company" single ((:commit . "16ca0d2f84e8e768bf2db8c5cfe421230a00bded") (:authors ("PythonNut" . "pythonnut@pythonnut.com")) (:maintainer "PythonNut" . "pythonnut@pythonnut.com") (:keywords "convenience" "company" "fuzzy" "flx") (:url . "https://github.com/PythonNut/company-flx"))]) (company-fuzzy . [(20210716 926) ((emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 12)) (s (1 12 0)) (ht (2 0))) "Fuzzy matching for `company-mode'" single ((:commit . "b4fd1c8d128ae345176f713dad2c04944a9cf27c") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/company-fuzzy"))]) (company-ghci . [(20190707 311) ((company (0 8 11)) (haskell-mode (13))) "company backend which uses the current ghci process." single ((:commit . "a1d25652583ab4666c5a78cac18cd8039776b50d") (:authors ("Hector Orellana" . "hofm92@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hector Orellana" . "hofm92@gmail.com"))]) (company-glsl . [(20210109 1403) ((company (0 9 4)) (glsl-mode (2 4)) (emacs (24 4))) "Support glsl in company-mode" single ((:commit . "3a40501ba831a30a7fd3e8529b20d1305d0454aa") (:authors ("Guido Schmidt" . "git@guidoschmidt.cc")) (:maintainer "Guido Schmidt" . "git@guidoschmidt.cc") (:url . "https://github.com/guidoschmidt/company-glsl"))]) (company-go . [(20190203 19) ((company (0 8 0)) (go-mode (1 0 0))) "company-mode backend for Go (using gocode)" single ((:commit . "4acdcbdea79de6b3dee1c637eca5cbea0fdbe37c") (:authors ("nsf" . "no.smile.face@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "nsf" . "no.smile.face@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages"))]) (company-inf-ruby . [(20140805 2054) ((company (0 6 10)) (inf-ruby (2 2 7)) (emacs (24 1))) "company-mode completion back-end for inf-ruby" single ((:commit . "fe3e4863bc971fbb81edad447efad5795ead1b17") (:authors ("Dmitry Gutov" . "dgutov@yandex.ru")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Gutov" . "dgutov@yandex.ru") (:url . "https://github.com/company-mode/company-inf-ruby"))]) (company-ipa . [(20210307 1838) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 12))) "IPA backend for company" single ((:commit . "8634021cac885f53f3274ef6dcce7eab19321046") (:authors ("Matías Guzmán Naranjo" . "mguzmann89@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matías Guzmán Naranjo" . "mguzmann89@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "company" "ipa") (:url . "https://github.com/mguzmann/company-ipa"))]) (company-irony . [(20190124 2346) ((emacs (24 1)) (company (0 8 0)) (irony (1 1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "company-mode completion back-end for irony-mode" single ((:commit . "b44711dfce445610c1ffaec4951c6ff3882b216a") (:authors ("Guillaume Papin" . "guillaume.papin@epitech.eu")) (:maintainer "Guillaume Papin" . "guillaume.papin@epitech.eu") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/Sarcasm/company-irony/"))]) (company-irony-c-headers . [(20151018 909) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 9 0)) (irony (0 2 0))) "Company mode backend for C/C++ header files with Irony" single ((:commit . "72c386aeb079fb261d9ec02e39211272f76bbd97") (:authors ("Yutian Li" . "hotpxless@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yutian Li" . "hotpxless@gmail.com") (:keywords "c" "company") (:url . "https://github.com/hotpxl/company-irony-c-headers"))]) (company-jedi . [(20200324 25) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 11)) (jedi-core (0 2 7))) "Company-mode completion back-end for Python JEDI" single ((:commit . "4775b659564f1d57bc68c88c9faabf44c9fe4e4d") (:authors ("Boy" . "boyw165@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto" . "neil.okamoto+melpa@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsorphanage/company-jedi"))]) (company-lean . [(20210305 1705) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 18 0)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 19 0)) (company (0 9 3)) (lean-mode (3 3 0))) "A company backend for lean-mode" single ((:commit . "bf32bb97930ed67c5cbe0fe3d4a69dedcf68be44") (:authors ("Leonardo de Moura" . "leonardo@microsoft.com") ("Soonho Kong " . "soonhok@cs.cmu.edu") ("Gabriel Ebner " . "gebner@gebner.org") ("Sebastian Ullrich" . "sebasti@nullri.ch")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Ullrich" . "sebasti@nullri.ch") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/leanprover/lean-mode"))]) (company-ledger . [(20200726 1825) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 0))) "Fuzzy auto-completion for Ledger & friends" single ((:commit . "9fe9e3b809d6d2bc13c601953f696f43b09ea296") (:authors ("Debanjum Singh Solanky ")) (:maintainer "Debanjum Singh Solanky ") (:keywords "abbrev" "matching" "auto-complete" "beancount" "ledger" "company") (:url . "https://github.com/debanjum/company-ledger"))]) (company-lua . [(20171108 2306) ((company (0 8 12)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 17 0)) (lua-mode (20151025))) "Company backend for Lua" tar ((:commit . "29f6819de4d691e5fd0b62893a9f4fbc1c6fcb52") (:authors ("Peter Vasil" . "mail@petervasil.net")) (:maintainer "Peter Vasil" . "mail@petervasil.net"))]) (company-manually . [(20200709 913) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 9 0)) (ivy (0 13 0))) "A company backend that lets you manually build candidates" single ((:commit . "44c7a655e5f2a462835a96d1f0ed2ce434848416") (:authors ("Yanghao Xie")) (:maintainer "Yanghao Xie" . "yhaoxie@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "company-mode" "manually build candidates") (:url . "https://github.com/yanghaoxie/company-manually"))]) (company-math . [(20210731 2019) ((company (0 8 0)) (math-symbol-lists (1 3))) "Completion backends for unicode math symbols and latex tags" single ((:commit . "45778f5731c97a21a83e3b965cbde42018709afd") (:authors ("Vitalie Spinu" . "spinuvit@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Vitalie Spinu" . "spinuvit@gmail.com") (:keywords "unicode" "symbols" "completion") (:url . "https://github.com/vspinu/company-math"))]) (company-maxima . [(20210520 2034) ((emacs (25 1)) (maxima (0 6 1)) (seq (2 20)) (company (0 9 13))) "Maxima company integration" single ((:commit . "74e10d5dedb16f74efc28299c98dd7db9a4392d6") (:authors ("Fermin Munoz")) (:maintainer "Fermin Munoz" . "fmfs@posteo.net") (:keywords "languages" "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/sasanidas/maxima"))]) (company-nand2tetris . [(20171201 1813) ((nand2tetris (1 1 0)) (company (0 5)) (cl-lib (0 5 0))) "Company backend for nand2tetris major mode" single ((:commit . "33acee34d24b1c6a87db833b7d23449cf858f64f") (:authors ("Diego Berrocal" . "cestdiego@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Diego Berrocal" . "cestdiego@gmail.com") (:keywords "nand2tetris" "hdl" "company") (:url . "http://www.github.com/CestDiego/nand2tetris.el/"))]) (company-native-complete . [(20200315 2144) ((emacs (25 1)) (company (0 9 0)) (native-complete (0 1 0))) "Company completion using native-complete" single ((:commit . "cf142e84eaa4dd91bc75d96a5d26dab5e38eba4c") (:authors ("Troy Hinckley" . "troy.hinckley@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Troy Hinckley" . "troy.hinckley@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/CeleritasCelery/emacs-native-shell-complete"))]) (company-nginx . [(20201020 2038) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0)) (company (0))) "company-mode keywords support for nginx-mode" single ((:commit . "82bdb730ad5971c594d9c99c069f3c7bb067897d") (:keywords "company" "nginx") (:url . "https://github.com/stardiviner/company-nginx"))]) (company-ngram . [(20170129 1913) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0))) "N-gram based completion" tar ((:commit . "09a68b802e64799e95f205b438d469bbd78cd2e6") (:authors ("kshramt")) (:maintainer "kshramt") (:url . "https://github.com/kshramt/company-ngram"))]) (company-nixos-options . [(20160215 857) ((company (0 8 0)) (nixos-options (0 0 1)) (cl-lib (0 5 0))) "Company Backend for nixos-options" single ((:commit . "053a2d5110ce05b7f99bcc2ac4804b70cbe87916") (:authors ("Diego Berrocal" . "cestdiego@gmail.com") ("Travis B. Hartwell" . "nafai@travishartwell.net")) (:maintainer "Diego Berrocal" . "cestdiego@gmail.com") (:keywords "unix") (:url . "http://www.github.com/travisbhartwell/nix-emacs/"))]) (company-org-block . [(20210623 731) ((emacs (25 1)) (company (0 8 0)) (org (9 2 0))) "Org blocks company backend" single ((:commit . "4fd9a9c673225196e211bb3ced411d0ef9ff2f88") (:authors ("Alvaro Ramirez")) (:maintainer "Alvaro Ramirez") (:url . "https://github.com/xenodium/company-org-block"))]) (company-php . [(20201009 1025) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (ac-php-core (2 0)) (company (0 9))) "A company back-end for PHP." single ((:commit . "8a0dc9888de87ea3aace06628bff52ed32f3ca2b") (:authors ("jim" . "xcwenn@qq.com")) (:maintainer "jim") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "intellisense") (:url . "https://github.com/xcwen/ac-php"))]) (company-phpactor . [(20200121 1218) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 9 6)) (phpactor (0 1 0))) "company-mode backend for Phpactor" single ((:commit . "272217fbb6b7e7f70615fc518d77c6d75f33a44f") (:authors ("Martin Tang" . "martin.tang365@gmail.com") ("Mikael Kermorgant" . "mikael@kgtech.fi")) (:maintainer "Martin Tang" . "martin.tang365@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "php") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-php/phpactor.el"))]) (company-plisp . [(20200531 1927) ((emacs (25)) (s (1 2 0)) (company (0 8 12)) (dash (2 12 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Company mode backend for PicoLisp language" tar ((:commit . "fc0b56d2a711340ca3e63119bfe692bb3e8620fb") (:authors ("Fermin MF" . "fmfs@posteo.net")) (:maintainer "Fermin MF" . "fmfs@posteo.net") (:keywords "company" "plisp" "convenience" "auto-completion") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/sasanidas/company-plisp"))]) (company-plsense . [(20180118 58) ((company (0 9 3)) (cl-lib (0 5 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (s (1 12)) (emacs (24))) "Company backend for Perl" single ((:commit . "b48e3181e08ec597269621d621aa06636f02d883") (:authors ("Troy Hinckley" . "troy.hinckley@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Troy Hinckley" . "troy.hinckley@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/CeleritasCelery/company-plsense"))]) (company-pollen . [(20160812 1510) ((company (0 9 0)) (pollen-mode (1 0))) "company-mode completion backend for pollen" single ((:commit . "09a9dc48c468dcd385982b9629f325e70d569faf") (:authors ("Junsong Li ")) (:maintainer "Junsong Li") (:keywords "languages" "pollen" "pollenpub" "company") (:url . "https://github.com/lijunsong/pollen-mode"))]) (company-posframe . [(20210419 607) ((emacs (26 0)) (company (0 9 0)) (posframe (0 9 0))) "Use a posframe as company candidate menu" single ((:commit . "c7a820a35ff132aaec53c81e05afc829de39eb68") (:authors ("Clément Pit-Claudel, Feng Shu, Lars Andersen" . "expez@expez.com")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/tumashu/company-posframe"))]) (company-prescient . [(20210227 600) ((emacs (25 1)) (prescient (5 1)) (company (0 9 6))) "prescient.el + Company" single ((:commit . "027c2137a8d9e01a1d4c7b5e5d98da017dd2d48e") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "radon.neon@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "radon.neon@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/raxod502/prescient.el"))]) (company-qml . [(20170428 1708) ((qml-mode (0 1)) (company (0 8 12))) "Company backend for QML files" tar ((:commit . "4af4f32a7ad86d86bb9293fb0b675aec513b5736") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions"))]) (company-quickhelp . [(20210515 2212) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 9)) (pos-tip (0 4 6))) "Popup documentation for completion candidates" single ((:commit . "530b29380f0f95ae338cbe089693d786e6f53d86") (:authors ("Lars Andersen" . "expez@expez.com")) (:maintainer "Lars Andersen" . "expez@expez.com") (:keywords "company" "popup" "documentation" "quickhelp") (:url . "https://www.github.com/expez/company-quickhelp"))]) (company-quickhelp-terminal . [(20210715 1010) ((emacs (24 4)) (company-quickhelp (2 2 0)) (popup (0 5 3))) "Terminal support for `company-quickhelp'" single ((:commit . "2e82273e206f78f015e67f799f51e3f3458d6d94") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/company-quickhelp-terminal"))]) (company-racer . [(20171205 310) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0)) (deferred (0 3 1))) "Company integration for racer" single ((:commit . "a00381c9d416f375f783fcb6ae8d40669ce1f567") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "marsam@users.noreply.github.com")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "marsam@users.noreply.github.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-pe/company-racer"))]) (company-reftex . [(20210418 1316) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 12)) (company (0 8))) "Company backend based on RefTeX." single ((:commit . "42eb98c6504e65989635d95ab81b65b9d5798e76") (:authors ("Eivind Fonn" . "evfonn@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Eivind Fonn" . "evfonn@gmail.com") (:keywords "bib" "tex" "company" "latex" "reftex" "references" "labels" "citations") (:url . "https://github.com/TheBB/company-reftex"))]) (company-restclient . [(20190426 1312) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (company (0 8 0)) (emacs (24)) (know-your-http-well (0 2 0)) (restclient (0 0 0))) "company-mode completion back-end for restclient-mode" single ((:commit . "e5a3ec54edb44776738c13e13e34c85b3085277b") (:authors ("Iku Iwasa" . "iku.iwasa@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Iku Iwasa" . "iku.iwasa@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/iquiw/company-restclient"))]) (company-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 1)) (rtags (2 10))) "RTags back-end for company" single ((:commit . "3a057f127b931c683288f8731f05ba5e2aab4133") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "jhanssen@gmail.com") ("Anders Bakken" . "agbakken@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "jhanssen@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/Andersbakken/rtags"))]) (company-shell . [(20170518 541) ((emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 12)) (dash (2 12 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Company mode backend for shell functions" single ((:commit . "52f3bf26b74adc30a275f5f4290a1fc72a6876ff") (:authors ("Alexander Miller" . "alexanderm@web.de")) (:maintainer "Alexander Miller" . "alexanderm@web.de") (:keywords "company" "shell" "auto-completion") (:url . "https://github.com/Alexander-Miller/company-shell"))]) (company-solidity . [(20181117 1518) ((company (0 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5 0)) (solidity-mode (0 1 9))) "Company-mode back-end for solidity-mode" single ((:commit . "6f7bd1641e5282ec5163188d8b8c2f6dfddc2e36") (:authors ("Samuel Smolkin" . "sam@future-precedent.org")) (:maintainer "Samuel Smolkin" . "sam@future-precedent.org") (:keywords "solidity" "completion" "company") (:url . "https://github.com/ethereum/emacs-solidity"))]) (company-sourcekit . [(20210430 2155) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 12)) (dash (2 18 0)) (sourcekit (0 2 0))) "company-mode completion backend for SourceKit" single ((:commit . "a1860ad4dd3a542acd2fa0dfac2a388cbdf4af0c") (:authors ("Nathan Kot" . "nk@nathankot.com")) (:maintainer "Nathan Kot" . "nk@nathankot.com") (:keywords "abbrev") (:url . "https://github.com/nathankot/company-sourcekit"))]) (company-stan . [(20210130 1325) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 9 10)) (stan-mode (10 2 1))) "A company-mode completion backend for stan" single ((:commit . "9bb858b9f1314dcf1a5df23e39f9af522098276b") (:authors ("Kazuki Yoshida" . "kazukiyoshida@mail.harvard.edu")) (:maintainer "Kazuki Yoshida" . "kazukiyoshida@mail.harvard.edu") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/stan-dev/stan-mode/tree/master/company-stan"))]) (company-statistics . [(20170210 1933) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 5))) "Sort candidates using completion history" single ((:commit . "e62157d43b2c874d2edbd547c3bdfb05d0a7ae5c") (:authors ("Ingo Lohmar" . "i.lohmar@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ingo Lohmar" . "i.lohmar@gmail.com") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/company-mode/company-statistics"))]) (company-suggest . [(20200911 1845) ((company (0 9 0)) (emacs (25 1))) "Company-mode back-end for search engine suggests" single ((:commit . "1c89c9de3852f07ce28b0bedf1fbf56fe6eedcdc") (:authors ("Jürgen Hötzel" . "juergen@archlinux.org")) (:maintainer "Jürgen Hötzel" . "juergen@archlinux.org") (:keywords "completion" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/juergenhoetzel/company-suggest"))]) (company-tabnine . [(20210310 2247) ((emacs (25)) (company (0 9 3)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 16 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (unicode-escape (1 1))) "A company-mode backend for TabNine" single ((:commit . "98e9e8b38b6ca289fbe265b0a7b62c7fe38ed0e2") (:authors ("Tommy Xiang" . "tommyx058@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tommy Xiang" . "tommyx058@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/TommyX12/company-tabnine/"))]) (company-terraform . [(20190607 1037) ((emacs (24 4)) (company (0 8 12)) (terraform-mode (0 6))) "A company backend for terraform" tar ((:commit . "2d11a21fee2f298e48968e479ddcaeda4d736e12") (:authors ("Rafał Cieślak" . "rafalcieslak256@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Rafał Cieślak" . "rafalcieslak256@gmail.com") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "terraform" "company") (:url . "https://github.com/rafalcieslak/emacs-company-terraform"))]) (company-try-hard . [(20200417 1603) ((emacs (24 3)) (company (0 8 0)) (dash (2 0))) "get all completions from company backends" single ((:commit . "2b41136b5ed6e02032d99bcdb0599ecf00394fa5") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk") (:keywords "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/Wilfred/company-try-hard"))]) (company-web . [(20180402 1155) ((company (0 8 0)) (dash (2 8 0)) (cl-lib (0 5 0)) (web-completion-data (0 1 0))) "Company version of ac-html, complete for web,html,emmet,jade,slim modes" tar ((:commit . "f0cc9187c9c34f72ad71f5649a69c74f996bae9a") (:authors ("Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "olexandr.syd@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Olexandr Sydorchuk" . "olexandr.syd@gmail.com") (:keywords "html" "company") (:url . "https://github.com/osv/company-web"))]) (company-wordfreq . [(20210201 1839) ((emacs (27 1)) (company (0 9))) "Company backend for human language texts" single ((:commit . "3787785af2135c42af7b22562da554628141afdb") (:authors ("Johannes Mueller" . "github@johannes-mueller.org")) (:maintainer "Johannes Mueller" . "github@johannes-mueller.org") (:keywords "company" "convenience" "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/johannes-mueller/company-wordfreq.el"))]) (company-ycm . [(20140904 1817) ((ycm (0 1))) "company-ycm" single ((:commit . "4da8a14abcd0f4fa3235042ade2e12b5068c0601") (:authors ("Ajay Gopinathan" . "ajay@gopinathan.net")) (:maintainer "Ajay Gopinathan" . "ajay@gopinathan.net") (:keywords "abbrev"))]) (company-ycmd . [(20180520 1053) ((ycmd (1 3)) (company (0 9 3)) (deferred (0 5 1)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 13 0)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (f (0 19 0))) "company-mode backend for ycmd" single ((:commit . "c17ff9e0250a9b39d23af37015a2b300e2f36fed") (:url . "https://github.com/abingham/emacs-ycmd"))]) (compdef . [(20200304 611) ((emacs (24 4))) "A local completion definer" single ((:commit . "30fb5846ed851efee641ce8c5d8879ad36cd7ac6") (:authors ("Uros Perisic")) (:maintainer "Uros Perisic") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/jjzmajic/compdef"))]) (competitive-programming-snippets . [(20201115 1702) ((emacs (26)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Competitive Programming snippets for yasnippet" tar ((:commit . "3b43c1aeaa6676d1d3d0c47e78790db9bee150b6") (:authors ("Seong Yong-ju" . "sei40kr@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Seong Yong-ju" . "sei40kr@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/sei40kr/competitive-programming-snippets"))]) (compiler-explorer . [(20210513 409) ((emacs (26 1)) (request (0 3 0))) "Compiler explorer client (godbolt.org)" single ((:commit . "70cae42f0d624b6ce03b55c35ba9a6c2318a827d") (:authors ("Michał Krzywkowski" . "k.michal@zoho.com")) (:maintainer "Michał Krzywkowski" . "k.michal@zoho.com") (:keywords "c" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/mkcms/compiler-explorer.el"))]) (completions-frame . [(20210430 640) ((emacs (26 1))) "Show completions in child frame" single ((:commit . "860e5b97730df7ef5c34584ad164bc69c561db84") (:authors ("Andrii Kolomoiets" . "andreyk.mad@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Andrii Kolomoiets" . "andreyk.mad@gmail.com") (:keywords "frames") (:url . "https://github.com/muffinmad/emacs-completions-frame"))]) (composable . [(20201024 1458) ((emacs (24 4))) "composable editing" tar ((:commit . "6f2efaa7018feb854720cc2518e4274ad708f793") (:authors ("Simon Friis Vindum" . "simon@vindum.io")) (:maintainer "Simon Friis Vindum" . "simon@vindum.io") (:keywords "lisp"))]) (composer . [(20200616 1717) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 9 0)) (f (0 17)) (seq (1 9)) (php-runtime (0 1 0))) "Interface to PHP Composer" single ((:commit . "7c7f89df226cac69664d7eca5e913b544dc475c5") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:keywords "tools" "php" "dependency" "manager") (:url . "https://github.com/zonuexe/composer.el"))]) (comware-router-mode . [(20201229 1706) ((dash (2 16 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing Comware configuration files" single ((:commit . "f0f884f0fe9ab2c3420e62d27eadc59ac2209a4a") (:authors ("Davide Restivo" . "davide.restivo@yahoo.it")) (:maintainer "Davide Restivo" . "davide.restivo@yahoo.it") (:keywords "convenience" "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/daviderestivo/comware-router-mode"))]) (concurrent . [(20161229 330) ((emacs (24 3)) (deferred (0 5 0))) "Concurrent utility functions for emacs lisp" single ((:commit . "2239671d94b38d92e9b28d4e12fd79814cfb9c16") (:authors ("SAKURAI Masashi ")) (:maintainer "SAKURAI Masashi ") (:keywords "deferred" "async" "concurrent") (:url . "https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-deferred/blob/master/README-concurrent.markdown"))]) (conda . [(20210409 37) ((emacs (24 4)) (pythonic (0 1 0)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (f (0 18 2))) "Work with your conda environments" single ((:commit . "6db0720b6dc8880d7d6e7dc2953b4769ca6bbf71") (:authors ("Rami Chowdhury" . "rami.chowdhury@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Rami Chowdhury" . "rami.chowdhury@gmail.com") (:keywords "python" "environment" "conda") (:url . "http://github.com/necaris/conda.el"))]) (config-general-mode . [(20171024 1840) nil "Config::General config file mode" single ((:commit . "b4a8e6ba0bb027a77e4a0f701409f3e57bb2e4c0") (:authors ("T.v.Dein" . "tlinden@cpan.org")) (:maintainer "T.v.Dein" . "tlinden@cpan.org") (:keywords "files") (:url . "https://github.com/tlinden/config-general-mode"))]) (config-parser . [(20160426 1219) ((emacs (24 4))) "a library for parsing config file" single ((:commit . "85d559e7889d8f5b98b8794b79426ae25ec3caa5") (:authors ("DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "config") (:url . "https://github.com/lujun9972/el-config-parser"))]) (conkeror-minor-mode . [(20150114 1604) nil "Mode for editing conkeror javascript files." single ((:commit . "476e81c27b056e21c192391fe674a2bf875466b0") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "bruce.connor.am@gmail.com>")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "bruce.connor.am@gmail.com>") (:keywords "programming" "tools") (:url . "http://github.com/Bruce-Connor/conkeror-minor-mode"))]) (conllu-mode . [(20200501 2328) ((emacs (25)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (flycheck (30)) (hydra (0 13 0)) (s (1 0))) "editing mode for CoNLL-U files" tar ((:commit . "0db3063572b0de08874822e20570bb153747e6ed") (:authors ("bruno cuconato" . "bcclaro+emacs@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "bruno cuconato" . "bcclaro+emacs@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/odanoburu/conllu-mode"))]) (connection . [(20191111 446) nil "TCP-based client connection" single ((:commit . "bdf0aa7761d1c1a3bc0652b2fdc4a54b3acdb06a") (:authors ("Torsten Hilbrich" . "torsten.hilbrich@gmx.net")) (:maintainer "Torsten Hilbrich" . "torsten.hilbrich@gmx.net") (:keywords "network"))]) (constant-theme . [(20180921 1012) ((emacs (24 1))) "A calm, dark, almost monochrome color theme." tar ((:commit . "23543a09729569b566175abe1efbe774048d3fa8") (:authors ("Jannis Pohlmann" . "contact@jannispohlmann.de")) (:maintainer "Jannis Pohlmann" . "contact@jannispohlmann.de") (:keywords "themes") (:url . "https://github.com/jannis/emacs-constant-theme"))]) (consult . [(20210802 946) ((emacs (26 1))) "Consulting completing-read" tar ((:commit . "e3418a995a48e221a0dddd22693c17e6b786933c") (:authors ("Daniel Mendler and Consult contributors")) (:maintainer "Daniel Mendler" . "mail@daniel-mendler.de") (:url . "https://github.com/minad/consult"))]) (consult-flycheck . [(20210530 202) ((consult (0 8)) (flycheck (31)) (emacs (26 1))) "Provides the command `consult-flycheck'" single ((:commit . "92b259e6a8ebe6439f67d3d7ffa44b7e64b76478") (:authors ("Daniel Mendler and Consult contributors")) (:maintainer "Daniel Mendler" . "mail@daniel-mendler.de") (:url . "https://github.com/minad/consult"))]) (consult-ghq . [(20210606 2047) ((emacs (26 1)) (consult (0 8)) (affe (0 1))) "Ghq interface using consult" single ((:commit . "c8619d66bd8f8728e43ed15096078b89eb4d2083") (:authors ("Tomoya Otake" . "tomoya.ton@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tomoya Otake" . "tomoya.ton@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "usability" "consult" "ghq") (:url . "https://github.com/tomoya/consult-ghq"))]) (consult-lsp . [(20210630 1151) ((emacs (27 1)) (lsp-mode (5 0)) (consult (0 9)) (f (0 20 0))) "LSP-mode Consult integration" single ((:commit . "e8a50f2c94f40c86934ca2eaff007f9c00586272") (:authors ("Gerry Agbobada")) (:maintainer "Gerry Agbobada") (:keywords "tools" "completion" "lsp") (:url . "https://github.com/gagbo/consult-lsp"))]) (consult-notmuch . 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"https://codeberg.org/jao/espotify"))]) (contextual . [(20180726 800) ((emacs (24)) (dash (2 12 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Contextual profile management system" single ((:commit . "e3c0de4a2e06757a0e8407c3c6e75930026191e3") (:authors ("Alexander Kahl" . "ak@sodosopa.io")) (:maintainer "Alexander Kahl" . "ak@sodosopa.io") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/lshift-de/contextual"))]) (contextual-menubar . [(20180205 709) nil "display the menubar only on a graphical display" single ((:commit . "f76f55232ac07df76ef9a334a0c527dfab97c40b") (:authors ("Aaron Jensen" . "aaronjensen@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Aaron Jensen" . "aaronjensen@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/aaronjensen/contextual-menubar"))]) (contrast-color . [(20160903 1807) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Pick best contrast color for you" single ((:commit . "c5fb77a211ebbef3185ada37bea7420534c33f94") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada ")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada ") (:keywords "color" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/yuutayamada/contrast-color-el"))]) (control-mode . [(20160624 1710) nil "A \"control\" mode, similar to vim's \"normal\" mode" single ((:commit . "72d6179b60adc438aada74083b2bf4264b575de3") (:authors ("Stephen Marsh" . "stephen.david.marsh@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Stephen Marsh" . "stephen.david.marsh@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "emulations") (:url . "https://github.com/stephendavidmarsh/control-mode"))]) (copy-as-format . [(20190523 258) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Copy buffer locations as GitHub/Slack/JIRA etc... formatted code" single ((:commit . "a0962b670e26b723ce304b14e3397da453aef84e") (:authors ("Skye Shaw" . "skye.shaw@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Skye Shaw" . "skye.shaw@gmail.com") (:keywords "github" "slack" "jira" "hipchat" "gitlab" "bitbucket" "org-mode" "pod" "rst" "asciidoc" "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/sshaw/copy-as-format"))]) (copy-file-on-save . [(20200616 518) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (f (0 17)) (s (1 7 0))) "Copy file on save, automatic deployment it." single ((:commit . "811c8fe638c5616b6471525421e61a4470be3b52") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:keywords "files" "comm" "deploy") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-php/emacs-auto-deployment"))]) (copyit . [(20190919 1258) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 9 0))) "Copy it, yank anything!" single ((:commit . "c4f2c28e5b6270e8e3364341619f1154bb4e682e") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:keywords "convenience" "yank" "clipboard") (:url . "https://github.com/zonuexe/emacs-copyit"))]) (copyit-pandoc . [(20190919 1258) ((emacs (24 3)) (copyit (0 1 0)) (pandoc (0 0 1))) "Copy it, yank anything!" single ((:commit . "c4f2c28e5b6270e8e3364341619f1154bb4e682e") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:keywords "convenience" "yank" "clipboard") (:url . "https://github.com/zonuexe/emacs-copyit"))]) (coq-commenter . [(20170822 2309) ((dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Coq commenting minor mode for proof" single ((:commit . "7fe9a2cc0ebdb0b1e54a24eb7971d757fb588ac3") (:authors ("Junyoung Clare Jang" . "jjc9310@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junyoung Clare Jang" . "jjc9310@gmail.com") (:keywords "comment" "coq" "proof") (:url . "http://github.com/ailrun/coq-commenter"))]) (corral . [(20160502 701) nil "Quickly surround text with delimiters" single ((:commit . "e7ab6aa118e46b93d4933d1364bc273f57cd6911") (:authors ("Kevin Liu" . "mail@nivekuil.com")) (:maintainer "Kevin Liu" . "mail@nivekuil.com") (:url . "http://github.com/nivekuil/corral"))]) (cort . [(20200904 609) ((emacs (24 1)) (ansi (0 4)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "Simplify extended unit test framework" single ((:commit . "98532580e0425ac96f45f73ef7cebf80cb4101e2") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com") (:keywords "test" "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/conao3/cort.el"))]) (cosmo . [(20170922 744) ((emacs (24 4))) "Cosmological Calculator" single ((:commit . "dd83b09a49a2843606b28279b674b2207040b36b") (:authors ("Francesco Montanari" . "fmnt@fmnt.info")) (:maintainer "Francesco Montanari" . "fmnt@fmnt.info") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/montanari/cosmo-el"))]) (counsel . [(20210802 931) ((emacs (24 5)) (ivy (0 13 4)) (swiper (0 13 4))) "Various completion functions using Ivy" single ((:commit . "bde2176e89aa38344f700e9e7f9fc5c7b4fc471f") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "matching" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/abo-abo/swiper"))]) (counsel-ag-popup . [(20210121 805) ((emacs (26 1)) (counsel (0 13 0)) (transient (0 3 0))) "Interactive search with counsel-ag" single ((:commit . "41d85fe36edd72da68f5009ad9cf9013cd19960d") (:authors ("Eder Elorriaga" . "gexplorer8@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Eder Elorriaga" . "gexplorer8@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "matching" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/gexplorer/counsel-ag-popup"))]) (counsel-bbdb . [(20181128 1320) ((ivy (0 8 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "Quick search&input email from BBDB based on ivy" single ((:commit . "df2890deb73b09f8055243bd91942ea887d9b7a1") (:authors ("Chen Bin ")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin ") (:keywords "mail" "abbrev" "convenience" "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/redguard/counsel-bbdb"))]) (counsel-codesearch . [(20180925 803) ((codesearch (1)) (counsel (0 10 0)) (emacs (24)) (ivy (0 10 0))) "Counsel interface for codesearch.el" single ((:commit . "b7989fad3e06f301c31d5e896c42b6cc549a0e0c") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "austin.bingham@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "austin.bingham@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/abingham/emacs-counsel-codesearch"))]) (counsel-css . [(20210310 452) ((emacs (24 4)) (counsel (0 7 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "stylesheet-selector-aware swiper" single ((:commit . "f7647b4195b9b4e97f1ee1acede6054ae38df630") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner ")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "henrik@lissner.net") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "counsel" "swiper" "selector" "css" "less" "scss") (:url . "https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-counsel-css"))]) (counsel-dash . [(20200103 1411) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash-docs (1 4 0)) (counsel (0 8 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Browse dash docsets using Ivy" single ((:commit . "370d5f6f14b5294d0eb717f7b2a6a8e93df1ed24") (:authors ("Nathan Kot" . "nk@nathankot.com")) (:maintainer "Nathan Kot" . "nk@nathankot.com") (:keywords "dash" "ivy" "counsel") (:url . "https://github.com/nathankot/counsel-dash"))]) (counsel-edit-mode . [(20210103 1508) ((emacs (26 1)) (ht (2 3)) (s (1 12 0)) (counsel (0 10 0))) "Edit results of counsel commands in-place" single ((:commit . "82234306562f47ec50db212888dbcf21ef0b70f8") (:authors ("Tyler Dodge")) (:maintainer "Tyler Dodge") (:keywords "convenience" "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/tyler-dodge/counsel-edit-mode"))]) (counsel-etags . [(20210725 821) ((emacs (25 1)) (counsel (0 13 4))) "Fast and complete Ctags/Etags solution using ivy" single ((:commit . "84fff26b0f207131c2e6669bd7f510eac43973aa") (:authors ("Chen Bin ")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin ") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/counsel-etags"))]) (counsel-fd . [(20210606 1724) ((counsel (0 12 0))) "counsel interface for fd" single ((:commit . "e9513a3c7f6cdbdf038f951e828e631c0455e7d4") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/CsBigDataHub/counsel-fd"))]) (counsel-ffdata . 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Lafon" . "alain@200ok.ch")) (:maintainer "Alain M. Lafon" . "alain@200ok.ch") (:keywords "convenience" "data" "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/200ok-ch/counsel-jq"))]) (counsel-mairix . [(20210422 649) ((emacs (26 3)) (ivy (0 13 1))) "Counsel interface for Mairix" single ((:commit . "39fa2ad10a5f899cb3f3275f9a6ebd166c51216a") (:authors ("Antoine Kalmbach" . "ane@iki.fi")) (:maintainer "Antoine Kalmbach" . "ane@iki.fi") (:keywords "mail") (:url . "https://sr.ht/~ane/counsel-mairix"))]) (counsel-notmuch . [(20181203 935) ((emacs (24)) (ivy (0 10 0)) (notmuch (0 21)) (s (1 12 0))) "Search emails in Notmuch asynchronously with Ivy" single ((:commit . "a4a1562935e4180c42524c51609d1283e9be0688") (:authors ("Alexander Fu Xi" . "fuxialexander@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alexander Fu Xi" . "fuxialexander@gmail.com") (:keywords "mail") (:url . "https://github.com/fuxialexander/counsel-notmuch"))]) (counsel-org-capture-string . [(20200810 1114) ((emacs (25 1)) (ivy (0 13))) "Counsel for org-capture-string" single ((:commit . "dbb7d95f99d7910d76ffc2d024580088a34ec444") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "akira.komamura@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "akira.komamura@gmail.com") (:keywords "outlines") (:url . "https://github.com/akirak/counsel-org-capture-string"))]) (counsel-org-clock . [(20200810 1109) ((emacs (25 1)) (ivy (0 10 0)) (dash (2 0))) "Counsel commands for org-clock" single ((:commit . "6ba0f2ac7e4e5b8c1baec90296d9f24407d8d632") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "akira.komamura@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "akira.komamura@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/akirak/counsel-org-clock"))]) (counsel-osx-app . [(20160821 809) ((ivy (0 8 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "launch osx applications via ivy interface" single ((:commit . "b1c54cbc033c4939966910d85ce035503079e108") (:authors ("Boris Buliga" . "d12frosted@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Boris Buliga" . "d12frosted@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/d12frosted/counsel-osx-app"))]) (counsel-projectile . [(20201015 1109) ((counsel (0 13 0)) (projectile (2 0 0))) "Ivy integration for Projectile" single ((:commit . "06b03c1080d3ccc3fa9b9c41b1ccbcf13f058e4b") (:authors ("Eric Danan")) (:maintainer "Eric Danan") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/ericdanan/counsel-projectile"))]) (counsel-pydoc . [(20171018 2042) ((emacs (24 3)) (ivy (0 9 1))) "run pydoc with counsel" single ((:commit . "1d8ff8ca3b9d69453cde423b1887fbb490a95c9e") (:authors (nil . "Hao Deng(denghao8888@gmail.com)")) (:maintainer nil . "Hao Deng(denghao8888@gmail.com)") (:keywords "completion" "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/co-dh/pydoc_utils"))]) (counsel-spotify . [(20200818 2055) ((emacs (25 1)) (ivy (0 13 0))) "Control Spotify search and select music with Ivy" tar ((:commit . "2743ad52a9def53534fd505397fbe1ac49e53015") (:authors ("Lautaro García ")) (:maintainer "Lautaro García ") (:url . "https://github.com/Lautaro-Garcia/counsel-spotify"))]) (counsel-test . [(20190819 1920) ((emacs (25 1)) (ivy (0 11 0)) (s (1 12 0))) "Browse and execute tests with ivy" tar ((:commit . "7fc4e5d0d65c53edbcb4c25917bcf7faaea36ec7") (:keywords "tools" "ivy" "counsel" "testing" "ctest" "pytest") (:url . "http://github.com/xmagpie/counsel-test"))]) (counsel-tramp . [(20210518 1153) ((emacs (24 3)) (counsel (0 10))) "Tramp ivy interface for ssh, docker, vagrant" single ((:commit . "76719eebb791920272c69e75e234f05a815bb5c2") (:authors ("Masashı Mıyaura")) (:maintainer "Masashı Mıyaura") (:url . "https://github.com/masasam/emacs-counsel-tramp"))]) (counsel-web . [(20210609 2156) ((emacs (25 1)) (counsel (0 13 0)) (request (0 3 0))) "Search the Web using Ivy" single ((:commit . "1359b3b204fcdac7a3d6664c7d540a88b5acecfd") (:authors ("Matthew Sojourner Newton" . "matt@mnewton.com")) (:maintainer "Matthew Sojourner Newton" . "matt@mnewton.com") (:keywords "convenience" "hypermedia") (:url . "https://github.com/mnewt/counsel-web"))]) (counsel-world-clock . [(20190709 2211) ((ivy (0 9 0)) (s (1 12 0))) "Display world clock using Ivy." single ((:commit . "674e4c6b82a92ea765af97cc5f017b357284c7dc") (:authors ("Kuang Chen ")) (:maintainer "Kuang Chen ") (:url . "https://github.com/kchenphy/counsel-world-clock"))]) (countdown . [(20190626 244) ((emacs (25 1)) (stream (2 2 4))) "Countdown using big LCD-like digits" single ((:commit . "139dea91fc818d65944aca5f16c9626abbdfbf04") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang" . "mail@xuchunyang.me")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang" . "mail@xuchunyang.me") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/countdown.el"))]) (cov . [(20210330 44) ((emacs (24 4)) (f (0 18 2)) (s (1 11 0)) (elquery (0))) "Show coverage stats in the fringe." single ((:commit . "62a4650f97eddebf6cd04b662a69b15ba72472c1") (:authors ("Adam Niederer")) (:maintainer "Adam Niederer") (:keywords "coverage" "gcov" "c") (:url . "https://github.com/AdamNiederer/cov"))]) (coverage . [(20191113 1958) ((ov (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Code coverage line highlighting" single ((:commit . "6e3c6f2dcb759a76086adeeb1fdfe83e4f082482") (:authors ("Kieran Trezona-le Comte" . "trezona.lecomte@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Kieran Trezona-le Comte" . "trezona.lecomte@gmail.com") (:keywords "coverage" "metrics" "simplecov" "ruby" "rspec") (:url . "https://github.com/trezona-lecomte/coverage"))]) (coverlay . [(20190414 940) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Test coverage overlays" single ((:commit . "0beae208d0e7d746a94385428bd61aa5cd7ea828") (:authors ("Takuto Wada ")) (:maintainer "Takuto Wada ") (:keywords "coverage" "overlay") (:url . "https://github.com/twada/coverlay.el"))]) (cowsay . [(20210510 1540) ((emacs (24 5))) "Poorly drawn ASCII cartoons saying things" single ((:commit . "d8a72a311c6875f1aef6a30b3d23a1b02df75941") (:authors ("Lassi Kortela" . "lassi@lassi.io")) (:maintainer "Lassi Kortela" . "lassi@lassi.io") (:keywords "games") (:url . "https://github.com/lassik/emacs-cowsay"))]) (cp5022x . [(20120323 2335) nil "cp50220, cp50221, cp50222 coding system" single ((:commit . "ea7327dd75e54539576916f592ae1be98179ae35") (:authors ("ARISAWA Akihiro" . "ari@mbf.ocn.ne.jp")) (:maintainer "ARISAWA Akihiro" . "ari@mbf.ocn.ne.jp") (:keywords "languages" "cp50220" "cp50221" "cp50222" "cp51932" "cp932"))]) (cpanfile-mode . [(20161001 710) ((emacs (24 4))) "Major mode for cpanfiles" single ((:commit . "eda675703525198df1f76ddf250bffa40217ec5d") (:authors ("Zak B. Elep" . "zakame@zakame.net")) (:maintainer "Zak B. Elep" . "zakame@zakame.net") (:keywords "perl") (:url . "https://github.com/zakame/cpanfile-mode"))]) (cpp-auto-include . [(20210318 2217) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Insert and delete C++ header files automatically" single ((:commit . "0ce829f27d466c083e78b9fe210dcfa61fb417f4") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsorphanage/cpp-auto-include"))]) (cpputils-cmake . [(20181006 328) nil "Easy realtime C++ syntax check and IntelliSense with CMake." single ((:commit . "64b2b05eff5398b4cd522e66efaf14553ab18ff4") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com") (:keywords "cmake" "intellisense" "flymake" "flycheck") (:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/cpputils-cmake"))]) (cpu-sos . [(20200409 2356) ((emacs (25 1))) "S.O.S. from a CPU in distress" single ((:commit . "1594b76d4ad3a6e3c471d82da366226d156e6226") (:authors ("Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro" . "oitofelix@gnu.org")) (:maintainer "Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro" . "oitofelix@gnu.org") (:keywords "processes") (:url . "https://github.com/oitofelix/cpu-sos"))]) (cql-mode . [(20190315 225) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for editting CQLs" single ((:commit . "d400c046850d3cf404778b2c47d6be4ff84ca04b") (:authors ("Yuki Inoue ")) (:maintainer "Yuki Inoue ") (:keywords "cql" "cassandra") (:url . "https://github.com/Yuki-Inoue/cql-mode"))]) (cquery . [(20190118 542) ((emacs (25 1)) (lsp-mode (3 4)) (dash (0 13))) "cquery client for lsp-mode" tar ((:commit . "555e50984ebda177421fdcdc8c76cb29235d9694") (:authors ("Tobias Pisani")) (:maintainer "Tobias Pisani") (:keywords "languages" "lsp" "c++") (:url . "https://github.com/jacobdufault/cquery"))]) (crappy-jsp-mode . [(20140311 931) nil "A pretty crappy major-mode for jsp." single ((:commit . "6c45ab92b452411cc0fab9bcee2f456276b4fc40") (:keywords "jsp" "major" "mode"))]) (creamsody-theme . [(20170222 1058) ((autothemer (0 2))) "Straight from the soda fountain." single ((:commit . "32fa3f4e461da92700523b1b20e7b28974c19a26") (:url . "http://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-theme-creamsody"))]) (create-link . [(20210601 1327) ((emacs (25 1))) "Smart format link generator" single ((:commit . "b2c24f42f2fae63433787150f77b397d69ce0e5b") (:authors ("Kijima Daigo" . "norimaking777@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Kijima Daigo" . "norimaking777@gmail.com") (:keywords "link" "format" "browser" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/kijimaD/create-link"))]) (creds . [(20140510 1706) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 5 0))) "A parser credentials file library (not limited to credentials entries)" tar ((:commit . "b059397a7d59481f05fbb1bb9c8d3c2c69226482") (:authors ("Antoine R. Dumont ")) (:maintainer "Antoine R. Dumont ") (:keywords "credentials") (:url . "https://github.com/ardumont/emacs-creds"))]) (creole . [(20140924 1500) ((noflet (0 0 3)) (kv (0 0 17))) "A parser for the Creole Wiki language" single ((:commit . "7d5cffe93857f6c75ca09ac79c0e47b8d4410e53") (:authors ("Nic Ferrier" . "nferrier@ferrier.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . "nferrier@ferrier.me.uk") (:keywords "lisp" "creole" "wiki"))]) (creole-mode . [(20130722 50) nil "a markup mode for creole" single ((:commit . "b5e79b2ec5f19fb5aacf689b5febc3e0b61515c4") (:authors ("Nic Ferrier" . "nferrier@ferrier.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . "nferrier@ferrier.me.uk") (:keywords "hypermedia" "wp") (:url . "https://github.com/nicferrier/creole-mode"))]) (cricbuzz . [(20180804 2254) ((enlive (0 0 1)) (f (0 19 0)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0))) "Cricket scores from cricbuzz in emacs" single ((:commit . "0b95d45991bbcd2fa58d96ce921f6a57ba42c153") (:authors ("Abhinav Tushar" . "abhinav.tushar.vs@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Abhinav Tushar" . "abhinav.tushar.vs@gmail.com") (:keywords "cricket" "score") (:url . "https://github.com/lepisma/cricbuzz.el"))]) (crm-custom . [(20160117 6) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Alternate `completing-read-multiple' that uses `completing-read'" single ((:commit . "f1aaccf64306a5f99d9bf7ba815d7ea41c15518d") (:authors ("Ryan C. Thompson" . "rct@thompsonclan.org")) (:maintainer "Ryan C. Thompson" . "rct@thompsonclan.org") (:keywords "completion" "minibuffer" "multiple elements") (:url . "https://github.com/DarwinAwardWinner/crm-custom"))]) (crontab-mode . [(20210715 133) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for crontab(5)" single ((:commit . "7412f3df0958812bfcacd5875a409fa795fa8ecc") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "marsam@users.noreply.github.com")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "marsam@users.noreply.github.com") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-pe/crontab-mode"))]) (crossword . [(20210614 633) ((emacs (26 1))) "Download and play crossword puzzles" single ((:commit . "a8594b6e13f5e276aa9bc810ac74a8032bb1f678") (:keywords "games") (:url . "https://github.com/Boruch-Baum/emacs-crossword"))]) (crux . [(20210309 838) ((seq (1 11))) "A Collection of Ridiculously Useful eXtensions" single ((:commit . "20c07848049716a0e1aa2560e23b5f4149f2a74f") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.com")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/bbatsov/crux"))]) (cryptol-mode . 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"https://github.com/channikhabra/css-comb.el"))]) (css-eldoc . [(20150125 323) nil "an eldoc-mode plugin for CSS source code" tar ((:commit . "c558ac4c470742c98a37290e6b409db28183df30") (:authors ("Zeno Zeng" . "zenoes@qq.com")) (:maintainer "Zeno Zeng" . "zenoes@qq.com"))]) (cssh . [(20150810 1709) nil "clusterssh implementation for emacs" single ((:commit . "2fe2754235225a59b63f08b130cfd4352e2e1c3f") (:authors ("Dimitri Fontaine" . "dim@tapoueh.org")) (:maintainer "Dimitri Fontaine" . "dim@tapoueh.org") (:keywords "clusterssh" "ssh" "cssh") (:url . "http://tapoueh.org/emacs/cssh.html"))]) (csv . [(20161113 1510) nil "Functions for reading and parsing CSV files." single ((:commit . "aa1dfa1263565d5fac3879c21d8ddf5f8915e411") (:authors ("Ulf Jasper" . "ulf.jasper@web.de")) (:maintainer "Ulf Jasper" . "ulf.jasper@web.de") (:keywords "extensions" "data" "csv"))]) (ct . [(20210219 1344) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 18 0)) (hsluv (1 0 0))) "Color Tools - a color api" single ((:commit . "c302ee94feee0c5efc511e8f9fd8cb2f6dfe3490") (:authors ("neeasade")) (:maintainer "neeasade") (:keywords "convenience" "color" "theming" "rgb" "hsv" "hsl" "cie-lab" "background") (:url . "https://github.com/neeasade/ct.el"))]) (ctable . [(20210128 629) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Table component for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "48b73742757a3ae5736d825fe49e00034cc453b5") (:authors ("SAKURAI Masashi ")) (:maintainer "SAKURAI Masashi ") (:keywords "table") (:url . "https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-ctable"))]) (ctags-update . [(20190609 613) nil "(auto) update TAGS in parent directory using exuberant-ctags" single ((:commit . "67faf248b92388442958a069263c62a345425a1b") (:authors (nil . "Joseph(纪秀峰) jixiuf@gmail.com")) (:maintainer nil . "Joseph(纪秀峰) jixiuf@gmail.com") (:keywords "exuberant-ctags" "etags") (:url . "https://github.com/jixiuf/ctags-update"))]) (ctl-mode . [(20151202 1006) nil "Major mode for editing GrADS script files" single ((:commit . "1a13051db21b999c7682a015b33a03096ff9d891") (:authors ("Joe Wielgosz" . "joew@cola.iges.org")) (:maintainer "Joe Wielgosz" . "joew@cola.iges.org") (:keywords "grads" "script" "major-mode"))]) (ctrlf . [(20210724 126) ((emacs (25 1))) "Emacs finally learns how to ctrl+F" single ((:commit . "b78e129a8a4fabfebba8cdd5ef51278d0d57e0f4") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "radon.neon@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "radon.neon@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/raxod502/ctrlf"))]) (ctrlxo . [(20201021 701) ((emacs (25 1))) "Switch to the most recently used window" single ((:commit . "8ad95a81bd1ece06ebe40e2a83490775db64b419") (:authors ("Andrii Kolomoiets" . "andreyk.mad@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Andrii Kolomoiets" . "andreyk.mad@gmail.com") (:keywords "frames") (:url . "https://github.com/muffinmad/emacs-ctrlxo"))]) (ctune . [(20210205 1428) ((emacs (26 1))) "Tune out CC Mode Noise Macros" tar ((:commit . "3f7abc6e74d4e5954b476ba9a1dc652f96b10c05") (:authors ("Mauro Aranda" . "maurooaranda@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mauro Aranda" . "maurooaranda@gmail.com") (:keywords "c" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/maurooaranda/ctune"))]) (ctxmenu . [(20140303 2142) ((popup (20140205 103)) (log4e (0 2 0)) (yaxception (0 1))) "Provide a context menu like right-click." tar ((:commit . "5c2376859562b98c07c985d2b483658e4c0e888e") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com") (:keywords "popup") (:url . "https://github.com/aki2o/emacs-ctxmenu"))]) (cubicaltt . [(20171108 1402) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Mode for cubical type theory" single ((:commit . "a5c6f94bfc0da84e214641e0b87aa9649ea114ea") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/mortberg/cubicaltt"))]) (cubicle-mode . [(20171009 1957) nil "Major mode for the Cubicle model checker" single ((:commit . "00f09bb2d4bb496549775e770d7ada08bc1e4866") (:authors ("Alain Mebsout")) (:maintainer "Alain Mebsout"))]) (cucumber-goto-step . [(20131210 519) ((pcre2el (1 5))) "Jump to cucumber step definition" single ((:commit . "f2713ffb26ebe1b757d1f2ea80e900b55e5895aa") (:authors ("Glen Stampoultzis" . "gstamp@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Glen Stampoultzis" . "gstamp@gmail.com") (:url . "http://orthogonal.me"))]) (cuda-mode . [(20201013 2230) nil "NVIDIA CUDA Major Mode" single ((:commit . "7f593518fd135fc6af994024bcb47986dfa502d2") (:authors ("Jack Morrison" . "jackmorrison1@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jack Morrison" . "jackmorrison1@gmail.com") (:keywords "c" "languages"))]) (curl-to-elisp . [(20201124 1012) ((emacs (25 1))) "Convert cURL command to Emacs Lisp code" single ((:commit . "63d8d9c6d5efb8af8aa88042bfc0690ba699ef64") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/curl-to-elisp"))]) (currency-convert . [(20210427 2032) ((emacs (24 4))) "Currency converter" single ((:commit . "12805ea66aa8421de5eedda39d23f709de634460") (:authors ("Lassi Kortela" . "lassi@lassi.io")) (:maintainer "Lassi Kortela" . "lassi@lassi.io") (:keywords "comm" "convenience" "i18n") (:url . "https://github.com/lassik/emacs-currency-convert"))]) (current-word-highlight . [(20210323 1401) nil "Highlight the current word minor mode" single ((:commit . "d860f4e170ffa4cef840da93647f458cc409d554") (:authors ("Kijima Daigo" . "norimaking777@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Kijima Daigo" . "norimaking777@gmail.com") (:keywords "highlight" "face" "convenience" "word") (:url . "https://github.com/kijimaD/current-word-highlight"))]) (curry-on-theme . [(20210322 1717) ((emacs (24 1))) "A low contrast color theme" single ((:commit . "b53a61d443cc75906d9f97e19f19be71f1e19bc4") (:authors ("Martín Varela" . "martin@varela.fi")) (:maintainer "Martín Varela" . "martin@varela.fi") (:url . "https://github.com/mvarela/Curry-On-Theme"))]) (cursor-flash . [(20210722 445) ((emacs (24 3))) "Highlight the cursor on buffer/window-switch" single ((:commit . "6bb54a1e2e1bf9df80926718b1b8b9ee49080484") (:keywords "convenience" "faces" "maint") (:url . "https://github.com/Boruch-Baum/emacs-cursor-flash"))]) (cursor-test . [(20131207 1732) ((emacs (24))) "testing library for cursor position in emacs." single ((:commit . "e09956e048b88fd2ee8dd90b5678baed8b04d31b") (:authors ("ainame")) (:maintainer "ainame") (:url . "https://github.com/ainame/cursor-test.el"))]) (cwl-mode . [(20210510 1150) ((yaml-mode (0 0 13)) (emacs (24 4))) "A major mode for editing CWL" single ((:commit . "23a333119efaac78453cba95d316109805bd6aec") (:authors ("Tomoya Tanjo" . "ttanjo@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tomoya Tanjo" . "ttanjo@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "cwl" "common workflow language") (:url . "https://github.com/tom-tan/cwl-mode"))]) (cyberpunk-2019-theme . [(20191008 1133) ((emacs (24 1))) "A retina-scorching cyberpunk theme" single ((:commit . "7e40c37210c363b2819fd9bb98a73101d7a3c206") (:authors ("Alex Lynham" . "alex@lynh.am")) (:maintainer "Alex Lynham" . "alex@lynh.am") (:keywords "cyberpunk" "theme" "themes") (:url . "https://github.com/the-frey/cyberpunk-2019"))]) (cyberpunk-theme . [(20200601 1632) nil "Cyberpunk Color Theme" single ((:commit . "cbd0d7193e69ff9e98262eb06aee3d27667ff5f5") (:authors ("Nicholas M. Van Horn" . "nvanhorn@protonmail.com")) (:maintainer "Nicholas M. Van Horn" . "nvanhorn@protonmail.com") (:keywords "color" "theme" "cyberpunk") (:url . "https://github.com/n3mo/cyberpunk-theme.el"))]) (cycbuf . [(20131203 2037) nil "Cycle buffers, inspired by swbuff.el, swbuff-x.el, and bs.el" single ((:commit . "1079b41c3eb27d65b66d4399959bb6253f84858e") (:authors ("Martin Pohlack martinp (at) gmx.de")) (:maintainer "Martin Pohlack martinp (at) gmx.de") (:keywords "files" "convenience" "buffer switching") (:url . "https://github.com/martinp26/cycbuf"))]) (cycle-resize . [(20160521 1557) nil "Cycle resize the current window horizontally or vertically" single ((:commit . "7d255d6fe85f12c967a0f7fcfcf18633be194c88") (:authors ("Pierre Lecocq")) (:maintainer "Pierre Lecocq") (:url . "https://github.com/pierre-lecocq/cycle-resize"))]) (cycle-themes . [(20150403 309) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "A global minor mode to make switching themes easier" single ((:commit . "6e125d11fdbc6b78fc9f219eb2609a5e29815898") (:keywords "themes" "utility" "global minor mode") (:url . "http://github.com/toroidal-code/cycle-themes.el"))]) (cyphejor . [(20210319 1423) ((emacs (24 4))) "Shorten major mode names using user-defined rules" single ((:commit . "cf580995f891e339a9485ba91d6cb81a2abd61e4") (:authors ("Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com") (:keywords "mode-line" "major-mode") (:url . "https://github.com/mrkkrp/cyphejor"))]) (cypher-mode . [(20151110 1142) nil "major mode for editing cypher scripts" single ((:commit . "ce8543d7877c736c574a17b49874c9dcdc7a06d6") (:authors ("François-Xavier Bois ")) (:maintainer "François-Xavier Bois") (:keywords "cypher" "graph") (:url . "http://github.com/fxbois/cypher-mode"))]) (cython-mode . [(20190111 2150) nil "Major mode for editing Cython files" single ((:commit . "c7dc24bc0a39af708976fb0a4bf63d2ee407badb"))]) (czech-holidays . [(20160113 1752) nil "Adds a list of Czech public holidays to Emacs calendar" single ((:commit . "d136fa09a152b3cd80db6d55c7b4ddfe07b90fbf") (:authors ("David Chkhikvadze" . "david.chk@outlook.com")) (:maintainer "David Chkhikvadze" . "david.chk@outlook.com") (:keywords "calendar"))]) (d-mode . [(20210119 1853) ((emacs (25 1))) "D Programming Language major mode for (X)Emacs" single ((:commit . "199743df55c6bfce3cdb08405bd8519768c8dfa9") (:authors ("William Baxter")) (:maintainer "Russel Winder" . "russel@winder.org.uk") (:keywords "d" "programming" "language" "emacs" "cc-mode"))]) (dactyl-mode . [(20140906 1725) nil "Major mode for editing Pentadactyl config files" single ((:commit . "cc55fe6b987271d9647492b8df4c812d884f661f") (:keywords "languages" "vim") (:url . "https://github.com/luxbock/dactyl-mode"))]) (dad-joke . [(20170928 658) ((emacs (24))) "Get/display dad jokes" single ((:commit . "bee47e7b746b403228fa7d7361cb095de19ac9ba") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "davep@davep.org")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "davep@davep.org") (:keywords "games") (:url . "https://github.com/davep/dad-joke.el"))]) (daemons . [(20210728 1514) ((emacs (25 1))) "UI for managing init system daemons (services)" tar ((:commit . "cbab674d995022c1c223bfccf13d8009c7c4e2ba") (:authors ("Chris Bowdon")) (:maintainer "Chris Bowdon") (:keywords "unix" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/cbowdon/daemons.el"))]) (dakrone-light-theme . [(20170808 2140) nil "dakrone's custom light theme" single ((:commit . "06f198dc8b4ca7421990b30a23d89c8e0b8c5de4") (:authors ("Lee Hinman ")) (:maintainer "Lee Hinman ") (:keywords "color" "themes" "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/dakrone/dakrone-light-theme"))]) (dakrone-theme . [(20170801 1933) nil "dakrone's custom dark theme" single ((:commit . "232ad1be5f3572dcbdf528f1655109aa355a6937") (:authors ("Lee Hinman ")) (:maintainer "Lee Hinman ") (:keywords "color" "themes") (:url . "https://github.com/dakrone/dakrone-theme"))]) (danneskjold-theme . [(20210429 657) nil "Beautiful high-contrast Emacs theme." tar ((:commit . "e4d1f2c76245fe9d0d07133a841e789d139df28d") (:authors ("Dmitry Akatov" . "akatovda@yandex.com")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Akatov" . "akatovda@yandex.com") (:url . "https://github.com/rails-to-cosmos/"))]) (dante . [(20210301 1738) ((dash (2 12 0)) (emacs (25 1)) (f (0 19 0)) (flycheck (0 30)) (company (0 9)) (haskell-mode (13 14)) (s (1 11 0)) (lcr (1 0))) "Development mode for Haskell" single ((:commit . "8741419333fb85ed2c1d71f5902688f5201b0a40") (:authors ("Jean-Philippe Bernardy" . "jeanphilippe.bernardy@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jean-Philippe Bernardy" . "jeanphilippe.bernardy@gmail.com") (:keywords "haskell" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/jyp/dante"))]) (dap-mode . [(20210720 448) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 18 0)) (lsp-mode (6 0)) (bui (1 1 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (lsp-treemacs (0 1)) (posframe (0 7 0)) (ht (2 3))) "Debug Adapter Protocol mode" tar ((:commit . "d472a6c937cf519434e718e873c195f5d1e80f19") (:authors ("Ivan Yonchovski" . "yyoncho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ivan Yonchovski" . "yyoncho@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "debug") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-lsp/dap-mode"))]) (darcsum . [(20190316 2215) nil "a pcl-cvs like interface for managing darcs patches" single ((:commit . "6a8b690539d133c5e3d17cb23fe4365fbb6fb493") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "johnw@gnu.org")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "johnw@gnu.org") (:keywords "completion" "convenience" "tools" "vc"))]) (darcula-theme . [(20171227 1845) nil "Inspired by IntelliJ's Darcula theme" single ((:commit . "d9b82b58ded9014985be6658f4ab17e26ed9e93e") (:authors ("Sam Halliday" . "Sam.Halliday@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sam Halliday" . "Sam.Halliday@gmail.com") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/fommil/emacs-darcula-theme"))]) (dark-krystal-theme . [(20170808 1300) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on Dark Krystal (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "79084b99665dc9ffb0ec62cc092349a5ecebebbc") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsfodder/tmtheme-to-deftheme"))]) (dark-mint-theme . [(20160302 642) nil "dark & minty fresh theme" single ((:commit . "95c30a26de31549cd341184ba9ab2be8fdc67eba"))]) (dark-souls . [(20140314 1128) nil "Prepare to die" single ((:commit . "94122b1215423e58dcf18584a2bd022029d54d4b") (:authors ("Tom Jakubowski" . "tom@crystae.net")) (:maintainer "Tom Jakubowski" . "tom@crystae.net") (:keywords "games") (:url . "http://github.com/tomjakubowski/dark-souls.el"))]) (darkburn-theme . [(20170423 1652) nil "A not-so-low contrast color theme for Emacs." single ((:commit . "0af794ff7fac19778ac8a7efb92455c6f6c2158f") (:authors ("Jonas Gorauskas" . "jgorauskas@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jonas Gorauskas" . "jgorauskas@gmail.com") (:url . "http://github.com/gorauskas/darkburn-theme"))]) (darkmine-theme . [(20160406 624) nil "Yet another emacs dark color theme." single ((:commit . "7f7e82ca03bcad52911fa41fb3e204e32d6ee63e") (:authors ("Pierre Lecocq" . "pierre.lecocq@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Pierre Lecocq" . "pierre.lecocq@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/pierre-lecocq/darkmine-theme"))]) (darkokai-theme . [(20200614 1452) nil "A darker variant on Monokai." single ((:commit . "5820aeddfc8c869ba840cc534eba776936656a66") (:url . "http://github.com/sjrmanning/darkokai"))]) (darktooth-theme . [(20201215 822) ((autothemer (0 2))) "From the darkness... it watches" single ((:commit . "ec03b30ee7f43f89ca4c382bb3fe4ee560c028a8") (:url . "http://github.com/emacsfodder/emacs-theme-darktooth"))]) (dart-mode . [(20210301 0) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing Dart files" single ((:commit . "43975c92080e307c4bc14a4773a61195d2062fd9") (:authors ("Brady Trainor" . "mail@bradyt.net")) (:maintainer "Brady Trainor" . "mail@bradyt.net") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/bradyt/dart-mode"))]) (dart-server . [(20210501 1445) ((emacs (24 5)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 10 0)) (flycheck (0 23)) (s (1 10))) "Minor mode for editing Dart files" single ((:commit . "75562baf9a89b7e314bc2f795f6ecdc5d1f2cc8c") (:authors ("Natalie Weizenbaum") ("Brady Trainor" . "mail@bradyt.com")) (:maintainer "Brady Trainor" . "mail@bradyt.com") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/bradyt/dart-server"))]) (dash . [(20210708 2009) ((emacs (24))) "A modern list library for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "2675596b9ac1c4b9d47b93e227f06f8ec6755ec6") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions" "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/magnars/dash.el"))]) (dash-alfred . [(20191024 450) ((emacs (25 1))) "Search Dash documentation via Dash-Alfred-Workflow" single ((:commit . "fcd21bd6c7eb5cd31377be970406ff3d2454bd5c") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang") (:keywords "docs") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/dash-alfred.el"))]) (dash-at-point . [(20180710 1356) nil "Search the word at point with Dash" single ((:commit . "4d795a23a8428c421d5107f1b005c9d8e0d1816c") (:authors ("Shinji Tanaka" . "shinji.tanaka@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shinji Tanaka" . "shinji.tanaka@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/stanaka/dash-at-point"))]) (dash-docs . [(20200516 1943) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (async (1 9 3))) "Offline documentation browser using Dash docsets." single ((:commit . "dafc8fc9f1ddb2e4e39e0b8d066c42d5d7ce8d06") (:authors ("Raimon Grau" . "raimonster@gmail.com") ("Toni Reina " . "areina0@gmail.com") ("Bryan Gilbert" . "bryan@bryan.sh")) (:maintainer "Raimon Grau" . "raimonster@gmail.com") (:keywords "docs") (:url . "http://github.com/areina/helm-dash"))]) (dash-functional . [(20210210 1449) ((dash (2 18 0))) "Collection of useful combinators for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "2675596b9ac1c4b9d47b93e227f06f8ec6755ec6") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") ("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions" "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/magnars/dash.el"))]) (dashboard . [(20210718 940) ((emacs (25 3))) "A startup screen extracted from Spacemacs" tar ((:commit . "67573ceb3db5bc7a5192311c6cac044cb29f61a7") (:authors ("Rakan Al-Hneiti")) (:maintainer "Rakan Al-Hneiti") (:keywords "startup" "screen" "tools" "dashboard") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-dashboard/emacs-dashboard"))]) (dashboard-hackernews . [(20190109 205) ((emacs (24)) (dashboard (1 2 5)) (request (0 3 0))) "Display Hacker News on dashboard" single ((:commit . "b71814716d8f78181b9d1990f06072460de0797e") (:authors ("Hayato KAJIYAMA" . "kaji1216@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hayato KAJIYAMA" . "kaji1216@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/hyakt/emacs-dashboard-hackernews"))]) (dashboard-ls . [(20210108 1857) ((emacs (24 3)) (dashboard (1 2 5)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 12 0))) "Display files/directories in current directory on Dashboard" single ((:commit . "947c8c99e9abb38852d895f8792258783e3c4e1d") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-dashboard/dashboard-ls"))]) (dashboard-project-status . [(20190202 1354) ((emacs (24)) (git (0 1 1)) (dashboard (1 2 5))) "Display a git project status in a dashboard widget." single ((:commit . "7675c138e9df8fe2c626e7ba9bbb8b6717671a41") (:authors ("Jason Duncan" . "jasond496@msn.com")) (:maintainer "Jason Duncan" . "jasond496@msn.com") (:url . "https://github.com/functionreturnfunction/dashboard-project-status"))]) (date-at-point . [(20150308 1243) nil "Add `date' to `thing-at-point' function" single ((:commit . "38df823d05df08ec0748a4185113fae5f99090e9") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/alezost/date-at-point.el"))]) (date-field . [(20141129 105) ((dash (2 9 0)) (log4e (0 2 0)) (yaxception (0 3 2))) "Date widget" single ((:commit . "11c9170d1f7b343233f7716d4c0a62be024c1654") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com") (:keywords "widgets") (:url . "https://github.com/aki2o/emacs-date-field"))]) (date2name . [(20190630 933) ((emacs (24 4))) "Package to prepend ISO Timestamps to files" single ((:commit . "386dbe73678705d6107cd5c9bdeb4f7c97632360") (:authors ("Max Beutelspacher")) (:maintainer "Max Beutelspacher") (:keywords "files" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/DerBeutlin/date2name.el"))]) (datetime . [(20210307 2203) ((emacs (24 4)) (extmap (1 1 1))) "Parsing, formatting and matching timestamps" tar ((:commit . "276f9d4304180301edabc160d5d17f46532489a1") (:authors ("Paul Pogonyshev" . "pogonyshev@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Paul Pogonyshev" . "pogonyshev@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp" "i18n") (:url . "https://github.com/doublep/datetime"))]) (datetime-format . [(20160612 1715) nil "Datetime functions" single ((:commit . "e6427538b547cbe02e1bd6ed4b765c73620bdae8") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:keywords "datetime" "calendar") (:url . "https://github.com/zonuexe/emacs-datetime"))]) (datomic-snippets . [(20180817 1045) ((s (1 4 0)) (dash (1 2 0)) (yasnippet (0 6 1))) "Yasnippets for Datomic" tar ((:commit . "4a14228840d5252e13d2bf6209670f26345bbb84") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com") (:keywords "snippets"))]) (dayone . [(20160105 1240) ((uuid (0 0 3)) (mustache (0 22)) (ht (1 5))) "Utility script for Day One" tar ((:commit . "ab628274f0806451f23bce16f62a6a11cbf91a2b") (:authors ("mori-dev" . "mori.dev.asdf@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "mori-dev" . "mori.dev.asdf@gmail.com") (:keywords "day one" "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/mori-dev/emacs-dayone"))]) (db . [(20140421 2111) ((kv (0 0 11))) "A database for EmacsLisp" single ((:commit . "b3a423fb8e72f9013009cbe033d654df2ce31438") (:authors ("Nic Ferrier" . "nferrier@ferrier.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . "nferrier@ferrier.me.uk") (:keywords "data" "lisp"))]) (db-pg . [(20130131 1902) ((pg (0 12)) (db (0 0 6))) "A PostgreSQL adapter for emacs-db" single ((:commit . "7d5ab86b74b05fe003b3b434d4835f37f3f3eded") (:authors ("Nic Ferrier" . "nic@ferrier.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . "nic@ferrier.me.uk") (:keywords "data" "comm" "database" "postgresql"))]) (dbc . [(20201001 1452) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (ht (2 3))) "Control how to open buffers" single ((:commit . "6728e72f72347d098b7d75ac4c29a7d687cc9ed3") (:authors ("Matsievskiy S.V.")) (:maintainer "Matsievskiy S.V.") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/matsievskiysv/display-buffer-control"))]) (ddskk . [(20210522 348) ((ccc (1 43)) (cdb (20141201 754))) "Simple Kana to Kanji conversion program." tar ((:commit . "ce0517127586e26f95f94f45d22a832f40a28321"))]) (ddskk-posframe . [(20200812 917) ((emacs (26 1)) (posframe (0 4 3)) (ddskk (16 2 50))) "Show Henkan tooltip for ddskk via posframe" single ((:commit . "299493dd951e5a0b43b8213321e3dc0bac10f762") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com") (:keywords "tooltip" "convenience" "posframe") (:url . "https://github.com/conao3/ddskk-posframe.el"))]) (deadgrep . [(20210510 416) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 12 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (spinner (1 7 3))) "fast, friendly searching with ripgrep" single ((:commit . "341331918cc83b6cabf7ae91e8dba5b0de57b285") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/Wilfred/deadgrep"))]) (debian-el . [(20201011 1543) nil "Emacs helpers specific to Debian users" tar ((:commit . "6f09126b2e97b2e195145204caba11d0d4f871df"))]) (debpaste . [(20160113 2347) ((xml-rpc (1 6 7))) "Interface for getting/posting/deleting pastes from paste.debian.net" single ((:commit . "6f2a400665062468ebd03a2ce1de2a73d9084958") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com") (:keywords "paste") (:url . "http://github.com/alezost/debpaste.el"))]) (debug-print . [(20140126 19) ((emacs (24))) "A nice printf debugging environment by the way Gauche do" single ((:commit . "d817fd9ea2d3f8d2c1ace4d8af155684f3a99dc5") (:authors ("Ken Okada" . "keno.ss57@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ken Okada" . "keno.ss57@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions" "lisp" "tools" "maint") (:url . "https://github.com/kenoss/debug-print"))]) (decide . [(20190201 2137) nil "rolling dice and other random things" single ((:commit . "4bfcc826dd5b1c30caec455d8baa4f363159eac6") (:authors ("Pelle Nilsson" . "perni@lysator.liu.se")) (:maintainer "Pelle Nilsson" . "perni@lysator.liu.se"))]) (decl . [(20171212 1458) ((dash (2 5 0)) (emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Library for organizing code declaratively" single ((:commit . "ff7f8a4f1225cbdf141c86172104e67a4cf58c86") (:authors ("Preetpal S. Sohal")) (:maintainer "Preetpal S. Sohal") (:url . "https://github.com/preetpalS/decl.el"))]) (dedicated . [(20151202 110) nil "A very simple minor mode for dedicated buffers" single ((:commit . "f47b504c0c56fa5ab9d1028417ca1f65a713a2f0") (:authors ("Eric Crampton" . "eric@atdesk.com")) (:maintainer "Eric Crampton" . "eric@atdesk.com") (:keywords "dedicated" "buffer"))]) (dedukti-mode . [(20171103 1212) nil "Major mode for Dedukti files" single ((:commit . "d7c3505a1046187de3c3aeb144455078d514594e") (:authors ("Raphaël Cauderlier")) (:maintainer "Raphaël Cauderlier") (:keywords "languages" "dedukti") (:url . "https://github.com/rafoo/dedukti-mode"))]) (default-font-presets . [(20210418 924) ((emacs (26 1))) "Support selecting fonts from a list of presets" single ((:commit . "81ef9d54000617ce98c40b4627eca64e076ff11d") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/ideasman42/emacs-default-font-presets"))]) (default-text-scale . [(20191226 2234) ((emacs (24))) "Easily adjust the font size in all frames" single ((:commit . "bfc0987c37e93742255d3b23d86c17096fda8e7e") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "frames" "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/default-text-scale"))]) (deferred . [(20170901 1330) ((emacs (24 4))) "Simple asynchronous functions for emacs lisp" single ((:commit . "2239671d94b38d92e9b28d4e12fd79814cfb9c16") (:authors ("SAKURAI Masashi ")) (:maintainer "SAKURAI Masashi ") (:keywords "deferred" "async") (:url . "https://github.com/kiwanami/emacs-deferred"))]) (define-it . [(20201005 1731) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 12 0)) (request (0 3 0)) (popup (0 5 3)) (pos-tip (0 4 6)) (google-translate (0 11 18)) (wiki-summary (0 1))) "Define, translate, wiki the word" single ((:commit . "1861c57e67315bcb1ff88f37184cf7e2d6167642") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/define-it"))]) (define-word . [(20210103 1812) ((emacs (24 3))) "display the definition of word at point." single ((:commit . "6e4a427503aef096484f88332962c346cdd10847") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com") (:keywords "dictionary" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/abo-abo/define-word"))]) (defproject . [(20151201 2219) ((emacs (24))) "Manager dir-locals and project specific variables" single ((:commit . "674d48a5e34cb4bba76faa38ee901322ec649086") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . "") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/kotfic/defproject"))]) (defrepeater . [(20180830 410) ((emacs (25 2)) (s (1 12 0))) "Easily make commands repeatable" single ((:commit . "9c027a2561fe141dcfb79f75fcaee36cd0386ec1") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "http://github.com/alphapapa/defrepeater.el"))]) (deft . [(20210707 1633) nil "quickly browse, filter, and edit plain text notes" single ((:commit . "28be94d89bff2e1c7edef7244d7c5ba0636b1296") (:authors ("Jason R. Blevins" . "jrblevin@xbeta.org")) (:maintainer "Jason R. Blevins" . "jrblevin@xbeta.org") (:keywords "plain text" "notes" "simplenote" "notational velocity") (:url . "https://jblevins.org/projects/deft/"))]) (delim-kill . [(20100517 620) nil "Kill text between delimiters." single ((:commit . "1dbe47344f2d2cbc8c54beedf0cf0bf10fd203c1") (:authors ("Thomas Kappler" . "tkappler@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Thomas Kappler" . "tkappler@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages") (:url . "http://github.com/thomas11/delim-kill/tree/master"))]) (demangle-mode . [(20200926 2014) ((cl-lib (0 1)) (emacs (24 3))) "Automatically demangle C++ symbols" single ((:commit . "aaef0bd77a3ea9ce9132e9a53ac021b0f5d33e12") (:authors ("Ben Liblit" . "liblit@acm.org")) (:maintainer "Ben Liblit" . "liblit@acm.org") (:keywords "c" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/liblit/demangle-mode"))]) (demo-it . [(20190828 26) nil "Create demonstrations" tar ((:commit . "9cfa5c3f92a0dca7eebb1f1a2011643c9b009d26") (:authors ("Howard Abrams" . "howard.abrams@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Howard Abrams" . "howard.abrams@gmail.com") (:keywords "demonstration" "presentation" "test"))]) (deno-fmt . [(20200520 1838) ((emacs (24))) "Minor mode for using deno fmt on save" single ((:commit . "3b193eef576e2c14fdcf350495955e6e8546dddd") (:authors ("Russell Clarey ")) (:maintainer "Russell Clarey ") (:url . "https://github.com/russell/deno-emacs"))]) (describe-hash . [(20200718 1556) nil "Help function for examining a hash map" single ((:commit . "18e69a932d5495c8439571ba8f2d2ee123d434b1") (:url . "https://github.com/Junker/describe-hash"))]) (describe-number . [(20151101 55) ((yabin (1 1))) "Describe arbitrarily large number at point." single ((:commit . "40618345a37831804b29589849a785ef5aa5ac24") (:authors ("Morten Slot Kristensen ")) (:maintainer "Morten Slot Kristensen ") (:keywords "describe" "value" "help") (:url . "https://github.com/netromdk/describe-number"))]) (desktop+ . [(20170107 2132) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 11 0)) (f (0 17 2))) "Handle special buffers when saving & restoring sessions" single ((:commit . "88055cee526a000056201898499cebbd35e3ea76") (:authors ("François Févotte" . "fevotte@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "François Févotte" . "fevotte@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/ffevotte/desktop-plus"))]) (desktop-environment . [(20210129 2018) ((emacs (25 1))) "Helps you control your GNU/Linux computer" single ((:commit . "2c3e0750c11485931f447ea82f80bc90ae07aeba") (:authors ("Damien Cassou , Nicolas Petton" . "nicolas@petton.fr")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou , Nicolas Petton" . "nicolas@petton.fr") (:url . "https://gitlab.petton.fr/DamienCassou/desktop-environment"))]) (desktop-mail-user-agent . [(20210519 1008) ((emacs (24 3))) "Call OS default mail program to compose mail" single ((:commit . "caac672ef7e4ddced960fa31cef3a6ba5d7ab451") (:authors ("Lassi Kortela" . "lassi@lassi.io")) (:maintainer "Lassi Kortela" . "lassi@lassi.io") (:keywords "mail") (:url . "https://github.com/lassik/emacs-desktop-mail-user-agent"))]) (desktop-registry . [(20140119 2143) nil "Keep a central registry of desktop files" single ((:commit . "244c2e7f9f0a1050aa8a47ad0b38f4e4584682dd") (:authors ("Tom Willemse" . "tom@ryuslash.org")) (:maintainer "Tom Willemse" . "tom@ryuslash.org") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "http://projects.ryuslash.org/desktop-registry/"))]) (detour . [(20181122 2138) ((emacs (24 4))) "Take a quick detour and return" single ((:commit . "1ff23c236e18971ed1077840daf047cde79a45ee") (:authors ("Stefan Kamphausen ")) (:maintainer "Stefan Kamphausen ") (:keywords "convenience" "abbrev") (:url . "https://github.com/ska2342/detour/"))]) (devdocs . [(20210625 1617) ((emacs (27 1))) "Emacs viewer for DevDocs" single ((:commit . "f7c57d1878d78f076e2a2ef1c97129dc8aa4da15") (:authors ("Augusto Stoffel" . "arstoffel@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Augusto Stoffel" . "arstoffel@gmail.com") (:keywords "help") (:url . "https://github.com/astoff/devdocs.el"))]) (devdocs-browser . [(20210703 306) ((emacs (27 1))) "Browse devdocs.io documents using EWW" single ((:commit . "f8572f208d58b2122df63ffef87fdd5112d83233") (:authors ("blahgeek" . "i@blahgeek.com")) (:maintainer "blahgeek" . "i@blahgeek.com") (:keywords "docs" "help" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/blahgeek/emacs-devdocs-browser"))]) (dfmt . [(20170728 1023) nil "Emacs Interface to D indenting/formatting tool dfmt." single ((:commit . "21b9094e907b7ac53f5ecb4ff4539613a9d12434") (:authors ("Per Nordlöw")) (:maintainer "Kirill Babikhin ") (:keywords "tools" "convenience" "languages" "dlang") (:url . "https://github.com/qsimpleq/elisp-dfmt"))]) (dhall-mode . [(20200822 258) ((emacs (24 4)) (reformatter (0 3))) "Major mode for the dhall configuration language" single ((:commit . "ad259c8a2292fb398dff1ce7d25c686edb02945d") (:authors ("Sibi Prabakaran" . "sibi@psibi.in")) (:maintainer "Sibi Prabakaran" . "sibi@psibi.in") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/psibi/dhall-mode"))]) (dianyou . [(20210525 1517) ((emacs (24 4))) "Search and analyze mails in Gnus" single ((:commit . "f77d9e76be5d8022fa6ee5426144f13f38dd09f2") (:authors ("Chen Bin ")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin ") (:keywords "mail") (:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/dianyou"))]) (diary-manager . [(20210404 1821) ((emacs (25))) "Simple personal diary" single ((:commit . "0fa122be62dd296cefe23bcf5074cc6159bd9868") (:authors ("Radon Rosborough" . "radon.neon@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Radon Rosborough" . "radon.neon@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/raxod502/diary-manager"))]) (dic-lookup-w3m . [(20180526 1621) ((w3m (20120723 324)) (stem (20120826))) "look up dictionaries on the Internet" tar ((:commit . "3254ab10cbf0078c7162557dd1f68dac28459cf9") (:authors ("mcprvmec")) (:maintainer "mcprvmec") (:keywords "emacs-w3m" "w3m" "dictionary"))]) (dictcc . [(20200421 1422) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (ivy (0 10 0))) "Look up translations on dict.cc" single ((:commit . "3950011197ba81f27cc82b4e6075c9100945f936") (:authors ("Marten Lienen" . "marten.lienen@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Marten Lienen" . "marten.lienen@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience"))]) (dictionary . [(20201001 1727) ((connection (1 11)) (link (1 11))) "Client for rfc2229 dictionary servers" single ((:commit . "bdf0aa7761d1c1a3bc0652b2fdc4a54b3acdb06a") (:authors ("Torsten Hilbrich" . "torsten.hilbrich@gmx.net")) (:maintainer "Torsten Hilbrich" . "torsten.hilbrich@gmx.net") (:keywords "interface" "dictionary"))]) (didyoumean . [(20200905 1843) ((emacs (24 4))) "Did you mean to open another file?" single ((:commit . "ce5edcce160b86e7f6480f0381be785d43f97e19") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/kisaragi-hiu/didyoumean.el"))]) (diff-at-point . [(20201006 1436) ((emacs (26 2))) "Diff navigation" single ((:commit . "3fcf861f1f8b91d97000bda32345bc92df8e2d37") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/ideasman42/emacs-diff-at-point"))]) (diff-hl . [(20210716 241) ((cl-lib (0 2)) (emacs (25 1))) "Highlight uncommitted changes using VC" tar ((:commit . "d225def4a473a16ac994124e063695ef9cef3308") (:authors ("Dmitry Gutov" . "dgutov@yandex.ru")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Gutov" . "dgutov@yandex.ru") (:keywords "vc" "diff") (:url . "https://github.com/dgutov/diff-hl"))]) (difflib . [(20210224 2242) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-generic (0 3)) (ht (2 2)) (s (1 12 0))) "Helpers for computing deltas between sequences." single ((:commit . "646fc4388274fe765bbf4661e17a24e4d081250c") (:authors ("Diego A. Mundo" . "dieggsy@pm.me")) (:maintainer "Diego A. Mundo" . "dieggsy@pm.me") (:keywords "matching" "tools" "string") (:url . "http://github.com/dieggsy/difflib.el"))]) (diffpdf . [(20210626 1447) ((emacs (25 1)) (transient (0 3 0))) "Transient diffpdf" single ((:commit . "a5b203b549e373cb9b0ef3f00c0010bd34dd644a") (:authors ("Shuguang Sun" . "shuguang79@qq.com")) (:maintainer "Shuguang Sun" . "shuguang79@qq.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/ShuguangSun/diffpdf.el"))]) (diffscuss-mode . [(20141014 2357) nil "Major mode for diffscuss files." single ((:commit . "53f2d001bd3a5cb80c6ada16b4e570afd1989a09") (:authors ("Edmund Jorgensen" . "edmund@hut8labs.com")) (:maintainer "Edmund Jorgensen" . "edmund@hut8labs.com") (:keywords "tools"))]) (diffview . [(20150929 511) nil "View diffs in side-by-side format" single ((:commit . "031b70913e755c5e55222680f80185032a7d1728") (:authors ("Mitchel Humpherys" . "mitch.special@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mitchel Humpherys" . "mitch.special@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "diff") (:url . "https://github.com/mgalgs/diffview-mode"))]) (digistar-mode . [(20210129 1719) nil "major mode for Digistar scripts" single ((:commit . "e12b128023b7696a23545f812877e8c6531d261c") (:authors ("John Foerch" . "jjfoerch@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "John Foerch" . "jjfoerch@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages"))]) (digit-groups . [(20200506 37) ((dash (2 11 0))) "Highlight place-value positions in numbers" single ((:commit . "7b81930cad19b8b7913b7eedbcb498964bfdcbdb") (:authors ("Michael D. Adams ")) (:maintainer "Michael D. Adams ") (:url . "https://github.com/adamsmd/digit-groups/"))]) (digitalocean . [(20190607 726) ((request (2 5)) (emacs (24 4))) "Create and manipulate digitalocean droplets" single ((:commit . "6c32d3593286e2a62d9afab0057c829407b0d1e8") (:authors ("Oliver Marks" . "oly@digitaloctave.com")) (:maintainer "Oliver Marks" . "oly@digitaloctave.com") (:keywords "processes" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/olymk2/emacs-digitalocean"))]) (digitalocean-helm . [(20180610 746) ((emacs (24 3)) (helm (2 5)) (digitalocean (0 1))) "Create and manipulate digitalocean droplets" single ((:commit . "b125c9882eded7d73ec109d152b26625f333440b") (:authors ("Oliver Marks" . "oly@digitaloctave.com")) (:maintainer "Oliver Marks" . "oly@digitaloctave.com") (:keywords "processes" "tools") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/olymk2/digitalocean-api"))]) (dim . [(20160818 949) ((emacs (24 4))) "Change mode-line names of major/minor modes" single ((:commit . "5515f2e8657ef14adcc34aa5b05383a2684328ae") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/alezost/dim.el"))]) (dim-autoload . [(20210615 1502) nil "dim or hide autoload cookie lines" single ((:commit . "77b6a5814ffb49e33679fd67b53b9f05042b6ebc") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/tarsius/dim-autoload"))]) (dime . [(20210329 604) ((emacs (25 1)) (dylan (3 0))) "Dylan interaction mode" tar ((:commit . "d85409dc3cba57a390ca85da95822f8078ecbfa2") (:url . "https://opendylan.org/"))]) (diminish . [(20191127 1326) ((emacs (24 3))) "Diminished modes are minor modes with no modeline display" single ((:commit . "6ec6ebc391371418efc6c98d70b013f34af5a2ee") (:authors ("Will Mengarini" . "seldon@eskimo.com")) (:maintainer "Martin Yrjölä" . "martin.yrjola@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions" "diminish" "minor" "codeprose") (:url . "https://github.com/myrjola/diminish.el"))]) (diminish-buffer . [(20210715 1026) ((emacs (24 4))) "Diminish (hide) buffers from buffer-menu" single ((:commit . "fcc43f38431d4b16b2fd8d15e799488a7fb60966") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/diminish-buffer"))]) (dimmer . [(20210109 1932) ((emacs (25 1))) "Visually highlight the selected buffer" single ((:commit . "8559fb73a2c96755cb30f560be82191164014b43") (:authors ("Neil Okamoto")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto") (:keywords "faces" "editing") (:url . "https://github.com/gonewest818/dimmer.el"))]) (dionysos . [(20160810 1056) ((libmpdee (2 1 0)) (alert (1 2)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 12 1)) (pkg-info (0 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Dionysos, a music player for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "0aac21caadabc5a7f09e18a9dcb02f3dec26588b") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "nicolas.lamirault@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "nicolas.lamirault@gmail.com") (:keywords "music") (:url . "https://github.com/nlamirault/dionysos"))]) (dir-treeview . [(20210625 2358) ((emacs (24 4)) (treeview (1 1 0))) "A directory tree browser and simple file manager" tar ((:commit . "c48b0e12eb02ae046cf6dc97fe006db31ded3f2b") (:authors ("Tilman Rassy" . "tilman.rassy@googlemail.com")) (:maintainer "Tilman Rassy" . "tilman.rassy@googlemail.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience" "files") (:url . "https://github.com/tilmanrassy/emacs-dir-treeview"))]) (dircmp . [(20141204 1756) nil "Compare and sync directories." tar ((:commit . "558ee0b601c2de9d247612085aafe2926f56a09f") (:authors ("Matt McClure -- http://matthewlmcclure.com")) (:maintainer "Matt McClure -- http://matthewlmcclure.com") (:keywords "unix" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/matthewlmcclure/dircmp-mode"))]) (dired-atool . [(20210719 404) ((emacs (24))) "Pack/unpack files with atool on dired." single ((:commit . "01416fd5961b901c50686c91cb59b3833adc831b") (:authors ("Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "s06139@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "s06139@gmail.com") (:keywords "files") (:url . "https://github.com/HKey/dired-atool"))]) (dired-avfs . [(20161012 1104) ((dash (2 5 0)) (dired-hacks-utils (0 0 1))) "AVFS support for dired" single ((:commit . "7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "files"))]) (dired-collapse . [(20210403 1230) ((dash (2 10 0)) (f (0 19 0)) (dired-hacks-utils (0 0 1))) "Collapse unique nested paths in dired listing" single ((:commit . "7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "files"))]) (dired-dups . [(20130527 2125) nil "Find duplicate files and display them in a dired buffer" single ((:commit . "694ad128c822c59348ced16c4a0c1356d43da47a") (:authors ("Joe Bloggs" . "vapniks@yahoo.com")) (:maintainer "Joe Bloggs" . "vapniks@yahoo.com") (:keywords "unix") (:url . "https://github.com/vapniks/dired-dups"))]) (dired-efap . [(20140122 1656) nil "Edit Filename At Point in a dired buffer" single ((:commit . "624757b2e54d9a13e2183118d6c113e37684b90c") (:authors ("Juan-Leon Lahoz" . "juanleon1@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Juan-Leon Lahoz" . "juanleon1@gmail.com") (:keywords "dired" "environment" "files" "renaming") (:url . "https://github.com/juan-leon/dired-efap"))]) (dired-explorer . [(20180607 221) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "minor-mode provides Explorer like select file at dired." single ((:commit . "3ade0a31b5340271d05e9bf443f2504960f6c6dd") (:maintainer "jidaikobo-shibata") (:keywords "dired" "explorer"))]) (dired-fdclone . [(20210226 532) nil "dired functions and settings to mimic FDclone" single ((:commit . "3ba369f5fc48a8fdf06d1c6ee1167b5a6eb7c1b3") (:authors ("Akinori MUSHA" . "knu@iDaemons.org")) (:maintainer "Akinori MUSHA" . "knu@iDaemons.org") (:keywords "unix" "directories" "dired") (:url . "https://github.com/knu/dired-fdclone.el"))]) (dired-filetype-face . [(20180907 1339) nil "Set different faces for different filetypes in dired" single ((:commit . "7ade7f7e8c2d7518c65f3f0343a10c272da0f47e") (:authors ("纪秀峰 ")) (:maintainer "纪秀峰 ") (:keywords "dired" "filetype" "face") (:url . "https://github.com/jixiuf/dired-filetype-face"))]) (dired-filter . [(20191105 1404) ((dash (2 10 0)) (dired-hacks-utils (0 0 1)) (f (0 17 0)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Ibuffer-like filtering for dired" single ((:commit . "7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "files"))]) (dired-git . [(20200527 732) ((emacs (26 1)) (async-await (1 0)) (async (1 9 4)) (all-the-icons (2 2 0)) (ppp (1 0 0))) "Git integration for dired" single ((:commit . "82c93bdb2fe392b122f79d2e425c632f1c69ede3") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/conao3/dired-git.el"))]) (dired-hacks-utils . [(20201005 2318) ((dash (2 5 0))) "Utilities and helpers for dired-hacks collection" single ((:commit . "7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "files"))]) (dired-hide-dotfiles . [(20210222 1919) ((emacs (25 1))) "Hide dotfiles in dired" single ((:commit . "6a379f23f64045f5950d229254ce6f32dbbf5364") (:authors ("Mattias Bengtsson" . "mattias.jc.bengtsson@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mattias Bengtsson" . "mattias.jc.bengtsson@gmail.com") (:keywords "files") (:url . "https://github.com/mattiasb/dired-hide-dotfiles"))]) (dired-icon . [(20170223 526) ((emacs (24 3))) "A minor mode to display a list of associated icons in dired buffers." tar ((:commit . "f60e10757a5011235b519231ad35974ff25963ed") (:authors ("Hong Xu" . "hong@topbug.net")) (:maintainer "Hong Xu" . "hong@topbug.net") (:keywords "dired" "files") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/xuhdev/dired-icon"))]) (dired-imenu . [(20140109 1610) nil "imenu binding for dired mode" single ((:commit . "610e21fe0988c85931d34894d3eee2442c79ab0a") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "damien.cassou@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "damien.cassou@gmail.com") (:keywords "dired" "imenu") (:url . "https://github.com/DamienCassou/dired-imenu"))]) (dired-k . [(20200322 2035) ((emacs (24 3))) "Highlight dired by size, date, git status" tar ((:commit . "0ddf0adb3a642c2f0694d8c1c12f263f2bf27375") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto" . "neil.okamoto+melpa@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsorphanage/dired-k"))]) (dired-launch . [(20210510 2137) nil "Use dired as a launcher" single ((:commit . "757c82e888d80e5746ccb8654ba58389fa7dc0eb") (:authors ("David Thompson")) (:maintainer "David Thompson") (:keywords "dired" "launch") (:url . "https://github.com/thomp/dired-launch"))]) (dired-lsi . [(20200812 929) ((emacs (26 1))) "Add memo to directory and show it in dired" single ((:commit . "0f4038c8b47f6cfc70f82062800700c14c9912c2") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/conao3/dired-lsi.el"))]) (dired-narrow . [(20181114 1723) ((dash (2 7 0)) (dired-hacks-utils (0 0 1))) "Live-narrowing of search results for dired" single ((:commit . "7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "files"))]) (dired-open . [(20180922 1113) ((dash (2 5 0)) (dired-hacks-utils (0 0 1))) "Open files from dired using using custom actions" single ((:commit . "7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "files"))]) (dired-posframe . [(20200817 420) ((emacs (26 1)) (posframe (0 7))) "Peep dired items using posframe" single ((:commit . "1a21eb9ad956a0371dd3c9e1bec53407d685f705") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/conao3/dired-posframe.el"))]) (dired-quick-sort . [(20201221 403) ((hydra (0 13 0)) (emacs (24))) "Persistent quick sorting of dired buffers in various ways." single ((:commit . "69b06f306a5fc2b38e707bae3ff1e35db2b39b6b") (:authors ("Hong Xu" . "hong@topbug.net")) (:maintainer "Hong Xu" . "hong@topbug.net") (:keywords "convenience" "files") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/xuhdev/dired-quick-sort#dired-quick-sort"))]) (dired-rainbow . [(20190722 1109) ((dash (2 5 0)) (dired-hacks-utils (0 0 1))) "Extended file highlighting according to its type" single ((:commit . "7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "files"))]) (dired-ranger . [(20180401 2206) ((dash (2 7 0)) (dired-hacks-utils (0 0 1))) "Implementation of useful ranger features for dired" single ((:commit . "7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "files"))]) (dired-recent . [(20201004 2201) ((emacs (24))) "Dired visited paths history" single ((:commit . "d62ace45cc72d49d77862ecf00f52d794ecc5677") (:authors ("Wojciech Siewierski ")) (:maintainer "Wojciech Siewierski ") (:keywords "files") (:url . "https://github.com/vifon/dired-recent.el"))]) (dired-rifle . [(20210316 1452) nil "Call rifle(1) from dired" single ((:commit . "cc1af692bbac651f5e5111d9ab1c0805989d65e5") (:authors ("Wojciech Siewierski ")) (:maintainer "Wojciech Siewierski ") (:keywords "files" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/vifon/dired-rifle.el"))]) (dired-rmjunk . [(20191007 1232) nil "A home directory cleanup utility for Dired." single ((:commit . "92af5fcc2bd0bc3826f4ce238a850e9a362533a4") (:authors ("Jakob L. Kreuze" . "zerodaysfordays@sdf.lonestar.org")) (:maintainer "Jakob L. Kreuze" . "zerodaysfordays@sdf.lonestar.org") (:keywords "files" "matching") (:url . "https://git.sr.ht/~jakob/dired-rmjunk"))]) (dired-rsync . [(20201224 2214) ((s (1 12 0)) (dash (2 0 0)) (emacs (24))) "Allow rsync from dired buffers" tar ((:commit . "fb0f161ac3cce1b224f52547f5bc7e1dcd283191") (:authors ("Alex Bennée" . "alex@bennee.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Bennée" . "alex@bennee.com") (:url . "https://github.com/stsquad/dired-rsync"))]) (dired-sidebar . [(20210608 2340) ((emacs (25 1)) (dired-subtree (0 0 1))) "Tree browser leveraging dired" single ((:commit . "6be2dad2782e28dae2f50c0cbfd82042b2b6ba8d") (:authors ("James Nguyen" . "james@jojojames.com")) (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "james@jojojames.com") (:keywords "dired" "files" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/jojojames/dired-sidebar"))]) (dired-single . [(20200824 708) nil "Reuse the current dired buffer to visit a directory" single ((:commit . "98c2102429fcac6fbfdba9198c126eb1b3dcc4e5") (:authors ("Joe Casadonte" . "emacs@northbound-train.com")) (:maintainer "crocket" . "crockabiscuit@gmail.com") (:keywords "dired" "reuse" "buffer"))]) (dired-subtree . [(20210105 1127) ((dash (2 5 0)) (dired-hacks-utils (0 0 1))) "Insert subdirectories in a tree-like fashion" single ((:commit . "7c0ef09d57a80068a11edc74c3568e5ead5cc15a") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "files"))]) (dired-toggle . [(20190616 303) nil "Show dired as sidebar and will not create new buffers when changing dir" single ((:commit . "7fe5fe35c63d1b0da14d6d6d52bdf6b2a5410ba7") (:authors ("Xu FaSheng ")) (:maintainer "Xu FaSheng") (:keywords "dired" "sidebar") (:url . "https://github.com/fasheng/dired-toggle"))]) (dired-toggle-sudo . [(20200401 1353) nil "Browse directory with sudo privileges." single ((:commit . "13bbe52c54893f5aa3e56228450ffdd0c9e1d169") (:authors ("Sebastien Gross ")) (:maintainer "Sebastien Gross ") (:keywords "emacs" "dired"))]) (dired-view-data . [(20210724 1015) ((emacs (26 1)) (ess (18 10 1)) (ess-view-data (1 0))) "View data from dired via ESS and R" single ((:commit . "92dc267bcaac1b6258ad595488bf10b88882b5ae") (:authors ("Shuguang Sun" . "shuguang79@qq.com")) (:maintainer "Shuguang Sun" . "shuguang79@qq.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/ShuguangSun/dired-view-data"))]) (diredc . [(20210613 1423) ((emacs (26 1)) (key-assist (1 0))) "Extensions for dired" single ((:commit . "5e13b7c088e2554b2aa406581520d53902c74016") (:keywords "files") (:url . "https://github.com/Boruch-Baum/emacs-diredc"))]) (diredfl . [(20191227 2028) ((emacs (24))) "Extra font lock rules for a more colourful dired" single ((:commit . "4ca32658aebaf2335f0368a0fd08f52eb1aee960") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/diredfl"))]) (diredful . [(20160529 2017) nil "colorful file names in dired buffers" single ((:commit . "ad328a15c5deffc1021af9b3f19a745dcd8f4415") (:authors ("Thamer Mahmoud" . "thamer.mahmoud@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Thamer Mahmoud" . "thamer.mahmoud@gmail.com") (:keywords "dired" "colors" "extension" "widget") (:url . "https://github.com/thamer/diredful"))]) (direnv . [(20210419 1851) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 12 0))) "Support for direnv" single ((:commit . "4b94393a9adf677c7c037215e233eef5fbca553d") (:authors ("wouter bolsterlee" . "wouter@bolsterl.ee")) (:maintainer "wouter bolsterlee" . "wouter@bolsterl.ee") (:keywords "direnv" "environment" "processes" "unix" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/wbolster/emacs-direnv"))]) (direx . [(20170422 1327) nil "Simple Directory Explorer" tar ((:commit . "a79bfdb5980cf6ed7bfb3b41ddc471a7b6c0ede4") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "m2ym.pub@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "m2ym.pub@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience"))]) (direx-grep . [(20140515 1506) ((direx (0 1 -3))) "Grep node of direx.el using incremental search like anything.el/helm.el" single ((:commit . "1109a512a80b2673a70b18b8568514049017faad") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/aki2o/direx-grep"))]) (dirtree . [(20140129 832) ((tree-mode (1 1 1 1)) (windata (0))) "Directory tree views" single ((:commit . "ba55f1e716e386fdd37cb8e7f48616e405dc7251") (:authors ("Ye Wenbin" . "wenbinye@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ye Wenbin" . "wenbinye@gmail.com"))]) (dirtree-prosjekt . [(20140129 904) ((prosjekt (0 3)) (dirtree (0 1))) "dirtree integration for prosjekt." single ((:commit . "a864a8be5842223043702395f311e3350c28e9db") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "austin.bingham@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "austin.bingham@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/abingham/prosjekt"))]) (disable-mouse . [(20210512 2114) ((emacs (24 1))) "Disable mouse commands globally" single ((:commit . "cae3be9dd012727b40ad3b511731191f79cebe42") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "mouse") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/disable-mouse"))]) (disaster . [(20171016 2152) nil "Disassemble C/C++ code under cursor in Emacs" single ((:commit . "10a785facc60d89d78e0d5177985ab1af1741bb4") (:authors ("Justine Tunney" . "jtunney@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Justine Tunney" . "jtunney@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/jart/disaster"))]) (discourse . [(20160911 819) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (request (0 2)) (s (1 11 0))) "discourse api" single ((:commit . "a86c7e608851e186fe12e892a573994f08c8e65e") (:authors ("DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp" "discourse") (:url . "https://github.com/lujun9972/discourse-api"))]) (discover . [(20140103 2139) ((makey (0 3))) "discover more of Emacs" single ((:commit . "7b0044bbb3b3bd5d811fdfb0f5ac6ec8de1239df") (:authors ("Mickey Petersen" . "mickey@fyeah.org")) (:maintainer "Mickey Petersen" . "mickey@fyeah.org"))]) (discover-clj-refactor . [(20150328 1459) ((clj-refactor (0 14 0)) (discover (0 3))) "Adds discover context menu for clj-refactor" single ((:commit . "3fbd5c1162739e606d7cf5d4f5d7426547d99647") (:authors ("Marian Schubert" . "marian.schubert@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Marian Schubert" . "marian.schubert@gmail.com") (:keywords "clj-refactor" "discover" "convenience"))]) (discover-js2-refactor . [(20140129 1552) ((js2-refactor (20131221 501)) (discover (20140103 1339))) "Adds discover context menu for js2-refactor" single ((:commit . "3812abf61f39f3e73a9f3daefa6fed4f21a429ba") (:authors ("Nicolas Petton" . "petton.nicolas@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Petton" . "petton.nicolas@gmail.com") (:keywords "js2-refactor" "discover"))]) (discover-my-major . [(20180606 511) ((makey (0 2))) "Discover key bindings and their meaning for the current Emacs major mode" single ((:commit . "c592e5e67454f0d1b68669ac0c270073164b16b3") (:authors ("steckerhalter")) (:maintainer "steckerhalter") (:keywords "discover" "help" "major-mode" "keys") (:url . "https://framagit.org/steckerhalter/discover-my-major"))]) (disk . [(20171116 731) nil "simplified find-file, revert-file, save-buffer interface" single ((:commit . "283e54e3be7d08f959076240b2ab324e25632137") (:authors ("Alex Schroeder" . "alex@gnu.org") ("Peter Barabas" . "peter.barabas+disk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Schroeder" . "alex@gnu.org") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/DiskKey"))]) (dispass . [(20140202 1531) ((dash (1 0 0))) "Emacs wrapper for DisPass" single ((:commit . "b6e8f89040ebaaf0e7609b04bc27a8979f0ae861") (:authors ("Tom Willemsen" . "tom@ryuslash.org")) (:maintainer "Tom Willemsen" . "tom@ryuslash.org") (:keywords "processes") (:url . "http://projects.ryuslash.org/dispass.el/"))]) (display-theme . [(20140115 1556) ((emacs (24))) "display current theme(s) at mode-line" single ((:commit . "b180b3be7a74ae4799a14e7e4bc2fe10e3ff7a15") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi ")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi ") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/kawabata/emacs-display-theme/"))]) (dispwatch . [(20210305 342) ((emacs (24 4))) "Watch displays for configuration changes" single ((:commit . "03abbac89a9f625aaa1a808dd49ae4906f466421") (:authors ("Mitchell Perilstein" . "mitchell.perilstein@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mitchell Perilstein" . "mitchell.perilstein@gmail.com") (:keywords "frames") (:url . "https://github.com/mnp/dispwatch"))]) (dist-file-mode . [(20180830 418) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (s (1 9 0))) "Dispatch major mode for *.dist files" single ((:commit . "e1ce8f592bc5d4d86d2f09e334728ac0d524c761") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:keywords "files" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-php/dist-file-mode.el"))]) (distel-completion-lib . [(20180827 1344) nil "Completion library for Erlang/Distel" single ((:commit . "acc4c0a5521904203d797fe96b08e5fae4233c7e") (:authors ("Sebastian Weddmark Olsson")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Weddmark Olsson") (:keywords "erlang" "distel" "completion") (:url . "github.com/sebastiw/distel-completion"))]) (distinguished-theme . [(20151216 2015) nil "A dark and elegant theme for emacs." single ((:commit . "9b1d25ac59465a5016d187ea84b7614c95a29b3b") (:authors ("Kim Silkebækken" . "kim.silkebaekken@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Kim Silkebækken" . "kim.silkebaekken@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/Lokaltog/distinguished-theme"))]) (ditz-mode . [(20150729 940) nil "Emacs interface to Ditz issue tracking system" single ((:commit . "74b6b93b097d595a001c019e3b762abfc60f821a") (:authors ("Glenn Hutchings" . "zondo42@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Glenn Hutchings" . "zondo42@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools"))]) (dix . [(20210312 1850) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (26 2))) "Apertium XML editing minor mode" tar ((:commit . "17f33f9a8bb50156261e10c045d54eb866ea84fa") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer@fsfe.org")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer@fsfe.org") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Emacs"))]) (dix-evil . [(20170105 1423) ((dix (0 3 0)) (evil (1 0 7))) "optional evil-integration with dix.el" single ((:commit . "17f33f9a8bb50156261e10c045d54eb866ea84fa") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer@fsfe.org")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer@fsfe.org") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Emacs"))]) (dizzee . [(20171201 916) nil "A more pleasant way to manage your project's subprocesses in Emacs." tar ((:commit . "e3cf1c2ea5d0fc00747524b6f3c5b905d0a8c8e1") (:authors ("David Miller" . "david@deadpansincerity.com")) (:maintainer "David Miller" . "david@deadpansincerity.com") (:keywords "emacs" "processes") (:url . "https://github.com/davidmiller/dizzee"))]) (django-commands . [(20191107 1830) ((emacs (25 1))) "Run django commands" single ((:commit . "bef7ca848d6d1721ebb22b181c50dcfbef16e434") (:authors ("Andrii Kolomoiets" . "andreyk.mad@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Andrii Kolomoiets" . "andreyk.mad@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/muffinmad/emacs-django-commands"))]) (django-manage . [(20160819 212) ((hydra (0 13 2))) "Django minor mode for commanding manage.py" single ((:commit . "876fb2cb627d465adfdc905841279784bcdd7ee8") (:authors ("Daniel Gopar" . "gopardaniel@yahoo.com")) (:maintainer "Daniel Gopar" . "gopardaniel@yahoo.com") (:keywords "languages"))]) (django-mode . [(20170522 714) ((projectile (0)) (s (0)) (helm-make (0))) "Major mode for Django web framework." tar ((:commit . "a71b8dd984e7f724b8321246e5c353a4ae5c986e") (:authors ("Greg V" . "floatboth@me.com")) (:maintainer "Greg V" . "floatboth@me.com") (:keywords "languages"))]) (django-snippets . [(20131229 1611) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for django" tar ((:commit . "a71b8dd984e7f724b8321246e5c353a4ae5c986e") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/myfreeweb/django-mode"))]) (django-theme . [(20131022 902) nil "Custom face theme for Emacs" single ((:commit . "86c8142b3eb1addd94a43aa6f1d98dab06401af0") (:authors ("Andrzej Sliwa")) (:maintainer "Andrzej Sliwa") (:url . "http://github/anrzejsliwa/django-theme"))]) (djangonaut . [(20200503 921) ((emacs (25 2)) (magit-popup (2 6 0)) (pythonic (0 1 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (s (1 12 0))) "Minor mode to interact with Django projects" single ((:commit . "75f642114e3997308a1e7e67c3025738cecee0fe") (:authors ("Artem Malyshev" . "proofit404@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Artem Malyshev" . "proofit404@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/proofit404/djangonaut"))]) (djinni-mode . [(20190303 139) ((emacs (24 4))) "Major-mode for editing Djinni files." single ((:commit . "6f84bc60d078725cc8b922a259ec5f4c7de83681") (:authors ("Daniel Martín" . "mardani29@yahoo.es")) (:maintainer "Daniel Martín" . "mardani29@yahoo.es") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/danielmartin/djinni-mode"))]) (dkdo . [(20131110 1119) ((dkmisc (0 50)) (emacs (24 1))) "Do List major mode based on org-mode." tar ((:commit . "fd6bb105e8331fafb6385c5238c988c4c5bbe2da") (:authors ("David Keegan" . "dksw@eircom.net")) (:maintainer "David Keegan" . 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"dksw@eircom.net")) (:maintainer "David Keegan" . "dksw@eircom.net") (:keywords "utility" "time" "date" "file") (:url . "https://github.com/davidkeegan/dkmisc"))]) (dmacro . [(20200803 633) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "Repeated detection and execution of key operation" single ((:commit . "3480b97aaad9e65fa03c6a9d1a0a8111be1179f8") (:authors ("Toshiyuki Masui" . "masui@ptiecan.com") ("Makoto Owada") ("Eiji Obata") ("Nobuyuki Mine")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-jp/dmacro"))]) (dmenu . [(20190908 44) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "simulate the dmenu command line program" single ((:commit . "e8cc9b27c79d3ecc252267c082ab8e9c82eab264") (:authors ("DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "usability"))]) (dna-mode . [(20191001 2108) nil "a major mode for editing dna sequences" tar ((:commit . "7a48393fcf0015eed2368fcb89b3091c9d029dc4") (:authors ("Harley Gorrell" . "harley@panix.com")) (:maintainer "Harley Gorrell" . "harley@panix.com") (:keywords "dna" "emacs" "editing") (:url . "http://www.mahalito.net/~harley/elisp/dna-mode.el"))]) (docbook-snippets . [(20150714 1625) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for DocBook" tar ((:commit . "b06297fdec039a541aaa6312cb328a11062cfab4") (:authors ("Jaromir Hradilek" . "jhradilek@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jaromir Hradilek" . "jhradilek@gmail.com") (:keywords "snippets" "docbook") (:url . "https://github.com/jhradilek/emacs-docbook-snippets"))]) (docean . [(20180605 1744) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (request (0 2 0))) "Interact with DigitalOcean from Emacs." single ((:commit . "bbe2298fd21f7876fc2d5c52a69b931ff59df979") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "marsam@users.noreply.github.com")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "marsam@users.noreply.github.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-pe/docean.el"))]) (docker . [(20210624 1359) ((dash (2 14 1)) (docker-tramp (0 1)) (emacs (24 5)) (json-mode (1 7 0)) (s (1 12 0)) (tablist (0 70)) (transient (0 2 0))) "Emacs interface to Docker" tar ((:commit . "9bcefbe54dbed4d364286fe65a87872e763ff7dc") (:authors ("Philippe Vaucher" . "philippe.vaucher@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Philippe Vaucher" . "philippe.vaucher@gmail.com") (:keywords "filename" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/Silex/docker.el"))]) (docker-api . [(20160525 720) ((dash (2 12 1)) (request (0 2 0)) (s (1 11 0))) "Emacs interface to the Docker API" tar ((:commit . "206144346b7fa4165223349cfeb64a75d47ddd1b") (:authors ("Philippe Vaucher" . "philippe.vaucher@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Philippe Vaucher" . "philippe.vaucher@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/Silex/docker-api.el"))]) (docker-cli . [(20190524 1624) nil "Running various commands in docker containers" single ((:commit . "c4b02894466d8642ad3d49df4c4a80e023a672aa") (:authors ("Boško Ivanišević" . "bosko.ivanisevic@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Boško Ivanišević" . "bosko.ivanisevic@gmail.com") (:keywords "processes") (:url . "https://github.com/bosko/docker-cli"))]) (docker-compose-mode . [(20200830 1336) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 12 0)) (yaml-mode (0 0 12))) "Major mode for editing docker-compose files" single ((:commit . "abaa4f3aeb5c62d7d16e186dd7d77f4e846e126a") (:authors ("Ricardo Martins")) (:maintainer "Ricardo Martins") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/meqif/docker-compose-mode"))]) (docker-tramp . [(20210729 508) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "TRAMP integration for docker containers" tar ((:commit . "7bfbb55417e7d2aac53adf92cb0e3fd329c495c1") (:authors ("Mario Rodas" . "marsam@users.noreply.github.com")) (:maintainer "Mario Rodas" . "marsam@users.noreply.github.com") (:keywords "docker" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-pe/docker-tramp.el"))]) (dockerfile-mode . 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"kai2nenobu@gmail.com") (:keywords "hypermedia" "text" "dokuwiki") (:url . "https://github.com/kai2nenobu/emacs-dokuwiki-mode"))]) (dollaro . [(20151123 1302) ((s (1 6 0))) "simple text templates" single ((:commit . "500127f0172ac7a1eec627e026b59136580a74ac") (:authors ("Alessandro Piras" . "laynor@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alessandro Piras" . "laynor@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience"))]) (doneburn-theme . [(20181110 1857) nil "A light theme based on Bozhidar Batsov's Zenburn" single ((:commit . "da4fa915a2a659001eea04498d790cdd8cac1fce") (:authors ("Manuel Uberti" . "manuel.uberti@inventati.org")) (:maintainer "Manuel Uberti" . "manuel.uberti@inventati.org") (:keywords "faces" "themes") (:url . "http://github.com/manuel-uberti/doneburn-emacs"))]) (doom . [(20180301 2308) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "DOM implementation and manipulation library" single ((:commit . "e59040aefc92dd9b3134eb623624307fb9e4327b") (:authors ("Alex Schroeder" . "alex@gnu.org") ("Henrik.Motakef" . "elisp@henrik-motakef.de") ("Katherine Whitlock" . "toroidal-code@gmail.com") ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Schroeder") (:keywords "xml" "dom") (:url . "http://www.github.com/kensanata/doom.el/"))]) (doom-modeline . [(20210721 1833) ((emacs (25 1)) (all-the-icons (2 2 0)) (shrink-path (0 2 0)) (dash (2 11 0))) "A minimal and modern mode-line" tar ((:commit . "8cbb0457f3f35b3a1615eef176785aacdf5afe97") (:authors ("Vincent Zhang" . "seagle0128@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Vincent Zhang" . "seagle0128@gmail.com") (:keywords "faces" "mode-line") (:url . "https://github.com/seagle0128/doom-modeline"))]) (doom-modeline-now-playing . [(20210202 1948) ((emacs (24 4)) (doom-modeline (3 0 0)) (async (1 9 3))) "Segment for Doom Modeline to show playerctl information" single ((:commit . "bed9e4da626ede148c7d362188b2e7729e2a8a4f") (:authors ("Ellis Kenyő" . "me@elken.dev")) (:maintainer "Ellis Kenyő" . "me@elken.dev") (:url . "https://github.com/elken/doom-modeline-now-playing"))]) (doom-themes . [(20210731 818) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "an opinionated pack of modern color-themes" tar ((:commit . "65fb964f36939cf412d03b3fe410618caf99c494") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner ")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "henrik@lissner.net") (:keywords "custom themes" "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-doom-themes"))]) (dot-mode . [(20180312 2300) ((emacs (24 3))) "minor mode to repeat typing or commands" single ((:commit . "6ca22b73bcdae2363ee9641b822a60685df16a3e") (:authors ("Robert Wyrick" . "rob@wyrick.org")) (:maintainer "Robert Wyrick" . "rob@wyrick.org") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/wyrickre/dot-mode"))]) (dotenv-mode . [(20191027 2129) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for .env files" single ((:commit . "e3701bf739bde44f6484eb7753deadaf691b73fb") (:authors ("Preetpal S. Sohal")) (:maintainer "Preetpal S. Sohal") (:url . 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"d914845725719d8293e2f0dea3c9c7e0a1e0e62a") (:authors ("Josuah Demangeon" . "josuah.demangeon@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Josuah Demangeon" . "josuah.demangeon@gmail.com") (:keywords "graphics") (:url . "https://github.com/sshbio/elisp-drawille"))]) (dream-theme . [(20210419 605) ((emacs (26 1))) "Maximalist Nordic/Zenburn-inspired color theme" single ((:commit . "0c27f05544b90e41338f79ea923044b358a323c6") (:authors ("Dirk-Jan C. Binnema" . "djcb@djcbsoftware.nl")) (:maintainer "Dirk-Jan C. Binnema" . "djcb@djcbsoftware.nl") (:keywords "faces" "theme") (:url . "https://github.com/djcb/dream-theme"))]) (drill-instructor-AZIK-force . [(20151123 514) ((popup (0 5))) "Support AZIK input" tar ((:commit . "008cea202dc31d7d6fb1e7d8e6334d516403b7a5") (:authors ("Yuhei Maeda ")) (:maintainer "Yuhei Maeda") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/myuhe/drill-instructor-AZIK-force.el"))]) (drone . 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"https://github.com/arnested/drupal-mode"))]) (drupal-spell . [(20130520 1655) nil "Aspell extra dictionary for Drupal" tar ((:commit . "4087c28c89a884ee050961c57166e6b09085f59d") (:authors ("Arne Jørgensen" . "arne@arnested.dk")) (:maintainer "Arne Jørgensen" . "arne@arnested.dk") (:keywords "wp") (:url . "https://github.com/arnested/drupal-spell"))]) (dsvn . [(20190316 2201) nil "Subversion interface" single ((:commit . "c37d2412ba92aad647bcf5aeb151e620e8069f8d") (:authors ("David Kågedal" . "davidk@lysator.liu.se") (" Mattias Engdegård" . "mattiase@acm.org")) (:maintainer "Mattias Engdegård" . "mattiase@acm.org") (:keywords "docs"))]) (dtb-mode . [(20210105 1132) ((emacs (25))) "Show device tree souce in dtbs" single ((:commit . "7f66de945a0be2be5a26b4619cae097288fb55cd") (:authors ("Schspa Shi" . "schspa@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Schspa Shi" . "schspa@gmail.com") (:keywords "dtb" "dts" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/schspa/dtb-mode"))]) (dtk . 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"ben@smart-cactus.org") (:keywords "languages"))]) (ducpel . [(20140702 1154) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Logic game with sokoban elements" tar ((:commit . "b53b935ab95c02b82ccf38f63c89e39e99477a55") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com") (:keywords "games") (:url . "https://github.com/alezost/ducpel"))]) (dumb-diff . [(20171211 2122) ((emacs (24 3))) "fast arbitrary diffs" single ((:commit . "1a2331d283049b71a07c1b06b1e0627a950d55f4") (:authors ("jack angers")) (:maintainer "jack angers") (:keywords "programming" "diff"))]) (dumb-jump . [(20210622 1720) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 9 0)) (popup (0 5 3))) "Jump to definition for 50+ languages without configuration" single ((:commit . "542e72d3feba986a12119f6def515ef1347cb4ca") (:authors ("jack angers and contributors")) (:maintainer "jack angers and contributors") (:keywords "programming") (:url . "https://github.com/jacktasia/dumb-jump"))]) (dummyparens . 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"9d8fd05e3e5caa35d3f2a0c0032c92f0c0908e21") (:authors ("ongaeshi")) (:maintainer "ongaeshi") (:keywords "convenience" "command" "duplicate" "line" "selection") (:url . "https://github.com/ongaeshi/duplicate-thing"))]) (dut-mode . [(20170729 2111) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for the Dut programming language" single ((:commit . "9235c7acaa6690942e9de8b7acd1e4be0c859dc1") (:authors ("The dut-mode Authors")) (:maintainer "The dut-mode Authors") (:keywords "languages" "gut") (:url . "https://github.com/dut-lang/dut-mode"))]) (dw . [(20210331 2246) ((emacs (25 1))) "Diceware passphrase generation commands" single ((:commit . "61c5718ba64ace4c9e29de18aa2690ecc3f0f258") (:authors ("D. Williams" . "d.williams@posteo.net")) (:maintainer "D. Williams" . "d.williams@posteo.net") (:keywords "convenience" "games") (:url . "https://github.com/integral-dw/dw-passphrase-generator"))]) (dyalog-mode . 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"8926d0c70be05c7b4ef821e22e411e8813973687") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "window manager") (:url . "https://github.com/aki2o/e2wm-sww"))]) (e2wm-term . [(20200322 729) ((e2wm (1 2)) (log4e (0 2 0)) (yaxception (0 3 2))) "Perspective of e2wm.el for work in terminal" single ((:commit . "74362d6271e736272df32ea807c5a22e4df54a50") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "window manager") (:url . "https://github.com/aki2o/e2wm-term"))]) (eacl . [(20210801 843) ((emacs (24 4))) "Auto-complete lines by grepping project" single ((:commit . "478abf3c72176b8887035921270e254202ff9a0f") (:authors ("Chen Bin ")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin ") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching") (:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/eacl"))]) (easy-after-load . 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"d6d8466cd62876fc90adeff5875a1a584fd846cd") (:authors ("Alastair Rankine" . "alastair@girtby.net")) (:maintainer "Alastair Rankine" . "alastair@girtby.net") (:keywords "development" "ninja" "build" "cedet" "ede"))]) (ede-php-autoload . [(20180901 1255) nil "Simple EDE PHP Project" tar ((:commit . "8a4eeeaa93b8d87b65a107c4ebcbeb14528d9449") (:authors ("Steven Rémot" . "steven.remot@gmail.com") ("original code for C++ by Eric M. Ludlam" . "eric@siege-engine.com")) (:maintainer "Steven Rémot" . "steven.remot@gmail.com") (:keywords "php" "project" "ede") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-php/ede-php-autoload"))]) (ede-php-autoload-composer-installers . [(20170221 2026) ((ede-php-autoload (1 0 0)) (f (0 19 0)) (s (1 7 0))) "Composer installers support for ede-php-autoload" single ((:commit . "7840439802c7d11ee086bbf465657f3da12f9f66") (:authors ("Thomas Fini Hansen" . "xen@xen.dk")) (:maintainer "Thomas Fini Hansen" . "xen@xen.dk") (:keywords "programming" "php") (:url . 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"https://github.com/editorconfig/editorconfig-emacs#readme"))]) (editorconfig-charset-extras . [(20180223 457) ((editorconfig (0 6 0))) "Extra EditorConfig Charset Support" single ((:commit . "4f75e175ad15ce2038f926fe4f0e5a0c1d0cbc46") (:authors ("10sr" . "8.slashes@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "10sr" . "8.slashes@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/10sr/editorconfig-charset-extras-el"))]) (editorconfig-custom-majormode . [(20180816 244) ((editorconfig (0 6 0))) "Decide major-mode and mmm-mode from EditorConfig" single ((:commit . "13ad1c83f847bedd4b3a19f9df7fd925853b19de") (:authors ("10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>")) (:maintainer "10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>") (:keywords "editorconfig" "util") (:url . "https://github.com/10sr/editorconfig-custom-majormode-el"))]) (editorconfig-domain-specific . [(20180505 924) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (editorconfig (0 6 0))) "Apply brace style and other \"domain-specific\" EditorConfig properties" single ((:commit . 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"91a644662afb352475efad0b377713656f131e5c") (:authors ("João Távora" . "joaotavora@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "João Távora" . "joaotavora@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/capitaomorte/efire"))]) (eg . [(20170830 815) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 3))) "Norton Guide reader" single ((:commit . "1c7f1613d2aaae728ef540305f6ba030616f86bd") (:authors ("Dave Pearson" . "davep@davep.org")) (:maintainer "Dave Pearson" . "davep@davep.org") (:keywords "docs") (:url . "https://github.com/davep/eg.el"))]) (egalgo . [(20190706 1611) ((dash (2 14)) (emacs (24))) "Genetic algorithm for Emacs" single ((:commit . "e683b16ed4265ddb46efcc8cbf9503301cc39e22") (:authors ("ROCKTAKEY" . "rocktakey@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "ROCKTAKEY" . "rocktakey@gmail.com") (:keywords "data") (:url . "https://github.com/ROCKTAKEY/egalgo"))]) (egg . [(20181126 500) nil "Emacs Got Git - Emacs interface to Git" tar ((:commit . "00e768a78ac3d25f457eed667d02cac568480bf9") (:authors ("Bogolisk" . "bogolisk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Bogolisk" . "bogolisk@gmail.com") (:keywords "git" "version control" "release management"))]) (egg-timer . [(20200217 1650) ((emacs (25 1))) "Commonly used intervals for setting timers while working" single ((:commit . "e3542aeb80905956b94373a222a9cbac04e6497e") (:authors ("William Carroll" . "wpcarro@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "William Carroll" . "wpcarro@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/wpcarro/egg-timer.el"))]) (egison-mode . [(20200107 2333) nil "Egison editing mode" tar ((:commit . "54fc2af0efdbb9e000667749bcfc9fda659304cf") (:authors ("Satoshi Egi" . "egisatoshi@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Satoshi Egi" . "egisatoshi@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/egisatoshi/egison3/blob/master/elisp/egison-mode.el"))]) (eglot . 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"49f170e01c5a107c2cb662c00544d827eaa2c4d8") (:authors ("Adam Beckmeyer" . "adam_git@thebeckmeyers.xyz")) (:maintainer "Adam Beckmeyer" . "adam_git@thebeckmeyers.xyz") (:keywords "convenience" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/non-Jedi/eglot-jl"))]) (ego . [(20200803 1101) ((emacs (24 5)) (ht (1 5)) (mustache (0 22)) (htmlize (1 47)) (org (8 0)) (dash (2 0 0))) "a static site generator based on org mode, forked from org-page." tar ((:commit . "211c4cb2af2582849d9df984fb2346deecaf79be") (:authors ("Feng Shu ") ("Kelvin Hu ") ("Kuangdash ")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu ") (:keywords "org-mode" "convenience" "beautify") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-china/EGO"))]) (eide . [(20200702 2009) nil "IDE interface" tar ((:commit . "b1dfdaf06b00409250135cb1000beac60c7f659b") (:authors ("Cédric Marie" . "cedric@hjuvi.fr.eu.org")) (:maintainer "Cédric Marie" . "cedric@hjuvi.fr.eu.org") (:url . "https://eide.hjuvi.fr.eu.org/"))]) (eimp . 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"https://github.com/mlf176f2/el-autoyas.el"))]) (el-fly-indent-mode . [(20180422 243) ((emacs (25))) "Indent Emacs Lisp on the fly" single ((:commit . "39738c88c01a3a035edffe63400d434edb1e3003") (:authors ("Jiahao Li" . "jiahaowork@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jiahao Li" . "jiahaowork@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/jiahaowork/el-fly-indent-mode.el"))]) (el-get . [(20210613 1418) nil "Manage the external elisp bits and pieces you depend upon" tar ((:commit . "463f5e985fc53300f87ab7eb054d1738fc6ac93b") (:authors ("Dimitri Fontaine" . "dim@tapoueh.org")) (:maintainer "Dimitri Fontaine" . "dim@tapoueh.org") (:keywords "emacs" "package" "elisp" "install" "elpa" "git" "git-svn" "bzr" "cvs" "svn" "darcs" "hg" "apt-get" "fink" "pacman" "http" "http-tar" "emacswiki") (:url . "http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/el-get"))]) (el-init . [(20150728 920) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (anaphora (1 0 0))) "A loader inspired by init-loader" single ((:commit . "7538e1511ff7ceea2ba65ed4783c57e2f9176ee6") (:authors ("Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "s06139@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "s06139@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/HKey/el-init"))]) (el-init-viewer . [(20150303 828) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (ctable (0 1 2)) (dash (2 10 0)) (anaphora (1 0 0)) (el-init (0 1 4))) "Record viewer for el-init" single ((:commit . "7c0169d356d6c007317e253e5776e1e48a60d6ad") (:authors ("Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "s06139@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "s06139@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/HKey/el-init-viewer"))]) (el-mock . [(20170824 1954) nil "Tiny Mock and Stub framework in Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "5df1d3a956544f1d3ad0bcd81daf47fff33ab8cc") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "rubikitch@ruby-lang.org")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp" "testing" "unittest") (:url . "http://github.com/rejeep/el-mock.el"))]) (el-patch . 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"bac64e772107e3dc721a9819f63b9ebdc28a81f7") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . "http://hins11.yu-yake.com/"))]) (electric-cursor . [(20210501 2107) ((emacs (24 1))) "Change cursor automatically" single ((:commit . "e20c6f6e85c020e472ef05b12af7a12bbae65dbf") (:authors ("Case Duckworth" . "acdw@acdw.net")) (:maintainer "Case Duckworth" . "acdw@acdw.net") (:keywords "cursor" "files") (:url . "https://github.com/duckwork/electric-cursor"))]) (electric-operator . [(20210320 1511) ((dash (2 10 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Automatically add spaces around operators" tar ((:commit . "ecc59d313dd9ddfc4d6a2a3c7a9374aaf214e653") (:authors ("David Shepherd" . "davidshepherd7@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "David Shepherd" . "davidshepherd7@gmail.com") (:keywords "electric") (:url . "https://github.com/davidshepherd7/electric-operator"))]) (electric-spacing . [(20210625 1722) nil "Insert operators with surrounding spaces smartly" tar ((:commit . "1be87078a689d967cb2d6654659fb49427926d62") (:authors ("William Xu" . "william.xwl@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "William Xu" . "william.xwl@gmail.com"))]) (elegant-agenda-mode . [(20210115 353) ((emacs (26 1))) "An elegant theme for your org-agenda" single ((:commit . "5cbc688584ba103ea3be7d7b30e5d94e52f59eb6") (:authors ("Justin Barclay" . "justinbarclay@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Justin Barclay" . "justinbarclay@gmail.com") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/justinbarclay/elegant-agenda-mode"))]) (elein . [(20120120 1116) nil "running leiningen commands from emacs" single ((:commit . "d4c0c0491dbb7c90e953d7a16172107c37103605") (:authors ("R.W. van 't Veer")) (:maintainer "R.W. van 't Veer") (:keywords "tools" "processes") (:url . "https://github.com/remvee/elein"))]) (elescope . [(20210312 1147) ((emacs (25 1)) (ivy (0 10)) (request (0 3)) (seq (2 0))) "Seach and clone projects from the minibuffer" single ((:commit . "36566c8c1f5f993f67eadc85d18539ff375c0f98") (:authors ("Stéphane Maniaci" . "stephane.maniaci@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Stéphane Maniaci" . "stephane.maniaci@gmail.com") (:keywords "vc") (:url . "https://github.com/freesteph/elescope"))]) (elf-mode . [(20161009 748) ((emacs (24 3))) "Show symbols in binaries" single ((:commit . "cd280d683cd3341d8bb31af6db7e3b74a133e6ab") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com") (:keywords "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/abo-abo/elf-mode"))]) (elfeed . [(20210606 1130) ((emacs (24 3))) "an Emacs Atom/RSS feed reader" tar ((:commit . "243add9e74003cd5718f33482b7bb8b4fe140fb5") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com") (:url . "https://github.com/skeeto/elfeed"))]) (elfeed-autotag . 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"95b4ea632fbd5960927952ec8f3394eb88da4752") (:authors ("Gergely Nagy")) (:maintainer "Gergely Nagy") (:url . "https://github.com/algernon/elfeed-goodies"))]) (elfeed-org . [(20210510 1219) ((elfeed (1 1 1)) (org (8 2 7)) (dash (2 10 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Configure elfeed with one or more org-mode files" single ((:commit . "268efdd0121fa61f63b722c30e0951c5d31224a4") (:authors ("Remy Honig" . "remyhonig@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Remy Honig" . "remyhonig@gmail.com") (:keywords "news") (:url . "https://github.com/remyhonig/elfeed-org"))]) (elfeed-protocol . [(20210430 846) ((emacs (24 4)) (elfeed (2 1 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Provide fever/newsblur/owncloud/ttrss protocols for elfeed" tar ((:commit . "5e17d4280f5f8019c3f8962a710c9b3e633f41ff") (:authors ("Xu Fasheng ")) (:maintainer "Xu Fasheng ") (:keywords "news") (:url . "https://github.com/fasheng/elfeed-protocol"))]) (elfeed-score . 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"https://github.com/lassik/elforth"))]) (elgrep . [(20210205 733) ((emacs (26 2)) (async (1 5))) "Searching files for regular expressions" single ((:commit . "b627cc0f307161e580e9450ad5334687b9406a16") (:authors ("Tobias Zawada" . "i@tn-home.de")) (:maintainer "Tobias Zawada" . "i@tn-home.de") (:keywords "tools" "matching" "files" "unix") (:url . "https://github.com/TobiasZawada/elgrep"))]) (elhome . [(20161025 2042) ((initsplit (20120630))) "A framework for a \"home\" Emacs configuration" tar ((:commit . "e789e806469af3e9705f72298683c21f6c3a516d") (:authors ("Dave Abrahams" . "dave@boostpro.com")) (:maintainer "Demyan Rogozhin" . "demyan.rogozhin@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "http://github.com/demyanrogozhin/elhome"))]) (elisp-def . [(20210126 750) ((dash (2 12 0)) (f (0 19 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (emacs (24 3))) "macro-aware go-to-definition for elisp" single ((:commit . "dfca043ec0cbead67bd9c526cb009daf771d0fa2") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk") (:keywords "lisp"))]) (elisp-demos . [(20210312 542) ((emacs (24 4))) "Elisp API Demos" tar ((:commit . "924b07d28e4f5b82f0e1377bcde800068f0a6d9d") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang") (:keywords "lisp" "docs") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/elisp-demos"))]) (elisp-depend . [(20190325 1114) nil "Parse depend libraries of elisp file." single ((:commit . "6679da9a6be5a845bb4804224c8394a9bc62168f"))]) (elisp-depmap . [(20200714 1630) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 17 0))) "Generate an elisp dependency map in graphviz" tar ((:commit . "98676e6ffcc4efb70cc991e659c79cb599b01bc7") (:authors ("Mehmet Tekman")) (:maintainer "Mehmet Tekman") (:keywords "outlines") (:url . "https://github.com/mtekman/elisp-depmap.el"))]) (elisp-docstring-mode . [(20170304 1615) nil "Major mode for editing elisp docstrings." single ((:commit . "f512e509dd690f65133e55563ebbfd2dede5034f") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages"))]) (elisp-format . [(20160508 952) nil "Format elisp code" single ((:commit . "03cc293eb2f78ec58fc1d84279af06816a04b979") (:authors (nil . "Andy Stewart lazycat.manatee@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yuki Inoue inouetakahiroki _at_ gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/Yuki-Inoue/elisp-format"))]) (elisp-lint . [(20200324 2217) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 15 0)) (package-lint (0 11))) "Basic linting for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "a4de033c260389c0d483f93e715fd3395c6e4145") (:authors ("Nikolaj Schumacher ,")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto" . "neil.okamoto+melpa@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp" "maint" "tools") (:url . "http://github.com/gonewest818/elisp-lint/"))]) (elisp-refs . [(20210615 1624) ((dash (2 12 0)) (s (1 11 0))) "find callers of elisp functions or macros" single ((:commit . "fdde21e34b1272783d566d8230b5ed2dc4749048") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk") (:keywords "lisp"))]) (elisp-sandbox . [(20131116 1842) nil "Evaluate EmacsLisp expressions in a sandbox" single ((:commit . "d894d68934ef09c42f72ac4e1173a0bedc23f139") (:authors ("Joel McCracken , D. Goel" . "deego@gnufans.org")) (:maintainer "Joel McCracken , D. Goel" . "deego@gnufans.org") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/joelmccracken/elisp-sandbox"))]) (elisp-slime-nav . [(20210510 528) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 2))) "Make M-. and M-, work in elisp like they do in slime" single ((:commit . "8588d80d414aee1fafce5b9da0e913612ee0bcdd") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "languages" "navigation" "slime" "elisp" "emacs-lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/elisp-slime-nav"))]) (elixir-mode . [(20210509 2353) ((emacs (25)) (pkg-info (0 6))) "Major mode for editing Elixir files" tar ((:commit . "6bbc1e5ac46064613c982cedc60566ed077e7a58") (:keywords "languages" "elixir") (:url . "https://github.com/elixir-editors/emacs-elixir"))]) (elixir-yasnippets . [(20150417 1239) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for Elixir" tar ((:commit . "980ca7626c14ef0573bec0035ec7942796062783") (:authors ("Yinghai Zhao" . "zyinghai@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yinghai Zhao" . "zyinghai@gmail.com") (:keywords "snippets"))]) (ellocate . [(20200112 1931) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 12 0)) (f (0 20 0))) "The locate command reimplemented in Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "81405082f68f0577c9f176d3d4f034a7142aba59") (:authors ("Sebastian Wålinder" . "s.walinder@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wålinder" . "s.walinder@gmail.com") (:keywords "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/walseb/ellocate"))]) (elm-mode . [(20210525 152) ((f (0 17)) (s (1 7 0)) (emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 13 0)) (reformatter (0 3))) "Major mode for Elm" tar ((:commit . "f2e2d0053f3272d9fc0c2e16c8d17d97724cf524") (:authors ("Joseph Collard")) (:maintainer "Joseph Collard") (:url . "https://github.com/jcollard/elm-mode"))]) (elm-test-runner . [(20190105 1923) ((emacs (24 4))) "Enhanced support for running elm-test" single ((:commit . "a31d567a64d86d36e3675347abd696824a731e0c") (:authors ("Juan Edi")) (:maintainer "Juan Edi") (:url . "https://github.com/juanedi/elm-test-runner"))]) (elm-yasnippets . [(20160401 524) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for Elm" tar ((:commit . "45a11a0cef0c36633fb3477d3dc4167e82779ba4") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "austin.bingham@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "austin.bingham@gmail.com") (:keywords "snippets"))]) (elmacro . [(20210716 639) ((s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Convert keyboard macros to emacs lisp" single ((:commit . "d2e05012cee4f54fab6d8d8d6aced6e5eeef4f31") (:authors ("Philippe Vaucher" . "philippe.vaucher@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Philippe Vaucher" . "philippe.vaucher@gmail.com") (:keywords "macro" "elisp" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/Silex/elmacro"))]) (elmine . [(20200520 1237) ((s (1 10 0))) "Redmine API access via elisp." single ((:commit . "c78cc8705c2dffbf649b858f02b5028225943482") (:authors ("Arthur Andersen" . "leoc.git@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Arthur Andersen" . "leoc.git@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "http://github.com/leoc/elmine"))]) (elmpd . [(20201107 428) ((emacs (25 1))) "A tight, ergonomic, async client library for mpd" single ((:commit . "0d0456f2b9bfffbe452b6d94b9cd8798c52fc80e") (:authors ("Michael Herstine" . "sp1ff@pobox.com")) (:maintainer "Michael Herstine" . "sp1ff@pobox.com") (:keywords "comm") (:url . "https://github.com/sp1ff/elmpd"))]) (elnode . [(20190702 1509) ((web (0 1 4)) (dash (1 1 0)) (noflet (0 0 7)) (s (1 5 0)) (creole (0 8 14)) (fakir (0 1 6)) (db (0 0 5)) (kv (0 0 17))) "The Emacs webserver." tar ((:commit . "29ef0f51a65a24fca7fdcdb4140d2e4556e4bb29") (:authors ("Nic Ferrier" . "nferrier@ferrier.me.uk")) (:maintainer "GitHub user \"Jcaw\"") (:keywords "lisp" "http" "hypermedia"))]) (elog . [(20160724 2255) ((eieio (1 3))) "logging library extended from logito" single ((:commit . "a67237d9813c7591614d95e2ef31cc5e5ed3f31b") (:authors ("DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "DarkSun" . "lujun9972@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp" "tool" "log"))]) (elogcat . [(20151121 41) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 10 0))) "logcat interface" single ((:commit . "4f311b7a07565b0d060334bc68edb36f2bff703f") (:authors ("Youngjoo Lee" . "youngker@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Youngjoo Lee" . "youngker@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools"))]) (eloud . [(20190706 1707) ((emacs (24 4))) "A lightweight, interactive screen reader" single ((:commit . "b8f4af1f652268d73281de91fb333b5984970847") (:authors ("Patrick Smyth" . "patricksmyth01@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Patrick Smyth" . "patricksmyth01@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/smythp/eloud"))]) (elpa-audit . [(20141023 1331) nil "Handy functions for inspecting and comparing package archives" single ((:commit . "727da50e626977351aff2675b6540a36818bbbe6") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "maint") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/elpa-audit"))]) (elpa-clone . [(20191006 1953) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0))) "Clone ELPA archive" single ((:commit . "827e2723b123618aaa32642d78c447cf2979a00a") (:authors ("ZHANG Weiyi" . "dochang@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "ZHANG Weiyi" . "dochang@gmail.com") (:keywords "comm" "elpa" "clone" "mirror") (:url . "https://github.com/dochang/elpa-clone"))]) (elpa-deploy . [(20191022 718) ((emacs (24 4)) (f (0 0))) "ELPA deployment library" single ((:commit . "f5126a2da1e0e52981fad9c12028814be80328c2") (:authors ("Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro" . "oitofelix@gnu.org")) (:maintainer "Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro" . "oitofelix@gnu.org") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/oitofelix/elpa-deploy"))]) (elpa-mirror . [(20210614 302) ((emacs (25 1))) "Create local package repository from installed packages" single ((:commit . "18209f7f4602e48204992e38c5d265eb1a68320a") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/elpa-mirror"))]) (elpher . [(20210803 1224) ((emacs (27 1))) "A friendly gopher and gemini client" tar ((:commit . "6e2b49ea90c38098e731bd877002486b67faf7d7") (:authors ("Tim Vaughan" . "plugd@thelambdalab.xyz")) (:maintainer "Tim Vaughan" . "plugd@thelambdalab.xyz") (:keywords "comm" "gopher") (:url . "https://thelambdalab.xyz/elpher"))]) (elpl . [(20200821 1052) ((emacs (24 4))) "Emacs Lisp REPL" single ((:commit . "ca6a6237681c641d5137d58e52f884dec0da6349") (:authors ("Gong Qijian" . "gongqijian@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Gong Qijian" . "gongqijian@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp" "tool") (:url . "https://github.com/twlz0ne/elpl"))]) (elpy . [(20210630 2317) ((company (0 9 2)) (emacs (24 4)) (highlight-indentation (0 5 0)) (pyvenv (1 3)) (yasnippet (0 8 0)) (s (1 11 0))) "Emacs Python Development Environment" tar ((:commit . "4248dccef31e260813d93cafd083bfcd71efc92a") (:authors ("Jorgen Schaefer , Gaby Launay" . "gaby.launay@protonmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jorgen Schaefer , Gaby Launay" . "gaby.launay@protonmail.com") (:keywords "python" "ide" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/jorgenschaefer/elpy"))]) (elpygen . [(20171225 1736) ((emacs (25)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Generate a Python function/method using a symbol under point" single ((:commit . "21929c997a05968f9eefe52b85a76ceaab3b0d81") (:authors ("Vladimir Kazanov" . "vkazanov@inbox.ru")) (:maintainer "Vladimir Kazanov" . "vkazanov@inbox.ru") (:keywords "python" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/vkazanov/elpygen"))]) (elquery . [(20200628 1756) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 13 0))) "The HTML library for elisp." single ((:commit . "cba7629ad886c4e51d66f8b509aad48bdfe100cc") (:authors ("Adam Niederer")) (:maintainer "Adam Niederer") (:keywords "html" "hypermedia" "tools" "webscale") (:url . "https://github.com/AdamNiederer/elquery"))]) (elsa . [(20201011 1950) ((trinary (1 0 0)) (emacs (25 1)) (f (0)) (dash (2 14)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Emacs Lisp Static Analyser" tar ((:commit . "ac0ab88abca1215cac60f8a986dadf3011b444bb") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "lisp"))]) (elscreen . [(20181009 451) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs window session manager" tar ((:commit . "cc58337faf5ba1eae7e87f75f6ff3758675688f2") (:authors ("Naoto Morishima" . "naoto@morishima.net")) (:maintainer "Akinori MUSHA" . "knu@iDaemons.org") (:keywords "window" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/knu/elscreen"))]) (elscreen-buffer-group . [(20200109 2338) ((emacs (24 4)) (elscreen (0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "elscreen buffer group" single ((:commit . "b48e71d4782adfeb2958f227d78c04164d26e4bd") (:authors ("Jeff Gran" . "jeff@jeffgran.com") ("Author: Ryan C. Thompson")) (:maintainer "Jeff Gran" . "jeff@jeffgran.com") (:keywords "buffer") (:url . "https://github.com/jeffgran/elscreen-buffer-group"))]) (elscreen-fr . [(20160920 953) ((elscreen (0)) (seq (1 11))) "Use frame title as screen tab" single ((:commit . "6dc77e1d3f17b3f76da5ccf92b715572aa55fb85") (:authors ("Francesc Rocher" . "francesc.rocher@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Francesc Rocher" . "francesc.rocher@gmail.com") (:url . "http://github.com/rocher/elscreen-fr"))]) (elscreen-mew . [(20160504 1835) ((elscreen (20120413 807))) "ElScreen Add-On for Mew" single ((:commit . "c90a23441d836da14a1cb12788432308ba58e2b6") (:authors ("Takashi Masuda" . "masutaka.net@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Takashi Masuda" . 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"sunny.day.dev@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/aki-s/elscreen-tab"))]) (elvish-mode . [(20180809 1612) ((emacs (24 3))) "Defines a major mode for Elvish" single ((:commit . "a13fcaf209d803e2e450ca2bf80dea94b40a0141") (:authors ("Adam Schwalm" . "adamschwalm@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Adam Schwalm" . "adamschwalm@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/ALSchwalm/elvish-mode"))]) (elwm . [(20150817 1007) ((dash (1 1 0))) "Minimalistic window manager for emacs" single ((:commit . "c33b183f006ad476c3a44dab316f580f8b369930") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "docs") (:url . "https://github.com/Fuco1/elwm"))]) (elx . [(20210615 1503) ((emacs (25 1))) "extract information from Emacs Lisp libraries" single ((:commit . "ef6dfa8e598b2761d0a481526e98e254123a20f6") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . 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"https://github.com/lujun9972/emacsist-view"))]) (emacsql . [(20210615 1539) ((emacs (25 1))) "high-level SQL database front-end" tar ((:commit . "9dca5996168c4963eb67e61c7f17fdcb8228e314") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com") (:url . "https://github.com/skeeto/emacsql"))]) (emacsql-mysql . [(20171219 227) ((emacs (25 1)) (emacsql (2 0 0))) "EmacSQL back-end for MySQL" single ((:commit . "9dca5996168c4963eb67e61c7f17fdcb8228e314") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com") (:url . "https://github.com/skeeto/emacsql"))]) (emacsql-psql . [(20171219 227) ((emacs (25 1)) (emacsql (2 0 0))) "EmacSQL back-end for PostgreSQL via psql" tar ((:commit . "9dca5996168c4963eb67e61c7f17fdcb8228e314") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . 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"marcowahlsoft@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Marco Wahl") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/marcowahl/emacsshot"))]) (emamux . [(20200315 1220) ((emacs (24 3))) "Interact with tmux" single ((:commit . "6172131d78038f0b1490e24bac60534bf4ad3b30") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-emamux"))]) (emamux-ruby-test . [(20130812 1639) ((emamux (0 1)) (projectile (0 9 1))) "Ruby test with emamux" single ((:commit . "23b73c650573b340351a919da3da416acfc2ac84") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emamux-ruby-test"))]) (emaps . [(20200508 1759) ((dash (2 17 0)) (emacs (24))) "Utilities for working with keymaps" single ((:commit . "7c561f3ded2015ed3774e5784059d6601082743e") (:authors ("Ben Moon" . "software@guiltydolphin.com")) (:maintainer "Ben Moon" . "software@guiltydolphin.com") (:keywords "convenience" "keyboard" "keymap" "utility") (:url . "https://github.com/GuiltyDolphin/emaps"))]) (embark . [(20210802 1555) ((emacs (26 1))) "Conveniently act on minibuffer completions" tar ((:commit . "61a301dfdad74adfff2bd9b20764c944f9880250") (:authors ("Omar Antolín Camarena" . "omar@matem.unam.mx")) (:maintainer "Omar Antolín Camarena" . "omar@matem.unam.mx") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/oantolin/embark"))]) (embark-consult . [(20210802 1429) ((emacs (25 1)) (embark (0 9)) (consult (0 1))) "Consult integration for Embark" single ((:commit . "61a301dfdad74adfff2bd9b20764c944f9880250") (:authors ("Omar Antolín Camarena" . "omar@matem.unam.mx")) (:maintainer "Omar Antolín Camarena" . "omar@matem.unam.mx") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/oantolin/embark"))]) (ember-mode . [(20200208 1423) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Ember navigation mode for emacs" single ((:commit . "a587c423041b2fcb065fd5b6a03b2899b764e462") (:authors ("Aad Versteden" . "madnificent@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Aad Versteden" . "madnificent@gmail.com") (:keywords "ember" "ember.js" "emberjs"))]) (ember-yasnippets . [(20160526 1658) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Snippets for Ember.js development" tar ((:commit . "3b5bd01569646237bf1b540d097e12f9118b67f4") (:authors ("Ron White" . "ronco@costite.com")) (:maintainer "Ron White" . "ronco@costite.com") (:keywords "tools" "abbrev" "languages"))]) (embrace . [(20171031 1833) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (expand-region (0 10 0))) "Add/Change/Delete pairs based on `expand-region'" single ((:commit . "dd5da196e5bcc5e6d87e1937eca0c21da4334ef2") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions"))]) (emidje . [(20190209 1726) ((emacs (25)) (cider (0 17 0)) (seq (2 16)) (magit-popup (2 4 0))) "Test runner and report viewer for Midje" single ((:commit . "7e92f053964d925c97dc8cca8d4d70a3030021db") (:authors ("Alan Ghelardi" . "alan.ghelardi@nubank.com.br")) (:maintainer "Alan Ghelardi" . "alan.ghelardi@nubank.com.br") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/nubank/emidje"))]) (emlib . [(20161126 1523) ((dash (2 13 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "A Machine Learning library for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "dea2af00f551ea580c641d86dd69219f7d4f3685") (:authors ("Narendra Joshi" . "narendraj9@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Narendra Joshi" . "narendraj9@gmail.com") (:keywords "data" "ai" "neural networks" "ml") (:url . "https://github.com/narendraj9/emlib.git"))]) (emmet-mode . [(20180613 341) nil "Unofficial Emmet's support for emacs" single ((:commit . "1acb821e0142136344ccf40c1e5fb664d7db2e70") (:authors ("Shin Aoyama" . "smihica@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shin Aoyama" . "smihica@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/smihica/emmet-mode"))]) (emms . [(20210802 1522) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (nadvice (0 3)) (seq (0))) "The Emacs Multimedia System" tar ((:commit . "8b32529950e5a2e1dd7afed8757ff6bc923c95e2") (:authors ("Jorgen Schäfer" . 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"http://github.com/zweifisch/enlive"))]) (eno . [(20191013 1239) ((dash (2 12 1)) (edit-at-point (1 0))) "Goto/copy/cut any word/symbol/line in view, similar to ace-jump/easymotion" single ((:commit . "c5c6193687c0bede1ddf507c430cf8b0a6d272d9") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . "") (:url . "http://github.com/enoson/eno.el"))]) (enotify . [(20130407 1348) nil "A networked notification system for emacs" tar ((:commit . "7fd2f48ef4ff32c8f013c634ea2dd6b1d1409f80") (:authors ("Alessandro Piras" . "laynor@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alessandro Piras" . "laynor@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools"))]) (envrc . [(20210516 2143) ((seq (2)) (emacs (24 4)) (inheritenv (0 1))) "Support for `direnv' that operates buffer-locally" single ((:commit . "8a9a142cf9d35e62a70d9d100a946f78fe0b066a") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "processes" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/envrc"))]) (eopengrok . 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"be87248435509f83c56a7f08ac9bcbbd3b20d780") (:authors ("xristos" . "xristos@sdf.org")) (:maintainer "xristos" . "xristos@sdf.org") (:keywords "comm") (:url . "https://github.com/atomontage/erc-crypt"))]) (erc-hl-nicks . [(20200317 16) nil "ERC nick highlighter that ignores uniquifying chars when colorizing" single ((:commit . "a67fe361c8f2aa20fc235447fbb898f424b51439") (:authors ("David Leatherman" . "leathekd@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "David Leatherman" . "leathekd@gmail.com") (:url . "http://www.github.com/leathekd/erc-hl-nicks"))]) (erc-image . [(20210604 753) nil "Show received image urls in the ERC buffer" single ((:commit . "883084f0801d46a5ccf183e51ae9a734755bbb97") (:authors ("Jon de Andrés Frías" . "jondeandres@gmail.com") ("Raimon Grau Cuscó" . "raimonster@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jon de Andrés Frías" . "jondeandres@gmail.com") (:keywords "multimedia"))]) (erc-matterircd . [(20210720 412) ((emacs (27 1))) "Integrate matterircd with ERC" single ((:commit . "caafa1a62a76c2132d8b0872d57684f877608408") (:authors ("Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/alexmurray/erc-matterircd"))]) (erc-scrolltoplace . [(20180608 606) ((emacs (24 0)) (switch-buffer-functions (0 0 1))) "An Erc module to scrolltobottom better with keep-place" single ((:commit . "38cfd0c2e2f5f6533b217189c3afaf6640b5602e") (:authors ("Jay Kamat" . "jaygkamat@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jay Kamat" . "jaygkamat@gmail.com") (:keywords "erc" "module" "comm" "scrolltobottom" "keep-place") (:url . "http://gitlab.com/jgkamat/erc-scrolltoplace"))]) (erc-social-graph . [(20150508 1204) nil "A social network graph module for ERC." single ((:commit . "e6ef3416a1c5064054bf054d9f0c1c7bf54a9cd0") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant" . "vibhavp@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant" . "vibhavp@gmail.com") (:keywords "erc" "graph") (:url . "https://github.com/vibhavp/erc-social-graph"))]) (erc-terminal-notifier . [(20140115 1024) nil "OSX notifications via the terminal-notifier gem for Emacs ERC." single ((:commit . "a3dacb935845e4a20031212bbd82b2170f68d2a8") (:authors ("Julien Blanchard" . "julien@sideburns.eu")) (:maintainer "Julien Blanchard" . "julien@sideburns.eu") (:keywords "erc" "terminal-notifier" "nick") (:url . "http://github.com/julienXX/"))]) (erc-track-score . [(20130328 1215) nil "Add score support to tracked channel buffers" single ((:commit . "5b27531ea6b1a4c4b703b270dfa9128cb5bfdaa3") (:authors ("Julien Danjou" . "julien@danjou.info")) (:maintainer "Julien Danjou" . "julien@danjou.info") (:url . "http://julien.danjou.info/erc-track-score.html"))]) (erc-tweet . [(20150920 1258) nil "shows text of a tweet when an url is posted in erc buffers" single ((:commit . "91fed61e139fa788d66a7358f0d50acc896414b8") (:authors ("Raimon Grau" . "raimonster@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Raimon Grau" . "raimonster@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions"))]) (erc-twitch . [(20170427 606) ((json (1 3)) (erc (5 0))) "Support for Twitch emotes for ERC." single ((:commit . "53c6af0cb72e56d897d30a40e7e5066668d6b5ec") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant" . "vibhavp@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant" . "vibhavp@gmail.com") (:keywords "twitch" "erc" "emotes") (:url . "https://github.com/vibhavp/erc-twitch"))]) (erc-view-log . [(20140227 2039) nil "Major mode for viewing ERC logs" single ((:commit . "c5a25f0cbca84ed2e4f72068c02b66bd0ea3b266") (:authors ("Antoine Levitt") ("Thomas Riccardi" . "riccardi.thomas@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Antoine Levitt") (:keywords "erc" "viewer" "logs" "colors") (:url . "http://github.com/Niluge-KiWi/erc-view-log/raw/master/erc-view-log.el"))]) (erc-yank . [(20210220 1815) nil "Automagically create a Gist if pasting more than 5 lines" single ((:commit . "55d96f18c5df9d8fce51fa073d7a12c47a46ac80") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "jwiegley@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "jwiegley@gmail.com") (:keywords "comm" "erc" "chat" "irc" "yank" "gist") (:url . "https://github.com/jwiegley/erc-yank"))]) (erc-youtube . [(20150603 2136) nil "Show info about a YouTube URL in an ERC buffer." single ((:commit . "97054ba8475b442e2aa81e5a291f668b7f28697f") (:authors ("Raimon Grau Cuscó" . "raimonster@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Raimon Grau Cuscó" . "raimonster@gmail.com") (:keywords "multimedia"))]) (erc-yt . [(20150426 1249) ((dash (2 10 0))) "An erc module to display youtube links nicely" single ((:commit . "43e7d49325b17a3217a6ffb4a9daf75c5ff4e6f8") (:authors ("William Stevenson" . "yhvh2000@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "William Stevenson" . "yhvh2000@gmail.com") (:keywords "multimedia"))]) (ercn . [(20150523 1503) nil "Flexible ERC notifications" single ((:commit . "79a4df5609046ae2e2e3375998287be6dda80615") (:authors ("David Leatherman" . "leathekd@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "David Leatherman" . "leathekd@gmail.com") (:url . "http://www.github.com/leathekd/ercn"))]) (ereader . [(20170810 501) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12 1)) (s (1 10 0)) (xml+ (0 0 0))) "Major mode for reading ebooks with org-mode integration" tar ((:commit . "f3bbd3f13195f8fba3e3c880aab0e4c60430dcf3") (:authors ("Ben Dean" . "bendean837@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ben Dean" . "bendean837@gmail.com") (:keywords "epub" "ebook") (:url . "https://github.com/bddean/emacs-ereader"))]) (eredis . [(20181119 131) ((dash (0))) "eredis, a Redis client in emacs lisp" single ((:commit . "bc86b9f63a3e7a5eb263875030d0e15d6f5f6e37") (:authors ("Justin Heyes-Jones" . "justinhj@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Justin Heyes-Jones" . "justinhj@gmail.com") (:keywords "redis" "api" "tools" "org") (:url . "http://github.com/justinhj/eredis/"))]) (erefactor . [(20200513 1252) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Emacs-Lisp refactoring utilities" single ((:commit . "bfe27a1b8c7cac0fe054e76113e941efa3775fe8") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi" . "mhayashi1120@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . "mhayashi1120@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions" "tools" "maint") (:url . "https://github.com/mhayashi1120/Emacs-erefactor"))]) (ergoemacs-mode . [(20210402 1642) ((emacs (24 1)) (undo-tree (0 6 5)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Emacs mode based on common modern interface and ergonomics." tar ((:commit . "f9d6e3f7d99b877a63fa6f5ab61e6ba05a7075c8") (:authors ("Xah Lee" . "xah@xahlee.org") ("David Capello" . "davidcapello@gmail.com") ("Matthew L. Fidler" . "matthew.fidler@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matthew L. Fidler" . "matthew.fidler@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/ergoemacs/ergoemacs-mode"))]) (ergoemacs-status . [(20160318 538) ((powerline (2 3)) (mode-icons (0 1 0))) "Adaptive Status Bar / Mode Line" single ((:commit . "d952cc2361adf6eb4d6af60950ad4ab699c81320") (:authors ("Matthew Fidler")) (:maintainer "Matthew Fidler"))]) (eri . [(20200914 644) nil "Enhanced relative indentation (eri)" single ((:commit . "1f7932e3efb26a8ba58528e7e652c77780ee8108") (:url . "https://github.com/agda/agda"))]) (erlang . [(20210315 1640) ((emacs (24 1))) "Erlang major mode" tar ((:commit . "4d83aa256bb31458fbfb29ac40fcdd055b28fc0e") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:keywords "erlang" "languages" "processes"))]) (erlstack-mode . [(20210419 1917) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 12 0))) "Minor mode for analysing Erlang stacktraces" single ((:commit . "ca264bca24cdaa8b2bac57882716f03f633e42b0") (:authors ("k32")) (:maintainer "k32") (:keywords "tools" "erlang") (:url . "https://github.com/k32/erlstack-mode"))]) (eros . [(20180415 618) ((emacs (24 4))) "Evaluation Result OverlayS for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "dd8910279226259e100dab798b073a52f9b4233a") (:authors ("Tianxiang Xiong" . "tianxiang.xiong@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tianxiang Xiong" . "tianxiang.xiong@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/xiongtx/eros"))]) (ert-async . [(20200105 1031) ((emacs (24 1))) "Async support for ERT" single ((:commit . "948cf2faa10e085bda3739034ca5ea1912893433") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp" "test") (:url . "http://github.com/rejeep/ert-async.el"))]) (ert-expectations . [(20121009 734) nil "The simplest unit test framework in the world" single ((:commit . "aed70e002c4305b66aed7f6d0d48e9addd2dc1e6") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "rubikitch@ruby-lang.org")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "rubikitch@ruby-lang.org") (:keywords "test" "unittest" "ert" "expectations") (:url . "http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/ert-expectations.el"))]) (ert-junit . [(20190802 2232) ((ert (0)) (emacs (23 4))) "JUnit XML reports from ert results" single ((:commit . "65f91c35b088b87943dbbbe7e1ce354bc9bc0992") (:authors ("Ola Nilsson" . "ola.nilsson@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ola Nilsson" . "ola.nilsson@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "test" "unittest" "ert") (:url . "http://bitbucket.org/olanilsson/ert-junit"))]) (ert-modeline . [(20140115 1015) ((s (1 3 1)) (dash (1 2 0)) (emacs (24 1)) (projectile (0 9 1))) "displays ert test results in the modeline." single ((:commit . "e7be2b81191afb437b70368a819770f8f750e4af") (:authors ("Chris Barrett" . "chris.d.barrett@me.com")) (:maintainer "Chris Barrett" . "chris.d.barrett@me.com") (:keywords "tools" "tests" "convenience"))]) (ert-runner . [(20201005 2336) ((s (1 6 1)) (dash (1 8 0)) (f (0 10 0)) (commander (0 2 0)) (ansi (0 1 0)) (shut-up (0 1 0))) "Opinionated Ert testing workflow" tar ((:commit . "c3969c86b5b00087d8b2fcb7147481d5be56f2f7") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com") (:keywords "test") (:url . "http://github.com/rejeep/ert-runner.el"))]) (es-lib . [(20141111 1830) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "A collection of emacs utilities" tar ((:commit . "753b27363e39c10edc9e4e452bdbbbe4d190df4a") (:authors ("sabof")) (:maintainer "sabof") (:url . "https://github.com/sabof/es-lib"))]) (es-mode . [(20201125 2059) ((dash (2 11 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (spark (1 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (request (0 3 0))) "A major mode for editing and executing Elasticsearch queries" tar ((:commit . "cde5cafcbbbd57db6d38ae7452de626305bba68d") (:authors ("Lee Hinman" . "lee@writequit.org")) (:maintainer "Lee Hinman" . "lee@writequit.org") (:keywords "elasticsearch") (:url . "http://www.github.com/dakrone/es-mode"))]) (es-windows . [(20140211 904) ((cl-lib (0 3)) (emacs (24))) "Window-management utilities" single ((:commit . "239e30408cb1adb4bc8bd63e2df34711fa910b4f") (:authors ("sabof")) (:maintainer "sabof") (:url . "https://github.com/sabof/es-windows"))]) (esa . [(20180403 1525) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Interface to esa.io" single ((:commit . "417e0ac55abe9b17e0b7165d0df26bc018aff42e") (:authors ("Nab Inno" . "nab@blahfe.com")) (:maintainer "Nab Inno" . "nab@blahfe.com") (:keywords "tools" "esa") (:url . "https://github.com/nabinno/esa.el"))]) (esh-autosuggest . [(20210224 2242) ((emacs (24 4)) (company (0 9 4))) "History autosuggestions for eshell" single ((:commit . "30203fc7b8b63a489f34f74ca8b041bf61f4358f") (:authors ("Diego A. Mundo" . "dieggsy@pm.me")) (:maintainer "Diego A. Mundo" . "dieggsy@pm.me") (:keywords "completion" "company" "matching" "convenience" "abbrev") (:url . "http://github.com/dieggsy/esh-autosuggest"))]) (esh-buf-stack . [(20140107 1018) nil "Add a buffer stack feature to Eshell" single ((:commit . "ce0ea5aadca3150eaa9d2e6ec20296add4e99176") (:authors ("Tomoya Tanjo" . "ttanjo@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tomoya Tanjo" . "ttanjo@gmail.com") (:keywords "eshell" "extensions"))]) (esh-help . [(20190905 22) ((dash (1 4 0))) "Add some help functions and support for Eshell" single ((:commit . "417673ed18a983930a66a6692dbfb288a995cb80") (:authors ("Tomoya Tanjo" . "ttanjo@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tomoya Tanjo" . "ttanjo@gmail.com") (:keywords "eshell" "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/tom-tan/esh-help/"))]) (eshell-autojump . [(20201117 235) nil "autojump command for Eshell" single ((:commit . "c1056bfc6b46646ae1e606247689fef9aee621af") (:authors ("Alex Schroeder")) (:maintainer "Yen-Chin, Lee" . "coldnew.tw@gmail.com") (:url . "http://github.com/coldnew/eshell-autojump"))]) (eshell-bookmark . [(20170922 1514) ((emacs (24 3))) "Integrate bookmarks with eshell." single ((:commit . "99a491c77e27ecc4626bdd4ad453ac71aa2654d4") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "files") (:url . "https://github.com/Fuco1/eshell-bookmark"))]) (eshell-did-you-mean . [(20150915 1952) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "command not found (\"did you mean…\" feature) in Eshell" single ((:commit . "7cb6ef8e2274d0a50a9e114d412307a6543533d5") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "xuchunyang56@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "xuchunyang56@gmail.com") (:keywords "eshell") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/eshell-did-you-mean"))]) (eshell-fixed-prompt . [(20190111 2235) ((emacs (25)) (s (1 11 0))) "Restrict eshell to a single fixed prompt" single ((:commit . "2c860029354bf1f69edc1f12e4a0d9aeb9054f5d") (:authors ("Tijs Mallaerts" . "tijs.mallaerts@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tijs Mallaerts" . "tijs.mallaerts@gmail.com"))]) (eshell-fringe-status . [(20170117 2316) nil "Show last status in fringe" single ((:commit . "adc6997c68e39c0d52a2af1b2fd5cf2057783797") (:authors ("Tom Willemse" . "tom@ryuslash.org")) (:maintainer "Tom Willemse" . "tom@ryuslash.org") (:url . "http://projects.ryuslash.org/eshell-fringe-status/"))]) (eshell-git-prompt . [(20200109 2250) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Some Eshell prompt for Git users" single ((:commit . "48ee35774c9b8d0e2d96110e3ae84bac60f43dfd") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "mail@xuchunyang.me")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "mail@xuchunyang.me") (:keywords "eshell" "git") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/eshell-git-prompt"))]) (eshell-outline . [(20201121 620) ((emacs (25 1))) "Enhanced outline-mode for Eshell" single ((:commit . "6f917afa5b3d36764d76d7864589094647d8c3b4") (:authors ("Jamie Beardslee" . "jdb@jamzattack.xyz")) (:maintainer "Jamie Beardslee" . "jdb@jamzattack.xyz") (:keywords "unix" "eshell" "outline" "convenience") (:url . "https://git.jamzattack.xyz/eshell-outline"))]) (eshell-prompt-extras . [(20201115 440) ((emacs (25))) "Display extra information for your eshell prompt." single ((:commit . "d7d874ce3da3ae55a42f669aca723a8774c8292c") (:authors ("zwild" . "judezhao@outlook.com")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "mail@xuchunyang.me") (:keywords "eshell" "prompt") (:url . "https://github.com/zwild/eshell-prompt-extras"))]) (eshell-syntax-highlighting . [(20210429 413) ((emacs (25 1))) "Highlight eshell commands" single ((:commit . "32d2568ebeb42553a30dda77e03c0e2ec8854199") (:authors ("Alex Kreisher" . "akreisher18@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Kreisher" . "akreisher18@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/akreisher/eshell-syntax-highlighting"))]) (eshell-toggle . [(20210407 2039) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 11 0))) "Show/hide eshell under active window." single ((:commit . "7160518ca56444fead841b8acff59aeffc7cebb3") (:authors ("Dmitry Cherkassov" . "dcherkassov@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Cherkassov" . "dcherkassov@gmail.com") (:keywords "processes") (:url . "https://github.com/4da/eshell-toggle"))]) (eshell-up . [(20170425 1737) ((emacs (24))) "Quickly go to a specific parent directory in eshell" single ((:commit . "ff84e6069b98f2ed00857a0f78bff19d96e4955c") (:authors ("Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen" . "peter.w.v.jorgensen@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen" . "peter.w.v.jorgensen@gmail.com") (:keywords "eshell") (:url . "https://github.com/peterwvj/eshell-up"))]) (eshell-z . [(20191116 333) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "cd to frequent directory in eshell" single ((:commit . "337cb241e17bd472bd3677ff166a0800f684213c") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "mail@xuchunyang.me")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "mail@xuchunyang.me") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/eshell-z"))]) (eslint-fix . [(20180514 700) nil "Fix JavaScript files using ESLint" single ((:commit . "f81f3b47a47460611fbdbdae1d23275ec78f2f8d") (:authors ("Neri Marschik" . "marschik_neri@cyberagent.co.jp")) (:maintainer "Neri Marschik" . "marschik_neri@cyberagent.co.jp") (:keywords "tools" "javascript" "eslint" "lint" "formatting" "style") (:url . "https://github.com/codesuki/eslint-fix"))]) (eslintd-fix . [(20210731 1649) ((dash (2 12 0)) (emacs (26 3))) "use eslint_d to automatically fix js files" single ((:commit . "3897d8a679a6e98e3f5054aaefe07f6b55f8f128") (:authors ("Aaron Jensen" . "aaronjensen@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Aaron Jensen" . "aaronjensen@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/aaronjensen/eslintd-fix"))]) (esonify . [(20190110 1621) ((deferred (0 3 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Sonify your code" tar ((:commit . "bdc79d4ab2e3c449b5bef46e5cabc552beeed5c6") (:authors ("Oliver Flatt" . "oflatt@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oliver Flatt" . "oflatt@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/oflatt/esonify"))]) (espotify . [(20210405 1808) ((emacs (26 1))) "Spotify access library" single ((:commit . "5bf63dacc5df8a74860e80dabd16afce68a24a36") (:authors ("Jose A Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org")) (:maintainer "Jose A Ortega Ruiz") (:keywords "multimedia") (:url . "https://codeberg.org/jao/espotify"))]) (espresso-theme . [(20210505 1957) nil "Espresso Tutti Colori port for Emacs" single ((:commit . "580f673729f02aa07070c5300bedf24733d56e74") (:authors ("Martin Kühl ")) (:maintainer "Martin Kühl ") (:url . "https://github.com/dgutov/espresso-theme"))]) (espuds . [(20160905 1300) ((s (1 7 0)) (dash (2 2 0)) (f (0 12 1))) "Ecukes step definitions" single ((:commit . "78fc53feaf77a98d63894cd410faee2a18107b00") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com") (:keywords "test") (:url . "http://github.com/ecukes/espuds"))]) (espy . [(20200317 2333) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs Simple Password Yielder" single ((:commit . "2c01be937a5e5bde62921684a0b27300705fb4e0") (:authors ("Sebastian Wålinder" . "s.walinder@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wålinder" . "s.walinder@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/walseb/espy"))]) (esqlite . [(20151206 1206) ((pcsv (1 3 3))) "Manipulate sqlite file from Emacs" single ((:commit . "08a779a821f8d32c1a1985d8d9eb6cf21646ce2e") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi" . "mhayashi1120@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . "mhayashi1120@gmail.com") (:keywords "data") (:url . "https://github.com/mhayashi1120/Emacs-esqlite"))]) (esqlite-helm . [(20151116 850) ((esqlite (0 2 0)) (helm (20131207 845))) "Define helm source for sqlite database" single ((:commit . "08a779a821f8d32c1a1985d8d9eb6cf21646ce2e") (:authors ("Masahiro Hayashi" . "mhayashi1120@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Masahiro Hayashi" . "mhayashi1120@gmail.com") (:keywords "data") (:url . "https://github.com/mhayashi1120/Emacs-esqlite"))]) (ess . [(20210803 912) ((emacs (25 1))) "Emacs Speaks Statistics" tar ((:commit . "bad17fedb878f591707bddcab1917523ed7d6c24") (:authors ("David Smith" . "dsmith@stats.adelaide.edu.au") ("A.J. Rossini" . "blindglobe@gmail.com") ("Richard M. Heiberger" . "rmh@temple.edu") ("Kurt Hornik" . "Kurt.Hornik@R-project.org") ("Martin Maechler" . "maechler@stat.math.ethz.ch") ("Rodney A. Sparapani" . "rsparapa@mcw.edu") ("Stephen Eglen" . "stephen@gnu.org") ("Sebastian P. Luque" . "spluque@gmail.com") ("Henning Redestig" . "henning.red@googlemail.com") ("Vitalie Spinu" . "spinuvit@gmail.com") ("Lionel Henry" . "lionel.hry@gmail.com") ("J. Alexander Branham" . "alex.branham@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "ESS Core Team" . "ESS-core@r-project.org") (:url . "https://ess.r-project.org/"))]) (ess-R-data-view . [(20130509 1158) ((ctable (20130313 1743)) (popup (20130324 1305)) (ess (20130225 1754))) "Data viewer for GNU R" single ((:commit . "d6e98d3ae1e2a2ea39a56eebcdb73e99d29562e9") (:authors ("myuhe ")) (:maintainer "myuhe") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/myuhe/ess-R-data-view.el"))]) (ess-r-insert-obj . [(20200916 843) ((emacs (26 1)) (ess (18 10 1))) "Insert objects in ESS-R" single ((:commit . "f6731eb26dc0fc5b7ca1fa881a5f9100f8fcf494") (:authors ("Shuguang Sun" . "shuguang79@qq.com")) (:maintainer "Shuguang Sun" . 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"https://github.com/Fuco1/ETable"))]) (etc-sudoers-mode . [(20201102 1707) ((sudo-edit (0)) (with-editor (0))) "Edit Sudo security policies" single ((:commit . "74c66c58c9578a0d841206d5dec04d81e7b3d741") (:authors ("Peter Oliver" . "git@mavit.org.uk")) (:maintainer "Peter Oliver" . "git@mavit.org.uk") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/mavit/etc-sudoers-mode/"))]) (eterm-256color . [(20210224 2241) ((emacs (24 4)) (xterm-color (1 7)) (f (0 19 0))) "Customizable 256 colors for term." tar ((:commit . "c9cfccef03e730f7ab2b407aada3df15ace1fe32") (:authors ("Diego A. Mundo" . "dieggsy@pm.me")) (:maintainer "Diego A. Mundo" . "dieggsy@pm.me") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "http://github.com/dieggsy/eterm-256color"))]) (eterm-fn . [(20191010 2331) ((term (0))) "Function keys (F1--F12) for term." tar ((:commit . "66f3b2f6308fa2ac4d8a32be5a7e35a96e08a9ee") (:authors ("Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro" . "oitofelix@gnu.org")) (:maintainer "Bruno Félix Rezende Ribeiro" . 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"db62a2d148482317794727982576494596365a55") (:authors ("iory" . "ab.ioryz@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "iory" . "ab.ioryz@gmail.com") (:keywords "euslisp" "euslisp" "github") (:url . "https://github.com/iory/euslisp-mode"))]) (eval-expr . [(20120619 647) nil "enhanced eval-expression command" single ((:commit . "a0e69e83de41df8dbccefc1962ab4f02206a3328") (:authors ("Noah Friedman" . "friedman@splode.com")) (:maintainer nil . "friedman@splode.com") (:keywords "lisp" "extensions"))]) (eval-in-repl . [(20201121 1341) ((dash (0 0 0)) (paredit (0 0 0)) (ace-window (0 0 0))) "Consistent ESS-like eval interface for various REPLs" tar ((:commit . "2abb9ccf6f08ae3a5ab504f0b3fd81ce0345b766") (:authors ("Kazuki YOSHIDA" . "kazukiyoshida@mail.harvard.edu")) (:maintainer "Kazuki YOSHIDA" . "kazukiyoshida@mail.harvard.edu") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/kaz-yos/eval-in-repl"))]) (eval-sexp-fu . [(20191128 825) ((cl-lib (0))) "Tiny functionality enhancements for evaluating sexps." single ((:commit . "36d2fe3bcf602e15ca10a7f487da103515ef391a") (:authors ("Takeshi Banse" . "takebi@laafc.net")) (:maintainer "Takeshi Banse" . "takebi@laafc.net") (:keywords "lisp" "highlight" "convenience"))]) (evalator . [(20160213 128) ((helm-core (1 9 1))) "Package for interactive transformation of data with helm" tar ((:commit . "f30da4da48c0b3f3cfa1fc1c7cfdb53ffe79df36") (:authors ("Sean Irby")) (:maintainer "Sean Irby" . "sean.t.irby@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "elisp" "helm") (:url . "http://www.github.com/seanirby/evalator"))]) (evalator-clojure . [(20160208 2148) ((cider (0 10 0)) (evalator (1 0 0))) "Clojure evaluation context for evalator via CIDER." tar ((:commit . "caa4e0a137bdfada86593128a654e16aa617ad50") (:authors ("Sean Irby")) (:maintainer "Sean Irby" . "sean.t.irby@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "clojure" "cider" "helm") (:url . 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"https://github.com/syohex/emacs-evil-anzu"))]) (evil-args . [(20180908 2157) ((evil (1 0 8))) "Motions and text objects for delimited arguments in Evil." single ((:commit . "758ad5ae54ad34202064fec192c88151c08cb387") (:authors ("Connor Smith" . "wconnorsmith@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Connor Smith" . "wconnorsmith@gmail.com") (:keywords "evil" "vim-emulation") (:url . "http://github.com/wcsmith/evil-args"))]) (evil-avy . [(20150908 748) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (avy (0 3 0)) (evil (1 2 3))) "set-based completion" single ((:commit . "2dd955cc3ecaa7ddeb67b295298abdc6d16dd3a5") (:authors ("Yufan Lou" . "loganlyf@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yufan Lou" . "loganlyf@gmail.com") (:keywords "point" "location" "evil" "vim") (:url . "https://github.com/louy2/evil-avy"))]) (evil-better-visual-line . [(20200123 2045) ((evil (1 2 13))) "gj and gk visual line mode fix" single ((:commit . "4373f930ab1a8d3a2a90e68540967702313b2ce9") (:authors ("")) (:maintainer "") (:keywords "evil" "vim" "motion") (:url . "https://github.com/yourfin/evil-better-visual-line"))]) (evil-cleverparens . [(20170718 413) ((evil (1 0)) (paredit (1)) (smartparens (1 6 1)) (emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12 0))) "Evil friendly minor-mode for editing lisp." tar ((:commit . "8c45879d49bfa6d4e414b6c1df700a4a51cbb869") (:authors ("Olli Piepponen" . "opieppo@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Olli Piepponen" . "opieppo@gmail.com") (:keywords "cleverparens" "parentheses" "evil" "paredit" "smartparens") (:url . "https://github.com/luxbock/evil-cleverparens"))]) (evil-colemak-basics . [(20200630 1936) ((emacs (24 3)) (evil (1 2 12)) (evil-snipe (2 0 3))) "Basic Colemak key bindings for evil-mode" single ((:commit . "584f8f9496bf5250a439c9c9fee1d94f3b4883f0") (:authors ("Wouter Bolsterlee" . "wouter@bolsterl.ee")) (:maintainer "Wouter Bolsterlee" . 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A port of vim-commentary." tar ((:commit . "2dab6ac34d1617971768ad219d73af48f7473fec") (:authors ("Quang Linh LE" . "linktohack@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Quang Linh LE" . "linktohack@gmail.com") (:keywords "evil" "comment" "commentary" "evil-commentary") (:url . "http://github.com/linktohack/evil-commentary"))]) (evil-dvorak . [(20160416 1841) ((evil (1 0 8))) "evil keybindings for that work with dvorak mode" tar ((:commit . "824f7c56980d72a0ff04c662223540cd66f13754") (:authors ("Joshua Branson")) (:maintainer "Joshua Branson") (:keywords "dvorak" "evil" "vim"))]) (evil-easymotion . [(20200424 135) ((emacs (24)) (avy (0 3 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "A port of vim's easymotion to emacs" single ((:commit . "f96c2ed38ddc07908db7c3c11bcd6285a3e8c2e9") (:authors ("PythonNut" . "pythonnut@pythonnut.com")) (:maintainer "PythonNut" . "pythonnut@pythonnut.com") (:keywords "convenience" "evil") (:url . "https://github.com/pythonnut/evil-easymotion"))]) (evil-ediff . 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"04e277946d658f1a73c68dcbbadea9c21097a31c") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions"))]) (evil-fringe-mark . [(20190320 453) ((emacs (24 3)) (evil (1 0 0)) (fringe-helper (0 1 1)) (goto-chg (1 6))) "Display evil-mode marks in the fringe" tar ((:commit . "a1689fddb7ee79aaa720a77aada1208b8afd5c20") (:authors ("Andrew Smith" . "andy.bill.smith@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Andrew Smith" . "andy.bill.smith@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/Andrew-William-Smith/evil-fringe-mark"))]) (evil-god-state . [(20141117 255) ((evil (1 0 8)) (god-mode (2 12 0))) "use god-mode keybindings in evil-mode" single ((:commit . "3d44197dc0a1fb40e7b7ff8717f8a8c339ce1d40") (:authors ("Eric Seidel")) (:maintainer "Eric Seidel") (:keywords "evil" "leader" "god-mode") (:url . "https://github.com/gridaphobe/evil-god-state"))]) (evil-goggles . [(20200101 1935) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 0 0))) "Add a visual hint to evil operations" single ((:commit . "08a22058fd6a167f9f1b684c649008caef571459") (:authors ("edkolev" . "evgenysw@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "edkolev" . "evgenysw@gmail.com") (:keywords "emulations" "evil" "vim" "visual") (:url . "http://github.com/edkolev/evil-goggles"))]) (evil-iedit-state . [(20200830 617) ((evil (1 0 9)) (iedit (0 9 9 9))) "Evil states to interface iedit mode." single ((:commit . "30fcfa96ceebed0191337c493f5c2efc8ae090ad") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "sylvain.benner@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "sylvain.benner@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "editing" "evil" "iedit" "mnemonic") (:url . "https://github.com/syl20bnr/evil-iedit-state"))]) (evil-indent-plus . [(20151109 1906) ((evil (0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Evil textobjects based on indentation" single ((:commit . "0c7501e6efed661242c3a20e0a6c79a6455c2c40") (:authors ("Eivind Fonn" . "evfonn@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Eivind Fonn" . "evfonn@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "evil") (:url . "http://github.com/TheBB/evil-indent-plus"))]) (evil-indent-textobject . [(20130831 2219) ((evil (0))) "evil textobjects based on indentation" single ((:commit . "70a1154a531b7cfdbb9a31d6922482791e20a3a7") (:authors ("Michael Markert" . "markert.michael@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Michael Markert" . "markert.michael@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "evil") (:url . "http://github.com/cofi/evil-indent-textobject"))]) (evil-leader . [(20140606 1243) ((evil (0))) "let there be " single ((:commit . "39f7014bcf8b36463e0c7512c638bda4bac6c2cf") (:authors ("Michael Markert" . "markert.michael@googlemail.com")) (:maintainer "Michael Markert" . "markert.michael@googlemail.com") (:keywords "evil" "vim-emulation" "leader") (:url . "http://github.com/cofi/evil-leader"))]) (evil-ledger . [(20180802 1612) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 2 12)) (ledger-mode (0))) "Make `ledger-mode' more `evil'." single ((:commit . "7a9f9f5d39c42fffdba8004f8982642351f2b233") (:authors ("Aaron Jacobs" . "atheriel@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Aaron Jacobs" . "atheriel@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "evil" "languages" "ledger" "vim-emulation") (:url . "https://github.com/atheriel/evil-ledger"))]) (evil-lion . [(20170811 614) ((emacs (24 3)) (evil (1 0 0))) "Evil align operator, port of vim-lion" single ((:commit . "6b03593f5dd6e7c9ca02207f9a73615cf94c93ab") (:authors ("edkolev" . "evgenysw@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "edkolev" . "evgenysw@gmail.com") (:keywords "emulations" "evil" "vim") (:url . "http://github.com/edkolev/evil-lion"))]) (evil-lisp-state . [(20160404 248) ((evil (1 0 9)) (bind-map (0)) (smartparens (1 6 1))) "An evil state to edit Lisp code" single ((:commit . "3c65fecd9917a41eaf6460f22187e2323821f3ce") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "sylvain.benner@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "sylvain.benner@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "editing" "evil" "smartparens" "lisp" "mnemonic") (:url . "https://github.com/syl20bnr/evil-lisp-state"))]) (evil-lispy . [(20190502 739) ((lispy (0 26 0)) (evil (1 2 12)) (hydra (0 13 5))) "precision Lisp editing with Evil and Lispy" tar ((:commit . "ed317f7fccbdbeea8aa04a91b1b1f48a0e2ddc4e") (:authors ("Brandon Carrell , Mika Vilpas" . "mika.vilpas@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Brandon Carrell , Mika Vilpas" . "mika.vilpas@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/sp3ctum/evil-lispy"))]) (evil-mark-replace . [(20200630 940) ((evil (1 14 0))) "replace the thing in marked area" single ((:commit . "d4fec7b10e93cca149163324cd2b2b2dcc211047") (:authors ("Chen Bin ")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin ") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/evil-mark-replace"))]) (evil-matchit . [(20210727 1106) ((evil (1 14 0)) (emacs (25 1))) "Vim matchit ported to Evil" tar ((:commit . "80dc731ab736545541546ca64187e850bf0e39c8") (:authors ("Chen Bin ")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin ") (:keywords "matchit" "vim" "evil") (:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/evil-matchit"))]) (evil-mc . [(20210730 1752) ((emacs (24 3)) (evil (1 2 14)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Multiple cursors for evil-mode" tar ((:commit . "246aecc17481dd23c172a9b845f02a9d9e322c7f") (:authors ("Gabriel Adomnicai" . "gabesoft@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Gabriel Adomnicai" . "gabesoft@gmail.com") (:keywords "evil" "editing" "multiple-cursors" "vim" "evil-multiple-cursors" "evil-mc" "evil-mc") (:url . "https://github.com/gabesoft/evil-mc"))]) (evil-mc-extras . [(20170202 1649) ((emacs (24 3)) (evil (1 2 12)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (evil-mc (0 0 2)) (evil-numbers (0 4))) "Extra functionality for evil-mc" tar ((:commit . "8c1af3232dd1e15b2ea38360b8cd1e857e11c416") (:authors ("Gabriel Adomnicai" . "gabesoft@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Gabriel Adomnicai" . "gabesoft@gmail.com") (:keywords "evil" "editing" "multiple-cursors" "vim" "evil-multiple-cursors" "evil-mc" "evil-mc-extras") (:url . "https://github.com/gabesoft/evil-mc-extras"))]) (evil-mu4e . [(20180613 1039) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 2 10))) "evil-based key bindings for mu4e" single ((:commit . "5b22c1e30246318f233264506272d770f63897ca") (:authors ("Joris Engbers" . "info@jorisengbers.nl")) (:maintainer "Joris Engbers" . "info@jorisengbers.nl") (:url . "https://github.com/JorisE/evil-mu4e"))]) (evil-multiedit . [(20200229 528) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 2 12)) (iedit (0 9)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "multiple cursors for evil-mode" single ((:commit . "9f271e0e6048297692f80ed6c5ae8994ac523abc") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner ")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "henrik@lissner.net") (:keywords "multiple cursors" "editing" "iedit") (:url . "https://github.com/hlissner/evil-multiedit"))]) (evil-nerd-commenter . [(20210719 1305) ((emacs (25 1))) "Comment/uncomment lines efficiently. Like Nerd Commenter in Vim" tar ((:commit . "6bc41317ba4b8710d713a62e1b78047c3cc2d2d5") (:authors ("Chen Bin ")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin ") (:keywords "convenience" "evil") (:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/evil-nerd-commenter"))]) (evil-nl-break-undo . [(20181125 2054) nil "Break evil's undo sequence on CR" single ((:commit . "4a8f2bf99c978a109eeb92965a72a17bedb68762") (:authors ("VanLaser" . "Gabriel.Lazar@com.utcluj.ro")) (:maintainer "VanLaser" . "Gabriel.Lazar@com.utcluj.ro") (:url . "https://github.com/VanLaser/evil-nl-break-undo"))]) (evil-numbers . [(20210605 431) ((emacs (24 1)) (evil (1 2 0))) "Increment/decrement numbers like in VIM" single ((:commit . "cd23a7b458d73dc49434a3cf90d3d0caceb5811d") (:authors ("Michael Markert" . "markert.michael@googlemail.com")) (:maintainer "Julia Path" . "julia@jpath.de") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:url . "http://github.com/juliapath/evil-numbers"))]) (evil-opener . [(20161207 1810) ((evil (1 2 12)) (opener (0 2 2))) "opening urls as buffers in evil" tar ((:commit . "c384f67278046fdcd220275fdd212ab85672cbeb") (:authors ("Tim Reddehase" . "tr@rightsrestricted.com")) (:maintainer "Tim Reddehase" . "tr@rightsrestricted.com") (:keywords "url" "http" "files") (:url . "https://github.com/0robustus1/opener.el"))]) (evil-org . [(20201222 2023) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 0))) "evil keybindings for org-mode" tar ((:commit . "80ef38fb378541937f6ddfe836809e76eda1e355") (:maintainer "Somelauw") (:keywords "evil" "vim-emulation" "org-mode" "key-bindings" "presets") (:url . "https://github.com/Somelauw/evil-org-mode.git"))]) (evil-owl . [(20210416 1700) ((emacs (25 1)) (evil (1 2 13))) "Preview evil registers and marks before using them" single ((:commit . "a41a6d28e26052b25f3d21da37ccf1d8fde1e6aa") (:authors ("Daniel Phan" . "daniel.phan36@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Daniel Phan" . "daniel.phan36@gmail.com") (:keywords "emulations" "evil" "visual") (:url . "https://github.com/mamapanda/evil-owl"))]) (evil-paredit . [(20150413 2048) ((evil (1 0 9)) (paredit (25 -2))) "Paredit support for evil keybindings" single ((:commit . "e058fbdcf9dbf7ad6cc77f0172d7517ef233d55f") (:authors ("Roman Gonzalez" . "romanandreg@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Roman Gonzalez" . "romanandreg@gmail.com") (:keywords "paredit" "evil") (:url . "https://github.com/roman/evil-paredit"))]) (evil-pinyin . [(20200927 849) ((emacs (25)) (names (0 5)) (evil (1))) "Evil search Chinese characters by pinyin" tar ((:commit . "3e9e501ded86f88e01a4edec5d526ab0fab879d7") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/laishulu/evil-pinyin"))]) (evil-python-movement . [(20180724 1420) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 13 0)) (evil (1 0)) (s (1 12 0))) "Port Neovim's python movement to Evil" single ((:commit . "9936b3b7f8d96415d517c1f3604637889484a637") (:authors ("Felipe Lema ")) (:maintainer "Felipe Lema ") (:url . "https://bitbucket.org/FelipeLema/evil-python-movement.el/"))]) (evil-quickscope . [(20160202 1924) ((evil (0))) "Highlight unique characters in words for f,F,t,T navigation" single ((:commit . "37a20e4c56c6058abf186ad4013c155e695e876f") (:authors ("Michael Chen" . "blorbx@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Michael Chen" . "blorbx@gmail.com") (:keywords "faces" "emulation" "vim" "evil") (:url . "http://github.com/blorbx/evil-quickscope"))]) (evil-rails . [(20190512 1517) ((evil (1 0)) (projectile-rails (1 0))) "Rails support for Evil Mode" single ((:commit . "b0f1c5de6720714febeb76c4b569b71bb891938c") (:authors ("Antono Vasiljev" . "antono.vasiljev@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Antono Vasiljev" . "antono.vasiljev@gmail.com") (:keywords "ruby" "rails" "vim" "project" "convenience" "web" "evil" "projectile") (:url . "https://github.com/antono/evil-rails"))]) (evil-replace-with-char . [(20180324 2206) ((evil (1 2 13)) (emacs (24))) "replace chars of a text object with a char" single ((:commit . "ed4a12d5bff11163eb03ad2826c52fd30f51a8d3") (:authors ("Filipe Silva" . "filipe.silva@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Filipe Silva" . "filipe.silva@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/ninrod/evil-replace-with-char"))]) (evil-replace-with-register . [(20170713 925) ((evil (1 0 8))) "Port of vim plugin ReplaceWithRegister" single ((:commit . "91cc7bf21a94703c441cc9212214075b226b7f67") (:authors ("Dewdrops" . "v_v_4474@126.com")) (:maintainer "Dewdrops" . "v_v_4474@126.com") (:keywords "evil" "plugin") (:url . "https://github.com/Dewdrops/evil-ReplaceWithRegister"))]) (evil-rsi . [(20160221 2104) ((evil (1 0 0))) "Use emacs motion keys in evil, inspired by vim-rsi" single ((:commit . "65ae60866be494e4622fe383e23975e04d2a42a3") (:authors ("Quang Linh LE" . "linktohack@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Quang Linh LE" . "linktohack@gmail.com") (:keywords "evil" "rsi" "evil-rsi") (:url . "http://github.com/linktohack/evil-rsi"))]) (evil-ruby-text-objects . [(20200323 1552) ((emacs (25 1)) (evil (1 2 0))) "Evil text objects for Ruby code" single ((:commit . "32983d91be83ed903b6ef9655e00f69beed2572c") (:authors ("Sergio Gil" . "sgilperez@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sergio Gil" . "sgilperez@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/porras/evil-ruby-text-objects"))]) (evil-search-highlight-persist . [(20170523 334) ((highlight (0))) "Persistent highlights after search" single ((:commit . "979d2dec58d3b9c5ca5fdf4bb802a0209913794e") (:authors ("Juanjo Alvarez" . "juanjo@juanjoalvarez.net")) (:maintainer "Juanjo Alvarez" . "juanjo@juanjoalvarez.net"))]) (evil-smartparens . [(20171210 1513) ((evil (1 0)) (emacs (24 4)) (smartparens (1 10 1))) "Evil support for smartparens" single ((:commit . "026d4a3cfce415a4dfae1457f871b385386e61d3") (:authors ("Lars Andersen" . "expez@expez.com")) (:maintainer "Lars Andersen" . "expez@expez.com") (:keywords "evil" "smartparens") (:url . "https://www.github.com/expez/evil-smartparens"))]) (evil-snipe . [(20210713 1456) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 2 12)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "emulate vim-sneak & vim-seek" single ((:commit . "1a28d718c835a21591a170af78a03a366cd60c0d") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner ")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "henrik@lissner.net") (:keywords "emulation" "vim" "evil" "sneak" "seek") (:url . "https://github.com/hlissner/evil-snipe"))]) (evil-space . [(20151208 1228) ((evil (1 0 0))) "Repeat motion in Evil. Correct the behaviour of what SPC should do." single ((:commit . "a9c07284d308425deee134c9d88a2d538dd229e6") (:authors ("Quang Linh LE" . "linktohack@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Quang Linh LE" . "linktohack@gmail.com") (:keywords "space" "repeat" "motion") (:url . "http://github.com/linktohack/evil-space"))]) (evil-string-inflection . [(20180313 1755) ((emacs (24)) (evil (1 2 13)) (string-inflection (1 0 6))) "snake_case -> CamelCase -> etc. for text objects" single ((:commit . "d22a90ab807afa7f27f3815b5b5ea47d52d05218") (:authors ("Filipe Silva" . "filipe.silva@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Filipe Silva" . "filipe.silva@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/ninrod/evil-string-inflection"))]) (evil-surround . [(20210615 2119) ((evil (1 2 12))) "emulate surround.vim from Vim" single ((:commit . "3bd73794ee5a760118042584ef74e2b6fb2a1e06") (:authors ("Tim Harper ") ("Vegard Øye ")) (:maintainer "Tim Harper ") (:keywords "emulation" "vi" "evil"))]) (evil-swap-keys . [(20191105 1426) ((emacs (24 4))) "Intelligently swap keys on text input with evil" single ((:commit . "b5ef105499f998b5667da40da30c073229a213ea") (:authors ("Wouter Bolsterlee" . "wouter@bolsterl.ee")) (:maintainer "Wouter Bolsterlee" . "wouter@bolsterl.ee") (:keywords "convenience" "data" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/wbolster/evil-swap-keys"))]) (evil-tabs . [(20160217 1520) ((evil (0 0 0)) (elscreen (0 0 0))) "Integrating Vim-style tabs for Evil mode users." single ((:commit . "53d3314a810017b6056ab6796aef671f5ea1c063") (:authors ("Kris Jenkins" . "krisajenkins@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Kris Jenkins" . "krisajenkins@gmail.com") (:keywords "evil" "tab" "tabs" "vim") (:url . "https://github.com/krisajenkins/evil-tabs"))]) (evil-terminal-cursor-changer . [(20210130 1855) ((evil (1 0 8))) "Change cursor shape and color by evil state in terminal" single ((:commit . "a88c680c631676ff8f6c5156b529f86d6b9f0841") (:authors ("7696122")) (:maintainer "7696122") (:keywords "evil" "terminal" "cursor") (:url . "https://github.com/7696122/evil-terminal-cursor-changer"))]) (evil-test-helpers . [(20201008 1515) ((evil (1 14 0))) "unit test helpers for Evil" single ((:commit . "5c28294d830a5a79e9b9da2c32e7675d52d76720") (:authors ("Vegard Øye ")) (:maintainer "Vegard Øye "))]) (evil-tex . [(20210731 927) ((emacs (26 1)) (evil (1 0)) (auctex (11 88))) "Useful features for editing LaTeX in evil-mode" single ((:commit . "181c643f9213b0223d8f29ca75f9daabab5780eb") (:keywords "tex" "emulation" "vi" "evil" "wp") (:url . "https://github.com/iyefrat/evil-tex"))]) (evil-text-object-python . [(20191010 1328) ((emacs (25)) (evil (1 2 14)) (dash (2 16 0))) "Python specific evil text objects" single ((:commit . "39d22fc524f0413763f291267eaab7f4e7984318") (:authors ("Wouter Bolsterlee" . "wouter@bolsterl.ee")) (:maintainer "Wouter Bolsterlee" . "wouter@bolsterl.ee") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/wbolster/evil-text-object-python"))]) (evil-textobj-anyblock . [(20170905 1907) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (evil (1 1 0))) "Textobject for the closest user-defined blocks." single ((:commit . "ff00980f0634f95bf2ad9956b615a155ea8743be") (:authors ("Fox Kiester" . "noct@openmailbox.org")) (:maintainer "Fox Kiester" . "noct@openmailbox.org") (:keywords "evil") (:url . "https://github.com/noctuid/evil-textobj-anyblock"))]) (evil-textobj-column . [(20170905 1905) ((names (0 5)) (emacs (24)) (evil (0))) "Provides column text objects." single ((:commit . "835d7036d0bc9a6e44fc9b7c54ccf2a7c01428cd") (:authors ("Fox Kiester" . "noct@openmailbox.org")) (:maintainer "Fox Kiester" . "noct@openmailbox.org") (:keywords "evil" "column" "text-object") (:url . "https://github.com/noctuid/evil-textobj-column"))]) (evil-textobj-entire . [(20150422 1254) ((emacs (24)) (evil (1 0 0))) "text object for entire lines of buffer for evil" single ((:commit . "5b3a98f3a69edc3a788f539f6ffef4a0ef5e853d") (:authors ("supermomonga")) (:maintainer "supermomonga") (:keywords "convenience" "emulations") (:url . "https://github.com/supermomonga/evil-textobj-entire"))]) (evil-textobj-line . [(20150729 1522) ((evil (1 0 0))) "evil textobj line" single ((:commit . "3d401b6831bdbeec967ec8e64177a8950251e812") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-evil-textobj-line"))]) (evil-textobj-syntax . [(20181210 1213) ((names (0 5)) (emacs (24)) (evil (0))) "Provides syntax text objects." single ((:commit . "2d9ba8c75c754b409aea7469f46a5cfa52a872f3") (:keywords "evil" "syntax" "highlight" "text-object") (:url . "https://github.com/laishulu/evil-textobj-syntax"))]) (evil-traces . [(20191214 558) ((emacs (25 1)) (evil (1 2 13))) "Visual hints for `evil-ex'" single ((:commit . "290b5323542c46af364ec485c8ec9000040acf90") (:authors ("Daniel Phan" . "daniel.phan36@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Daniel Phan" . "daniel.phan36@gmail.com") (:keywords "emulations" "evil" "visual") (:url . "https://github.com/mamapanda/evil-traces"))]) (evil-tutor . [(20150103 650) ((evil (1 0 9))) "Vimtutor adapted to Evil and wrapped in a major-mode" tar ((:commit . "4e124cd3911dc0d1b6817ad2c9e59b4753638f28") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "sylvain.benner@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "sylvain.benner@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "editing" "evil") (:url . "https://github.com/syl20bnr/evil-tutor"))]) (evil-tutor-ja . [(20160917 132) ((evil (1 0 9)) (evil-tutor (0 1))) "Japanese Vimtutor adapted to Evil and wrapped in a major-mode" tar ((:commit . "99af7d82e02ce3bcdfaff47c5c80b57327a7ea8d") (:authors ("Kenji Miyazaki" . "kenjizmyzk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Kenji Miyazaki" . "kenjizmyzk@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "editing" "evil" "japanese") (:url . "https://github.com/kenjimyzk/evil-tutor-ja"))]) (evil-vimish-fold . [(20200122 117) ((emacs (24 4)) (evil (1 0 0)) (vimish-fold (0 2 0))) "Integrate vimish-fold with evil" single ((:commit . "b6e0e6b91b8cd047e80debef1a536d9d49eef31a") (:authors ("Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/alexmurray/evil-vimish-fold"))]) (evil-visual-mark-mode . [(20190116 1557) ((evil (1 0 9)) (dash (2 10))) "Display evil marks on buffer" single ((:commit . "ac5997971972a9251f140b5542d82790ca4a43b4") (:authors ("Roman Gonzalez" . "romanandreg@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Roman Gonzalez" . "romanandreg@gmail.com") (:keywords "evil"))]) (evil-visual-replace . [(20171016 613) ((evil (1 0 0))) "search/replace commands for evil visual state, inc. blocks" single ((:commit . "163fc827a1ffc106475da470c37fb26f4cc9b008") (:authors ("Troy Pracy")) (:maintainer "Troy Pracy") (:keywords "evil" "search" "replace" "regexp" "block" "rectangular" "region" "visual") (:url . "https://github.com/troyp/evil-visual-replace"))]) (evil-visualstar . [(20160223 48) ((evil (0))) "Starts a * or # search from the visual selection" single ((:commit . "06c053d8f7381f91c53311b1234872ca96ced752") (:authors ("Bailey Ling")) (:maintainer "Bailey Ling") (:keywords "evil" "vim" "visualstar") (:url . "https://github.com/bling/evil-visualstar"))]) (evm . [(20141007 1156) ((dash (2 3 0)) (f (0 13 0))) "Emacs Version Manager" single ((:commit . "d0623b2355436a5fd9f7238b419782080c79196b") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com") (:url . "http://github.com/rejeep/evm"))]) (ewal . [(20200305 230) ((emacs (25 1))) "A pywal-based theme generator" tar ((:commit . "e2a04f5c97b7d5e087af26e646c0b45a24522e56") (:authors ("Uros Perisic")) (:maintainer "Uros Perisic") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/jjzmajic/ewal"))]) (ewal-doom-themes . [(20200922 325) ((emacs (25)) (ewal (0 1)) (doom-themes (0 1))) "Dread the colors of darkness" tar ((:commit . "e2a04f5c97b7d5e087af26e646c0b45a24522e56") (:authors ("Uros Perisic")) (:maintainer "Uros Perisic") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/jjzmajic/ewal"))]) (ewal-evil-cursors . [(20190911 1315) ((emacs (25)) (ewal (0 1))) "`ewal'-colored evil cursor for Emacs and Spacemacs" single ((:commit . "e2a04f5c97b7d5e087af26e646c0b45a24522e56") (:authors ("Uros Perisic")) (:maintainer "Uros Perisic") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/jjzmajic/ewal"))]) (ewal-spacemacs-themes . [(20190911 1305) ((emacs (25)) (ewal (0 1)) (spacemacs-theme (0 1))) "Ride the rainbow spaceship" tar ((:commit . "e2a04f5c97b7d5e087af26e646c0b45a24522e56") (:authors ("Uros Perisic")) (:maintainer "Uros Perisic") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/jjzmajic/ewal"))]) (ewmctrl . [(20170922 217) nil "Use `wmctrl' to manage desktop windows via EWMH/NetWM." single ((:commit . "3d0217c4d6cdb5c308b6cb4293574f470d4faacf") (:authors ("Alexis" . "flexibeast@gmail.com") ("Adam Plaice" . "plaice.adam@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alexis" . "flexibeast@gmail.com") (:keywords "desktop" "windows" "ewmh" "netwm") (:url . "https://github.com/flexibeast/ewmctrl"))]) (eww-lnum . [(20150102 1512) nil "Conkeror-like functionality for eww" single ((:commit . "4b0ecec769919ecb05ca4fb15ec51911ba589929") (:authors ("Andrey Kotlarski" . "m00naticus@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Andrey Kotlarski" . "m00naticus@gmail.com") (:keywords "eww" "browse" "conkeror") (:url . "https://github.com/m00natic/eww-lnum"))]) (exato . [(20180305 1042) ((evil (1 2 13)) (emacs (24))) "EXATO: Evil XML/HTML Attributes Text Object" single ((:commit . "aee7af7b7a0e7551478f453d1de7d5b9cb2e06c4") (:authors ("Filipe Silva" . "filipe.silva@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Filipe Silva" . "filipe.silva@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/ninrod/exato"))]) (exec-path-from-shell . [(20201215 33) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "Get environment variables such as $PATH from the shell" single ((:commit . "bf4bdc8b8911e7a2c04e624b9a343164c3878282") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "unix" "environment") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/exec-path-from-shell"))]) (execline . [(20190711 2010) ((emacs (26 1)) (s (1 6 0))) "Major mode for editing execline scripts" single ((:commit . "c75dd9b2c54d8e59fc35fd4bd98d8e213948a3f5") (:authors ("Dmitry Bogatov" . "KAction@debian.org")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Bogatov" . "KAction@debian.org") (:keywords "tools" "unix" "languages") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/KAction/emacs-execline"))]) (exiftool . [(20190520 1106) ((emacs (25))) "Elisp wrapper around ExifTool" single ((:commit . "fc6713e753380f3034d8df55b7af3a737ea52ab4") (:authors ("Arun I" . "arunisaac@systemreboot.net")) (:maintainer "Arun I" . "arunisaac@systemreboot.net") (:keywords "data") (:url . "https://git.systemreboot.net/exiftool.el"))]) (exotica-theme . [(20180212 2329) ((emacs (24))) "A dark theme with vibrant colors" single ((:commit . "ff3ef4f6fa38c93b99becad977c7810c990a4d2f") (:authors ("Bharat Joshi" . "jbharat@outlook.com")) (:maintainer "Bharat Joshi" . "jbharat@outlook.com") (:keywords "faces" "theme" "dark" "vibrant colors") (:url . "https://github.com/jbharat/exotica-theme"))]) (expand-line . [(20151006 207) nil "Expand selection by line" single ((:commit . "75a5d0241f35dd0748ab8ecb4ff16891535be372") (:authors ("Kai Yu" . "yeannylam@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Kai Yu" . "yeannylam@gmail.com"))]) (expand-region . [(20210708 1952) nil "Increase selected region by semantic units." tar ((:commit . "95a773bd8f557cbd43d3b2dab2fa4417ec5927ab") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com") (:keywords "marking" "region"))]) (express . [(20140508 2041) ((string-utils (0 3 2))) "Alternatives to `message'" single ((:commit . "93dae7377eace4a5413ba99aecb6f26f90798725") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com") (:keywords "extensions" "message" "interface") (:url . "http://github.com/rolandwalker/express"))]) (exsqlaim-mode . [(20170607 1003) ((s (1 10 0))) "Use variables inside sql queries" single ((:commit . "a2e0a62ec8b87193d8eaa695774bfd689324b06c") (:authors ("Ahmad Nazir Raja" . "ahmadnazir@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ahmad Nazir Raja" . "ahmadnazir@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/ahmadnazir/exsqlaim-mode"))]) (extempore-mode . [(20210512 2350) ((emacs (24 4))) "Emacs major mode for Extempore source files" single ((:commit . "eb2dee8860f3d761e949d7c2ee8e2e469ac1cf51") (:authors ("Ben Swift" . "ben@benswift.me")) (:maintainer "Ben Swift" . "ben@benswift.me") (:keywords "extempore") (:url . "http://github.com/extemporelang/extempore-emacs-mode"))]) (extend-dnd . [(20151122 1850) nil "R drag and Drop" tar ((:commit . "80c966c93b82c9bb5c6225a432557c39144fc602") (:authors ("Matthew L. Fidler")) (:maintainer "Matthew L. Fidler") (:keywords "extend" "drag and drop") (:url . "https://github.com/mlf176f2/extend-dnd"))]) (extmap . 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[(20190812 2110) ((emacs (24 4)) (exwm (0 16))) "Firefox hotkeys to functions" single ((:commit . "e2fe2a895e8f973307ef52f8c9976b26e701cbd0") (:authors ("Sebastian Wålinder" . "s.walinder@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wålinder" . "s.walinder@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/walseb/exwm-firefox-core"))]) (exwm-firefox-evil . [(20200206 2212) ((emacs (24 4)) (exwm (0 16)) (evil (1 0 0)) (exwm-firefox-core (1 0))) "evil-mode implementation of exwm-firefox-core" single ((:commit . "14643ee53a506ddcb5d2e06cb9f1be7310cd00b1") (:authors ("Sebastian Wålinder" . "s.walinder@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wålinder" . "s.walinder@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/walseb/exwm-firefox-evil"))]) (exwm-float . [(20210207 2035) ((emacs (25 1)) (xelb (0 18)) (exwm (0 24)) (popwin (1 0 2))) "Convenient modes and bindings for floating EXWM frames" single ((:commit . "eb1b60b4a65e1ca5e323ef68a284ec6af72e637a") (:authors ("Mehmet Tekman")) (:maintainer "Mehmet Tekman") (:keywords "outlines") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/mtekman/exwm-float.el"))]) (exwm-mff . [(20210603 1723) ((emacs (25 1))) "Mouse Follows Focus" single ((:commit . "89206f2e3189f589c27c56bd2b6203e906ee7100") (:authors ("Ian Eure" . "public@lowbar.fyi")) (:maintainer "Ian Eure" . "public@lowbar.fyi") (:keywords "unix") (:url . "https://github.com/ieure/exwm-mff"))]) (exwm-surf . [(20171204 1140) ((emacs (24 4)) (exwm (0 16))) "Interface for Surf (surf.suckless.org) under exwm" single ((:commit . "6c17e2c1597fe4b7b454a1dac23b9127ac951e94") (:authors ("Peter" . "craven@gmx.net")) (:maintainer "Peter" . "craven@gmx.net") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/ecraven/exwm-surf"))]) (exwm-x . [(20210419 950) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (async (1 6)) (exwm (0 22))) "A derivative wm based on EXWM (emacs x window manager)" tar ((:commit . "2ab026f407b011a8e8380c889990e85e69cb3a4e") (:authors ("Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com") (:keywords "window-manager" "exwm") (:url . "https://github.com/tumashu/exwm-x"))]) (eyebrowse . [(20201107 955) ((dash (2 7 0)) (emacs (24 3 1))) "Easy window config switching" single ((:commit . "88c7b59aa7c5c93bc23812217213adfa238f977b") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "mail@vasilij.de")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "mail@vasilij.de") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://depp.brause.cc/eyebrowse"))]) (eyuml . [(20141028 2227) ((request (0 2 0)) (s (1 8 0))) "Write textual uml diagram from emacs using yuml.me" single ((:commit . "eb29c37316e44a14741f16e894fbcfcb7537dc80") (:authors ("Anthony HAMON" . "hamon.anth@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Anthony HAMON" . "hamon.anth@gmail.com") (:keywords "uml") (:url . "http://github.com/antham/eyuml"))]) (ez-query-replace . [(20210724 2247) ((dash (1 2 0)) (s (1 11 0))) "a smarter context-sensitive query-replace that can be reapplied" single ((:commit . "2b68472f4007a73908c3b242e83ac5a7587967ff") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk"))]) (eziam-theme . [(20200327 1810) nil "A mostly monochrome theme, inspired by Tao and Leuven, with dark and light versions." tar ((:commit . "d7e517f8e626035df3b63ec6fc07b85d48a996c5"))]) (f . [(20210624 1103) ((s (1 7 0)) (dash (2 2 0))) "Modern API for working with files and directories" single ((:commit . "50af874cd19042f17c8686813d52569b1025c76a") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com") (:keywords "files" "directories") (:url . "http://github.com/rejeep/f.el"))]) (f3 . [(20180130 1158) ((emacs (24 3)) (helm (2 8 8)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "a helm interface to find" tar ((:commit . "000009ce4adf7a57eae80512f29c4ec2a1391ce5") (:authors ("Danny McClanahan")) (:maintainer "Danny McClanahan") (:keywords "find" "file" "files" "helm" "fast" "finder") (:url . "https://github.com/cosmicexplorer/f3"))]) (fabric . [(20171116 656) nil "Launch Fabric using Emacs" tar ((:commit . "df79be341d0b34ed23850f9894136092fa5fea8c") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "nicolas.lamirault@chmouel.com")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "nicolas.lamirault@chmouel.com") (:keywords "python" "fabric") (:url . "https://github.com/nlamirault/fabric.el"))]) (face-explorer . [(20190517 1857) nil "Library and tools for faces and text properties" single ((:commit . "ad1300e13e5643e4c246cabfd91f833d39113052") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/Lindydancer/face-explorer"))]) (face-shift . [(20210725 2146) ((emacs (24 1))) "Shift the colour of certain faces" single ((:commit . "14dce79fc42116c49eb4c8a4ab7ca3c4bd7cbf6f") (:authors ("Philip Kaludercic" . "philipk@posteo.net")) (:maintainer "Philip Kaludercic" . "philipk@posteo.net") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://git.sr.ht/~pkal/face-shift"))]) (faceup . [(20170925 1946) nil "Markup language for faces and font-lock regression testing" single ((:commit . "6c92dad56a133e14e7b27831e1bcf9b3a71ff154") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:keywords "faces" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/Lindydancer/faceup"))]) (factlog . [(20130210 140) ((deferred (0 3 1))) "File activity logger" single ((:commit . "6503d77ea882c995b051d22e72db336fb28770fc") (:authors ("Takafumi Arakaki ")) (:maintainer "Takafumi Arakaki ") (:url . "https://github.com/tkf/factlog"))]) (faff-theme . [(20210602 1952) nil "Light Emacs color theme on cornsilk3 background" single ((:commit . "cb8803355e20812d84195b1b7c9b0578c3262e68") (:authors ("James Ferguson <(concat \"wjcferguson\" at-sign \"gmail.com\")>")) (:maintainer "James Ferguson <(concat \"wjcferguson\" at-sign \"gmail.com\")>") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:url . "https://github.com/WJCFerguson/emacs-faff-theme"))]) (fakespace . [(20120818 6) nil "fake namespaces with defpackage" single ((:commit . "d1bd1f4b14b2690d7a67f9a52622ec51ed84813a") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "mosquitopsu@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "mosquitopsu@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/skeeto/elisp-fakespace"))]) (fakir . [(20140729 1652) ((noflet (0 0 8)) (dash (1 3 2)) (kv (0 0 19))) "fakeing bits of Emacs" single ((:commit . "1fca406ad7de80fece6319ff75d4230b648534b0") (:authors ("Nic Ferrier" . "nferrier@ferrier.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . "nferrier@ferrier.me.uk") (:keywords "lisp" "tools") (:url . "http://github.com/nicferrier/emacs-fakir"))]) (fancy-battery . [(20150101 1204) ((emacs (24 1))) "Fancy battery display" single ((:commit . "9b88ae77a01aa3edc529840338bcb2db7f445822") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "hardware") (:url . "https://github.com/lunaryorn/fancy-battery.el"))]) (fancy-dabbrev . [(20210720 1833) ((emacs (25 1)) (popup (0 5 3))) "Like dabbrev-expand with preview and popup menu" single ((:commit . "eff6cba7b09611ce9ade56972f0ceccf227cf174") (:authors ("Joel Rosdahl" . "joel@rosdahl.net")) (:maintainer "Joel Rosdahl" . "joel@rosdahl.net") (:url . "https://github.com/jrosdahl/fancy-dabbrev"))]) (fancy-narrow . [(20171031 16) nil "narrow-to-region with more eye candy." single ((:commit . "c9b3363752c09045b8ce7a2635afae42d2ae63c7") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "bruce.connor.am@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "bruce.connor.am@gmail.com") (:keywords "faces" "convenience") (:url . "http://github.com/Bruce-Connor/fancy-narrow"))]) (fantom-theme . [(20200328 604) ((emacs (24 1))) "Dark theme based on Phantom Code for VSCode" single ((:commit . "2c1c7fd53086c2ff86ee0961642c3b58e2343c08") (:authors ("Adam Svanberg")) (:maintainer "Adam Svanberg") (:url . "https://github.com/adsva/fantom-emacs-theme"))]) (farmhouse-theme . [(20160713 2244) nil "Farmhouse Theme, Emacs edition" tar ((:commit . "7ddc1ff13b4a3d5466bd0d33ecb86100352e83a7"))]) (fasd . [(20210104 738) nil "Emacs integration for the command-line productivity booster `fasd'" single ((:commit . "c1d92553f33ebb018135c698db1a6d7f86731a26") (:authors ("steckerhalter")) (:maintainer "steckerhalter") (:keywords "cli" "bash" "zsh" "autojump") (:url . "https://framagit.org/steckerhalter/emacs-fasd"))]) (fast-scroll . [(20191016 327) ((emacs (25 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1))) "Some utilities for faster scrolling over large buffers." single ((:commit . "3f6ca0d5556fe9795b74714304564f2295dcfa24") (:authors ("Matthew Carter" . "m@ahungry.com")) (:maintainer "Matthew Carter" . "m@ahungry.com") (:keywords "ahungry" "convenience" "fast" "scroll" "scrolling") (:url . "https://github.com/ahungry/fast-scroll"))]) (fastdef . [(20160713 1329) ((ivy (0 7 0)) (w3m (0 0))) "Insert terminology from Google top search results" single ((:commit . "0696f41dc150d35ce31fe8d2ea74f4173818bb55") (:authors ("Chen Bin ")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin ") (:keywords "terminology" "org-mode" "markdown") (:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/fastdef"))]) (fastnav . [(20120211 1457) nil "Fast navigation and editing routines." single ((:commit . "1019ba2b61d1a070204099b23da347278a61bc89") (:authors ("Zsolt Terek" . "zsolt@google.com")) (:maintainer "Zsolt Terek" . "zsolt@google.com") (:keywords "nav" "fast" "fastnav" "navigation"))]) (faust-mode . [(20201004 1353) nil "Faust syntax colorizer for Emacs." single ((:commit . "2a56cda14b152d5471f21a5d82f23c141dc7134c") (:authors ("rukano" . "rukano@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yassin Philip" . "xaccrocheur@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "faust") (:url . "https://github.com/rukano/emacs-faust-mode"))]) (faustine . [(20171122 1202) ((emacs (24 3)) (faust-mode (0 3))) "Edit, visualize, build and run Faust code" single ((:commit . "07a38963111518f86123802f9d477be0d4689a3f") (:authors ("Yassin Philip" . "xaccrocheur@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yassin Philip" . "xaccrocheur@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "faust") (:url . "https://bitbucket.org/yphil/faustine"))]) (fcitx . [(20190806 1923) nil "Make fcitx better in Emacs" single ((:commit . "12dc2638ddd15c8f6cfaecb20e1f428ab2bb5624") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/cute-jumper/fcitx.el"))]) (fcopy . [(20150304 1403) nil "Funny Copy, set past point HERE then search copy text" single ((:commit . "e355f6ec889d8ecbdb096019c2dc660b1cec4941") (:authors ("Masayuki Ataka" . "masayuki.ataka@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Masayuki Ataka" . "masayuki.ataka@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/ataka/fcopy"))]) (fd-dired . [(20210723 549) ((emacs (25))) "find-dired alternative using fd" single ((:commit . "458464771bb220b6eb87ccfd4c985c436e57dc7e") (:authors ("Rashawn Zhang" . "namy.19@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Rashawn Zhang" . "namy.19@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "fd" "find" "dired") (:url . "https://github.com/yqrashawn/fd-dired"))]) (feather . [(20200321 1237) ((emacs (26 3)) (async (1 9)) (async-await (1 0)) (ppp (1 0)) (page-break-lines (0 1))) "Parallel thread modern package manager" tar ((:commit . "3f19293dada8bf368e9f86f783610e7ca0a51ecb") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "package") (:url . "https://github.com/conao3/feather.el"))]) (feature-mode . [(20200815 1617) nil "Major mode for editing Gherkin (i.e. Cucumber) user stories" tar ((:commit . "8e1464113b489b54067294cd988ff6a11a423fdb") (:authors ("Michael Klishin")) (:maintainer "Michael Klishin") (:url . "https://github.com/michaelklishin/cucumber.el"))]) (feebleline . [(20190822 1401) nil "Replace modeline with a slimmer proxy" single ((:commit . "b2f2db25cac77817bf0c49ea2cea6383556faea0") (:authors ("Benjamin Lindqvist" . "benjamin.lindqvist@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Benjamin Lindqvist" . "benjamin.lindqvist@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/tautologyclub/feebleline"))]) (feed-discovery . [(20200714 1118) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 16 0))) "Discover feed url by RSS/Atom autodiscovery" single ((:commit . "12fcd1a28fe7c8c46c74e32f395ec631d45ec739") (:authors ("Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "s06139@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroki YAMAKAWA" . "s06139@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/HKey/feed-discovery"))]) (fennel-mode . [(20210803 955) ((emacs (25 1))) "A major-mode for editing Fennel code" single ((:commit . "f3f514cb8ff94d1d5ea8631a48e6a7306a207d4d") (:authors ("Phil Hagelberg")) (:maintainer "Phil Hagelberg") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/technomancy/fennel-mode"))]) (fetch . [(20131201 730) nil "Fetch and unpack resources" single ((:commit . "3f2793afcbbc32f320e572453166f9354ecc6d06") (:authors ("Christian 'crshd' Brassat" . "christian.brassat@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Christian 'crshd' Brassat" . "christian.brassat@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/crshd/fetch.el"))]) (ffmpeg-player . [(20200720 1028) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (1 12 0)) (f (0 20 0))) "Play video using ffmpeg" single ((:commit . "142a7a5ecd79b4a3db7ce3dfdd0d87ceeedab468") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/ffmpeg-player"))]) (fic-mode . [(20180603 2035) nil "Show FIXME/TODO/BUG(...) in special face only in comments and strings" single ((:commit . "a05fc36ed54ba0c6dc22ac216a6a72cf191ca13d") (:url . "https://github.com/lewang/fic-mode"))]) (fifo-class . [(20160425 558) nil "First in first out abstract class" single ((:commit . "8fe4cf690727f4ac7b67f29c55f845df023c3f21") (:authors ("Mola-T" . "Mola@molamola.xyz")) (:maintainer "Mola-T" . "Mola@molamola.xyz") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/mola-T/fifo-class"))]) (figlet . [(20160218 2237) nil "Annoy people with big, ascii art text" single ((:commit . "19a38783a90e151faf047ff233a21a729db0cea9") (:authors ("Philip Jackson" . "phil@shellarchive.co.uk")) (:maintainer "Philip Jackson" . "phil@shellarchive.co.uk"))]) (filelock . [(20180524 2215) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0)) (f (0))) "Functions for manipulating file locks" single ((:commit . "17a5ca6e0dee14d2e7d92c84be91143bca9d9663") (:authors ("Ryan C. Thompson")) (:maintainer "Ryan C. 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"alp.tekin.aker@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience"))]) (fill-function-arguments . [(20201223 819) ((emacs (24 4))) "Convert function arguments to/from single line" single ((:commit . "a0a2f8538c80ac08e497dea784fcb90c93ab465b") (:authors ("David Shepherd" . "davidshepherd7@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "David Shepherd" . "davidshepherd7@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/davidshepherd7/fill-function-arguments"))]) (fill-page . [(20210707 354) ((emacs (24 4))) "Fill buffer so you don't see empty lines at the end" single ((:commit . "cad66696f334f70adf2b8bdf9910852c017dbdd0") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/fill-page"))]) (fillcode . [(20200524 2226) nil "Fill (wrap) function calls and expressions in source code" single ((:commit . "501468082e46bd0975ef4d8765363fd564338099") (:authors ("Ryan Barrett" . "fillcode@ryanb.org")) (:maintainer "Ryan Barrett" . "fillcode@ryanb.org") (:url . "https://snarfed.org/fillcode"))]) (finalize . [(20170418 1945) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-generic (0 3)) (cl-lib (0 3)) (eieio (1 4))) "finalizers for Emacs Lisp" tar ((:commit . "846731531e7d1d80451787992e07bfe7dedbe9ff") (:authors ("Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com")) (:maintainer "Christopher Wellons" . "wellons@nullprogram.com") (:url . "https://github.com/skeeto/elisp-finalize"))]) (find-by-pinyin-dired . [(20180210 218) ((pinyinlib (0 1 0))) "Find file by first PinYin character of Chinese Hanzi" single ((:commit . "3b4781148dddc84a701ad76c0934ed991ecd59d5") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com") (:keywords "hanzi" "chinese" "dired" "find" "file" "pinyin") (:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/find-by-pinyin-dired"))]) (find-dupes-dired . [(20210426 835) ((emacs (26 1))) "Find dupes and handle in dired" single ((:commit . "904225a3f89bbd3b44ea097a282ec6ca7945f7f1") (:authors ("Shuguang Sun" . "shuguang79@qq.com")) (:maintainer "Shuguang Sun" . "shuguang79@qq.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/ShuguangSun/find-dupes-dired"))]) (find-file-in-project . [(20210729 5) ((emacs (25 1))) "Find file/directory and review Diff/Patch/Commit efficiently everywhere" single ((:commit . "136018df39520433840d67acbbf92908ab115532") (:authors ("Phil Hagelberg, Doug Alcorn, and Will Farrington")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/redguardtoo/find-file-in-project"))]) (find-file-in-repository . [(20210301 2202) nil "Quickly find files in a git, mercurial or other repository" single ((:commit . "10f5bd919ce35691addc5ce0d281597a46813a79") (:authors ("Samuel Hoffstaetter" . "samuel@hoffstaetter.com")) (:maintainer "Samuel Hoffstaetter" . "samuel@hoffstaetter.com") (:keywords "files" "convenience" "repository" "project" "source control") (:url . "https://github.com/hoffstaetter/find-file-in-repository"))]) (find-file-rg . [(20200827 704) ((emacs (25 1))) "Find file in project using ripgrep" single ((:commit . "ed556e092a92e325f335554ab193cef2d8fec009") (:authors ("Andrii Kolomoiets" . "andreyk.mad@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Andrii Kolomoiets" . "andreyk.mad@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/muffinmad/emacs-find-file-rg"))]) (find-temp-file . [(20200117 2254) nil "Open quickly a temporary file" single ((:commit . "2bfcdba0d6a8a0e6faa080cb04ff0f7ed06491ba") (:authors ("Sylvain Rousseau ")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Rousseau ") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/thisirs/find-temp-file.git"))]) (find-things-fast . [(20150519 2226) nil "Find things fast, leveraging the power of git" single ((:commit . "efc7c189019ed65430e2f9e910e8e0a5ca9d2d03") (:authors ("Elvio Toccalino and Elliot Glaysher and Phil Hagelberg and Doug Alcorn")) (:maintainer "Elvio Toccalino and Elliot Glaysher and Phil Hagelberg and Doug Alcorn") (:keywords "project" "convenience"))]) (findr . [(20130127 2032) nil "Breadth-first file-finding facility for (X)Emacs" single ((:commit . "1ddbc0464bb05dcda392b62666ad17239a2152d3") (:authors ("David Bakhash" . "cadet@bu.edu")) (:maintainer "David Bakhash" . "cadet@bu.edu") (:keywords "files"))]) (fingers . [(20160817 829) nil "Modal editing with universal text manipulation helpers." tar ((:commit . "fed0f742afb1d72eaef29d8da394467550a030fa") (:authors ("Felix Geller" . "fgeller@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Felix Geller" . "fgeller@gmail.com") (:keywords "fingers" "modal" "editing" "workman") (:url . "http://github.com/fgeller/fingers.el"))]) (fiplr . [(20140724 645) ((grizzl (0 1 0)) (cl-lib (0 1))) "Fuzzy Search for Files in Projects" tar ((:commit . "3f50159fd42125440d5b0eb9d6398560461f030b") (:authors ("Chris Corbyn" . "chris@w3style.co.uk")) (:maintainer "Chris Corbyn" . "chris@w3style.co.uk") (:keywords "convenience" "usability" "project") (:url . "https://github.com/d11wtq/fiplr"))]) (fira-code-mode . [(20210702 1631) ((emacs (24 4))) "Minor mode for Fira Code ligatures using prettify-symbols" single ((:commit . "eaff81f867d9c84e25891368f3d0cac7513984e8") (:authors ("Jonathan Ming" . "jming422@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Ming" . "jming422@gmail.com") (:keywords "faces" "ligatures" "fonts" "programming-ligatures") (:url . "https://github.com/jming422/fira-code-mode"))]) (firecode-theme . [(20170808 1311) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on FireCode (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "8b7b03ecdd41e70dab145b98906017e1392eaef4") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsfodder/tmtheme-to-deftheme"))]) (firefox-controller . [(20160320 1847) ((moz (0)) (popwin (1 0 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "An improved Firefox controller" single ((:commit . "a8af8cbf70afaf6b89a26d6ac69af8e92afc181f") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/cute-jumper/emacs-firefox-controller"))]) (fireplace . [(20200402 2206) nil "A cozy fireplace for emacs" single ((:commit . "f6c23e259349922aae25cf2898ba815a7d8f2527") (:authors ("Johan Sivertsen" . "johanvts@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Johan Sivertsen" . "johanvts@gmail.com") (:keywords "games") (:url . "https://github.com/johanvts/emacs-fireplace"))]) (firestarter . [(20210508 1626) ((emacs (24 1))) "Execute (shell) commands on save" single ((:commit . "76070c9074aa363350abe6ad06143e90b3e12ab1") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "mail@vasilij.de")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "mail@vasilij.de") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://depp.brause.cc/firestarter"))]) (firrtl-mode . [(20200329 2002) ((emacs (24 3))) "mode for working with FIRRTL files" single ((:commit . "fa40141411a876ce7a1a9d6d3fe47134bc1fa954") (:authors ("Schuyler Eldridge" . "schuyler.eldridge@ibm.com")) (:maintainer "Schuyler Eldridge" . "schuyler.eldridge@ibm.com") (:keywords "languages" "firrtl") (:url . "https://github.com/ibm/firrtl-mode"))]) (fish-completion . [(20191103 1210) ((emacs (25 1))) "Fish completion for pcomplete (shell and Eshell)" single ((:commit . "10384881817b5ae38cf6197a077a663420090d2c") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/Ambrevar/emacs-fish-completion"))]) (fish-mode . [(20210215 1114) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for fish shell scripts" single ((:commit . "a7c953b1491ac3a3e00a7b560f2c9f46b3cb5c04") (:authors ("Tony Wang" . "wwwjfy@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tony Wang" . "wwwjfy@gmail.com") (:keywords "fish" "shell"))]) (fit-text-scale . [(20210112 2246) ((emacs (25 1))) "Fit text by scaling" single ((:commit . "3f93650a8e8899114ea48048b7962210f1024862") (:authors ("Marco Wahl" . "marcowahlsoft@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Marco Wahl" . "marcowahlsoft@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/marcowahl/fit-text-scale"))]) (fix-input . [(20210320 1244) ((emacs (24 4))) "Make input methods play nicely with alternative keyboard layout on OS level" single ((:commit . "10b3aebc3d4411e6889f3428e8f097c0fbf8585c") (:authors ("Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com") (:keywords "input" "method") (:url . "https://github.com/mrkkrp/fix-input"))]) (fix-muscle-memory . [(20210702 1755) nil "Simple hacks to fix muscle memory problems" single ((:commit . "b8d4b8025d758762f4459c70c3a7a209ead865ed") (:authors ("Jonathan Arkell" . "jonnay@jonnay.net")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Arkell" . "jonnay@jonnay.net") (:keywords "spelling" "typing"))]) (fix-word . [(20210319 1414) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Convenient word transformation" single ((:commit . "80cf4529915c34d2d39b4d3410781a19ef264e9f") (:authors ("Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com") (:keywords "word" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/mrkkrp/fix-word"))]) (fixmee . [(20150223 1355) ((button-lock (1 0 2)) (nav-flash (1 0 0)) (back-button (0 6 0)) (smartrep (0 0 3)) (string-utils (0 3 2)) (tabulated-list (0))) "Quickly navigate to FIXME notices in code" single ((:commit . "5cddb64e0d52635e9a1529d80cb5cefa6f829341") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com") (:keywords "navigation" "convenience") (:url . "http://github.com/rolandwalker/fixmee"))]) (flame . [(20180303 2016) ((emacs (24))) "automatic generation of flamage, as if we needed more." single ((:commit . "a749b2a77b87e505572d0f1f5d59fac76348bb73") (:authors ("Ian G. Batten" . "batten@uk.ac.bham.multics") ("Noah Friedman" . "friedman@splode.com")) (:maintainer "Noah Friedman" . "friedman@splode.com") (:keywords "games") (:url . "https://github.com/mschuldt/flame"))]) (flames-of-freedom . [(20191202 1637) ((emacs (25 1))) "The flames of freedom" single ((:commit . "5e47ff27cfa2f7c06081be2ffefe91a731efd012") (:authors ("Stéphane Champailler" . "schampailler@skynet.be")) (:maintainer "Stéphane Champailler" . "schampailler@skynet.be") (:keywords "multimedia") (:url . "https://github.com/wiz21b/FlamesOfFreedom"))]) (flappymacs . [(20171023 1004) nil "flappybird clone for emacs" single ((:commit . "27f3e21acb22f786606481e3f4e5dc1edbaaaed4") (:authors ("Takayuki Sato")) (:maintainer "Takayuki Sato") (:keywords "games") (:url . "https://github.com/taksatou/flappymacs"))]) (flash-region . [(20130923 1817) nil "Flash a region" single ((:commit . "261b3597b23cdd40e5c14262a5687bcc6c1d0901") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "utility"))]) (flatbuffers-mode . [(20210710 1004) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing flatbuffers" single ((:commit . "8e7783db45a64c9456130fd0c108ac12d45a7789") (:authors ("Asal Mirzaieva" . "asalle.kim@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Asal Mirzaieva" . "asalle.kim@gmail.com") (:keywords "flatbuffers" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/Asalle/flatbuffers-mode"))]) (flatfluc-theme . [(20200707 630) ((emacs (26 1))) "Custom merge of flucui and flatui themes" single ((:commit . "5a30b1cd344ac0d3c3bf9dab017805ab96897b54") (:authors ("Sébastien Le Maguer" . "lemagues@tcd.ie")) (:maintainer "Sébastien Le Maguer" . "lemagues@tcd.ie") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/seblemaguer/flatfluc-theme"))]) (flatland-black-theme . [(20170808 1312) ((emacs (24 0))) "an Emacs 24 theme based on Flatland Black (tmTheme)" single ((:commit . "348c5d5fe615e6ea13cadc17f046e506e789ce07") (:authors ("Jason Milkins")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsfodder/flatland-black-theme"))]) (flatland-theme . [(20171113 1521) nil "A simple theme for Emacs based on the Flatland theme for Sublime Text" single ((:commit . "a98a6f19ad4dff0fa3fad1ea487b7d0ef634a19a") (:authors ("Greg Chapple" . "info@gregchapple.com")) (:maintainer "Greg Chapple" . "info@gregchapple.com") (:url . "http://github.com/gregchapple/flatland-emacs"))]) (flatui-dark-theme . [(20170513 1422) ((emacs (24))) "Dark color theme with colors from https://flatuicolors.com/" single ((:commit . "5b959a9f743f891e4660b1b432086417947872ea") (:authors ("Andrew Phillips" . "theasp@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Andrew Phillips" . "theasp@gmail.com") (:keywords "color" "theme" "dark" "flatui" "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/theasp/flatui-dark-theme"))]) (flatui-theme . [(20160619 127) nil "A color theme for Emacs based on flatuicolors.com" single ((:commit . "9c15db5526c15c8dba55023f5698372b19c2a780") (:authors ("John Louis Del Rosario" . "john2x@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "John Louis Del Rosario" . "john2x@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/john2x/flatui-theme.el"))]) (flex-autopair . [(20120809 1218) nil "Automatically insert pair braces and quotes, insertion conditions & actions are highly customizable." single ((:commit . "4bb757f2556a4a51828e2fed8fb81e31e83052cb") (:authors ("Yuuki Arisawa" . "yuuki.ari@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yuuki Arisawa" . "yuuki.ari@gmail.com") (:keywords "keyboard" "input") (:url . "https://github.com/uk-ar/flex-autopair.el"))]) (flex-compile . [(20201218 1549) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 17 0)) (buffer-manage (0 11))) "Run, evaluate and compile across many languages" tar ((:commit . "bc1f0804f089686260b64d5e4dde80c0c9f6df21") (:authors ("Paul Landes")) (:maintainer "Paul Landes") (:keywords "compilation" "integration" "processes") (:url . "https://github.com/plandes/flex-compile"))]) (flex-isearch . [(20170308 2010) nil "Flex matching (like ido) in isearch." single ((:commit . "b1f7e04de762282c276343cc2709af9ff4abc9d2") (:authors ("Jonathan Kotta" . "jpkotta@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Kotta" . "jpkotta@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "search") (:url . "https://bitbucket.org/jpkotta/flex-isearch"))]) (flim . [(20210529 1253) ((emacs (24 5)) (apel (10 8)) (oauth2 (0 11))) "A library to provide basic features about message representation or encoding." tar ((:commit . "02735dede6603987e8309a76d0bc7a9ff9a5a227"))]) (flimenu . [(20200810 1510) ((emacs (24 4))) "Flatten imenu automatically" single ((:commit . "4c0ff37cf3bd6c836bd136b5f6c450560a6c92b9") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "IvanMalison@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "IvanMalison@gmail.com") (:keywords "imenu" "browse" "structure" "hook" "mode" "matching" "tools" "convenience" "files") (:url . "https://github.com/IvanMalison/flimenu"))]) (fliptext . [(20171124 2056) nil "Input method for flipping characters upside down" single ((:commit . "fd821f645ffebae6ae3894afa7ba7fc06f91afc6") (:authors ("André Riemann" . "andre.riemann@web.de")) (:maintainer "André Riemann" . "andre.riemann@web.de") (:keywords "games" "i18n"))]) (floobits . [(20180801 524) ((json (1 2)) (highlight (0))) "Floobits plugin for real-time collaborative editing" tar ((:commit . "489b294a7f30ecd2af2edc0823dead8102f27af6") (:authors ("Matt Kaniaris") ("Geoff Greer")) (:maintainer "Matt Kaniaris") (:keywords "comm" "tools") (:url . "http://github.com/Floobits/floobits-emacs"))]) (flow-js2-mode . [(20191213 1004) ((flow-minor-mode (0)) (js2-mode (0)) (emacs (25 1))) "Support for flow annotations in js2-mode" single ((:commit . "7520bdda70287e8d57b3f41033b1e0ca59a3be95") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "extensions"))]) (flow-minor-mode . [(20200905 1730) ((emacs (25 1))) "Flow type mode based on web-mode." single ((:commit . "804217a15a28f6918fba93c91d495ed7d50b0495") (:url . "https://github.com/an-sh/flow-minor-mode"))]) (flower . [(20201022 1904) ((emacs (24 4)) (clomacs (0 0 3))) "Emacs task tracker client." tar ((:commit . "0d5dd8b9b844adab1a1b7a9641daa9e98918712c") (:authors ("Sergey Sobko" . "SSobko@ptsecurity.com")) (:maintainer "Sergey Sobko" . "SSobko@ptsecurity.com") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines" "tools" "vc") (:url . "https://github.com/PositiveTechnologies/flower"))]) (flucui-themes . [(20200815 2103) ((emacs (24))) "Custom theme inspired by the Flat UI palette" tar ((:commit . "6591b5093e6e8f0e720e3995a16a91835b2e7a48") (:authors ("MetroWind" . "chris.corsair@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "MetroWind" . "chris.corsair@gmail.com") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/MetroWind/flucui-theme"))]) (flutter . [(20210304 1341) ((emacs (24 4))) "Tools for working with Flutter SDK" tar ((:commit . "960b63576a13b7bd3495d0ad1883ed736873543b") (:authors ("Aaron Madlon-Kay")) (:maintainer "Aaron Madlon-Kay") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/amake/flutter.el"))]) (flutter-l10n-flycheck . [(20200221 1415) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (30)) (flutter (0 1 0))) "Flycheck checker for intl_translation" single ((:commit . "960b63576a13b7bd3495d0ad1883ed736873543b") (:authors ("Aaron Madlon-Kay")) (:maintainer "Aaron Madlon-Kay") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/amake/flutter.el"))]) (fluxus-mode . [(20210715 58) ((osc (0 1)) (emacs (24 4))) "Major mode for interfacing with Fluxus" single ((:commit . "a14578640c578a4fd09cb7e25da1e87d637719ae") (:authors ("modula t." . "defaultxr@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "modula t." . "defaultxr@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/defaultxr/fluxus-mode"))]) (flx . [(20191115 659) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "fuzzy matching with good sorting" single ((:commit . "647cb2f92f9936c62e277d7a74ad54a80502d255") (:authors ("Le Wang")) (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:url . "https://github.com/lewang/flx"))]) (flx-ido . [(20180117 1519) ((flx (0 1)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "flx integration for ido" single ((:commit . "647cb2f92f9936c62e277d7a74ad54a80502d255") (:authors ("Le Wang")) (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:url . "https://github.com/lewang/flx"))]) (flx-isearch . [(20191119 515) ((emacs (24)) (flx (20140821)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Fuzzy incremental searching for emacs" single ((:commit . "a44097fb8f539a193c2f09a37ea52a68f2c51839") (:authors ("PythonNut" . "pythonnut@pythonnut.com")) (:maintainer "PythonNut" . "pythonnut@pythonnut.com") (:keywords "convenience" "search" "flx") (:url . "https://github.com/pythonnut/flx-isearch"))]) (flycheck . [(20210708 1337) ((dash (2 12 1)) (pkg-info (0 4)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (seq (1 11)) (emacs (24 3))) "On-the-fly syntax checking" tar ((:commit . "21d52264aa80bfa4ede94c59e37a20fb6d033b0c") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "http://www.flycheck.org"))]) (flycheck-ameba . [(20191226 1011) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (30))) "Add support for Ameba to Flycheck" single ((:commit . "0c4925ae0e998818326adcb47ed27ddf9761c7dc") (:keywords "tools" "crystal" "ameba") (:url . "https://github.com/crystal-ameba/ameba.el"))]) (flycheck-apertium . [(20181211 1038) ((flycheck (0 25))) "Apertium checkers in flycheck" tar ((:commit . "22b60a17836477ac1edd15dc85b14f88ca871ba9") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer+apertium@mm.st")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer+apertium@mm.st") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "xml") (:url . "http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Emacs"))]) (flycheck-aspell . [(20210618 920) ((flycheck (28 0)) (emacs (25 1))) "Aspell checker for flycheck" single ((:commit . "3abe1a6184fefea3e427141131fba40afae3d356") (:authors ("Leo Gaskin" . "leo.gaskin@le0.gs")) (:maintainer "Leo Gaskin" . "leo.gaskin@le0.gs") (:keywords "wp" "flycheck" "spell" "aspell") (:url . "https://github.com/leotaku/flycheck-aspell"))]) (flycheck-ats2 . [(20170225 1636) ((emacs (24 1)) (flycheck (0 22))) "Flycheck: ATS2 support" single ((:commit . "9f77add8408462af35bdddf87e37a661880255e3") (:authors ("Mark Laws" . "mdl@60hz.org")) (:maintainer "Mark Laws" . "mdl@60hz.org") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "languages") (:url . "http://github.com/drvink/flycheck-ats2"))]) (flycheck-bashate . [(20200625 642) ((flycheck (0 24)) (emacs (24 4))) "Integrate bashate with flycheck" single ((:commit . "5e673c591d017329d0a07a61dc1223fa98639ee2") (:authors ("Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/alexmurray/flycheck-bashate"))]) (flycheck-cask . [(20200926 1502) ((emacs (24 3)) (flycheck (0 14)) (dash (2 4 0))) "Cask support in Flycheck" single ((:commit . "4b2ede6362ded4a45678dfbef1876faa42edbd58") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-cask"))]) (flycheck-cfn . [(20201120 2307) ((emacs (26 1)) (flycheck (31))) "Flycheck backend for AWS cloudformation" single ((:commit . "a4ca40978e680f9edc86c141e696e0ae57c63533") (:authors ("William Orr" . "will@worrbase.com")) (:maintainer "William Orr" . "will@worrbase.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/worr/cfn-mode"))]) (flycheck-checkbashisms . [(20190403 218) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 25))) "checkbashisms checker for flycheck" single ((:commit . "fbbdf842b48b96dd975d6f6be7b146858e39140d") (:authors ("Cuong Le" . "cuong.manhle.vn@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Cuong Le" . "cuong.manhle.vn@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "sh" "unix") (:url . "https://github.com/cuonglm/flycheck-checkbashisms"))]) (flycheck-checkpatch . [(20170217 1025) ((emacs (25)) (flycheck (30))) "Flycheck support for checkpatch.pl tool" single ((:commit . "6461fc7b0d493eb9863814055f8bce5fa35739de") (:authors ("Alexander Yarygin" . "yarygin.alexander@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alexander Yarygin" . "yarygin.alexander@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/zpp0/flycheck-checkpatch"))]) (flycheck-clang-analyzer . [(20200429 238) ((flycheck (0 24)) (emacs (24 4))) "Integrate Clang Analyzer with flycheck" single ((:commit . "0c9b6e4626cd5376037464f8d6b8c64aa32768ee") (:authors ("Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/alexmurray/flycheck-clang-analyzer"))]) (flycheck-clang-tidy . [(20201115 1232) ((flycheck (0 30))) "Flycheck syntax checker using clang-tidy" single ((:commit . "f9ae7306bd6ca08b689b36c1e8f6f6b91d61db5f") (:authors (nil . "Sebastian Nagel")) (:maintainer "tastytea" . "tastytea@tastytea.de") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/ch1bo/flycheck-clang-tidy"))]) (flycheck-clangcheck . [(20150712 710) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (seq (1 7)) (flycheck (0 17))) "A Flycheck checker difinition for ClangCheck." single ((:commit . "24a9424c484420073a24443a829fd5779752362b") (:authors ("kumar8600" . "kumar8600@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "kumar8600" . "kumar8600@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/kumar8600/flycheck-clangcheck"))]) (flycheck-clj-kondo . [(20201102 1128) ((flycheck (0 18))) "Add clj-kondo linter to flycheck" single ((:commit . "a558bda44c4cb65b69fa53df233e8941ebd195c5") (:authors ("Michiel Borkent" . "michielborkent@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Michiel Borkent" . "michielborkent@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/borkdude/flycheck-clj-kondo"))]) (flycheck-clojure . [(20191215 2227) ((cider (0 22 0)) (flycheck (32 -4)) (let-alist (1 0 1)) (emacs (25))) "Flycheck: Clojure support" single ((:commit . "592c4f89efb5112784cbf94c9ea6fdd045771b62") (:authors ("Peter Fraenkel" . "pnf@podsnap.com") ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com")) (:maintainer "Peter Fraenkel" . "pnf@podsnap.com") (:url . "https://github.com/clojure-emacs/squiggly-clojure"))]) (flycheck-clolyze . [(20190422 2134) ((flycheck (0 25)) (emacs (24))) "Add Clolyze to to flycheck" single ((:commit . "c8b27602dd505aeae6486feb6f584754079baf51") (:authors ("Daniel Laps" . "daniel.laps@hhu.de")) (:maintainer "Daniel Laps" . "daniel.laps@hhu.de") (:url . "https://github.com/DLaps/flycheck-clolyze"))]) (flycheck-color-mode-line . [(20200528 416) ((flycheck (0 15)) (dash (1 2)) (emacs (24 3))) "Change mode line color with Flycheck status" single ((:commit . "575b604cfe21f65fb07c134392c382c163c87739") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "sylvain.benner@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "sylvain.benner@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "language" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-color-mode-line"))]) (flycheck-coverity . [(20170704 59) ((flycheck (0 24)) (dash (2 12 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Integrate Coverity with flycheck" single ((:commit . "cb211e3dd50413a5042eb20175be518214591c9d") (:authors ("Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/alexmurray/flycheck-coverity"))]) (flycheck-credo . [(20170526 1545) ((flycheck (29))) "flycheck checker for elixir credo" single ((:commit . "e88f11ead53805c361ec7706e44c3dfee1daa19f") (:authors ("Aaron Jensen" . "aaronjensen@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Aaron Jensen" . "aaronjensen@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/aaronjensen/flycheck-credo"))]) (flycheck-crystal . [(20200805 2344) ((flycheck (30))) "Add support for Crystal to Flycheck" single ((:commit . "15998140b0a4172cd4b4d14d0377fba96a8917fc") (:keywords "tools" "crystal") (:url . "https://github.com/crystal-lang-tools/emacs-crystal-mode"))]) (flycheck-css-colorguard . [(20161031 1122) ((flycheck (0 22)) (emacs (24))) "Detect similar colors in CSS" single ((:commit . "ae94fa0396acd99f9ec36d9572459df793f37fe8") (:authors ("Saša Jovanić" . "info@simplify.ba")) (:maintainer "Saša Jovanić" . "info@simplify.ba") (:keywords "flycheck" "css" "colorguard") (:url . "https://github.com/Simplify/flycheck-css-colorguard/"))]) (flycheck-cstyle . [(20160905 2341) ((flycheck (0 24)) (emacs (24 4))) "Integrate cstyle with flycheck" single ((:commit . "207285140a353d08cf1fc450cacab158bc98ba82") (:authors ("Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/alexmurray/flycheck-cstyle"))]) (flycheck-cython . [(20170724 958) ((flycheck (0 25))) "Support Cython in flycheck" single ((:commit . "ecc4454d35ab5317ab66a04406f36f0c1dbc0b76") (:authors ("Lorenzo Bolla" . "lbolla@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Lorenzo Bolla" . "lbolla@gmail.com"))]) (flycheck-d-unittest . [(20160522 417) ((flycheck (0 21 -4 1)) (dash (1 4 0))) "Add D unittest support to flycheck" single ((:commit . "3e614f23cb4a5566fd7988dbcaaf254af81c7718") (:authors ("Tomoya Tanjo" . "ttanjo@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tomoya Tanjo" . "ttanjo@gmail.com") (:keywords "flycheck" "d") (:url . "https://github.com/tom-tan/flycheck-d-unittest/"))]) (flycheck-dedukti . [(20171103 1212) ((flycheck (0 19)) (dedukti-mode (0 1))) "Flycheck integration of Dedukti" single ((:commit . "3dbff5646355f39d57a3ec514f560a6b0082a1cd") (:authors ("Raphaël Cauderlier")) (:maintainer "Raphaël Cauderlier") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools" "flycheck" "dedukti") (:url . "https://github.com/rafoo/flycheck-dedukti"))]) (flycheck-dialyxir . [(20170515 1525) ((flycheck (29))) "flycheck checker for elixir dialyxir" single ((:commit . "adfb73374cb2bee75724822972f405f2ec371199") (:authors ("Aaron Jensen" . "aaronjensen@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Aaron Jensen" . "aaronjensen@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/aaronjensen/flycheck-dialyxir"))]) (flycheck-dialyzer . [(20160326 1430) ((flycheck (0 18))) "Support dialyzer in flycheck" single ((:commit . "a5df0db95ac69f397b5f85d325a6d88cf8974f64") (:authors ("Lorenzo Bolla" . "lbolla@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Lorenzo Bolla" . "lbolla@gmail.com"))]) (flycheck-dmd-dub . [(20210412 1608) ((flycheck (0 24)) (f (0 18 2))) "Sets flycheck-dmd-include-paths from dub package information" single ((:commit . "818bfed45ac8597b6ad568c71eb9428138a125c8") (:authors ("Atila Neves" . "atila.neves@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Atila Neves" . "atila.neves@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "http://github.com/atilaneves/flycheck-dmd-dub"))]) (flycheck-dogma . [(20170125 721) ((flycheck (29))) "flycheck checker for elixir dogma" single ((:commit . "eea1844a81e87e2488b05e703a93272d0fc3bc74") (:authors ("Aaron Jensen" . "aaronjensen@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Aaron Jensen" . "aaronjensen@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/aaronjensen/flycheck-dogma"))]) (flycheck-drstring . [(20200210 1903) ((emacs (25 1)) (flycheck (0 25)) (swift-mode (8 0))) "Doc linting for Swift using DrString" single ((:commit . "d8d5a560e792a6657ef5ac69934c74f1ed51372d") (:authors ("Daniel Martín" . "mardani29@yahoo.es")) (:maintainer "Daniel Martín" . "mardani29@yahoo.es") (:keywords "tools" "flycheck") (:url . "https://github.com/danielmartin/flycheck-drstring"))]) (flycheck-dtrace . [(20180903 1630) ((emacs (25 1)) (flycheck (0 22))) "Flycheck: DTrace support" single ((:commit . "951fab3a15c11d92b9fac1ea4791a80dfe034a00") (:authors ("Jürgen Hötzel" . "juergen@hoetzel.info")) (:maintainer "Jürgen Hötzel" . "juergen@hoetzel.info") (:keywords "languages" "convenience" "tools"))]) (flycheck-eldev . [(20210305 2231) ((flycheck (32)) (dash (2 17)) (emacs (24 4))) "Eldev support in Flycheck" single ((:commit . "2ed17db874da51fba3d2991a1e05cf375fca9619") (:authors ("Paul Pogonyshev" . "pogonyshev@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Paul Pogonyshev" . "pogonyshev@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-eldev"))]) (flycheck-elixir . [(20210413 612) ((flycheck (0 25))) "Support Elixir in flycheck" single ((:commit . "b57a77a21d6cf9621b3387831cba34135c4fa35d") (:authors ("Lorenzo Bolla" . "lbolla@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Lorenzo Bolla" . "lbolla@gmail.com"))]) (flycheck-elm . [(20181107 146) ((flycheck (0 29 -4)) (emacs (24 4)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (seq (2 20))) "Flycheck support for the elm language" single ((:commit . "1b60050efd4729bfba548f3e5adbcb58436667cb") (:authors ("Brian Sermons")) (:maintainer "Brian Sermons") (:url . "https://github.com/bsermons/flycheck-elm"))]) (flycheck-elsa . [(20200203 1758) ((emacs (25)) (seq (2 0))) "Flycheck for Elsa." tar ((:commit . "6274e6d5391bcdca46164b3238b045ca21c353a2") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-elsa/flycheck-elsa"))]) (flycheck-flawfinder . [(20170116 327) ((flycheck (0 24)) (emacs (24 4))) "Integrate flawfinder with flycheck" single ((:commit . "7d964d38023b088adf3ffc2fddeead81f4491a45") (:authors ("Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/alexmurray/flycheck-flawfinder"))]) (flycheck-flow . [(20190304 1459) ((flycheck (0 18)) (json (1 4))) "Support Flow in flycheck" single ((:commit . "9e8e52cfc98af6a23fd906f9cb5d5d470d8cf82d") (:authors ("Lorenzo Bolla" . "lbolla@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Lorenzo Bolla" . "lbolla@gmail.com"))]) (flycheck-ghcmod . [(20150114 632) ((flycheck (0 21 -4 1)) (dash (2 0))) "A flycheck checker for Haskell using ghcmod" single ((:commit . "6bb7b7d879f05bbae54e99eb04806c877adf3ccc") (:authors ("Shen Chao" . "scturtle@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen Chao" . "scturtle@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/scturtle/flycheck-ghcmod"))]) (flycheck-golangci-lint . [(20190330 1412) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 22))) "Flycheck checker for golangci-lint" single ((:commit . "8e446c68311048f0b87febf8ef0379e29d358851") (:authors ("Wei Jian Gan" . "weijiangan@outlook.com")) (:maintainer "Wei Jian Gan" . "weijiangan@outlook.com") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "go") (:url . "https://github.com/weijiangan/flycheck-golangci-lint"))]) (flycheck-gometalinter . [(20180424 941) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 22))) "flycheck checker for gometalinter" single ((:commit . "1e3eede14da405b914a7d8b00300846e4393cb83") (:authors ("Diep Pham" . "me@favadi.com")) (:maintainer "Diep Pham" . "me@favadi.com") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "go") (:url . "https://github.com/favadi/flycheck-gometalinter"))]) (flycheck-google-cpplint . [(20210210 300) ((flycheck (0 20 -4 1))) "Help to comply with the Google C++ Style Guide" single ((:commit . "6e2bc77da6e2a8812246b4717d97b68675ed84f1") (:authors ("Akiha Senda" . "senda.akiha@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jen-Chieh Shen" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:keywords "flycheck" "c" "c++") (:url . "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-google-cpplint/"))]) (flycheck-gradle . [(20190315 234) ((emacs (25 1)) (flycheck (0 25))) "Flycheck extension for Gradle." single ((:commit . "1ca08bbc343362a923cbdc2010f66e41655e92ab") (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "james@jojojames.com") (:keywords "languages" "gradle") (:url . "https://github.com/jojojames/flycheck-gradle"))]) (flycheck-grammalecte . [(20210705 1656) ((emacs (26 1)) (flycheck (26))) "Integrate Grammalecte with Flycheck" tar ((:commit . "59b37e09923290da1c8458e507da43f403f555d2") (:authors ("Guilhem Doulcier" . "guilhem.doulcier@espci.fr") ("Étienne Deparis" . "etienne@depar.is")) (:maintainer "Étienne Deparis" . "etienne@depar.is") (:keywords "i18n" "text") (:url . "https://git.umaneti.net/flycheck-grammalecte/"))]) (flycheck-grammarly . [(20210405 1319) ((emacs (25 1)) (flycheck (0 14)) (grammarly (0 3 0))) "Grammarly support for Flycheck" single ((:commit . "abab9e6fadccd6e239f3f7efd91b155c9d5cd716") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-grammarly/flycheck-grammarly"))]) (flycheck-guile . [(20201202 509) ((emacs (24 1)) (flycheck (0 22)) (geiser (0 11))) "A Flycheck checker for GNU Guile" single ((:commit . "e46d6e5453dd7471309fae6549445c48e6d8f340") (:authors ("Ricardo Wurmus" . "rekado@elephly.net")) (:maintainer "Andrew Whatson" . "whatson@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/flatwhatson/flycheck-guile"))]) (flycheck-haskell . [(20200927 1603) ((emacs (24 3)) (flycheck (0 25)) (haskell-mode (13 7)) (dash (2 4 0)) (seq (1 11)) (let-alist (1 0 1))) "Flycheck: Automatic Haskell configuration" tar ((:commit . "f04842252babd37c0ac60e069272a3477b538332") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-haskell"))]) (flycheck-hdevtools . [(20160926 702) ((flycheck (0 21 -4 1)) (dash (2 0))) "A flycheck checker for Haskell using hdevtools" single ((:commit . "8248ebaf8376ee5e37ff47c814a291550a7bdcf2") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-hdevtools"))]) (flycheck-hledger . [(20210119 1000) ((emacs (27 1)) (flycheck (31))) "Flycheck module to check hledger journals" single ((:commit . "0eeaa707b74f96761404daa2f807fbd7af904b75") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "damien@cassou.me")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "damien@cassou.me") (:url . "https://github.com/DamienCassou/flycheck-hledger/"))]) (flycheck-indent . [(20200129 2046) ((emacs (25 1)) (indent-lint (1 0 0)) (flycheck (31))) "Indent-lint frontend for flycheck" single ((:commit . "c55f4ded11e8e50a96f43675a071354a8fb501c3") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/conao3/indent-lint.el"))]) (flycheck-indicator . [(20200331 1142) ((flycheck (0 15))) "A fancy mode line indicator for `flycheck-mode'" single ((:commit . "e00d9a20cbc21d6814c27cc9206296da394478e8") (:authors ("Eder Elorriaga" . "gexplorer8@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Eder Elorriaga" . "gexplorer8@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "language" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/gexplorer/flycheck-indicator"))]) (flycheck-ini-pyinilint . [(20190312 1931) ((flycheck (31))) "Flycheck integration for PyINILint" single ((:commit . "7febbea9ed407eccc4bfd24ae0d3afd1c19394f7") (:authors ("Daniel J. R. May" . "daniel.may@danieljrmay.com")) (:maintainer "Daniel J. R. May" . "daniel.may@danieljrmay.com") (:keywords "convenience" "files" "tools") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/danieljrmay/flycheck-ini-pyinilint"))]) (flycheck-inline . [(20200808 1019) ((emacs (25 1)) (flycheck (32))) "Display Flycheck errors inline" single ((:commit . "8e00b4c5951a9515a450a14aefe92e9f6ddcfbde") (:authors ("fmdkdd")) (:maintainer "fmdkdd") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-inline"))]) (flycheck-irony . [(20180604 2152) ((emacs (24 1)) (flycheck (0 22)) (irony (0 2 0))) "Flycheck: C/C++ support via Irony" single ((:commit . "42dbecd4a865cabeb301193bb4d660e26ae3befe") (:authors ("Guillaume Papin" . "guillaume.papin@epitech.eu")) (:maintainer "Guillaume Papin" . "guillaume.papin@epitech.eu") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "c") (:url . "https://github.com/Sarcasm/flycheck-irony/"))]) (flycheck-jest . [(20180411 328) ((emacs (25 1)) (flycheck (0 25))) "Flycheck extension for Jest." single ((:commit . "08f27c5ed97c83c445f99fab58f0b6c826f14449") (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "james@jojojames.com") (:keywords "languages" "jest") (:url . "https://github.com/jojojames/flycheck-jest"))]) (flycheck-joker . [(20200412 2346) ((flycheck (0 18))) "Add Clojure syntax checker (via Joker) to flycheck" single ((:commit . "93576295fef7a749bf779eeece5edd85e21868e2") (:authors ("Roman Bataev" . "roman.bataev@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Roman Bataev" . "roman.bataev@gmail.com"))]) (flycheck-julia . [(20170729 2141) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 22))) "Julia support for Flycheck" single ((:commit . "213b60a5a9a1cb7887260e1d159b5bb27167cbb6") (:authors ("Guido Kraemer" . "guido.kraemer@gmx.de")) (:maintainer "Guido Kraemer" . "guido.kraemer@gmx.de") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/gdkrmr/flycheck-julia"))]) (flycheck-keg . [(20200726 218) ((emacs (24 3)) (keg (0 1)) (flycheck (0 1))) "Flycheck for Keg projects" single ((:commit . "e4c7d9d8f823fa717df5f0e7039d525758429fc9") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/conao3/keg.el"))]) (flycheck-kotlin . [(20210406 1148) ((flycheck (0 20))) "Support kotlin in flycheck" single ((:commit . "bf1b398bdde128806a0a7479ebbe369bbaa40dae") (:authors ("Elric Milon" . "whirm_REMOVETHIS__@gmx.com")) (:maintainer "Elric Milon" . "whirm_REMOVETHIS__@gmx.com"))]) (flycheck-languagetool . [(20210715 946) ((emacs (25 1)) (flycheck (0 14))) "Flycheck support for LanguageTool" single ((:commit . "c4a1dd0b23b8b25ba706eed48ae7d3e97bf4f349") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") ("Peter Oliver" . "git@mavit.org.uk")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-languagetool/flycheck-languagetool"))]) (flycheck-ledger . [(20200304 2204) ((emacs (24 1)) (flycheck (0 15))) "Flycheck integration for ledger files" single ((:commit . "628e25ba66604946085571652a94a54f4d1ad96f") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flycheck-ledger"))]) (flycheck-lilypond . [(20200614 2104) ((emacs (24 3)) (flycheck (0 22))) "LilyPond support in Flycheck" single ((:commit . "17133911b519be76365103dec8c10cb2f3729f1a") (:authors ("Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "hinrik.sig@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "hinrik.sig@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/hinrik/flycheck-lilypond"))]) (flycheck-liquidhs . [(20170412 2326) ((flycheck (0 15))) "A flycheck checker for Haskell using liquid (i.e. liquidhaskell)" single ((:commit . "c27252ac24d77f4b6eec76a4ba9cd61761a3fba9") (:authors ("Ranjit Jhala" . "jhala@cs.ucsd.edu")) (:maintainer "Ranjit Jhala" . "jhala@cs.ucsd.edu") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/ucsd-progsys/liquidhaskell/flycheck-liquid.el"))]) (flycheck-mercury . [(20181118 1952) ((flycheck (0 22)) (s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 4 0))) "Mercury support in Flycheck" single ((:commit . "b6807a8db70981e21a91a93324c31e49de85c89f") (:authors ("Matthias Güdemann" . "matthias.gudemann@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matthias Güdemann" . "matthias.gudemann@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-mercury"))]) (flycheck-mmark . [(20190713 1323) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (0 29))) "Flycheck checker for the MMark markdown processor" single ((:commit . "2f5f7502c1e422c1df5b347b8142d67d5cd5caa7") (:authors ("Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "text") (:url . "https://github.com/mmark-md/flycheck-mmark"))]) (flycheck-mypy . [(20200113 1336) ((flycheck (0 18))) "Support mypy in flycheck" single ((:commit . "5b4e14ab0cbce2ff35fee7e69b5b95eafd609c80") (:authors ("Lorenzo Bolla" . "lbolla@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Lorenzo Bolla" . "lbolla@gmail.com"))]) (flycheck-nim . [(20190927 1514) ((dash (2 4 0)) (flycheck (0 20))) "Defines a flycheck syntax checker for nim" single ((:commit . "ddfade51001571c2399f78bcc509e0aa8eb752a4") (:authors ("Adam Schwalm" . "adamschwalm@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Adam Schwalm" . "adamschwalm@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/ALSchwalm/flycheck-nim"))]) (flycheck-nimsuggest . [(20171027 2208) ((flycheck (0 23)) (emacs (24 3))) "flycheck backend for Nim using nimsuggest" single ((:commit . "dc9a5de1cb3ee05db5794d824610959a1f603bc9") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada ")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada ") (:url . "https://github.com/yuutayamada/flycheck-nimsuggest"))]) (flycheck-objc-clang . [(20201003 1053) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (26))) "Flycheck: Objective-C support using Clang" single ((:commit . "5e74a5a796e73fca7f3fd15986fefa56529b8e98") (:authors ("Goichi Hirakawa" . "gooichi@gyazsquare.com")) (:maintainer "Goichi Hirakawa" . "gooichi@gyazsquare.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/GyazSquare/flycheck-objc-clang"))]) (flycheck-ocaml . [(20170730 2153) ((emacs (24 1)) (flycheck (0 22)) (merlin (3 0 1)) (let-alist (1 0 3))) "Flycheck: OCaml support" single ((:commit . "8707a7bf545a8639a6a5c600a98d9a2ea1487dc9") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-ocaml"))]) (flycheck-package . [(20210509 2323) ((emacs (24 1)) (flycheck (0 22)) (package-lint (0 2))) "A Flycheck checker for elisp package authors" single ((:commit . "ecd03f83790611888d693c684d719e033f69cb40") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") ("Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flycheck-package"))]) (flycheck-pact . [(20180920 2052) ((emacs (24 3)) (flycheck (0 25)) (pact-mode (0 0 4))) "Flycheck support for pact-mode" single ((:commit . "0e10045064ef89ec8b6f5a473073d47b976a2ca3") (:authors ("Stuart Popejoy")) (:maintainer "Stuart Popejoy" . "stuart@kadena.io") (:keywords "pact" "lisp" "languages" "blockchain" "smartcontracts" "tools" "linting") (:url . "http://github.com/kadena-io/flycheck-pact"))]) (flycheck-pest . [(20200317 1503) ((emacs (26 3)) (flycheck (31)) (pest-mode (0 1))) "Flycheck integration for Pest -" single ((:commit . "43447a2c70f98edd1139005e32f437d3f142442b") (:authors ("Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "flycheck") (:url . "https://github.com/ksqsf/pest-mode"))]) (flycheck-phpstan . [(20210714 1805) ((emacs (24 3)) (flycheck (26)) (phpstan (0 5 0))) "Flycheck integration for PHPStan" single ((:commit . "0869b152f82a76138daa53e953285936b9d558bd") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:keywords "tools" "php") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-php/phpstan.el"))]) (flycheck-pkg-config . [(20200409 501) ((dash (2 8 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (flycheck (29))) "configure flycheck using pkg-config" single ((:commit . "b76b24ea1f4800f5fb96ce9c6c4788e0e63133d3") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk") (:keywords "flycheck"))]) (flycheck-plantuml . [(20171018 111) ((flycheck (0 24)) (emacs (24 4)) (plantuml-mode (1 2 2))) "Integrate plantuml with flycheck" single ((:commit . "183be89e1dbba0b38237dd198dff600e0790309d") (:authors ("Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/alexmurray/flycheck-plantuml"))]) (flycheck-pony . [(20210118 1326) ((flycheck (0 25 1))) "Pony support in Flycheck" single ((:commit . "ca00e018ecb9ebea4dde7f17eadb95d755ea88ab") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/seantallen/flycheck-pony"))]) (flycheck-popup-tip . [(20170812 2351) ((flycheck (0 22)) (popup (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "Display Flycheck error messages using popup.el" single ((:commit . "ef86aad907f27ca076859d8d9416f4f7727619c6") (:authors ("Saša Jovanić" . "sasa@simplify.ba")) (:maintainer "Saša Jovanić" . "sasa@simplify.ba") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "flycheck" "tooltip") (:url . "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-popup-tip/"))]) (flycheck-pos-tip . [(20200516 1600) ((emacs (24 1)) (flycheck (0 22)) (pos-tip (0 4 6))) "Display Flycheck errors in GUI tooltips" single ((:commit . "dc57beac0e59669926ad720c7af38b27c3a30467") (:authors ("Akiha Senda" . "senda.akiha@gmail.com") ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-pos-tip"))]) (flycheck-posframe . [(20210316 618) ((flycheck (0 24)) (emacs (26)) (posframe (0 7 0))) "Show flycheck error messages using posframe.el" single ((:commit . "8f60c9bf124ab9597d681504a73fdf116a0bde12") (:authors ("Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Murray" . "murray.alex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/alexmurray/flycheck-posframe"))]) (flycheck-projectile . [(20201031 1952) ((emacs (25 1)) (flycheck (31)) (projectile (2 2))) "Project-wide errors" single ((:commit . "ce6e9e8793a55dace13d5fa13badab2dca3b5ddb") (:authors ("Nikita Bloshchanevich" . "nikblos@outlook.com")) (:maintainer "Nikita Bloshchanevich" . "nikblos@outlook.com") (:url . "https://github.com/nbfalcon/flycheck-projectile"))]) (flycheck-prospector . [(20180524 450) ((flycheck (0 22))) "Support prospector in flycheck" single ((:commit . "92f2680573290ba4a69a2d6e140f44680efce6a8") (:authors ("Carlos Coelho" . "carlospecter@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Carlos Coelho" . "carlospecter@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/chocoelho/flycheck-prospector"))]) (flycheck-psalm . [(20200510 1540) ((emacs (24 3)) (flycheck (26)) (psalm (0 6 0))) "Flycheck integration for Psalm" single ((:commit . "b2a1e8a9524b0004e62996c70da5536f86e56182") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:keywords "tools" "php") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-php/psalm.el"))]) (flycheck-pycheckers . [(20210414 2023) ((flycheck (0 18))) "multiple syntax checker for Python, using Flycheck" tar ((:commit . "771fb9a66223287fcd4998b5f6d32d8c602bd91c") (:keywords "convenience" "tools" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/msherry/flycheck-pycheckers"))]) (flycheck-pyflakes . [(20170330 2311) ((flycheck (0 18))) "Support pyflakes in flycheck" single ((:commit . "61b045939e3743b2162b7e4e73249c66fc2b8f65") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk"))]) (flycheck-pyre . [(20190215 1222) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (29)) (cl-lib (0 6))) "Support Pyre in flycheck" tar ((:commit . "0560122caae207d99d8af1ac2b4e5d6f6a1ce444") (:authors ("Vyacheslav Linnik" . "vyacheslav.linnik@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Vyacheslav Linnik" . "vyacheslav.linnik@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/linnik/flycheck-pyre"))]) (flycheck-raku . [(20210316 820) ((emacs (26 3)) (flycheck (0 22))) "Raku support in Flycheck" single ((:commit . "4163c0dcc1447bc98bb20b835eb23cb68a638ba9") (:authors ("Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "hinrik.sig@gmail.com") ("Johnathon Weare" . "jrweare@gmail.com") ("Siavash Askari Nasr" . "siavash.askari.nasr@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hinrik Örn Sigurðsson" . "hinrik.sig@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/Raku/flycheck-raku"))]) (flycheck-relint . [(20200721 2217) ((emacs (26 1)) (flycheck (0 22)) (relint (1 15))) "A Flycheck checker for elisp regular expressions" single ((:commit . "4d112871b82d5ea6d0d3e4aaacc55a45536707b7") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flycheck-relint"))]) (flycheck-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 23)) (rtags (2 10))) "RTags Flycheck integration" single ((:commit . "3a057f127b931c683288f8731f05ba5e2aab4133") (:authors ("Christian Schwarzgruber" . "c.schwarzgruber.cs@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Christian Schwarzgruber" . "c.schwarzgruber.cs@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/Andersbakken/rtags"))]) (flycheck-rust . [(20190319 1546) ((emacs (24 1)) (flycheck (28)) (dash (2 13 0)) (seq (2 3)) (let-alist (1 0 4))) "Flycheck: Rust additions and Cargo support" single ((:commit . "a139cd53c5062697e9ed94ad80b803c37d999600") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wiesner" . "swiesner@lunaryorn.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/flycheck/flycheck-rust"))]) (flycheck-stan . [(20210130 1325) ((emacs (25 1)) (flycheck (0 16 0)) (stan-mode (10 2 1))) "Add Stan support for Flycheck" tar ((:commit . "9bb858b9f1314dcf1a5df23e39f9af522098276b") (:authors ("Jeffrey Arnold" . "jeffrey.arnold@gmail.com") ("Kazuki Yoshida" . "kazukiyoshida@mail.harvard.edu")) (:maintainer "Kazuki Yoshida" . "kazukiyoshida@mail.harvard.edu") (:keywords "c" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/stan-dev/stan-mode/tree/master/flycheck-stan"))]) (flycheck-status-emoji . [(20180330 2325) ((cl-lib (0 1)) (emacs (24)) (flycheck (0 20)) (let-alist (1 0))) "Show flycheck status using cute, compact emoji" single ((:commit . "4bd113ab42dec9544b66e0a27ed9008ce8148433") (:authors ("Ben Liblit" . "liblit@acm.org")) (:maintainer "Ben Liblit" . "liblit@acm.org") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/liblit/flycheck-status-emoji"))]) (flycheck-swift . [(20170129 549) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (0 25))) "Flycheck extension for Apple's Swift." single ((:commit . "4c5ad401252400a78da395fd56a71e67ff8c2761") (:keywords "languages" "swift"))]) (flycheck-swift3 . [(20201003 916) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (26))) "Flycheck: Swift support for Apple swift-mode" single ((:commit . "f83b2bb7086e54beb2bd2df406a498927a7b2fba") (:authors ("Goichi Hirakawa" . "gooichi@gyazsquare.com")) (:maintainer "Goichi Hirakawa" . "gooichi@gyazsquare.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/GyazSquare/flycheck-swift3"))]) (flycheck-swiftlint . [(20180830 340) ((emacs (25 1)) (flycheck (0 25))) "Flycheck extension for Swiftlint." single ((:commit . "8861ddbd9c1c2a951630d9ea29162ad0916580cb") (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "james@jojojames.com") (:keywords "languages" "swiftlint" "swift" "emacs") (:url . "https://github.com/jojojames/flycheck-swiftlint"))]) (flycheck-swiftx . [(20200814 845) ((emacs (26 1)) (flycheck (26)) (xcode-project (1 0))) "Flycheck: Swift backend" single ((:commit . "84f42393dea362d3bdfc9253a205a17ec7a12a76") (:authors ("John Buckley" . "john@olivetoast.com")) (:maintainer "John Buckley" . "john@olivetoast.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/nhojb/flycheck-swiftx"))]) (flycheck-tcl . [(20180327 1259) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (0 22))) "A flycheck checker for Tcl using tclchecker" single ((:commit . "7ca23f4673e178b9f5dcc8a82b86cf05b15d7236") (:authors ("Niels Widger" . "niels.widger@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Niels Widger" . "niels.widger@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/nwidger/flycheck-tcl"))]) (flycheck-tip . [(20171020 1048) ((flycheck (29)) (emacs (24 1)) (popup (0 5 0))) "Show flycheck/flymake errors by tooltip" tar ((:commit . "9b0072d92e6b4a52834bf5a34120a0f5e1c8c2fd") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada ")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada ") (:keywords "flycheck") (:url . "https://github.com/yuutayamada/flycheck-tip"))]) (flycheck-title . [(20210321 558) ((flycheck (30)) (emacs (24))) "show flycheck errors in the frame title" single ((:commit . "74e4375f372f7b9ce0fdfa34dc74a048376679ae") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk"))]) (flycheck-vale . [(20190609 1533) ((emacs (24 4)) (flycheck (0 22)) (let-alist (1 0 4))) "flycheck integration for vale" single ((:commit . "f08249535348d046d0974b9c20fe1b7dd3cd2660") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "austin.bingham@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "austin.bingham@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/abingham/flycheck-vale"))]) (flycheck-vdm . [(20190304 839) ((emacs (24)) (flycheck (32 -4)) (vdm-mode (0 0 4))) "Syntax checking for vdm-mode" single ((:commit . "89e7db6ee1a89b8c1f7ce36ce6800c32b5c4ba2d") (:authors ("Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen" . "peter.w.v.jorgensen@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Peter W. V. Tran-Jørgensen" . "peter.w.v.jorgensen@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/peterwvj/vdm-mode"))]) (flycheck-xcode . [(20180122 651) ((emacs (25 1)) (flycheck (0 25))) "Flycheck extension for Apple's Xcode." single ((:commit . "b76f872c8985801951a095b8b3c1572b94189f9e") (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "james@jojojames.com") (:keywords "languages" "xcode") (:url . "https://github.com/jojojames/flycheck-xcode"))]) (flycheck-yamllint . [(20170325 1735) ((flycheck (30))) "Flycheck integration for YAMLLint" single ((:commit . "1e9fe3b2d3e42d551b94473816a8eeee637b446c") (:authors ("Krzysztof Magosa" . "krzysztof@magosa.pl")) (:maintainer "Krzysztof Magosa" . "krzysztof@magosa.pl") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/krzysztof-magosa/flycheck-yamllint"))]) (flycheck-yang . [(20180312 1831) ((yang-mode (0 9 4)) (flycheck (0 18))) "YANG flycheck checker" single ((:commit . "47881fc42ef0163c47064b72b5d6dbef4f83d778") (:authors (nil . "Andrew Fort (@andaru)")) (:maintainer nil . "Andrew Fort (@andaru)"))]) (flycheck-ycmd . [(20181016 618) ((emacs (24)) (dash (2 13 0)) (flycheck (0 22)) (ycmd (1 2)) (let-alist (1 0 5))) "flycheck integration for ycmd" single ((:commit . "c17ff9e0250a9b39d23af37015a2b300e2f36fed") (:authors ("Austin Bingham" . "austin.bingham@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Austin Bingham" . "austin.bingham@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/abingham/emacs-ycmd"))]) (flymake-aspell . [(20210411 2342) ((emacs (26 1))) "Aspell checker for flymake" single ((:commit . "3abe1a6184fefea3e427141131fba40afae3d356") (:authors ("Leo Gaskin" . "leo.gaskin@le0.gs")) (:maintainer "Leo Gaskin" . "leo.gaskin@le0.gs") (:keywords "wp" "flymake" "spell" "aspell") (:url . "https://github.com/leotaku/flycheck-aspell"))]) (flymake-coffee . [(20170723 146) ((flymake-easy (0 1))) "A flymake handler for coffee script" single ((:commit . "dee295acf30820ed15fe0de17137d50bc27fc80c") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-coffee"))]) (flymake-css . [(20170723 146) ((flymake-easy (0 1))) "Flymake support for css using csslint" single ((:commit . "de090163ba289910ceeb61b13368ce42d0f2dfd8") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-css"))]) (flymake-cursor . [(20210126 1733) ((flymake (0 3))) "Show flymake messages in the minibuffer after delay" single ((:commit . "afd458daf88f475cfacdd22375635e43a5017564") (:authors ("Unknown Original Author") ("Dino Chiesa" . "dpchiesa@hotmail.com") ("Sam Graham ")) (:maintainer "Sam Graham ") (:keywords "languages" "mode" "flymake") (:url . "https://github.com/flymake/emacs-flymake-cursor"))]) (flymake-diagnostic-at-point . [(20180815 1004) ((emacs (26 1)) (popup (0 5 3))) "Display flymake diagnostics at point" single ((:commit . "379616b1c6f5ebeaf08fbe54ae765008a78b3be7") (:authors ("Ricardo Martins" . "ricardo@scarybox.net")) (:maintainer "Ricardo Martins" . "ricardo@scarybox.net") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/meqif/flymake-diagnostic-at-point"))]) (flymake-easy . [(20140818 755) nil "Helpers for easily building flymake checkers" single ((:commit . "de41ea49503f71f997e5c359a2ad08df696c0147") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "convenience" "internal") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-easy"))]) (flymake-elixir . [(20130810 1417) nil "A flymake handler for elixir-mode .ex files." single ((:commit . "3810566cffe35d04cc3f01e27fe397d68d52f802") (:authors ("Sylvain Benner" . "syl20bnr@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sylvain Benner" . "syl20bnr@gmail.com"))]) (flymake-eslint . [(20191129 1558) ((emacs (26 0))) "A Flymake backend for Javascript using eslint" single ((:commit . "6e2d376f84ddf9af593072954c97e9c82ab85331") (:authors ("Dan Orzechowski")) (:maintainer "Dan Orzechowski") (:url . "https://github.com/orzechowskid/flymake-eslint"))]) (flymake-flycheck . [(20210404 2128) ((flycheck (31)) (emacs (26 1))) "Use flycheck checkers as flymake backends" single ((:commit . "fd5e801b49a0dd085bc23fd6ea32b0e3be9edea7") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-flycheck"))]) (flymake-gjshint . [(20130327 1232) nil "A flymake handler for javascript using both jshint and gjslint" single ((:commit . "dc957c14cb060819585de8aedb330e24efa4b784") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:keywords "flymake" "javascript" "jshint" "gjslint"))]) (flymake-go . [(20150714 733) nil "A flymake handler for go-mode files" single ((:commit . "ae83761aa908c1a50ff34af04f00dcc46bca2ce9") (:authors ("Michael Fellinger" . "michael@iron.io") ("Robert Zaremba" . "robert.marek.zaremba@wp.eu")) (:maintainer "Michael Fellinger" . "michael@iron.io") (:keywords "go" "flymake") (:url . "https://github.com/robert-zaremba/flymake-go"))]) (flymake-go-staticcheck . [(20190708 1325) ((emacs (25))) "Go staticcheck linter for flymake" single ((:commit . "130079fcd29c3e2a72f8325f3041042bcc6286f1") (:authors ("Sergey Kostyaev" . "feo.me@ya.ru")) (:maintainer "Sergey Kostyaev" . "feo.me@ya.ru") (:keywords "languages" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/s-kostyaev/flymake-go-staticcheck"))]) (flymake-golangci . [(20191028 1927) ((flymake-easy (0 1)) (emacs (24))) "A flymake handler for go-mode files using Golang CI lint" single ((:commit . "dfc31a1a6ae3f087b49fe6f5f21b3866780aa91c") (:authors ("Jorge Javier Araya Navarro" . "jorgejavieran@yahoo.com.mx")) (:maintainer "Jorge Javier Araya Navarro" . "jorgejavieran@yahoo.com.mx") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/shackra/flymake-golangci"))]) (flymake-gradle . [(20190315 233) ((emacs (26 1))) "Flymake extension for Gradle." single ((:commit . "dbedd29b78d4828ef57d4de20867be5df3eaab99") (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "james@jojojames.com") (:keywords "languages" "gradle") (:url . "https://github.com/jojojames/flymake-gradle"))]) (flymake-grammarly . [(20210403 1349) ((emacs (26 1)) (grammarly (0 3 0))) "Flymake support for Grammarly" single ((:commit . "06ba82495614f1dfaffb8894f57789156586448c") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-grammarly/flymake-grammarly"))]) (flymake-haml . [(20170723 146) ((flymake-easy (0 1))) "A flymake handler for haml files" single ((:commit . "22a81e8484734552d461e7ae7305664dc244447e") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-haml"))]) (flymake-haskell-multi . [(20170723 146) ((flymake-easy (0 1))) "Syntax-check haskell-mode using both ghc and hlint" tar ((:commit . "b564a94312259885b1380272eb867bf52a164020") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-haskell-multi"))]) (flymake-hlint . [(20170723 146) ((flymake-easy (0 1))) "A flymake handler for haskell-mode files using hlint" single ((:commit . "f910736b26784efc9a2fa29503f45c1f1dd0aa38") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-hlint"))]) (flymake-joker . [(20200315 1429) ((emacs (26 1)) (flymake-quickdef (0 1 1))) "Add Clojure syntax checker (via Joker) to flymake" single ((:commit . "fc132beedac9e6f415b72e578e77318fd13af9ee") (:authors ("Mateusz Probachta" . "mateusz.probachta@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mateusz Probachta" . "mateusz.probachta@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/beetleman/flymake-joker"))]) (flymake-jshint . [(20140319 2200) ((flymake-easy (0 8))) "making flymake work with JSHint" single ((:commit . "79dd554c227883c487db38ac111306c8d5382c95") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk") (:keywords "flymake" "jshint" "javascript"))]) (flymake-jslint . [(20170723 146) ((flymake-easy (0 1))) "A flymake handler for javascript using jslint" single ((:commit . "8edb82be605542b0ef62d38d818adcdde335eecb") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-jslint"))]) (flymake-json . [(20180511 911) ((flymake-easy (0 1))) "A flymake handler for json using jsonlint" single ((:commit . "03b4e5e7ad11938781257a783e717ab95fe65952") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-json"))]) (flymake-kondor . [(20200925 1539) ((emacs (26 1)) (flymake-quickdef (1 0 0))) "Linter with clj-kondo" single ((:commit . "72052b5ba827faf357608cf720a70221192a8282") (:authors ("https://turbocafe.keybase.pub")) (:maintainer "https://turbocafe.keybase.pub") (:url . "https://github.com/turbo-cafe/flymake-kondor"))]) (flymake-ktlint . [(20180831 346) ((emacs (26 1))) "Flymake extension for Ktlint." single ((:commit . "56aab6f2d22061999050783dbc3166cdb456d0bb") (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "james@jojojames.com") (:keywords "languages" "ktlint") (:url . "https://github.com/jojojames/flymake-ktlint"))]) (flymake-languagetool . [(20210627 434) ((emacs (27 1)) (s (1 9 0))) "Flymake support for LanguageTool" single ((:commit . "5c93f538978f2d272e5210b27f5255ee87b6b61f") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-languagetool/flymake-languagetool"))]) (flymake-less . [(20151111 738) ((less-css-mode (0 15)) (flymake-easy (0 1))) "Flymake handler for LESS stylesheets (lesscss.org)" single ((:commit . "32d3c28a9a5c52b82d1741ff9d715013b6498421") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:keywords "languages"))]) (flymake-lua . [(20170129 154) nil "Flymake for Lua" single ((:commit . "84589f20066921a5b79cf3a1f914a223a2552d2a") (:authors (nil . "Sébastien Roccaserra (format \"<%s%s@%s.%s>\" \"s\" \"roccaserra\" \"yahoo\" \"com\")")) (:maintainer nil . "Sébastien Roccaserra (format \"<%s%s@%s.%s>\" \"s\" \"roccaserra\" \"yahoo\" \"com\")") (:keywords "lua"))]) (flymake-nasm . [(20210310 1540) ((flymake-quickdef (1 0 0)) (emacs (26 1))) "A flymake handler for asm-mode files using nasm" single ((:commit . "27e58d7f3a48ca6fc12238fe6c888a3fdffc3f75") (:authors ("Jürgen Hötzel" . "juergen@hoetzel.info")) (:maintainer "Jürgen Hötzel") (:keywords "tools" "languages") (:url . "http://github.com/juergenhoetzel/flymake-nasm"))]) (flymake-perlcritic . [(20120328 814) ((flymake (0 3))) "Flymake handler for Perl to invoke Perl::Critic" tar ((:commit . "c70eb881d4fb27aeb72c0bf8de6707b9de49bd51") (:authors ("Sam Graham ")) (:maintainer "Sam Graham ") (:url . "https://github.com/illusori/emacs-flymake-perlcritic"))]) (flymake-pest . [(20200317 1503) ((emacs (26 3)) (pest-mode (0 1))) "A flymake handler for Pest files" single ((:commit . "43447a2c70f98edd1139005e32f437d3f142442b") (:authors ("ksqsf" . "i@ksqsf.moe") ("Naoya Yamashita" . "conao3@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "ksqsf" . "i@ksqsf.moe") (:keywords "languages" "flymake") (:url . "https://github.com/ksqsf/pest-mode"))]) (flymake-php . [(20170723 146) ((flymake-easy (0 1))) "A flymake handler for php-mode files" single ((:commit . "c045d01e002ba5e09b05f40e25bf5068d02126bc") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-php"))]) (flymake-phpcs . [(20140713 631) ((flymake-easy (0 9))) "making flymake work with PHP CodeSniffer" single ((:commit . "8e5ab5103c8f40a2ab6c86def6327e480ae93657") (:authors ("Akiha Senda")) (:maintainer "Akiha Senda") (:keywords "flymake" "phpcs" "php") (:url . "https://github.com/senda-akiha/flymake-phpcs/"))]) (flymake-phpstan . [(20210714 1805) ((emacs (26 1)) (phpstan (0 5 0))) "Flymake backend for PHP using PHPStan" single ((:commit . "0869b152f82a76138daa53e953285936b9d558bd") (:authors ("USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me")) (:maintainer "USAMI Kenta" . "tadsan@zonu.me") (:keywords "tools" "php") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-php/phpstan.el"))]) (flymake-proselint . [(20210621 929) ((emacs (26 1))) "Flymake backend for proselint" single ((:commit . "adf1ce7daf1380cb50f365a36548165fe4a32423") (:authors ("Manuel Uberti" . "manuel.uberti@inventati.org")) (:maintainer "Manuel Uberti" . "manuel.uberti@inventati.org") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/manuel-uberti/flymake-proselint"))]) (flymake-puppet . [(20170801 554) ((flymake-easy (0 9))) "Flymake handler using puppet-lint" single ((:commit . "8a772395f4ccc59d883712ab53a92a17c1d9a429") (:authors ("Ben Prew")) (:maintainer "Ben Prew") (:url . "https://github.com/benprew/flymake-puppet"))]) (flymake-python-pyflakes . [(20170723 146) ((flymake-easy (0 8))) "A flymake handler for python-mode files using pyflakes (or flake8)" single ((:commit . "1d65c26bf65a5dcbd29fcd967e2feb90e1e7a33d") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-python-pyflakes"))]) (flymake-quickdef . [(20200308 2342) ((emacs (26 1))) "Quickly define a new Flymake backend" single ((:commit . "150c5839768a3d32f988f9dc08052978a68f2ad7") (:authors ("Karl Otness")) (:maintainer "Karl Otness") (:keywords "languages" "tools" "convenience" "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/karlotness/flymake-quickdef"))]) (flymake-racket . [(20210105 606) ((emacs (26 1))) "Flymake extension for Racket." single ((:commit . "3d3e5f2a9ab696670f9e52baa4dde7b84b7542df") (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "james@jojojames.com") (:keywords "languages" "racket" "scheme") (:url . "https://github.com/jojojames/flymake-racket"))]) (flymake-ruby . [(20170723 146) ((flymake-easy (0 1))) "A flymake handler for ruby-mode files" single ((:commit . "6c320c6fb686c5223bf975cc35178ad6b195e073") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-ruby"))]) (flymake-sass . [(20170723 146) ((flymake-easy (0 1))) "Flymake handler for sass and scss files" single ((:commit . "2de28148e92deb93bff3d55fe14e7c67ac476056") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-sass"))]) (flymake-shell . [(20170723 146) ((flymake-easy (0 1))) "A flymake syntax-checker for shell scripts" single ((:commit . "a16cf453056b9849cc7c912bb127fb0b08fc6dab") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/flymake-shell"))]) (flymake-shellcheck . [(20210314 2048) ((emacs (26))) "A bash/sh Flymake backend powered by ShellCheck" single ((:commit . "ac534e9ef15c82ac86ae65fe5004d29dbc8c92c7") (:authors ("Federico Tedin" . "federicotedin@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Federico Tedin" . "federicotedin@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/federicotdn/flymake-shellcheck"))]) (flymake-solidity . [(20170805 644) ((flymake-easy (0 10))) "A flymake handler for solidity using solc" single ((:commit . "48bfe9525f764d8a68cc0270905dbf45bfd00bb8") (:authors ("Pascal van Kooten" . "kootenpv@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Pascal van Kooten" . "kootenpv@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/kootenvp/flymake-solidity"))]) (flymake-vala . [(20150326 531) ((flymake-easy (0 1))) "A flymake handler for vala-mode files" single ((:commit . "c3674f461fc84fb0300cd3a562fb903a59782745") (:authors ("Daniel Lawrence" . "dannyla@linux.com")) (:maintainer "Daniel Lawrence" . "dannyla@linux.com") (:keywords "convenience" "vala") (:url . "https://github.com/daniellawrence/flymake-vala"))]) (flymake-vnu . [(20181128 216) ((emacs (26 1))) "Flymake extension for the v.Nu HTML validator." single ((:commit . "7c4ab9d12611756ad5a80d866890b2f9b73fb611") (:maintainer "Stefan Kuznetsov" . "skuznetsov@posteo.net") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/theneosloth/flymake-vnu"))]) (flymake-yaml . [(20130423 1548) ((flymake-easy (0 1))) "A flymake handler for YAML" single ((:commit . "24cb5b744a1796e554e6dbfc6eeb237d06a00b10") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:keywords "yaml") (:url . "https://github.com/yasuyk/flymake-yaml"))]) (flymd . [(20160617 1214) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "On the fly markdown preview" tar ((:commit . "84d5a68bcfed4a295952c33ffcd11e880978d9d7") (:authors ("Mola-T" . "Mola@molamola.xyz")) (:maintainer "Mola-T" . "Mola@molamola.xyz") (:keywords "markdown" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/mola-T/flymd"))]) (flyparens . [(20140723 1846) nil "Check for unbalanced parens on the fly" tar ((:commit . "af9b8cfd647d0e5f97684d613dc2eea7cfc19398") (:authors ("Jisang Yoo")) (:maintainer "Jisang Yoo") (:keywords "faces" "convenience" "lisp" "matching" "parentheses" "parens"))]) (flyspell-correct . [(20210724 1042) ((emacs (24))) "Correcting words with flyspell via custom interface" tar ((:commit . "00357953a736e21d0a1c8d76f5605820990544fe") (:authors ("Boris Buliga" . "boris@d12frosted.io")) (:maintainer "Boris Buliga" . "boris@d12frosted.io") (:url . "https://github.com/d12frosted/flyspell-correct"))]) (flyspell-correct-avy-menu . [(20210124 1143) ((flyspell-correct (0 6 1)) (avy-menu (0 1 1)) (emacs (24))) "Correcting words with flyspell via avy-menu interface" single ((:commit . "00357953a736e21d0a1c8d76f5605820990544fe") (:authors ("Boris Buliga" . "boris@d12frosted.io") ("Clemens Radermacher" . "clemera@posteo.net")) (:maintainer "Boris Buliga" . "boris@d12frosted.io") (:url . "https://github.com/d12frosted/flyspell-correct"))]) (flyspell-correct-helm . [(20210124 1143) ((flyspell-correct (0 6 1)) (helm (1 9 0)) (emacs (24))) "Correcting words with flyspell via helm interface" single ((:commit . "00357953a736e21d0a1c8d76f5605820990544fe") (:authors ("Boris Buliga" . "boris@d12frosted.io")) (:maintainer "Boris Buliga" . "boris@d12frosted.io") (:url . "https://github.com/d12frosted/flyspell-correct"))]) (flyspell-correct-ivy . [(20210124 1143) ((flyspell-correct (0 6 1)) (ivy (0 8 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Correcting words with flyspell via ivy interface" single ((:commit . "00357953a736e21d0a1c8d76f5605820990544fe") (:authors ("Boris Buliga" . "boris@d12frosted.io")) (:maintainer "Boris Buliga" . "boris@d12frosted.io") (:url . "https://github.com/d12frosted/flyspell-correct"))]) (flyspell-correct-popup . [(20210124 1143) ((flyspell-correct (0 6 1)) (popup (0 5 3)) (emacs (24))) "Correcting words with flyspell via popup interface" single ((:commit . "00357953a736e21d0a1c8d76f5605820990544fe") (:authors ("Boris Buliga" . "boris@d12frosted.io")) (:maintainer "Boris Buliga" . "boris@d12frosted.io") (:url . "https://github.com/d12frosted/flyspell-correct"))]) (flyspell-lazy . [(20210308 1253) nil "Improve flyspell responsiveness using idle timers" single ((:commit . "0fc5996bcee20b46cbd227ae948d343c3bef7339") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com") (:keywords "spelling") (:url . "http://github.com/rolandwalker/flyspell-lazy"))]) (flyspell-popup . [(20170529 815) ((popup (0 5 0))) "Correcting words with Flyspell in popup menus" single ((:commit . "29311849bfd253b9b689bf331860b4c4d3bd4dde") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "mail@xuchunyang.me")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "mail@xuchunyang.me") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/flyspell-popup"))]) (fm-bookmarks . [(20170104 1716) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Use file manager bookmarks (eg Dolphin, Nautilus, PCManFM) in Dired" single ((:commit . "11dacfd16a926bfecba96a94c6b13e162c7717f7") (:authors ("Ono Hiroko" . "azazabc123@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ono Hiroko" . "azazabc123@gmail.com") (:keywords "files" "convenience") (:url . "http://github.com/kuanyui/fm-bookmarks.el"))]) (fn . [(20210304 1812) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 18 0))) "Concise anonymous functions for Emacs Lisp" single ((:commit . "98e3fe1b4785e162d9aca978a2db106baa79260f") (:authors ("Troy Pracy")) (:maintainer "Troy Pracy") (:keywords "functional"))]) (focus . [(20191209 2210) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Dim the font color of text in surrounding sections" single ((:commit . "5f3f20e7f22fb9fd7c48abce8bd38061d97e4bc0") (:authors ("Lars Tveito" . "larstvei@ifi.uio.no")) (:maintainer "Lars Tveito" . "larstvei@ifi.uio.no") (:url . "http://github.com/larstvei/Focus"))]) (focus-autosave-mode . [(20160519 2116) ((emacs (24 4))) "Automatically save files in focus-out-hook." single ((:commit . "2e0844fabb6f0dc9e0f31928e4785febf38b9e35") (:authors ("Wojciech Siewierski" . "wojciech.siewierski@onet.pl")) (:maintainer "Wojciech Siewierski" . "wojciech.siewierski@onet.pl") (:keywords "convenience" "files" "frames" "mouse"))]) (foggy-night-theme . [(20190123 1614) ((emacs (24))) "Dark low contrast theme with soft and muted colors." single ((:commit . "14894e06ee5c6e14db36f2cb07387ee971c1736f") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler"))]) (fold-dwim . [(20140208 1637) nil "Unified user interface for Emacs folding modes" single ((:commit . "c46f4bb2ce91b4e307136320e72c28dd50b6cd8b") (:authors ("Peter Heslin" . "p.j.heslin@dur.ac.uk")) (:maintainer "Peter Heslin" . "p.j.heslin@dur.ac.uk") (:url . "http://www.dur.ac.uk/p.j.heslin/Software/Emacs"))]) (fold-dwim-org . [(20131203 1351) ((fold-dwim (1 2))) "Fold DWIM bound to org key-strokes." single ((:commit . "c09bb2b46d65afbd1d0febc6fded7495be7a3037") (:authors ("Matthew L. Fidler & Shane Celis")) (:maintainer "Matthew L. Fidler") (:keywords "folding" "emacs" "org-mode") (:url . "https://github.com/mlf176f2/fold-dwim-org"))]) (fold-this . [(20191107 1816) nil "Just fold this region please" single ((:commit . "c3912c738cf0515f65162479c55999e2992afce5") (:authors ("Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Magnar Sveen" . "magnars@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/magnars/fold-this.el"))]) (folding . [(20200901 953) nil "A folding-editor-like minor mode." tar ((:commit . "8110b4137198aee816a6323d873b547864893da6") (:maintainer "Jari Aalto ") (:keywords "tools"))]) (font-lock-profiler . [(20170208 2008) ((emacs (24 3))) "Coverage and timing tool for font-lock keywords." single ((:commit . "6e096458416888a4f63cca0d6bc5965a052753c8") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:keywords "faces" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/Lindydancer/font-lock-profiler"))]) (font-lock-studio . [(20170127 2051) ((emacs (24 3))) "interactive debugger for Font Lock keywords." single ((:commit . "12c35967b31233e06946c70627aa3152dacfe261") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:keywords "faces" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/Lindydancer/font-lock-studio"))]) (font-utils . [(20210405 1149) ((persistent-soft (0 8 8)) (pcache (0 2 3))) "Utility functions for working with fonts" single ((:commit . "abc572eb0dc30a26584c0058c3fe6c7273a10003") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "http://github.com/rolandwalker/font-utils"))]) (fontawesome . [(20170305 1356) ((emacs (24 4))) "fontawesome utility" tar ((:commit . "a743f80bfd53767ca9ee32da34c5ca032172a480") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-fontawesome"))]) (fontify-face . [(20210503 1956) ((emacs (24))) "Fontify symbols representing faces with that face." single ((:commit . "d1386c88ccc77ccfb40b888ff90d6181325d14f8") (:authors ("Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matúš Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/Fuco1/fontify-face"))]) (forecast . [(20191004 1850) ((emacs (24 4))) "Weather forecasts" single ((:commit . "8a3b529d5ece261a8847298ea03ed35615cc9bfa") (:authors ("Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "self@gkayaalp.com")) (:maintainer "Göktuğ Kayaalp" . "self@gkayaalp.com") (:keywords "weather" "forecast") (:url . "https://dev.gkayaalp.com/elisp/index.html#forecast-el"))]) (foreign-regexp . [(20200325 50) nil "search and replace by foreign regexp." tar ((:commit . "e2dd47f2160cadc194eb156e7c76c3c869e6706e") (:authors ("K-talo Miyazaki ")) (:maintainer "K-talo Miyazaki ") (:keywords "convenience" "emulations" "matching" "tools" "unix" "wp"))]) (foreman-mode . [(20170725 1422) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 10 0)) (dash-functional (1 2 0)) (f (0 17 2)) (emacs (24))) "View and manage Procfile-based applications" single ((:commit . "22b3bb13134b617870ed1e888af739f4818be929") (:authors ("ZHOU Feng" . "zf.pascal@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "ZHOU Feng" . "zf.pascal@gmail.com") (:keywords "foreman") (:url . "http://github.com/zweifisch/foreman-mode"))]) (forest-blue-theme . [(20160627 842) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs theme with a dark background." single ((:commit . "58096ce1a25615d2bae806c3775bae3e2775019d") (:authors ("olkinn")) (:maintainer "olkinn"))]) (forge . [(20210727 1934) ((emacs (25 1)) (closql (1 0 6)) (dash (2 18 1)) (emacsql-sqlite (3 0 0)) (ghub (3 5 2)) (let-alist (1 0 6)) (magit (3 0 0)) (markdown-mode (2 4)) (transient (0 3 3)) (yaml (0 3 3))) "Access Git forges from Magit." tar ((:commit . "34cbaa7b6a77ba2e4c6750f4f922d3e887c08c67") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:url . "https://github.com/magit/forge"))]) (form-feed . [(20210508 1627) ((emacs (24 1))) "Display ^L glyphs as horizontal lines" single ((:commit . "ac1f0ef30a11979f5dfe12d8c05a666739e486ff") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "mail@vasilij.de")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "mail@vasilij.de") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://depp.brause.cc/form-feed"))]) (format-all . [(20210730 1112) ((emacs (24 3)) (inheritenv (0 1)) (language-id (0 15))) "Auto-format C, C++, JS, Python, Ruby and 50 other languages" single ((:commit . "b18ed67a81b4d81d77f3bd7cf6e004e4e412b630") (:authors ("Lassi Kortela" . "lassi@lassi.io")) (:maintainer "Lassi Kortela" . "lassi@lassi.io") (:keywords "languages" "util") (:url . "https://github.com/lassik/emacs-format-all-the-code"))]) (format-sql . [(20150422 1333) nil "Use format-sql to make your SQL readable in directly Emacs." single ((:commit . "97f475c245cd6c81a72a265678e2087cee66ac7b") (:authors ("Friedrich Paetzke" . "paetzke@fastmail.fm")) (:maintainer "Friedrich Paetzke" . "paetzke@fastmail.fm") (:url . "https://github.com/paetzke/format-sql.el"))]) (format-table . [(20181223 1616) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 14 1))) "Parse and reformat tabular data." single ((:commit . "dfcae3a867e574577fc09a43b045889ff155b58f") (:authors ("Jason Duncan" . "jasond496@msn.com")) (:maintainer "Jason Duncan" . "jasond496@msn.com") (:keywords "data") (:url . "https://github.com/functionreturnfunction/format-table"))]) (forth-mode . [(20210123 900) nil "Programming language mode for Forth" tar ((:commit . "f44fa6481ffe2b4321d462c3fab78a858f2a8ae9") (:authors ("Lars Brinkhoff" . "lars@nocrew.org")) (:maintainer "Lars Brinkhoff" . "lars@nocrew.org") (:keywords "languages" "forth") (:url . "http://github.com/larsbrinkhoff/forth-mode"))]) (fortpy . [(20150715 2032) ((epc (0 1 0)) (auto-complete (1 4)) (python-environment (0 0 2)) (pos-tip (0 4 5))) "a Fortran auto-completion for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "c614517e9396ef7a78be3b8786fbf303879cf43b") (:authors ("Conrad Rosenbrock ")) (:maintainer "Conrad Rosenbrock "))]) (fortune-cookie . [(20181223 842) nil "Print a fortune in your scratch buffer." single ((:commit . "6c1c08f5be83822c0b762872ab25e3dbee96f333") (:authors ("Andrew Schwartzmeyer" . "andrew@schwartzmeyer.com")) (:maintainer "Andrew Schwartzmeyer" . "andrew@schwartzmeyer.com") (:keywords "fortune" "cowsay" "scratch" "startup") (:url . "https://github.com/andschwa/fortune-cookie"))]) (fountain-mode . [(20210717 906) ((emacs (24 4)) (seq (2 20))) "Major mode for screenwriting in Fountain markup" tar ((:commit . "d2e0cb8f328a1219a3830f82fd01e789cac398b2") (:authors ("Paul W. Rankin" . "pwr@bydasein.com")) (:maintainer "Paul W. Rankin" . "pwr@bydasein.com") (:keywords "wp" "text") (:url . "https://github.com/rnkn/fountain-mode"))]) (fraktur-mode . [(20160815 227) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Easily insert Unicode mathematical Fraktur characters" single ((:commit . "514baf5546aed12a0d9fa0fe66e87cdcc7843b08") (:authors ("Grant Rettke" . "gcr@wisdomandwonder.com")) (:maintainer nil . "") (:keywords "unicode" "fraktur" "math" "mathematical") (:url . "https://github.com/grettke/fraktur-mode"))]) (frame-local . [(20180330 940) ((emacs (25 1))) "Variables local to a frame" single ((:commit . "7ee1106c3bcd4022f48421f8cb1ef4f995da816e") (:authors ("Sebastien Chapuis" . "sebastien@chapu.is")) (:maintainer "Sebastien Chapuis" . "sebastien@chapu.is") (:keywords "frames" "tools" "local" "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/sebastiencs/frame-local"))]) (frame-mode . [(20190710 2030) ((s (1 9 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Use frames instead of windows" single ((:commit . "ae2366969927c9f89ea07c999bef382b0b47cac1") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "IvanMalison@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "IvanMalison@gmail.com") (:keywords "frames") (:url . "https://github.com/IvanMalison/frame-mode"))]) (frame-purpose . [(20201219 1340) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 12)) (dash-functional (1 2 0))) "Purpose-specific frames" single ((:commit . "b4a259fa077671e2dcf33d11b42955c91e395b8b") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net") (:keywords "buffers" "convenience" "frames") (:url . "http://github.com/alphapapa/frame-purpose.el"))]) (frame-tag . [(20170111 6) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Minor mode that assigns a unique number to each frame for easy switching" single ((:commit . "73d6163568c7d32952175e663318b872f995a4e5") (:authors ("Wong Liang Zan" . "zan@liangzan.net")) (:maintainer "Wong Liang Zan" . "zan@liangzan.net") (:keywords "frame" "movement") (:url . "http://github.com/liangzan/frame-tag.el"))]) (frames-only-mode . [(20210107 918) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0))) "Use frames instead of Emacs windows" single ((:commit . "d3f6647c484656ddabdac5d18546599a03823cd4") (:authors ("David Shepherd" . "davidshepherd7@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "David Shepherd" . "davidshepherd7@gmail.com") (:keywords "frames" "windows") (:url . "https://github.com/davidshepherd7/frames-only-mode"))]) (frameshot . [(20210728 1258) ((emacs (25 3))) "Take screenshots of a frame" single ((:commit . "63d42d913468cd0d75dcccb99e5517057fa34e25") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:url . "https://github.com/tarsius/frameshot"))]) (framesize . [(20131017 2132) ((key-chord (0 5 20080915))) "change the size of frames in Emacs" single ((:commit . "f2dbf5d2513b2bc45f2085370a55c1754b6025da") (:authors ("Nic Ferrier" . "nferrier@ferrier.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . "nferrier@ferrier.me.uk") (:keywords "frames") (:url . "http://github.com/nicferrier/emacs-framesize"))]) (frecency . [(20170909 631) ((emacs (25 1)) (a (0 1)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Library for sorting items by frequency and recency of access" single ((:commit . "6d57aee131d96315aedf6cb7d6e5d6d09bf71503") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net") (:keywords "libraries" "recency" "recent" "frequency" "frequent") (:url . "http://github.com/alphapapa/frecency.el"))]) (frecentf . [(20210330 1521) ((emacs (26 1)) (frecency (0 1 -1)) (persist (0 4)) (async (1 9 4))) "Pervasive recentf using frecency" single ((:commit . "19e2c48a8b8c8ee8cae5c93b58b57a0aa81a8c46") (:authors ("Felipe Lema" . "felipel@mortemale.org")) (:maintainer "Felipe Lema" . "felipel@mortemale.org") (:keywords "files" "maint") (:url . "https://launchpad.net/frecentf.el"))]) (free-keys . [(20160726 2050) ((cl-lib (0 3))) "Show free keybindings for modkeys or prefixes" single ((:commit . "edfd69dc369b2647447b7c28c7c1163b1ddf45b4") (:authors ("Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Matus Goljer" . "matus.goljer@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/Fuco1/free-keys"))]) (freeradius-mode . [(20190401 1743) ((emacs (24 4))) "major mode for FreeRadius server config files" single ((:commit . "cf8bf0359cf6c77848facbd24b764b3e111b4c2d") (:url . "https://github.com/VersBinarii/freeradius-mode"))]) (freeze-it . [(20210727 1535) ((emacs (24 4))) "Minor mode to make your previous writing read-only" single ((:commit . "151d264a0d0593b413b5a984b391023e905a190b") (:authors ("Paul W. Rankin" . "pwr@bydasein.com")) (:maintainer "Paul W. Rankin" . "pwr@bydasein.com") (:keywords "wp" "text") (:url . "https://github.com/rnkn/freeze-it"))]) (friendly-remote-shell . [(20200527 830) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (with-shell-interpreter (0 2 3)) (friendly-tramp-path (0 1 0)) (friendly-shell (0 2 0))) "Human-friendly remote interactive shells" single ((:commit . "ad4ac00662829fa18858be02b322753ad091ffe3") (:keywords "processes" "terminals") (:url . "https://github.com/p3r7/friendly-shell"))]) (friendly-shell . [(20201212 2302) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (dash (2 17 0)) (with-shell-interpreter (0 2 4))) "Better shell-mode API" single ((:commit . "ad4ac00662829fa18858be02b322753ad091ffe3") (:keywords "processes" "terminals") (:url . "https://github.com/p3r7/friendly-shell"))]) (friendly-shell-command . [(20200527 830) ((emacs (24 1)) (cl-lib (0 6 1)) (dash (2 17 0)) (with-shell-interpreter (0 2 3))) "Better shell-command API" single ((:commit . "ad4ac00662829fa18858be02b322753ad091ffe3") (:keywords "processes" "terminals") (:url . "https://github.com/p3r7/friendly-shell"))]) (friendly-tramp-path . [(20200502 1032) ((cl-lib (0 6 1))) "Human-friendly TRAMP path construction" single ((:commit . "be572b8953b9e5a3a35c30bb64c2936d3e9802ba") (:url . "https://github.com/p3r7/prf-tramp"))]) (fringe-current-line . [(20140111 411) nil "show current line on the fringe." single ((:commit . "0ef000bac76abae30601222e6f06c7d133ab4942") (:authors ("Kouhei Yanagita" . "yanagi@shakenbu.org")) (:maintainer "Kouhei Yanagita" . "yanagi@shakenbu.org") (:url . "http://github.com/kyanagi/fringe-current-line/raw/master/fringe-current-line.el"))]) (fringe-helper . [(20140620 2109) nil "helper functions for fringe bitmaps" single ((:commit . "ef4a9c023bae18ec1ddd7265f1f2d6d2e775efdd") (:authors ("Nikolaj Schumacher ")) (:maintainer "Nikolaj Schumacher ") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "http://nschum.de/src/emacs/fringe-helper/"))]) (frog-jump-buffer . [(20210308 2316) ((emacs (24)) (avy (0 4 0)) (dash (2 4 0)) (frog-menu (0 2 8))) "The fastest buffer-jumping Emacs lisp package around." single ((:commit . "3481626cccea8e77e4eee79b05f99c9171559f7b") (:authors ("Justin Talbott")) (:maintainer "Justin Talbott") (:keywords "convenience" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/waymondo/frog-jump-buffer"))]) (frontside-javascript . [(20210515 1811) ((emacs (25 1)) (add-node-modules-path (1 2 0)) (company (0 9 2)) (flycheck (20201228 2104)) (js2-mode (20201220)) (js2-refactor (0 9 0)) (rjsx-mode (0 5 0)) (tide (4 0 2)) (web-mode (17))) "JS development that just work™️" single ((:commit . "f11fea0cf3b92eddf1d083e0ce1abfc396f06631") (:authors ("Frontside Engineering" . "engineering@frontside.com")) (:maintainer "Frontside Engineering" . "engineering@frontside.com") (:keywords "files" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/thefrontside/frontmacs"))]) (fsbot-data-browser . [(20160921 1533) nil "browse the fsbot database using tabulated-list-mode" single ((:commit . "6bca4f7de63e31839d2542f6c678b79931dec344") (:authors ("Benaiah Mischenko")) (:maintainer "Benaiah Mischenko") (:keywords "fsbot" "irc" "tabulated-list-mode") (:url . "http://github.com/benaiah/fsbot-data-browser"))]) (fsharp-mode . [(20210331 1931) ((emacs (25)) (s (1 3 1))) "Support for the F# programming language" tar ((:commit . "93b1fbc31d73286a18640a36fc2be87d1736e0f2") (:authors ("1993-1997 Xavier Leroy, Jacques Garrigue and Ian T Zimmerman") ("2010-2011 Laurent Le Brun" . "laurent@le-brun.eu") ("2012-2014 Robin Neatherway" . "robin.neatherway@gmail.com") ("2017-2021 Jürgen Hötzel")) (:maintainer "Jürgen Hötzel") (:keywords "languages"))]) (fstar-mode . [(20201012 2201) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 11)) (company (0 8 12)) (quick-peek (1 0)) (yasnippet (0 11 0)) (flycheck (30 0)) (company-quickhelp (2 2 0))) "Support for F* programming" tar ((:commit . "3afbf04e4eb21af950cfdb727d8b808164fd9415") (:authors ("Clément Pit-Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com")) (:maintainer "Clément Pit-Claudel" . "clement.pitclaudel@live.com") (:keywords "convenience" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/FStarLang/fstar-mode.el"))]) (fuel . [(20210602 1531) ((cl-lib (0 2)) (emacs (24 2))) "Major mode for the Factor programming language." tar ((:commit . "7b451bb813d242dbc0cd6c29d071e0b320f2200e"))]) (fuff . [(20170202 1503) ((seq (2 3))) "Find files with findutils, recursively" single ((:commit . "278e849913df87bd8756c59382282d87474802c3") (:authors ("Joel Moberg")) (:maintainer "Joel Moberg") (:keywords "files" "project" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/joelmo/fuff"))]) (full-ack . [(20140223 1732) nil "a front-end for ack" single ((:commit . "761d846e105b150f8e6d13d7a8983f0248313a45") (:authors ("Nikolaj Schumacher ")) (:maintainer "Nikolaj Schumacher ") (:keywords "tools" "matching") (:url . "http://nschum.de/src/emacs/full-ack/"))]) (fullframe . [(20210226 1057) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Generalized automatic execution in a single frame" single ((:commit . "886b831c001b44ec95aec4ff36e8bc1b3003c786") (:authors ("Tom Regner" . "tom@goochesa.de")) (:maintainer "Tom Regner" . "tom@goochesa.de") (:keywords "fullscreen"))]) (function-args . [(20171031 1704) ((ivy (0 9 1))) "C++ completion for GNU Emacs" tar ((:commit . "609b25305670fff08d5e357298e7128e4f4e3497") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/abo-abo/function-args"))]) (fuo . [(20190812 927) ((emacs (24 4))) "feeluown client." single ((:commit . "0e4122f94a336a50c02bc96652d25ac3d74bedeb") (:authors ("cosven" . "yinshaowen241@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "cosven" . "yinshaowen241@gmail.com") (:keywords "feeluown" "multimedia" "unix") (:url . "http://github.com/cosven/emacs-fuo"))]) (furl . [(20150509 316) nil "Friendly URL retrieval" single ((:commit . "014438271e0ef27333dfcd599cb247f12a20d870") (:authors ("Natalie Weizenbaum" . "nweiz@google.com")) (:maintainer "Natalie Weizenbaum" . "nweiz@google.com"))]) (futhark-mode . [(20210803 1401) ((emacs (24 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "major mode for editing Futhark source files" tar ((:commit . "17f048c76bd1dc7f5893b04a14db2b850471f399") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/diku-dk/futhark-mode"))]) (fuz . [(20200104 524) ((emacs (25 1))) "Fast and precise fuzzy scoring/matching utils" tar ((:commit . "fee874aa35d2ee6b12b836290b5c8eaa44175a28") (:authors ("Zhu Zihao" . "all_but_last@163.com")) (:maintainer "Zhu Zihao" . "all_but_last@163.com") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/cireu/fuz.el"))]) (fuzzy . [(20210317 140) ((emacs (24 3))) "Fuzzy Matching" single ((:commit . "edce468a3077d03ca63e1559f7ffebfa09c8effd") (:authors ("Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "m2ym.pub@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tomohiro Matsuyama" . "m2ym.pub@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/auto-complete/fuzzy-el"))]) (fuzzy-finder . [(20200909 907) ((emacs (24 4))) "Fuzzy Finder App Integration" single ((:commit . "c19235a35db076eebb5ad31fb42daf6520620f6d") (:authors ("10sr" . "8.slashes@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "10sr" . "8.slashes@gmail.com") (:keywords "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/10sr/fuzzy-finder-el"))]) (fvwm-mode . [(20160411 1138) nil "A major mode for editing Fvwm configuration files" single ((:commit . 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"66d04ff36033f54205c19bc1d893e926d4dbf02e") (:authors ("Shiro Takeda")) (:maintainer "Shiro Takeda") (:keywords "languages" "tools" "gams-mode" "auto-complete") (:url . "https://github.com/ShiroTakeda/gams-ac"))]) (gams-mode . [(20210701 36) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for General Algebraic Modeling System (GAMS)" tar ((:commit . "64e3544726b77f10becb58a51d61993fbba433af") (:authors ("Shiro Takeda")) (:maintainer "Shiro Takeda") (:keywords "languages" "tools" "gams") (:url . "http://shirotakeda.org/en/gams/gams-mode/"))]) (gandalf-theme . [(20130809 947) nil "Gandalf color theme" single ((:commit . "4e472fc851431458537d458d09c1f5895e338536") (:authors ("Peter Vasil" . "mail@petervasil.net")) (:maintainer "Peter Vasil" . "mail@petervasil.net") (:keywords "color" "theme"))]) (gap-mode . [(20191110 2237) nil "Major mode for editing files in the GAP programing language." tar ((:commit . "62adb8935033eead7fbf2c107c2dfb79afa53c67") (:authors ("Michael Smith" . 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"jao@gnu.org") (:keywords "languages" "scheme" "geiser") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/"))]) (geiser-chez . [(20210421 120) ((emacs (26 1)) (geiser (0 16))) "Chez Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols" tar ((:commit . "03da1c17253856d8713bc5a25140cb5002c9c188") (:authors ("Peter" . "craven@gmx.net")) (:maintainer "Jose A Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") (:keywords "languages" "chez" "scheme" "geiser") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/chez"))]) (geiser-chibi . [(20210421 123) ((emacs (24 4)) (geiser (0 16))) "Chibi Scheme's implementation of the geiser protocols" tar ((:commit . "6f59291d8d1dc92ffd3f53f919d8cab4bf50b7d3") (:authors ("Peter" . "craven@gmx.net")) (:maintainer "Jose A Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") (:keywords "languages" "chibi" "scheme" "geiser") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/chibi"))]) (geiser-chicken . [(20210421 127) ((emacs (24 4)) (geiser (0 16))) "Chicken's implementation of the geiser protocols" tar ((:commit . "ceab39c89607f55cba88e5606ba5eb37c7df5260") (:authors ("Daniel Leslie")) (:maintainer "Daniel Leslie") (:keywords "languages" "chicken" "scheme" "geiser") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/chicken"))]) (geiser-gambit . [(20210421 124) ((emacs (26 1)) (geiser (0 16))) "Gambit's implementation of the geiser protocols" tar ((:commit . "3294c944d1c3b79db44ed14b133129fec454bd60") (:authors ("Daniel Leslie")) (:maintainer "Daniel Leslie, Jose A Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") (:keywords "languages" "gambit" "scheme" "geiser") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/gambit"))]) (geiser-gauche . [(20200802 1300) ((emacs (26 1)) (geiser (0 11 2))) "Gauche scheme support for Geiser" tar ((:commit . "66e51430bded0f0e2037f474818a7bbaafb2906c") (:authors ("András Simonyi" . "andras.simonyi@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "András Simonyi" . "andras.simonyi@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "gauche" "scheme" "geiser") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/gauche"))]) (geiser-guile . 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"craven@gmx.net")) (:maintainer "Jose A Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") (:keywords "languages" "mit" "scheme" "geiser") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/mit"))]) (geiser-racket . [(20210421 125) ((emacs (26 1)) (geiser (0 16))) "Support for Racket in Geiser" tar ((:commit . "22e56ce80389544d3872cf4beb4008fb514b2218") (:authors ("Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org")) (:maintainer "Jose Antonio Ortega Ruiz" . "jao@gnu.org") (:keywords "languages" "racket" "scheme" "geiser") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/racket"))]) (geiser-stklos . [(20210626 1440) ((emacs (24 4)) (geiser (0 16))) "STklos Scheme implementation of the geiser protocols" single ((:commit . "be482a03225720d7adb003c28e4515f6252e7ce2") (:authors ("Jeronimo Pellegrini" . "j_p@aleph0.info")) (:maintainer "Jeronimo Pellegrini" . "j_p@aleph0.info") (:keywords "languages" "stklos" "scheme" "geiser") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-geiser/stklos"))]) (gemini-mode . 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"da75b1966a73ad215ec2ced4522c25f4d0bf1f9a") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com") (:keywords "xml") (:url . "https://github.com/aki2o/emacs-genrnc"))]) (geoip . [(20200310 911) ((emacs (25 1))) "Find out where an IP address is located via GeoIP2" single ((:commit . "25eb1278788b942c38405c233d3614a1de92ddea") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/geoip.el"))]) (geolocation . [(20200317 1559) ((request-deferred (0 3 2)) (deferred (0 5 1)) (emacs (25 1))) "Get your location on Earth" single ((:commit . "bc7848832eb0352e3a71f4b9d89d917fe12d18be") (:authors ("Neil Okamoto" . "neil.okamoto+melpa@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto" . "neil.okamoto+melpa@gmail.com") (:keywords "hardware") (:url . "https://github.com/gonewest818/geolocation.el"))]) (german-holidays . [(20181213 644) nil "German holidays for Emacs calendar" single ((:commit . 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"582bd6daa505d04c7cc06d6c82ed8aee0624bfbe") (:authors ("Roman Coedo" . "romancoedo@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Roman Coedo" . "romancoedo@gmail.com") (:keywords "ghq"))]) (ghub . [(20210727 1414) ((emacs (25 1)) (let-alist (1 0 5)) (treepy (0 1 1))) "Minuscule client libraries for Git forge APIs." tar ((:commit . "00a77b79c28e22db1b151c3f7857073ccbeff726") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/magit/ghub"))]) (ghub+ . [(20191229 1748) ((emacs (25)) (ghub (2 0)) (apiwrap (0 5))) "a thick GitHub API client built on ghub" single ((:commit . "b1adef2402d7599911d4dd447a987a0cea04e6fe") (:authors ("Sean Allred" . "code@seanallred.com")) (:maintainer "Sean Allred" . "code@seanallred.com") (:keywords "extensions" "multimedia" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/vermiculus/ghub-plus"))]) (gif-screencast . 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"https://github.com/smaret/gildas-mode"))]) (gist . [(20171128 406) ((emacs (24 1)) (gh (0 10 0))) "Emacs integration for gist.github.com" single ((:commit . "314fe6ab80fae35b95f0734eceb82f72813b6f41") (:authors ("Yann Hodique" . "yann.hodique@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yann Hodique" . "yann.hodique@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/defunkt/gist.el"))]) (git . [(20140128 1041) ((s (1 7 0)) (dash (2 2 0)) (f (0 10 0))) "An Elisp API for programmatically using Git" single ((:commit . "a3396a7027a7d986598c6a2d6d5599bac918f3da") (:authors ("Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Johan Andersson" . "johan.rejeep@gmail.com") (:keywords "git") (:url . "http://github.com/rejeep/git.el"))]) (git-annex . [(20190625 2118) nil "Mode for easy editing of git-annex'd files" single ((:commit . "1324d3f23c534fe79391a2c256bb8803054e383b") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "jwiegley@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "jwiegley@gmail.com") (:keywords "files" "data" "git" "annex") (:url . "https://github.com/jwiegley/git-annex-el"))]) (git-assembler-mode . [(20210207 1545) ((emacs (24 4))) "git-assembler major mode" single ((:commit . "1243bdc1a9cdc79802ece05c90731ee14e4f92c9") (:authors ("Yuri D'Elia" . "wavexx@thregr.org")) (:maintainer "Yuri D'Elia" . "wavexx@thregr.org") (:keywords "git" "git-assembler" "languages" "highlight" "syntax") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/wavexx/git-assembler-mode.el"))]) (git-attr . [(20180925 2003) ((emacs (24 3))) "Git attributes of buffer file" tar ((:commit . "50df0630eba2a931146f676d349b29bde6b6b37b") (:authors ("Arne Jørgensen" . "arne@arnested.dk")) (:maintainer "Arne Jørgensen" . "arne@arnested.dk") (:keywords "vc") (:url . "https://github.com/arnested/emacs-git-attr"))]) (git-auto-commit-mode . [(20200828 653) nil "Emacs Minor mode to automatically commit and push" single ((:commit . "a6b6e0fa183be381463e2b44ef128db1b6c4234b") (:authors ("Tom Willemse" . "tom@ryuslash.org")) (:maintainer "Tom Willemse" . "tom@ryuslash.org") (:keywords "vc") (:url . "https://github.com/ryuslash/git-auto-commit-mode"))]) (git-backup . [(20191209 2144) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 8 0))) "Backup each file change using git" single ((:commit . "67e38c659c918e98642171ba3f385a15182347f4") (:authors ("Anthony HAMON" . "hamon.anth@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Anthony HAMON" . "hamon.anth@gmail.com") (:keywords "backup" "files" "tools" "git") (:url . "http://github.com/antham/git-backup"))]) (git-backup-ivy . [(20200709 818) ((ivy (0 12 0)) (git-backup (0 0 1)) (emacs (25 1))) "An ivy interface to git-backup" single ((:commit . "0a5c52e64d0062f77ffefc9213e75690c6d7b111") (:authors ("Sebastian Wålinder" . "s.walinder@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Wålinder" . "s.walinder@gmail.com") (:keywords "backup" "convenience" "files" "tools" "vc") (:url . "https://github.com/walseb/git-backup-ivy"))]) (git-blamed . [(20161028 1926) nil "Minor mode for incremental blame for Git" single ((:commit . "cef196abf398e2dd11f775d1e6cd8690567408aa") (:keywords "git" "version control" "release management"))]) (git-command . [(20191028 333) ((term-run (0 1 4)) (with-editor (2 3 1))) "A Git Command-Line interface" single ((:commit . "a773d40da39dfb1c6ecf2b0758aa370ddea8f06d") (:authors ("10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>")) (:maintainer "10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>") (:keywords "utility" "git") (:url . "https://github.com/10sr/git-command-el"))]) (git-commit . [(20210801 1004) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (20210330)) (transient (20210701)) (with-editor (20210524))) "Edit Git commit messages" single ((:commit . "7b46191dedba053f1c44d5f13d4283860e26cbd6") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "lunaryorn@gmail.com") ("Florian Ragwitz" . "rafl@debian.org") ("Marius Vollmer" . "marius.vollmer@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc") (:url . "https://github.com/magit/magit"))]) (git-commit-insert-issue . [(20210107 2018) ((emacs (25)) (projectile (0)) (s (0)) (ghub (0)) (bitbucket (0))) "Get issues list when typing \"Fixes #\"" single ((:commit . "6cfb8b4b5b23ae881cf3d005da4d7f60d91cd2cd") (:authors ("Vindarel")) (:maintainer "Vindarel") (:keywords "tools" "vc" "github" "gitlab" "bitbucket" "commit" "issues") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/emacs-stuff/git-commit-insert-issue/"))]) (git-dwim . [(20170126 1214) nil "Context-aware git commands such as branch handling" single ((:commit . "485c732130686c2f28a026e385366006435394b9") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "rubikitch@ruby-lang.org")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "rubikitch@ruby-lang.org") (:keywords "git" "tools" "convenience") (:url . "http://www.emacswiki.org/cgi-bin/wiki/download/git-dwim.el"))]) (git-grep . [(20200920 1751) ((projectile (0 10 0))) "Search tools using git grep" single ((:commit . "12ff6045e9b6aa42f98abd4ddc44d670268a0849") (:authors ("Sam Kleinman")) (:maintainer "tychoish" . "garen@tychoish.com") (:keywords "matching" "files" "grep" "search" "using" "git-grep") (:url . "https://github.com/tychoish/git-grep.el"))]) (git-gutter . [(20210730 429) ((emacs (24 3))) "Port of Sublime Text plugin GitGutter" single ((:commit . "033e012372cbdeaadd2b1c46cbbf15daef0c33b6") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto" . "neil.okamoto+melpa@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsorphanage/git-gutter"))]) (git-gutter+ . [(20151204 1723) ((git-commit (0)) (dash (0))) "Manage Git hunks straight from the buffer" single ((:commit . "b7726997806d9a2da9fe84ff00ecf21d62b6f975") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:keywords "git" "vc") (:url . "https://github.com/nonsequitur/git-gutter-plus"))]) (git-gutter-fringe . [(20200323 2249) ((git-gutter (0 88)) (fringe-helper (0 1 1)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "Fringe version of git-gutter.el" single ((:commit . "4f19866494fa1debfa319382913e39a153431634") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto" . "neil.okamoto+melpa@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsorphanage/git-gutter-fringe"))]) (git-gutter-fringe+ . [(20140729 1103) ((git-gutter+ (0 1)) (fringe-helper (1 0 1))) "Fringe version of git-gutter+.el" single ((:commit . "7a2f49d2455a3a872e90e5f7dd4e6b27f1d96cfc") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/nonsequitur/git-gutter-fringe-plus"))]) (git-identity . [(20210730 1037) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 10)) (hydra (0 14)) (f (0 20))) "Identity management for (ma)git" single ((:commit . "07f0846fcc92b6c2fdd61db8aa959effd0e23d9d") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "akira.komamura@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "akira.komamura@gmail.com") (:keywords "git" "vc" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/akirak/git-identity.el"))]) (git-io . [(20180317 1752) ((emacs (24 4))) "git.io integration" single ((:commit . "48753acba73b48b997bb678fb5e2a938ae63b5d6") (:authors ("Tejas Bubane" . "tejasbubane@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tejas Bubane" . "tejasbubane@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "files") (:url . "https://github.com/tejasbubane/emacs-git-io"))]) (git-lens . [(20190319 1342) ((emacs (24 4))) "Show new, deleted or modified files in branch" single ((:commit . "f6cc0a37c9c5c422c49c32650e70bc4721707985") (:authors ("Peter Stiernström" . "peter@stiernstrom.se")) (:maintainer "Peter Stiernström" . "peter@stiernstrom.se") (:keywords "vc" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/pidu/git-lens"))]) (git-link . [(20210504 2207) ((emacs (24 3))) "Get the GitHub/Bitbucket/GitLab URL for a buffer location" single ((:commit . "0d2fd02c160cf2a09ca4b5b4ffa544833df5afed") (:authors ("Skye Shaw" . "skye.shaw@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Skye Shaw" . "skye.shaw@gmail.com") (:keywords "git" "vc" "github" "bitbucket" "gitlab" "sourcehut" "convenience") (:url . "http://github.com/sshaw/git-link"))]) (git-messenger . [(20201202 1637) ((emacs (24 3)) (popup (0 5 3))) "Popup last commit of current line" single ((:commit . "a69b6f359bd34b77335619103c82cef07ecdbc7c") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Neil Okamoto") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsorphanage/git-messenger"))]) (git-msg-prefix . [(20191031 1304) ((emacs (24)) (s (1 10 0)) (dash (2 9 0))) "Insert commit message prefix (issue number)" single ((:commit . "43f6b31c1090371260a2f15b2117a7666920bee7") (:authors ("Raimon Grau" . "raimonster@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Raimon Grau" . "raimonster@gmail.com") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:url . "http://github.com/kidd/git-msg-prefix.el"))]) (git-ps1-mode . [(20200113 704) nil "Global minor-mode to print __git_ps1 in mode-line" single ((:commit . "6762a309bd593d26258dfbf43e7bc21254a70fbf") (:authors ("10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>")) (:maintainer "10sr <8slashes+el [at] gmail [dot] com>") (:keywords "utility" "mode-line" "git") (:url . "https://github.com/10sr/git-ps1-mode-el"))]) (git-time-metric . [(20181116 2011) nil "Provide function to record time with gtm ( git time metric )" single ((:commit . "287108ed1d6885dc795eb3bad4476aa08c626186") (:authors ("Anton Sivolapov" . "anton.sivolapov@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Anton Sivolapov" . "anton.sivolapov@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "gtm" "productivity" "time") (:url . "https://github.com/c301/gtm-emacs-plugin"))]) (git-timemachine . [(20210528 908) ((emacs (24 3)) (transient (0 1 0))) "Walk through git revisions of a file" single ((:commit . "3381797bcbf906b18dff654a2361032d2d01b4a3") (:authors ("Peter Stiernström" . "peter@stiernstrom.se")) (:maintainer "Peter Stiernström" . "peter@stiernstrom.se") (:keywords "vc") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/pidu/git-timemachine"))]) (git-walktree . [(20191101 302) ((emacs (26 1)) (git (0 1 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Browse Git tree and blob objects" tar ((:commit . "162d9073286c256502df4baa9845790b9f4c2f05") (:authors ("10sr <8.slashes [at] gmail [dot] com>")) (:maintainer "10sr <8.slashes [at] gmail [dot] com>") (:keywords "vc" "utility" "git") (:url . "https://github.com/10sr/git-walktree-el"))]) (git-wip-timemachine . [(20150408 1006) ((s (1 9 0))) "Walk through git-wip revisions of a file" single ((:commit . "ed4c7931a5f5233bf3e358b1e81647d063526460") (:authors ("Tim Krones" . "t.krones@gmx.net")) (:maintainer "Tim Krones" . "t.krones@gmx.net") (:keywords "git") (:url . "https://github.com/itsjeyd/git-wip-timemachine"))]) (gitattributes-mode . [(20210528 1854) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing .gitattributes files" single ((:commit . "433e1c57a63c88855fc41a942e29d7bc8c9c16c7") (:authors ("Rüdiger Sonderfeld" . "ruediger@c-plusplus.net")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:keywords "convenience" "vc" "git") (:url . "https://github.com/magit/git-modes"))]) (gitconfig . [(20130718 935) nil "Emacs lisp interface to work with git-config variables" single ((:commit . "7612a37ca14009cac8fb8d6b6f54adad739a5741") (:authors ("Samuel Tonini")) (:maintainer "Samuel Tonini") (:keywords "git" "gitconfig" "git-config"))]) (gitconfig-mode . [(20210528 1856) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing .gitconfig files" single ((:commit . "433e1c57a63c88855fc41a942e29d7bc8c9c16c7") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "lunaryorn@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:keywords "convenience" "vc" "git") (:url . "https://github.com/magit/git-modes"))]) (github-browse-file . [(20160205 1427) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "View the file you're editing on GitHub" single ((:commit . "9742a5183af853788c6ecb83fb7ee0b00d1675ac") (:authors ("Ozan Sener" . "ozan@ozansener.com")) (:maintainer "Ozan Sener" . "ozan@ozansener.com") (:keywords "convenience" "vc" "git" "github") (:url . "https://github.com/osener/github-browse-file"))]) (github-clone . [(20210108 1920) ((gh (1 0 1)) (magit (3 0 0)) (emacs (25 1))) "Fork and clone github repos" single ((:commit . "9e40d6d3c6128407d7456bf71c95ad1fbb473b2a") (:authors ("Charles L.G. Comstock" . "dgtized@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Charles L.G. Comstock" . "dgtized@gmail.com") (:keywords "vc" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/dgtized/github-clone.el"))]) (github-elpa . [(20200129 417) ((package-build (1 0)) (commander (0 7 0)) (git (0 1 1))) "Build and publish ELPA repositories with GitHub Pages" tar ((:commit . "04a55c723ffcd84dd35e5438e7e2b9f1cce08d42") (:authors (nil . "10sr<8slashes+el@gmail.com>")) (:maintainer nil . "10sr<8slashes+el@gmail.com>") (:url . "https://github.com/10sr/github-elpa"))]) (github-explorer . [(20210718 824) ((emacs (24 4))) "Explore a GitHub repository on the fly" single ((:commit . "98d759473ddfdddba0d82ff710aafc9ee6f0490b") (:authors ("Giap Tran" . "txgvnn@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Giap Tran" . "txgvnn@gmail.com") (:keywords "comm") (:url . "https://github.com/TxGVNN/github-explorer"))]) (github-modern-theme . [(20171109 1251) nil "The GitHub color theme for Emacs." single ((:commit . "a7e7b8e5e9c122138e79e837caf9b7299e748d44") (:authors ("Philip Arvidsson" . "philip@philiparvidsson.com")) (:maintainer "Philip Arvidsson" . "philip@philiparvidsson.com") (:url . "https://github.com/philiparvidsson/GitHub-Theme-for-Emacs"))]) (github-notifier . [(20180421 316) ((emacs (24))) "Displays your GitHub notifications unread count in mode-line" single ((:commit . "274f3812926ea371346f639fcee98066f6e8c96f") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "mail@xuchunyang.me")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "mail@xuchunyang.me") (:keywords "github" "mode-line") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/github-notifier.el"))]) (github-pullrequest . [(20170116 616) ((emacs (24 4)) (request (0 2 0)) (dash (2 11 0)) (magit (2 10 0))) "Create and fetch Github Pull requests with ease" single ((:commit . "6ae5c38b0fc15b638b5ba4490112d9822ce5e267") (:authors ("Jakob Lind" . "karl.jakob.lind@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jakob Lind" . "karl.jakob.lind@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/jakoblind/github-pullrequest"))]) (github-review . [(20210314 2203) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 12 0)) (ghub (2 0)) (dash (2 11 0)) (deferred (0 5 1)) (a (0 1 1))) "GitHub based code review" single ((:commit . "341b7a1352e4ee1f1119756360ac0714abbaf460") (:authors ("Laurent Charignon" . "l.charignon@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Laurent Charignon" . "l.charignon@gmail.com") (:keywords "git" "tools" "vc" "github") (:url . "https://github.com/charignon/github-review"))]) (github-search . [(20190624 436) ((magit (0 8 1)) (gh (1 0 0))) "Clone repositories by searching github" single ((:commit . "b73efaf19491010522b09db35bb0f1bad1620e63") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "IvanMalison@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "IvanMalison@gmail.com") (:keywords "github" "search" "clone" "api" "gh" "magit" "vc" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/IvanMalison/github-search"))]) (github-stars . [(20190517 1319) ((emacs (25 1)) (ghub (2 0 0))) "Browse your Github Stars" single ((:commit . "a9f25ab2487c886f5d50d26693d49856bd51383b") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang" . "mail@xuchunyang.me")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang" . "mail@xuchunyang.me") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/github-stars.el"))]) (github-theme . [(20170630 2201) nil "The GitHub color theme for Emacs." single ((:commit . "29f00a51d949a248a5f6355a97131e216747c797") (:authors ("Philip Arvidsson" . "philip@philiparvidsson.com")) (:maintainer "Philip Arvidsson" . "philip@philiparvidsson.com") (:url . "https://github.com/philiparvidsson/GitHub-Theme-for-Emacs"))]) (gitignore-mode . [(20210528 1856) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing .gitignore files" single ((:commit . "433e1c57a63c88855fc41a942e29d7bc8c9c16c7") (:authors ("Sebastian Wiesner" . "lunaryorn@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:keywords "convenience" "vc" "git") (:url . "https://github.com/magit/git-modes"))]) (gitignore-snippets . [(20201118 1551) ((emacs (26)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Gitignore.io templates for Yasnippet" tar ((:commit . "0de6945ff0fc6943eebcf92d1cbb66b6a1d8fa60") (:authors ("Seong Yong-ju" . "sei40kr@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Seong Yong-ju" . "sei40kr@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/sei40kr/gitignore-snippets"))]) (gitignore-templates . [(20200228 1419) ((emacs (24 3))) "Create .gitignore using GitHub or gitignore.io API" single ((:commit . "b147d1930645dda76dbd48fb6f4f7f790353de26") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/gitignore-templates.el"))]) (gitlab . [(20180312 1647) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 9 0)) (pkg-info (0 5 0)) (request (0 1 0))) "Emacs client for Gitlab" tar ((:commit . "8c2324c02119500f094c2f92dfaba4c9977ce1ba") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "nicolas.lamirault@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "nicolas.lamirault@gmail.com") (:keywords "gitlab") (:url . "https://github.com/nlamirault/emacs-gitlab"))]) (gitlab-ci-mode . [(20191022 2017) ((emacs (25 1)) (yaml-mode (0 0 12))) "Mode for editing GitLab CI files" single ((:commit . "c861dc5fa17d380d5c3aca99dc3bbec5eee623bc") (:authors ("Joe Wreschnig")) (:maintainer "Joe Wreschnig") (:keywords "tools" "vc") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/joewreschnig/gitlab-ci-mode/"))]) (gitlab-ci-mode-flycheck . [(20190323 1829) ((emacs (25)) (flycheck (31)) (gitlab-ci-mode (1))) "Flycheck support for ‘gitlab-ci-mode’" single ((:commit . "eba81cfb7224fd1fa4e4da90d11729cc7ea12f72") (:authors ("Joe Wreschnig")) (:maintainer "Joe Wreschnig") (:keywords "tools" "vc" "convenience") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/joewreschnig/gitlab-ci-mode-flycheck/"))]) (gitlab-pipeline . [(20210601 1339) ((emacs (25 1)) (ghub (3 3 0))) "Get infomation about Gitlab pipelines" single ((:commit . "2404f9cf0a064aabea975adada250895c385e057") (:authors ("Giap Tran" . "txgvnn@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Giap Tran" . "txgvnn@gmail.com") (:keywords "comm" "tools" "git") (:url . "https://github.com/TxGVNN/gitlab-pipeline"))]) (gitlab-snip-helm . [(20200427 2014) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 12 0)) (helm (3 2))) "Gitlab snippets api helm package" single ((:commit . "782df679e33646db29e07508311bc8e8624b484e") (:authors ("Fermin MF" . "fmfs@posteo.net")) (:maintainer "Fermin MF" . "fmfs@posteo.net") (:keywords "tools" "files" "convenience") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/sasanidas/gitlab-snip-helm"))]) (gitolite-clone . [(20160609 2355) ((dash (2 10 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (pcache (0 3 1)) (emacs (24))) "Clone gitolite repositories from a completing list" single ((:commit . "d8a4c2875c984e51137c980b5773f42703602721") (:authors ("Ivan Malison" . "IvanMalison@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ivan Malison" . "IvanMalison@gmail.com") (:keywords "gitolite" "clone" "git") (:url . "https://github.com/IvanMalison/gitolite-clone"))]) (gitpatch . [(20170722 410) ((emacs (24 3))) "Git-format patch toolkit" single ((:commit . "577d5adf65c8133caa325c10e89e1e2fc323c907") (:authors ("Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/tumashu/gitpatch"))]) (gitter . [(20180122 856) ((emacs (24 4)) (let-alist (1 0 4))) "An Emacs Gitter client" single ((:commit . "11cb9b4b45f67bdc24f055a9bfac21d2bd19ea1a") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "mail@xuchunyang.me")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "mail@xuchunyang.me") (:keywords "gitter" "chat" "client" "internet") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/gitter.el"))]) (gkroam . [(20201204 917) ((emacs (26 3)) (db (0 0 6)) (company (0 9 10))) "A lightweight org-mode Roam Research replica" single ((:commit . "b40555f45a844b8fefc419cd43dc9bf63205a0b4") (:authors ("Kinney Zhang" . "kinneyzhang666@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Kinney Zhang" . "kinneyzhang666@gmail.com") (:keywords "org" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/Kinneyzhang/gkroam"))]) (gl-conf-mode . [(20170714 1310) ((emacs (24 3))) "Mode for editing gitolite config files" single ((:commit . "9136a9b737e0a5b6471a91571d104c487c43f35b") (:authors ("Luis Lloret")) (:maintainer "Luis Lloret") (:keywords "git" "gitolite" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/llloret/gitolite-emacs"))]) (global-tags . [(20210707 1954) ((emacs (26 1)) (async (1 9 4)) (project (0 5 2)) (ht (2 3))) "Elisp API and editor integration for GNU global" single ((:commit . "06db25d91cc8bfb5e24e02adc04de1226c7e742d") (:authors ("Felipe Lema" . "felipelema@mortemale.org")) (:maintainer "Felipe Lema" . "felipelema@mortemale.org") (:keywords "convenience" "matching" "tools") (:url . "https://launchpad.net/global-tags.el"))]) (glsl-mode . [(20200501 2304) nil "major mode for Open GLSL shader files" single ((:commit . "b07112016436d9634cd4ef747f9af6b01366d136") (:keywords "languages" "opengl" "gpu" "spir-v" "vulkan") (:url . "https://github.com/jimhourihan/glsl-mode"))]) (gmail-message-mode . [(20160627 1847) ((ham-mode (1 0))) "A major-mode for editing gmail messages using markdown syntax." single ((:commit . "ec36672a9dc93c09ebe2f77597b498d11883d008") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "bruce.connor.am@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "bruce.connor.am@gmail.com") (:keywords "mail" "convenience" "emulation") (:url . "http://github.com/Bruce-Connor/gmail-message-mode"))]) (gmail2bbdb . [(20170423 1144) nil "import email and name into bbdb from vcard." single ((:commit . "a84fa385cfaec7fc5f1518c368e52722da139f99") (:authors ("Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Chen Bin" . "chenbin.sh@gmail.com") (:keywords "vcard" "bbdb" "email" "contact" "gmail") (:url . "http://github.com/redguardtoo/gmail2bbdb"))]) (gmpl-mode . [(20171031 2054) ((emacs (24))) "Major mode for editing GMPL(MathProg) files" single ((:commit . "c5d362169819ee8b8e8954145daee7e260c54921") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions"))]) (gn-mode . [(20190428 1812) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "major mode for editing GN (generate ninja) files" single ((:commit . "fcf8e1e500d953364e97e7ebc5708a2c00fa3cd2") (:authors ("Emily Backes" . "lucca@accela.net")) (:maintainer "Emily Backes" . "lucca@accela.net") (:keywords "data") (:url . "http://github.com/lashtear/gn-mode"))]) (gnome-calendar . [(20161110 1256) nil "Integration with the GNOME Shell calendar" single ((:commit . "489f9f15f7bb35696b1cc19db75b554ae8328df2") (:authors ("Nicolas Petton" . "nicolas@petton.fr")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Petton" . "nicolas@petton.fr") (:keywords "gnome" "calendar"))]) (gnome-screencast . [(20210125 2001) ((emacs (25))) "Use Gnome screen recording functionality using elisp" single ((:commit . "6450ee470e84ff14a15c5c3c0489c79ff593f165") (:authors ("Jürgen Hötzel" . "juergen@hoetzel.info")) (:maintainer "Jürgen Hötzel" . "juergen@hoetzel.info") (:keywords "tools" "multimedia") (:url . "https://github.com/juergenhoetzel/emacs-gnome-screencast"))]) (gnomenm . [(20150316 1918) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 3 0)) (kv (0 0 19))) "Emacs interface to Gnome nmcli command" single ((:commit . "9065cda44ffc9e06239b8189a0154d31314c3b4d") (:authors ("Nic Ferrier" . "nferrier@ferrier.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Nic Ferrier" . "nferrier@ferrier.me.uk") (:keywords "processes" "hardware") (:url . "http://github.com/nicferrier/emacs-nm"))]) (gntp . [(20141025 250) nil "Growl Notification Protocol for Emacs" single ((:commit . "767571135e2c0985944017dc59b0be79af222ef5") (:authors ("Engelke Eschner" . "tekai@gmx.li")) (:maintainer "Engelke Eschner" . "tekai@gmx.li"))]) (gnu-apl-mode . [(20200108 1633) ((emacs (24))) "Integrate GNU APL with Emacs" tar ((:commit . "7f84eb307e9765fadcd1e0a9201ae562724ef1c9") (:authors ("Elias Mårtenson" . "lokedhs@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Elias Mårtenson" . "lokedhs@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "http://www.gnu.org/software/apl/"))]) (gnuplot . [(20210609 834) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major-mode and interactive frontend for gnuplot" tar ((:commit . "7138b139d2dca9683f1a81325c643b2744aa1ea3") (:authors ("Jon Oddie") ("Bruce Ravel") ("Phil Type")) (:maintainer "Bruce Ravel" . "bruceravel1@gmail.com") (:keywords "data" "gnuplot" "plotting") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsorphanage/gnuplot"))]) (gnuplot-mode . [(20171013 1616) nil "Major mode for editing gnuplot scripts" single ((:commit . "601f6392986f0cba332c87678d31ae0d0a496ce7") (:keywords "gnuplot" "plotting") (:url . "https://github.com/mkmcc/gnuplot-mode"))]) (gnus-alias . [(20150316 42) nil "an alternative to gnus-posting-styles" single ((:commit . "9447d3ccb4c0e75d0468899cccff7aa249657bac") (:authors ("Joe Casadonte" . "emacs@northbound-train.com")) (:maintainer "Mark A. Hershberger" . "mah@everybody.org") (:keywords "personality" "identity" "news" "mail" "gnus"))]) (gnus-desktop-notify . [(20180623 1538) ((gnus (1 0))) "Gnus Desktop Notification global minor mode" single ((:commit . "b438feb59136621a8ab979f0e2784f7002398d06") (:authors ("Yuri D'Elia ")) (:maintainer "Yuri D'Elia ") (:url . "http://www.thregr.org/~wavexx/software/gnus-desktop-notify.el/"))]) (gnus-notes . [(20210207 1010) ((emacs (27 1)) (bbdb (3 1)) (helm (3 1)) (hydra (0 13 0)) (org (8 3)) (s (0 0)) (lv (0 0)) (async (1 9 1))) "Keep handy notes of read Gnus articles with helm and org" tar ((:commit . "1457bba34b40d5197aa14dbf0856925f83025ae1") (:authors ("Deus Max" . "deusmax@gmx.com")) (:maintainer "Deus Max" . "deusmax@gmx.com") (:keywords "convenience" "mail" "bbdb" "gnus" "helm" "org" "hydra") (:url . "https://github.com/deusmax/gnus-notes"))]) (gnus-recent . [(20210604 720) ((emacs (25 3 2))) "Article breadcrumbs for Gnus" single ((:commit . "09b9e96f8e0ab006d9cfe8f5ab000ce7e50ef4de") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer@fsfe.org")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer@fsfe.org") (:keywords "convenience" "mail") (:url . "https://github.com/unhammer/gnus-recent"))]) (gnus-select-account . [(20170722 511) nil "Select an account before writing a mail in gnus" single ((:commit . "ddc8c135eeaf90f5b6692a033af2badae36e68ce") (:authors ("Feng Shu " . "tumashu@163.com")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu " . "tumashu@163.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/tumashu/gnus-select-account"))]) (gnus-summary-ext . [(20180113 1316) nil "Extra limit and process mark commands for the gnus summary buffer" single ((:commit . "025fd853fe9280ae696a89ec2c2cac9befd010aa") (:authors ("Joe Bloggs" . "vapniks@yahoo.com")) (:maintainer "Joe Bloggs" . "vapniks@yahoo.com") (:keywords "comm") (:url . "https://github.com/vapniks/gnus-summary-ext"))]) (gnus-summary-repo . [(20190617 1419) ((emacs (25))) "Import and export files between IMAP and local by using GNUS" single ((:commit . "d0cb218fea13563c1b2bfba3e72716fb860f767c") (:authors ("Giap Tran" . "txgvnn@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Giap Tran" . "txgvnn@gmail.com") (:keywords "gnus" "repository") (:url . "https://github.com/TxGVNN/gnus-summary-repo"))]) (gnus-x-gm-raw . [(20140610 731) ((log4e (0 2 0)) (yaxception (0 1))) "Search mail of Gmail using X-GM-RAW as web interface" single ((:commit . "978bdfcecc8844465b71641c2e909fcdc66b22be") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com") (:keywords "gnus") (:url . "https://github.com/aki2o/gnus-x-gm-raw"))]) (go . [(20161111 249) ((emacs (24))) "Play GO, translate and transfer between GO back ends" tar ((:commit . "ff45fb44d9cb6579d8511d8b6156ed0b34d5ac97") (:authors ("Eric Schulte" . "schulte.eric@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Eric Schulte" . "schulte.eric@gmail.com") (:keywords "game" "go" "sgf") (:url . "http://eschulte.github.io/el-go/"))]) (go-add-tags . [(20161123 1227) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 11 0))) "Add field tags for struct fields" single ((:commit . "54879945e46a0884c5f93d7fd6c866a9cdf401ac") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-go-add-tags"))]) (go-autocomplete . [(20150904 240) ((auto-complete (1 4 0))) "auto-complete-mode backend for go-mode" single ((:commit . "4acdcbdea79de6b3dee1c637eca5cbea0fdbe37c") (:authors ("Mikhail" . "tensai@cirno.in")) (:maintainer "Mikhail" . "tensai@cirno.in") (:keywords "languages"))]) (go-complete . [(20190409 516) ((go-mode (0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Native code completion for Go" single ((:commit . "056294014f37a1004958ec17ebd6748deed63502") (:authors ("Vibhav Pant" . "vibhavp@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Vibhav Pant" . "vibhavp@gmail.com") (:keywords "go" "golang" "completion") (:url . "https://github.com/vibhavp/go-complete"))]) (go-direx . [(20150316 143) ((direx (1 0 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Tree style source code viewer for Go language" single ((:commit . "8f2206469328ee932c7f1892f5e1fb02dec98432") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-go-direx"))]) (go-dlv . [(20200713 1202) ((go-mode (1 3 1))) "Go Delve - Debug Go programs interactively with the GUD." single ((:commit . "69b86c1bdb73d78fb3404f2f1eefbc9a93b1aba6") (:authors ("Marko Bencun" . "mbencun@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Marko Bencun" . "mbencun@gmail.com") (:keywords "go" "debug" "debugger" "delve" "interactive" "gud") (:url . "https://github.com/benma/go-dlv.el/"))]) (go-eldoc . [(20170305 1427) ((emacs (24 3)) (go-mode (1 0 0))) "eldoc for go-mode" single ((:commit . "cbbd2ea1e94a36004432a9ac61414cb5a95a39bd") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-go-eldoc"))]) (go-errcheck . [(20160723 43) nil "errcheck integration for go-mode" single ((:commit . "9db21eccecedc2490793f176246094167164af31") (:authors ("Dominik Honnef" . "dominikh@fork-bomb.org")) (:maintainer "Dominik Honnef" . "dominikh@fork-bomb.org"))]) (go-expr-completion . [(20200817 1750) ((emacs (24 1))) "Complement the return values for Go" single ((:commit . "66bba78f52a732b978848e3a4c99fa2afeb6c25f") (:authors ("Ryo Fujimoto" . "fujimisakri@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ryo Fujimoto" . "fujimisakri@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/fujimisakari/emacs-go-expr-completion"))]) (go-fill-struct . [(20171225 331) ((emacs (24))) "Fill struct for golang." single ((:commit . "a613d0b378473eef39e8fd5724abe790aea84321") (:authors ("Sergey Kostyaev" . "feo.me@ya.ru")) (:maintainer "Sergey Kostyaev" . "feo.me@ya.ru") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/s-kostyaev/go-fill-struct"))]) (go-gen-test . [(20171023 358) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 12))) "Generate tests for go code with gotests" single ((:commit . "44c202ac97e728e93a35cee028a0ea8dd6e4292c") (:authors ("Sergey Kostyaev" . "feo.me@ya.ru")) (:maintainer "Sergey Kostyaev" . "feo.me@ya.ru") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/s-kostyaev/go-gen-test"))]) (go-gopath . [(20160705 1034) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Will guess GOPATH using gb and projectile." single ((:commit . "5172fc53f21edbf9347d5ee7d1d745da1ec88a15") (:authors ("Andrew Kirilenko" . "andrew.kirilenko.main@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Andrew Kirilenko" . "andrew.kirilenko.main@gmail.com") (:url . "http://github.com/iced/go-gopath/"))]) (go-guru . [(20181012 330) ((go-mode (1 3 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Integration of the Go 'guru' analysis tool into Emacs." single ((:commit . "34974346d1f74fa835d745514c9fe9afccce8dae") (:keywords "tools"))]) (go-imenu . [(20181029 1029) ((emacs (24 3))) "Enhance imenu for go language" single ((:commit . "4f3f334ed0b6f6afaca6b9775636a52ad3843053") (:authors ("Brantou" . "brantou89@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Brantou" . "brantou89@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/brantou/go-imenu.el"))]) (go-impl . [(20210621 743) ((emacs (24 3)) (go-mode (1 3 0))) "impl integration for go-mode" single ((:commit . "1eebba6ccd02d11a5a82ad4540a8d562797bc3b3") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-go-impl"))]) (go-imports . [(20190715 1647) nil "Insert go import statement given package name" tar ((:commit . "55681e815da93b6f927213c4aa352ae33db97c37") (:authors ("Yaz Saito")) (:maintainer "Yaz Saito") (:keywords "tools" "go" "import") (:url . "https://github.com/yasushi-saito/go-imports"))]) (go-mode . [(20210509 2353) nil "Major mode for the Go programming language" single ((:commit . "34974346d1f74fa835d745514c9fe9afccce8dae") (:authors ("The go-mode Authors")) (:maintainer "The go-mode Authors") (:keywords "languages" "go") (:url . "https://github.com/dominikh/go-mode.el"))]) (go-noisegate . [(20200502 703) ((emacs (24 4))) "Run Golang tests with Noise Gate" single ((:commit . "e3fc198c234131c94f7d307b7f7c6ef623fb93b7") (:authors ("The Noise Gate Authors")) (:maintainer "The Noise Gate Authors") (:keywords "languages" "go" "test") (:url . "https://github.com/go-noisegate/go-noisegate.el"))]) (go-playground . [(20200818 2215) ((emacs (24)) (go-mode (1 4 0)) (gotest (0 13 0))) "Local Golang playground for short snippets." single ((:commit . "ede417a52c0eea1a69658f4c6c6c12d6165e64a4") (:authors ("Alexander I.Grafov" . "grafov@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alexander I.Grafov" . "grafov@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "golang") (:url . "https://github.com/grafov/go-playground"))]) (go-playground-cli . [(20160503 914) ((emacs (24)) (request (0 2 0)) (deferred (0 3 2)) (names (20151201 404)) (s (1 10 0)) (f (0 17 2)) (let-alist (1 0 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Go Playground client tool" single ((:commit . "60beebd98e3930641d41cee0189c579626f223bc") (:authors ("KOBAYASHI Shigeru (kosh)" . "shigeru.kb@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "KOBAYASHI Shigeru (kosh)" . "shigeru.kb@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/kosh04/go-playground-cli"))]) (go-projectile . [(20200609 131) ((projectile (0 10 0)) (go-mode (0)) (go-eldoc (0 16)) (go-rename (0)) (go-guru (0)) (dash (2 17 0))) "Go add-ons for Projectile" single ((:commit . "ad4ca3b5695a0e31e95e3cc4ccab498f87d68303") (:authors ("Doug MacEachern" . "dougm@vmware.com")) (:maintainer "Doug MacEachern" . "dougm@vmware.com") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/dougm/go-projectile"))]) (go-rename . [(20190805 2101) ((go-mode (1 3 1))) "Integration of the 'gorename' tool into Emacs." single ((:commit . "34974346d1f74fa835d745514c9fe9afccce8dae") (:keywords "tools"))]) (go-scratch . [(20150810 440) ((go-mode (1 3 1)) (emacs (24))) "*scratch* buffer for Go" single ((:commit . "3f68cbcce04f59eb8e83af109164731ec0454be0") (:authors ("Emanuel Evans" . "mail@emanuel.industries")) (:maintainer "Emanuel Evans" . "mail@emanuel.industries") (:keywords "languages" "go"))]) (go-snippets . [(20180113 611) ((yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for go" tar ((:commit . "d437df148879566ffe7f2e503a3cf2602aa9fb28") (:keywords "snippets"))]) (go-stacktracer . [(20150430 2142) nil "parse Go stack traces" single ((:commit . "a2ac6d801b389f80ca4e2fcc1ab44513a9e55976") (:authors ("Samer Masterson" . "samer@samertm.com")) (:maintainer "Samer Masterson" . "samer@samertm.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/samertm/go-stacktracer.el"))]) (go-tag . [(20180227 411) ((emacs (24 0)) (go-mode (1 5 0))) "Edit Golang struct field tag" single ((:commit . "59b243f2fa079d9de9d56f6e2d94397e9560310a") (:authors ("Brantou" . "brantou89@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Brantou" . "brantou89@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/brantou/emacs-go-tag"))]) (go-translate . [(20210527 1257) ((emacs (26 1))) "Google Translate" single ((:commit . "7a9b7978057bf747ed06fa6c9d2f30047714aa05") (:authors ("lorniu" . "lorniu@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "lorniu" . "lorniu@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/lorniu/go-translate"))]) (gobgen . [(20161020 1523) ((emacs (24 4))) "Generate GObject descendants using a detailed form" single ((:commit . "ed2c2b0d217deae293096f3cf14aa492791ddd4f") (:authors ("Gergely Polonkai" . "gergely@polonkai.eu")) (:maintainer "Gergely Polonkai" . "gergely@polonkai.eu") (:keywords "gobject" "glib" "gtk" "helper" "utilities"))]) (god-mode . [(20210102 515) ((emacs (25 1))) "Minor mode for God-like command entering" tar ((:commit . "1d7d647bb53a49fce03486eba90e97ccf35cf85a") (:authors ("Chris Done" . "chrisdone@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Chris Done" . "chrisdone@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsorphanage/god-mode"))]) (godoctor . [(20180710 2152) nil "Frontend for godoctor" single ((:commit . "4b45ff3d0572f0e84056e4c3ba91fcc178199859") (:authors ("Sangho Na" . "microamp@protonmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sangho Na" . "microamp@protonmail.com") (:keywords "go" "golang" "refactoring") (:url . "https://github.com/microamp/godoctor.el"))]) (goggles . [(20210208 124) ((emacs (26))) "Pulse modified regions" single ((:commit . "b014b2414fad8bb3a9a7b6a7e765822887c28fe8") (:authors ("Daniel Mendler")) (:maintainer "Daniel Mendler") (:url . "https://github.com/minad/goggles"))]) (gold-mode . [(20140607 206) ((sws-mode (0))) "Major mode for editing .gold files" single ((:commit . "6d3aa59602b1b835495271c8c9741ac344c2eab1") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada ")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada ") (:keywords "golang" "template" "gold") (:url . "https://github.com/yuutayamada/gold-mode-el"))]) (golden-ratio . [(20191028 1732) nil "Automatic resizing of Emacs windows to the golden ratio" single ((:commit . "007911d8a431b72670f5fe5f0e5b4380c2777a31") (:authors ("Roman Gonzalez" . "romanandreg@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Roman Gonzalez" . "romanandreg@gmail.com") (:keywords "window" "resizing"))]) (golden-ratio-scroll-screen . [(20200419 451) nil "Scroll half screen down or up, and highlight current line" single ((:commit . "1b6ff0e3e8822423335d3f7d88c1fcb4cf43ce42") (:authors ("纪秀峰 ")) (:maintainer "纪秀峰 ") (:keywords "scroll" "screen" "highlight") (:url . "https://github.com/jixiuf/golden-ratio-scroll-screen"))]) (goldendict . [(20201108 201) ((emacs (24 4)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "query word smartly with goldendict.el" single ((:commit . "700f60be192f4d46787e7f009637c15567064f2a") (:keywords "dict" "goldendict") (:url . "https://github.com/stardiviner/goldendict.el"))]) (golint . [(20180221 2015) nil "lint for the Go source code" single ((:commit . "6edffad5e6160f5949cdefc81710b2706fbcd4f6") (:url . "https://github.com/golang/lint"))]) (gom-mode . [(20131008 253) nil "Major mode for Gomfile" single ((:commit . "972e33df1d38ff323bc97de87477305826013701") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-gom-mode"))]) (gomacro-mode . [(20200326 1103) ((emacs (24 4)) (go-mode (1 5 0))) "Gomacro mode and Go REPL integration" single ((:commit . "3112e56d2d5e645a3e0fd877f3e810dbccbf989f") (:authors ("Petter Storvik")) (:maintainer "Petter Storvik") (:keywords "gomacro" "repl" "languages" "tools" "processes") (:url . "https://github.com/storvik/gomacro-mode"))]) (good-scroll . [(20210712 1206) ((emacs (27 1))) "Good pixel line scrolling" tar ((:commit . "fac87dd390ad2aabe48afaef950f7a2d9b3ce283") (:authors ("Benjamin Levy" . "blevy@protonmail.com")) (:maintainer "Benjamin Levy" . "blevy@protonmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/io12/good-scroll.el"))]) (google . [(20140416 1748) nil "Emacs interface to the Google API" single ((:commit . "3b3189a8b201c8d36fed6e61496274e530dd40bd") (:authors ("Edward O'Connor" . "ted@oconnor.cx")) (:maintainer "Edward O'Connor" . "ted@oconnor.cx") (:keywords "comm" "processes" "tools"))]) (google-c-style . [(20180130 1736) nil "Google's C/C++ style for c-mode" single ((:commit . "d88a5b7b59948d23977942ee62037e8912ff68ce") (:keywords "c" "tools"))]) (google-contacts . [(20201012 1056) ((oauth2 (0 10)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Support for Google Contacts in Emacs" tar ((:commit . "8923c238fe0906184d2254b33ba72792ed12cd47") (:authors ("Julien Danjou" . "julien@danjou.info")) (:maintainer "Julien Danjou" . "julien@danjou.info") (:keywords "comm") (:url . "https://github.com/jd/google-contacts.el"))]) (google-maps . [(20181121 1532) ((emacs (24 3))) "Access Google Maps from Emacs" tar ((:commit . "2eb16ff609f5a9f8d02c15238a111fbb7db6c146") (:authors ("Julien Danjou" . "julien@danjou.info")) (:maintainer "Julien Danjou" . "julien@danjou.info") (:keywords "comm") (:url . "https://julien.danjou.info/projects/emacs-packages#google-maps"))]) (google-this . [(20170810 1215) ((emacs (24 1))) "A set of functions and bindings to google under point." single ((:commit . "8a2e3ca5da6a8c89bfe99a21486c6c7db125dc84") (:authors ("Artur Malabarba" . "bruce.connor.am@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Artur Malabarba" . "bruce.connor.am@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "hypermedia") (:url . "http://github.com/Malabarba/emacs-google-this"))]) (google-translate . [(20210406 1138) nil "Emacs interface to Google Translate." tar ((:commit . "0f7f48a09bca064999ecea03102a7c96f52cbd1b") (:authors ("Oleksandr Manzyuk" . "manzyuk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Andrey Tykhonov" . "atykhonov@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/atykhonov/google-translate"))]) (goose-theme . [(20160828 1245) ((emacs (24 1))) "A gray color theme" single ((:commit . "acd017b50ab25a75fd1331eb3de66467e2042e9c") (:authors ("Stephen Whipple" . "shw@wicdmedia.org")) (:maintainer "Stephen Whipple" . "shw@wicdmedia.org") (:url . "https://github.com/thwg/goose-theme"))]) (gopher . [(20190512 1351) ((emacs (24 4)) (w3m (0))) "easily access and navigate Gopher servers" single ((:commit . "6f4accac226698b22e8388e41ad5723b12553dde") (:authors ("Matthew Snyder" . "matthew.c.snyder@gmail.com") ("and the gopher.el authors (see AUTHORS.org)")) (:maintainer "Matthew Snyder" . "matthew.c.snyder@gmail.com") (:url . "http://github.com/ardekantur/gopher.el"))]) (gore-mode . [(20151123 1927) ((go-mode (1 0 0))) "Simple mode for gore, a command-line evaluator for golang." single ((:commit . "94d7f3e99104e06167967c98fdc201049c433c2d") (:authors ("Sergey Pashaev" . "sergey.pashaev@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sergey Pashaev" . "sergey.pashaev@gmail.com") (:keywords "go" "repl"))]) (gorepl-mode . [(20170905 945) ((emacs (24)) (s (1 11 0)) (f (0 19 0)) (hydra (0 13 0))) "Go REPL Interactive Development in top of Gore" single ((:commit . "6a73bf352e8d893f89cad36c958c4db2b5e35e07") (:authors ("Manuel Alonso" . "manuteali@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Manuel Alonso" . "manuteali@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "go" "golang" "gorepl") (:url . "http://www.github.com/manute/gorepl-mode"))]) (gotest . [(20210221 1905) ((emacs (24 3)) (s (1 11 0)) (f (0 19 0)) (go-mode (1 5 0))) "Launch GO unit tests" single ((:commit . "9b1dc4eba1b22d751cb2f0a12e29912e010fac60") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "nicolas.lamirault@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "nicolas.lamirault@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "go" "tests") (:url . "https://github.com/nlamirault/gotest.el"))]) (gotham-theme . [(20210508 1632) ((emacs (24 1))) "A very dark Emacs color theme" single ((:commit . "8a97fb8a68cef8e431c972b3d5713b637e21dd7e") (:authors ("Vasilij Schneidermann" . "mail@vasilij.de")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "mail@vasilij.de") (:url . "https://depp.brause.cc/gotham-theme"))]) (goto-char-preview . [(20210323 332) ((emacs (24 3))) "Preview character when executing `goto-char` command" single ((:commit . "1ed2df72f495784a2eccbe61de5f1b01b854fbea") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/goto-char-preview"))]) (goto-chg . [(20210508 1632) ((emacs (24 1))) "Go to last change" single ((:commit . "3ce1389fea12edde4e343bc7d54c8da97a1a6136") (:authors ("David Andersson ")) (:maintainer "Vasilij Schneidermann" . "mail@vasilij.de") (:keywords "convenience" "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-evil/goto-chg"))]) (goto-last-change . [(20150109 1823) nil "Move point through buffer-undo-list positions" single ((:commit . "58b0928bc255b47aad318cd183a5dce8f62199cc") (:authors ("Kevin Rodgers" . "ihs_4664@yahoo.com")) (:maintainer "Kevin Rodgers" . "ihs_4664@yahoo.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/camdez/goto-last-change.el"))]) (goto-last-point . [(20190525 1855) ((emacs (24 3))) "Record and jump to the last point in the buffer." single ((:commit . "7ea191df18ff4774cf1dc568e1726143dd54ea02") (:authors ("Manuel Uberti" . "manuel.uberti@inventati.org")) (:maintainer "Manuel Uberti" . "manuel.uberti@inventati.org") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/manuel-uberti/goto-last-point"))]) (goto-line-preview . [(20210323 422) ((emacs (25))) "Preview line when executing `goto-line` command" single ((:commit . "4cef6cab89eab5906330412efee6a3d9564f6e14") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/goto-line-preview"))]) (govc . [(20191213 2131) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (1 5 0)) (s (1 9 0)) (magit-popup (2 0 50)) (json-mode (1 6 0))) "Interface to govc for managing VMware ESXi and vCenter" single ((:commit . "3aef3bec8e68bdce1669c839f92067d591795114") (:authors ("The govc developers")) (:maintainer "The govc developers") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/vmware/govmomi/tree/master/govc/emacs"))]) (govet . [(20170808 1724) nil "linter/problem finder for the Go source code" single ((:commit . "1c05817cf8b96589076c7ac4e52ee58a860a0cbf") (:url . "https://godoc.org/golang.org/x/tools/cmd/vet"))]) (gpastel . [(20181229 1404) ((emacs (25 1))) "Integrates GPaste with the kill-ring" single ((:commit . "d5fc55bc825203f998537c5834718e665bb87c29") (:authors ("Damien Cassou" . "damien@cassou.me")) (:maintainer "Damien Cassou" . "damien@cassou.me") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://gitlab.petton.fr/DamienCassou/desktop-environment"))]) (grab-mac-link . [(20210511 1303) ((emacs (24))) "Grab link from Mac Apps and insert it into Emacs" single ((:commit . "2c722016ca01bd4265d57c4a7d55712c94cf4ea5") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang") (:keywords "mac" "hyperlink") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/grab-mac-link.el"))]) (grab-x-link . [(20191113 848) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Grab links from X11 apps and insert into Emacs" single ((:commit . "d898db46e4864118359fdedfe915e180de3fe290") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang" . "mail@xuchunyang.me")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang" . "mail@xuchunyang.me") (:keywords "hyperlink") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/grab-x-link"))]) (gradle-mode . [(20150313 1905) ((s (1 8 0))) "Gradle integration with Emacs' compile" single ((:commit . "e4d665d5784ecda7ddfba015f07c69be3cfc45f2") (:authors ("Daniel Mijares" . "daniel.j.mijares@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Daniel Mijares" . "daniel.j.mijares@gmail.com") (:keywords "gradle") (:url . "http://github.com/jacobono/emacs-gradle-mode"))]) (grails . [(20200519 1909) ((emacs (24))) "Minor mode for Grails projects" single ((:commit . "d47273a619d6731683afe60636259b02e2c78a2e") (:url . "https://github.com/lifeisfoo/emacs-grails"))]) (grails-mode . [(20160504 911) nil "minor-mode that adds some Grails project management to a grails project" single ((:commit . "99eaf70720e4a6337fbd5acb68ae45cc1779bdc4") (:authors ("Jim Morris" . "morris@wolfman.com")) (:maintainer "Russel Winder" . "russel@winder.org.uk") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "http://blog.wolfman.com"))]) (grails-projectile-mode . [(20160327 1324) ((projectile (0 10 0)) (emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Grails mode with Projectile for projects management." tar ((:commit . "8efca50ce92b556fe9d467b157d7aec635bcc017") (:authors ("Yves Zoundi" . "rimerosolutions@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yves Zoundi") (:keywords "grails" "projectile") (:url . "https://github.com/yveszoundi/grails-projectile-mode"))]) (grammarly . [(20210219 1713) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (1 12 0)) (request (0 3 0)) (websocket (1 6))) "Grammarly API interface" single ((:commit . "46e802631a136cf356f5563005c9f9f5dedd09ed") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-grammarly/grammarly"))]) (grandshell-theme . [(20180606 517) nil "Dark color theme for Emacs > 24 with intensive colors." tar ((:commit . "0ed8e4273607dd4fcaa742b4097259233b09eda6") (:authors ("steckerhalter")) (:maintainer "steckerhalter") (:keywords "color" "theme" "grand" "shell" "faces") (:url . "https://framagit.org/steckerhalter/grandshell-theme"))]) (graphene . [(20180529 1112) ((dash (2 10 0)) (exec-path-from-shell (1 9)) (ppd-sr-speedbar (0 0 6)) (sr-speedbar (20140505)) (ido-completing-read+ (4 3)) (smex (3 0)) (web-mode (11 2)) (smartparens (1 8 0)) (graphene-meta-theme (0 0 2)) (flycheck (0 23)) (company (0 8 12))) "Friendly Emacs defaults" tar ((:commit . "cc8477fcfb7771ea4e5bbaf3c01f9e679234c1c1") (:authors ("Robert Dallas Gray" . "mail@robertdallasgray.com")) (:maintainer "Robert Dallas Gray" . "mail@robertdallasgray.com") (:keywords "defaults") (:url . "https://github.com/rdallasgray/graphene"))]) (graphene-meta-theme . [(20161204 1607) nil "Integrated theming for common packages" single ((:commit . "62cc73fee31f1bd9474027b83a249feee050271e") (:authors ("Robert Dallas Gray" . "mail@robertdallasgray.com")) (:maintainer "Robert Dallas Gray" . "mail@robertdallasgray.com") (:keywords "defaults") (:url . "https://github.com/rdallasgray/graphene"))]) (graphql . [(20180912 31) ((emacs (25))) "GraphQL utilities" single ((:commit . "e2b309689f4faf9225f290080f836e988c5a576d") (:authors ("Sean Allred" . "code@seanallred.com")) (:maintainer "Sean Allred" . "code@seanallred.com") (:keywords "hypermedia" "tools" "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/vermiculus/graphql.el"))]) (graphql-doc . [(20210530 221) ((emacs (26 1)) (request (0 3 2)) (promise (1 1))) "GraphQL Documentation Explorer" single ((:commit . "a60a646413fce528ecf42be3ee111b3f92d9f95b") (:authors ("Ian Fitzpatrick")) (:maintainer "Ian Fitzpatrick") (:url . "https://github.com/ifitzpatrick/graphql-doc.el"))]) (graphql-mode . [(20201001 2113) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for editing GraphQL schemas" single ((:commit . "2371316a750b807de941184d49ca19d277ecadcd") (:authors ("David Vazquez Pua" . "davazp@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "David Vazquez Pua" . "davazp@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/davazp/graphql-mode"))]) (graphviz-dot-mode . [(20200304 432) ((emacs (25 0))) "Mode for the dot-language used by graphviz (att)." tar ((:commit . "3642a0a5f41a80c8ecef7c6143d514200b80e194") (:maintainer "Pieter Pareit" . "pieter.pareit@gmail.com") (:keywords "mode" "dot" "dot-language" "dotlanguage" "graphviz" "graphs" "att") (:url . "https://ppareit.github.io/graphviz-dot-mode/"))]) (grapnel . [(20131001 1534) nil "HTTP request lib with flexible callback dispatch" single ((:commit . "fbd0f9a51139973d35e4014855964fa435e8ecaf") (:authors ("David Leatherman" . "leathekd@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "David Leatherman" . "leathekd@gmail.com") (:url . "http://www.github.com/leathekd/grapnel"))]) (grass-mode . [(20170503 1500) ((cl-lib (0 2)) (dash (2 8 0))) "Provides Emacs modes for interacting with the GRASS GIS program" single ((:commit . "8a7e9dcb2295eef1ec25d886b05e09c876bd8398") (:authors ("Tyler Smith" . "tyler@plantarum.ca")) (:maintainer "Tyler Smith" . "tyler@plantarum.ca") (:keywords "grass" "gis"))]) (grayscale-theme . [(20171005 802) nil "A simple grayscale theme" single ((:commit . "53ad50e10e68f2f076ebfc96e10ecef7a932d38d") (:authors ("Kaleb Elwert" . "belak@coded.io")) (:maintainer "Kaleb Elwert" . "belak@coded.io") (:keywords "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/belak/emacs-grayscale-theme"))]) (greek-polytonic . [(20190303 1358) ((emacs (24))) "Quail package for inputting polytonic Greek" single ((:commit . "114cba0f57cc077871693c799b807df2292341ec") (:authors ("Johannes Choo" . "jhanschoo@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Johannes Choo" . "jhanschoo@gmail.com") (:keywords "i18n" "multilingual" "input method" "greek") (:url . "https://github.com/jhanschoo/greek-polytonic"))]) (green-is-the-new-black-theme . [(20210203 1511) nil "A cool and minimalist green blackened theme engine" single ((:commit . "09f6908064dd1854379a072d7cdd706959256299") (:authors ("Fred Campos" . "fred.tecnologia@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Fred Campos" . "fred.tecnologia@gmail.com") (:keywords "faces" "themes") (:url . "https://github.com/fredcamps/green-is-the-new-black-emacs"))]) (green-phosphor-theme . [(20150515 1447) nil "A light color theme with muted, autumnal colors." single ((:commit . "fa42f598626adfdc5450e5c380fa2d5df6110f28") (:authors ("Adam Alpern" . "adam.alpern@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Adam Alpern" . "adam.alpern@gmail.com") (:keywords "color" "theme") (:url . "http://github.com/aalpern/emacs-color-theme-green-phosphor"))]) (green-screen-theme . [(20180816 1502) nil "A nice color theme for those who miss green CRTs" single ((:commit . "774e8f6c033786406267f71ec07319d906a30b75") (:authors ("Ricardo Banffy" . "rbanffy@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ricardo Banffy" . "rbanffy@gmail.com") (:keywords "faces" "theme") (:url . "https://github.com/rbanffy/green-screen-emacs"))]) (gregorio-mode . [(20170705 1451) nil "Gregorio Mode for .gabc files" single ((:commit . "736fd3d05fb67f707cca1a7ce24e3ee7ca5e9567") (:authors ("Fr. John Jenkins" . "jenkins@sspx.ng")) (:maintainer "Fr. John Jenkins" . "jenkins@sspx.ng") (:keywords "gregorio" "chant") (:url . "https://jsrjenkins.github.io/gregorio-mode/"))]) (grep-a-lot . [(20210618 1420) nil "manages multiple search results buffers for grep.el" single ((:commit . "223819dbea049bdeb5f97f9849fce139a5f16a75") (:authors ("Avi Rozen" . "avi.rozen@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Avi Rozen" . "avi.rozen@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience" "search") (:url . "https://github.com/ZungBang/emacs-grep-a-lot"))]) (greymatters-theme . [(20150621 1123) ((emacs (24))) "Emacs 24 theme with a light background." single ((:commit . "a7220a8c6cf18ccae2b76946b6f01188a7c9d5d1") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler"))]) (grip-mode . [(20210609 1305) ((emacs (24 4))) "Instant GitHub-flavored Markdown/Org preview using grip." single ((:commit . "c0ca78990395245e5f742166047b04eeff63cf6a") (:authors ("Vincent Zhang" . "seagle0128@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Vincent Zhang" . "seagle0128@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "markdown" "preview") (:url . "https://github.com/seagle0128/grip-mode"))]) (grizzl . [(20160818 737) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 3))) "Fast fuzzy search index for Emacs." single ((:commit . "1e917253ce2b846f0272b8356fad3dbff9cd513a") (:authors ("Chris Corbyn" . "chris@w3style.co.uk")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov" . "bozhidar@batsov.com") (:keywords "convenience" "usability") (:url . "https://github.com/grizzl/grizzl"))]) (groovy-imports . [(20210505 1807) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (1 10 0)) (pcache (0 3 2))) "Code for dealing with Groovy imports" single ((:commit . "a60c3202973e3185091db623d960f71840a22205") (:authors ("Miro Bezjak")) (:maintainer "Miro Bezjak") (:keywords "groovy") (:url . "http://www.github.com/mbezjak/emacs-groovy-imports"))]) (groovy-mode . [(20210510 317) ((s (1 12 0)) (emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 13 0))) "Major mode for Groovy source files" tar ((:commit . "99eaf70720e4a6337fbd5acb68ae45cc1779bdc4") (:authors ("Russel Winder" . "russel@winder.org.uk") ("Jim Morris" . "morris@wolfman.com") ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Russel Winder" . "russel@winder.org.uk") (:keywords "languages"))]) (gruber-darker-theme . [(20200227 2238) nil "Gruber Darker color theme for Emacs 24." single ((:commit . "7f95ce96079eb22b9214435ed25c5af98f60b482") (:authors ("Alexey Kutepov" . "reximkut@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alexey Kutepov" . "reximkut@gmail.com") (:url . "http://github.com/rexim/gruber-darker-theme"))]) (grugru . [(20210617 1028) ((emacs (24 4))) "Rotate text at point" tar ((:commit . "b1d873cb6186e08c6f7ec782df989b01e955fb4d") (:authors ("ROCKTAKEY" . "rocktakey@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "ROCKTAKEY" . "rocktakey@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "abbrev" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/ROCKTAKEY/grugru"))]) (grunt . [(20160316 1528) ((dash (2 9 0)) (ansi-color (3 4 2)) (emacs (24 3))) "Some glue to stick Emacs and Gruntfiles together" single ((:commit . "4c269e2738658643ec2ed9ef61a2a3d71b08d304") (:authors ("Daniel Gempesaw" . "dgempesaw@sharecare.com")) (:maintainer "Daniel Gempesaw" . "dgempesaw@sharecare.com") (:keywords "convenience" "grunt") (:url . "https://github.com/gempesaw/grunt.el"))]) (gruvbox-theme . [(20210606 1419) ((autothemer (0 2))) "A retro-groove colour theme for Emacs" tar ((:commit . "c2ae5e3fff39f78f23109d90fdf36b3b189df511") (:authors ("Jason Milkins" . "jasonm23@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jason Milkins" . "jasonm23@gmail.com") (:url . "http://github.com/greduan/emacs-theme-gruvbox"))]) (gs-mode . [(20151202 1006) nil "Major mode for editing GrADS script files" single ((:commit . "1a13051db21b999c7682a015b33a03096ff9d891") (:authors ("Joe Wielgosz" . "joew@cola.iges.org")) (:maintainer "Joe Wielgosz" . "joew@cola.iges.org") (:keywords "grads" "script" "major-mode"))]) (gscholar-bibtex . [(20190130 555) nil "Retrieve BibTeX from Google Scholar and other online sources(ACM, IEEE, DBLP)" single ((:commit . "3b651e3de116860eb1f1aef9b547a561784871fe") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions"))]) (gsettings . [(20210407 2045) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 16 0)) (gvariant (1 0 0)) (s (1 12 0))) "GSettings (Gnome) helpers" single ((:commit . "9f9fb1fe946bbba46307c26355f355225ea7262a") (:authors ("wouter bolsterlee" . "wouter@bolsterl.ee")) (:maintainer "wouter bolsterlee" . "wouter@bolsterl.ee") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/wbolster/emacs-gsettings"))]) (gsnip . [(20200928 357) ((emacs (26)) (aio (1 0)) (log4e (0 3 3))) "A gitlab snippet client" single ((:commit . "c8bff61b10cd33de9d6f5fd84e4b27f48c772304") (:authors ("Wang Kai" . "kaiwkx@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Wang Kai" . "kaiwkx@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/kaiwk/gitlab-snippet"))]) (gtk-pomodoro-indicator . [(20191007 1500) nil "A pomodoro indicator for the GTK tray" tar ((:commit . "338e6dca6d749cfc85195907bba593f9f6855715") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "pomodoro") (:url . "https://github.com/abo-abo/gtk-pomodoro-indicator"))]) (gtk-variant . [(20200416 2136) ((emacs (25 1))) "Set the GTK theme variant (titlebar color)" single ((:commit . "e0653e4a654b7800dc15f7e1a06a956b77d2aabe") (:authors ("Paul Oppenheimer")) (:maintainer "Paul Oppenheimer") (:keywords "frames" "gtk" "titlebar") (:url . "https://github.com/bepvte/gtk-variant.el"))]) (guess-language . [(20210623 1505) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "Robust automatic language detection" tar ((:commit . "e6b78ed2a36bf5debd3d07ffd99a5a8ca60609d6") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "malsburg@posteo.de")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "malsburg@posteo.de") (:keywords "wp") (:url . "https://github.com/tmalsburg/guess-language.el"))]) (guide-key . [(20150108 635) ((dash (2 10 0)) (popwin (0 3 0)) (s (1 9 0))) "Guide the following key bindings automatically and dynamically" single ((:commit . "8f8b839f42edd53af13d588254f07727108ae312") (:authors ("Tsunenobu Kai" . "kai2nenobu@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tsunenobu Kai" . "kai2nenobu@gmail.com") (:keywords "help" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/kai2nenobu/guide-key"))]) (guide-key-tip . [(20161011 823) ((guide-key (1 2 3)) (pos-tip (0 4 5))) "Show guide-key.el hints using pos-tip.el" single ((:commit . "02c5d4b0b65f3e91be5a47f0ff1ae5e86e00c64e") (:authors ("Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroaki Otsu" . "ootsuhiroaki@gmail.com") (:keywords "help" "convenience" "tooltip") (:url . "https://github.com/aki2o/guide-key-tip"))]) (guix . [(20210608 1653) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 11 0)) (geiser (0 8)) (bui (1 2 0)) (magit-popup (2 1 0)) (edit-indirect (0 1 4))) "Interface for GNU Guix" tar ((:commit . "c9aef52121b458297e70bb50f49f7276b4a8d759") (:authors ("Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Alex Kost" . "alezost@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://emacs-guix.gitlab.io/website/"))]) (gulp-task-runner . [(20170718 2041) nil "Gulp task runner" single ((:commit . "877990e956b1d71e2d9c7c3e5a129ad199b9debb") (:authors ("Nicolas Petton" . "nicolas@petton.fr")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Petton" . "nicolas@petton.fr") (:keywords "convenience" "javascript"))]) (guru-mode . [(20200708 728) nil "Become an Emacs guru" single ((:commit . "fcb13d46f85dda886249bfaa19bcb777fe9f8a6a") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/bbatsov/guru-mode"))]) (gvariant . [(20210507 1310) ((emacs (24)) (parsec (0 1 4))) "GVariant (GLib) helpers" single ((:commit . "f2e87076845800cbaaeed67f175ad4e4a9c01e37") (:authors ("wouter bolsterlee" . "wouter@bolsterl.ee")) (:maintainer "wouter bolsterlee" . "wouter@bolsterl.ee") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/wbolster/emacs-gvariant"))]) (gvpr-mode . [(20201007 2054) nil "A major mode offering basic syntax coloring for gvpr scripts." single ((:commit . "ef6ec2d4a4c9de68078c94a0e43b05bf77ec4674") (:authors ("Rod Waldhoff" . "r.waldhoff@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Rod Waldhoff" . "r.waldhoff@gmail.com") (:keywords "graphviz" "gv" "dot" "gvpr" "graph") (:url . "https://raw.github.com/rodw/gvpr-lib/master/extra/gvpr-mode.el"))]) (gxref . [(20170411 1753) ((emacs (25))) "xref backend using GNU Global." single ((:commit . "380b02c3c3c2586c828456716eef6a6392bb043b") (:authors ("Dedi Hirschfeld")) (:maintainer "Dedi Hirschfeld") (:keywords "xref" "global" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/dedi/gxref"))]) (habamax-theme . [(20181001 850) ((emacs (24))) "Boring white background color that gets the job done." single ((:commit . "6e86a1b23b6e2aaf40d4374b5673da00a28be447") (:authors ("Maxim Kim" . "habamax@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Maxim Kim" . "habamax@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/habamax/habamax-theme"))]) (habitica . [(20201210 1933) ((org (8 3 5)) (emacs (24 3))) "Interface for habitica.com" single ((:commit . "eeb0209fd638192f0b833526deb222f9f61361cb") (:authors ("Adrien Brochard")) (:maintainer "Adrien Brochard") (:keywords "habitica" "todo") (:url . "https://github.com/abrochard/emacs-habitica"))]) (hack-mode . [(20210519 108) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 11 0))) "Major mode for the Hack programming language" single ((:commit . "f9315be69954b95b6a3ceaa37f31a88f8369a59f") (:authors ("John Allen , Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "John Allen , Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk") (:url . "https://github.com/hhvm/hack-mode"))]) (hacker-typer . [(20170206 1520) ((emacs (24))) "Pretend to write code like a pro" tar ((:commit . "d5a23714a4ccc5071580622f278597d5973f40bd") (:authors ("Diego A. Mundo" . "diegoamundo@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Diego A. Mundo" . "diegoamundo@gmail.com") (:keywords "hacker" "typer" "multimedia" "games") (:url . "http://github.com/therockmandolinist/emacs-hacker-typer"))]) (hackernews . 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"http://github.com/Bruce-Connor/ham-mode"))]) (hamburg-theme . [(20160123 740) ((emacs (24))) "Color Theme with a dark blue background." single ((:commit . "aacefdf1501d97a5afc0e63c8ead4b2463323028") (:authors ("Martin Haesler")) (:maintainer "Martin Haesler"))]) (hamburger-menu . [(20160825 2031) ((emacs (24 5))) "Mode line hamburger menu" single ((:commit . "3568159c693c30bed7f61580e4f3b6241253ad4e") (:authors ("Iain Nicol")) (:maintainer "Iain Nicol") (:keywords "hamburger" "menu") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/iain/hamburger-menu-mode"))]) (haml-mode . [(20190219 2102) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Major mode for editing Haml files" single ((:commit . "bf5b6c11b1206759d2b28af48765e04882dd1fc4") (:authors ("Natalie Weizenbaum")) (:maintainer "Natalie Weizenbaum") (:keywords "markup" "languages" "html") (:url . "https://github.com/nex3/haml-mode"))]) (hamlet-mode . [(20131208 724) ((cl-lib (0 3)) (dash (2 3 0)) (s (1 7 0))) "Hamlet editing mode" single ((:commit . "7362b955e556a3d007fa06945a27e5b99349527d") (:authors (nil . "Kata =v1.4)") ("2003 Dave Love" . "fx@gnu.org") ("2016 Arthur Fayzrakhmanov")) (:maintainer "1992 Simon Marlow") (:keywords "faces" "files" "haskell") (:url . "https://github.com/haskell/haskell-mode"))]) (haskell-snippets . [(20210228 344) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "Yasnippets for Haskell" tar ((:commit . "1c29c4a68ce89848b8d371c6510d1de3b586c8b3") (:authors ("Luke Hoersten" . "luke@hoersten.org")) (:maintainer "Luke Hoersten" . "luke@hoersten.org") (:keywords "snippets" "haskell") (:url . "https://github.com/haskell/haskell-snippets"))]) (haskell-tab-indent . [(20200513 1950) nil "tab-based indentation for haskell-mode" single ((:commit . "3239e814d6999f31ad845cc58df53395ad299059") (:authors ("Sean Whitton" . "spwhitton@spwhitton.name")) (:maintainer "Sean Whitton" . "spwhitton@spwhitton.name") (:keywords "indentation" "haskell") (:url . "https://spwhitton.name/tech/code/haskell-tab-indent/"))]) (hasklig-mode . [(20181110 1859) ((emacs (25))) "Hasklig ligatures" single ((:commit . "57e8ac22bd499b632ab94657b855c7c43b166dda") (:authors ("Daniel Mendler")) (:maintainer "Daniel Mendler") (:url . "https://github.com/minad/hasklig-mode"))]) (hasky-extensions . [(20190204 2016) ((emacs (24 4)) (avy-menu (0 2))) "Toggle Haskell language extensions" single ((:commit . "4a0d1d9beb3be8ff4a1857eb920c916734dcc8e1") (:authors ("Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com") (:keywords "programming") (:url . "https://github.com/hasky-mode/hasky-extensions"))]) (hasky-stack . [(20190304 2248) ((emacs (24 4)) (f (0 18 0)) (magit-popup (2 10))) "Interface to the Stack Haskell development tool" single ((:commit . "9ef133ed831a95a2b9990a46a3c57f1918d0274f") (:authors ("Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Mark Karpov" . "markkarpov92@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "haskell") (:url . "https://github.com/hasky-mode/hasky-stack"))]) (haste . [(20141030 2034) ((json (1 2))) "Emacs client for hastebin (http://hastebin.com/about.md)" single ((:commit . "22d05aacc3296ab50a7361222ab139fb4d447c25") (:authors ("Ric Lister")) (:maintainer "Ric Lister") (:url . "http://github.com/rlister/emacs-haste-client"))]) (haxe-imports . [(20170330 2304) ((emacs (24 4)) (s (1 10 0)) (pcache (0 3 1))) "Code for dealing with Haxe imports" single ((:commit . "f104a641f3dfe698359d9aca1f28d9383cf43e04") (:authors ("Juan Karlo Licudine" . "karlo@accidentalrebel.com")) (:maintainer "Juan Karlo Licudine" . "karlo@accidentalrebel.com") (:keywords "haxe") (:url . "http://www.github.com/accidentalrebel/emacs-haxe-imports"))]) (haxe-mode . [(20210108 1835) nil "Major mode for editing Haxe files" single ((:commit . "6057c05154464bfb88d2ba119cdc8d4c7e767541") (:authors ("Jens Peter Secher (original)")) (:maintainer "Jen-Chieh Shen" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsorphanage/haxe-mode"))]) (haxor-mode . [(20160618 1129) ((emacs (24 0))) "Major mode for editing Haxor Assembly Files" single ((:commit . "6fa25a8e6b6a59481bc0354c2fe1e0ed53cbdc91") (:authors ("Krzysztof Magosa" . "krzysztof@magosa.pl")) (:maintainer "Krzysztof Magosa" . "krzysztof@magosa.pl") (:keywords "haxor") (:url . "https://github.com/krzysztof-magosa/haxor-mode"))]) (hayoo . [(20140831 1221) ((emacs (24)) (json (1 3))) "Query hayoo and show results in a tabulated buffer." single ((:commit . "3ca2fb0c4d5f337d0410c21b2702dd147014e984") (:authors ("Marko Bencun" . "mbencun@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Marko Bencun" . "mbencun@gmail.com") (:keywords "hayoo" "haskell") (:url . "https://github.com/benma/hayoo.el/"))]) (hc-zenburn-theme . [(20150928 1633) nil "An higher contrast version of the Zenburn theme." single ((:commit . "fd0024a5191cdce204d91c8f1db99ba31640f6e9") (:authors ("Nantas Nardelli" . "nantas.nardelli@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Nantas Nardelli" . "nantas.nardelli@gmail.com") (:url . "https:github.com/edran/hc-zenburn-emacs"))]) (hcl-mode . [(20200315 2129) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode for Hashicorp" single ((:commit . "e12b1df2ca28d2b06c471cd709c038a2dc0bcdbd") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/emacs-hcl-mode"))]) (headlong . [(20150417 1526) nil "reckless completion" single ((:commit . "f6830f87f236eee88263cb6976125f72422abe72") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com") (:keywords "completion") (:url . "https://github.com/abo-abo/headlong"))]) (heaven-and-hell . [(20190713 1830) ((emacs (24 4))) "easy toggle light/dark themes" single ((:commit . "e1febfd60d060c110a1e43c5f093cd8537251308") (:authors ("Valentin Ignatev" . "valentignatev@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Valentin Ignatev" . "valentignatev@gmail.com") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/valignatev/heaven-and-hell"))]) (helm . [(20210729 1510) ((emacs (25 1)) (async (1 9 4)) (popup (0 5 3)) (helm-core (3 8 0))) "Helm is an Emacs incremental and narrowing framework" tar ((:commit . "1b6ffb10b8cabf177664a34827961520fba88ebe") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto" . "thierry.volpiatto@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . "thierry.volpiatto@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm"))]) (helm-R . [(20120820 14) ((helm (20120517)) (ess (20120509))) "helm-sources and some utilities for GNU R." single ((:commit . "b0eb9d5f6a483a9dbe6eb6cf1f2024d4f5938bc2") (:authors ("myuhe ")) (:maintainer "myuhe") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/myuhe/helm-R.el"))]) (helm-ack . [(20141030 1226) ((helm (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Ack command with helm interface" single ((:commit . "889bc225318d14c6e3be80e73b1d9d6fb30e48c3") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-helm-ack"))]) (helm-ad . 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[(20180911 614) ((helm (1 5 5)) (s (1 8 0)) (cl-lib (0))) "Backup each file change using git" single ((:commit . "691fe542f38fc7c8cca409997f6a0ff5d76ad6c2") (:authors ("Anthony HAMON" . "hamon.anth@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Anthony HAMON" . "hamon.anth@gmail.com") (:keywords "backup" "convenience" "files" "tools" "vc") (:url . "http://github.com/antham/helm-backup"))]) (helm-bbdb . [(20190728 1325) ((emacs (24 3)) (helm (1 5)) (bbdb (3 1 2))) "Helm interface for bbdb" single ((:commit . "db69114ff1af8bf48b5a222242e3a8dd6e101e67") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-bbdb"))]) (helm-bibtex . [(20210725 1510) ((bibtex-completion (1 0 0)) (helm (1 5 5)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "A bibliography manager based on Helm" single ((:commit . "12079bb09f203dda5cc2dd003bd60a6ad490f762") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "malsburg@posteo.de")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "malsburg@posteo.de") (:url . "https://github.com/tmalsburg/helm-bibtex"))]) (helm-bibtexkey . [(20140214 1504) ((helm (1 5 8))) "Bibtexkey source for helm" tar ((:commit . "aa1637ea5c8c5f1817e480fc2a3750cafab3d99f") (:authors ("TAKAGI Kentaro ")) (:maintainer "TAKAGI Kentaro ") (:keywords "bib" "tex") (:url . "https://github.com/kenbeese/helm-bibtexkey"))]) (helm-bind-key . [(20141109 515) ((bind-key (1 0)) (helm (1 6 4))) "helm-source for for bind-key." single ((:commit . "9da6ad8b7530e72fb4ac67be8c6a482898dddc25") (:authors ("Yuhei Maeda ")) (:maintainer "myuhe") (:keywords "convenience" "emulation"))]) (helm-bitbucket . [(20190422 1102) ((emacs (24)) (helm-core (3 0))) "Search Bitbucket with Helm" single ((:commit . "c722016622ad019202419cca60c3be3c53e56130") (:authors ("Peter Urbak" . "tolowercase@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Peter Urbak" . "tolowercase@gmail.com") (:keywords "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/dragonwasrobot/helm-bitbucket"))]) (helm-bm . [(20160321 1331) ((bm (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (helm (1 9 3)) (s (1 11 0))) "helm sources for bm.el" single ((:commit . "d66341f5646c23178d4d8bffb6cfebe3fb73f1d7") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "bookmark") (:url . "https://github.com/yasuyk/helm-bm"))]) (helm-books . [(20170325 631) ((helm (1 7 7))) "Helm interface for searching books" single ((:commit . "625aadec1541a5ca36951e4ce1301f4b6fe2bf3f") (:authors ("grugrut" . "grugruglut+github@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "grugrut" . "grugruglut+github@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/grugrut/helm-books"))]) (helm-bufler . [(20210708 2217) ((emacs (26 3)) (bufler (0 2 -1)) (helm (1 9 4))) "Helm source for Bufler" single ((:commit . "b951e621bc4a4bb07babf8b32dc318d91ae261c9") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/alphapapa/bufler.el"))]) (helm-bundle-show . [(20190526 1401) ((emacs (24)) (helm (1 8 0))) "Bundle show with helm interface" single ((:commit . "70f1ca7d1847c7d5cd5a3e488562cd4a295b809f") (:authors ("Takashi Masuda" . "masutaka.net@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Takashi Masuda" . "masutaka.net@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/masutaka/emacs-helm-bundle-show"))]) (helm-c-moccur . [(20151230 924) ((helm (20120811)) (color-moccur (2 71))) "helm source for color-moccur.el" single ((:commit . "b0a906f85fa352db091f88b91a9c510de607dfe9") (:authors ("Kenji.I (Kenji Imakado)" . "ken.imakaado@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Kenji.I (Kenji Imakado)" . "ken.imakaado@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "emulation"))]) (helm-c-yasnippet . [(20210330 16) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (1 7 7)) (yasnippet (0 8 0))) "helm source for yasnippet.el" single ((:commit . "e214eec8b2875d8a7cd09006dfb6a8e15e9e4079") (:authors ("Kenji.I (Kenji Imakado)" . "ken.imakaado@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Kenji.I (Kenji Imakado)" . "ken.imakaado@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "emulation"))]) (helm-catkin . [(20190425 1520) ((emacs (24 3)) (helm (0)) (xterm-color (0))) "Package for compile ROS workspaces with catkin-tools" single ((:commit . "d33c71cecd35616dfa7c3b81d8f51c128405977f") (:authors ("Thore Goll" . "thoregoll@googlemail.com")) (:maintainer "Thore Goll" . "thoregoll@googlemail.com") (:keywords "catkin" "helm" "build" "tools" "ros") (:url . "https://github.com/gollth/helm-catkin"))]) (helm-charinfo . [(20170810 1231) ((emacs (24)) (helm (1 7 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "A helm source for character information" single ((:commit . "91798a49dc115342a7e01e48b264e9a0bf5ea414") (:authors ("Christian Wittern" . "cwittern@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Christian Wittern" . "cwittern@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/cwittern/helm-charinfo"))]) (helm-chrome . [(20160719 520) ((helm (1 5)) (cl-lib (0 3)) (emacs (24))) "Helm interface for Chrome bookmarks" single ((:commit . "fd630ace4b4b4f33355a973743bbfe0c90ce4830") (:authors ("KAWABATA, Taichi ")) (:maintainer "KAWABATA, Taichi ") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/kawabata/helm-chrome"))]) (helm-chrome-control . [(20190707 1807) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm-core (3 0))) "Control Chrome tabs with Helm (macOS only)" tar ((:commit . "e6758763099959e961e218bb1122526323f7ee5e") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/helm-chrome-control"))]) (helm-chrome-history . [(20191031 1233) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm-core (3 0))) "Browse Chrome History with Helm" single ((:commit . "f9002d4c12df65a99830376b126dbbeae3ef2148") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang" . "mail@xuchunyang.me")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang" . "mail@xuchunyang.me") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/helm-chrome-history"))]) (helm-chronos . [(20150528 2036) ((chronos (1 2)) (helm (1 7 1))) "helm interface for chronos timers" tar ((:commit . "a14fc3d65dd96ce6616234b3f7b8b08b4c1817ef") (:authors ("David Knight" . "dxknight@opmbx.org")) (:maintainer "David Knight" . "dxknight@opmbx.org") (:keywords "calendar") (:url . "http://github.com/dxknight/helm-chronos"))]) (helm-cider . [(20180307 458) ((emacs (24 4)) (cider (0 16)) (helm-core (2 8))) "Helm interface to CIDER" tar ((:commit . "9363cc537f06233345aa3af5cd46aa5681ad607b") (:authors ("Tianxiang Xiong" . "tianxiang.xiong@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tianxiang Xiong" . "tianxiang.xiong@gmail.com") (:keywords "cider" "clojure" "helm" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/clojure-emacs/helm-cider"))]) (helm-cider-history . [(20150719 2120) ((helm (1 4 0)) (cider (0 9 0))) "Helm interface for cider history" single ((:commit . "c391fcb2e162a02001605a0b9449783575a831fd") (:authors ("Andreas Klein" . "git@kungi.org")) (:maintainer "Andreas Klein" . "git@kungi.org") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/Kungi/helm-cider-history"))]) (helm-circe . [(20160207 652) ((emacs (24)) (helm (0 0)) (circe (0 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "helm circe buffer management." single ((:commit . "9091651d9fdd8d49d8ff6f9dcf3a2ae416c9f15a") (:authors ("Les Harris" . "les@lesharris.com")) (:maintainer "Les Harris" . "les@lesharris.com") (:keywords "helm" "circe") (:url . "https://github.com/lesharris/helm-circe"))]) (helm-clojuredocs . [(20160405 723) ((edn (1 1 2)) (helm (1 5 7))) "search for help in clojuredocs.org" single ((:commit . "5a7f0f2cb401be0b09e73262a1c18265ab9a3cea") (:authors ("Michal Buczko" . "michal.buczko@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Michal Buczko" . "michal.buczko@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "clojure") (:url . "https://github.com/mbuczko/helm-clojuredocs"))]) (helm-cmd-t . [(20170125 1459) nil "cmd-t style completion" tar ((:commit . "7fa3d4a9f7271512e54c5de999079b27c9eec6bf") (:authors ("Le Wang")) (:maintainer "Le Wang") (:keywords "helm" "project-management" "completion" "convenience" "cmd-t" "textmate") (:url . "https://github.com/lewang/helm-cmd-t"))]) (helm-codesearch . [(20190412 1153) ((emacs (25 1)) (s (1 11 0)) (dash (2 12 0)) (helm (1 7 7)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "helm interface for codesearch" single ((:commit . "72f1d1de746115ab7e861178b49fa3c0b6b58d90") (:authors ("Youngjoo Lee" . "youngker@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Youngjoo Lee" . "youngker@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools"))]) (helm-commandlinefu . [(20150611 545) ((emacs (24 1)) (helm (1 7 0)) (json (1 3)) (let-alist (1 0 3))) "Search and browse commandlinefu.com from helm" single ((:commit . "9ee7e018c5db23ae9c8d1c8fa969876f15b7280d") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "xuchunyang56@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "xuchunyang56@gmail.com") (:keywords "commandlinefu.com") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/helm-commandlinefu"))]) (helm-company . [(20190812 1429) ((helm (1 5 9)) (company (0 6 13))) "Helm interface for company-mode" single ((:commit . "6eb5c2d730a60e394e005b47c1db018697094dde") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Daniel Ralston" . "Sodel-the-Vociferous@users.noreply.github.com") (:url . "https://github.com/Sodel-the-Vociferous/helm-company"))]) (helm-core . [(20210801 459) ((emacs (25 1)) (async (1 9 4))) "Development files for Helm" tar ((:commit . "1b6ffb10b8cabf177664a34827961520fba88ebe"))]) (helm-cscope . [(20190615 41) ((xcscope (1 0)) (helm (1 6 7)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "Helm interface for xcscope.el." single ((:commit . "af1d9e7f4460a88d7400b5a74d5da68084089ac1") (:authors ("alpha22jp" . "alpha22jp@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "alpha22jp" . "alpha22jp@gmail.com") (:keywords "cscope" "helm") (:url . "https://github.com/alpha22jp/helm-cscope.el"))]) (helm-css-scss . [(20191230 1549) ((emacs (24 3)) (helm (1 0))) "CSS/SCSS/LESS Selectors with helm interface" single ((:commit . "48b996f73af1fef8d6e88a1c545d98f8c50b0cf3") (:authors ("Shingo Fukuyama - http://fukuyama.co")) (:maintainer "Shingo Fukuyama - http://fukuyama.co") (:keywords "convenience" "scss" "css" "less" "selector" "helm") (:url . "https://github.com/ShingoFukuyama/helm-css-scss"))]) (helm-ctest . [(20191031 1435) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 11 0)) (helm-core (1 7 4))) "Run ctest from within emacs" single ((:commit . "2a29cfb4ec583da247fa2ae7bac88790b1223e40") (:authors ("Dan LaManna" . "me@danlamanna.com")) (:maintainer "Dan LaManna" . "me@danlamanna.com") (:keywords "helm" "ctest"))]) (helm-dash . [(20190527 1118) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash-docs (1 4 0)) (helm (1 9 2)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Offline documentation browser for +150 APIs using Dash docsets." single ((:commit . "7f853bd34da666f0e9a883011c80f451b06f6c59") (:authors ("Raimon Grau" . "raimonster@gmail.com") ("Toni Reina " . "areina0@gmail.com") ("Bryan Gilbert" . "bryan@bryan.sh")) (:maintainer "Raimon Grau" . "raimonster@gmail.com") (:keywords "docs") (:url . "https://github.com/dash-docs-el/helm-dash"))]) (helm-descbinds . [(20190501 935) ((helm (1 5))) "A convenient `describe-bindings' with `helm'" single ((:commit . "b72515982396b6e336ad7beb6767e95a80fca192") (:authors ("Taiki SUGAWARA" . "buzz.taiki@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Taiki SUGAWARA" . "buzz.taiki@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "help") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-descbinds"))]) (helm-describe-modes . [(20160212 518) ((helm (1 9)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "Helm interface to major and minor modes." single ((:commit . "11fb36af119b784539d31c6160002de1957408aa") (:authors ("Tianxiang Xiong" . "tianxiang.xiong@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tianxiang Xiong" . "tianxiang.xiong@gmail.com") (:keywords "docs" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-describe-modes"))]) (helm-dictionary . [(20201006 1511) ((helm (1 5 5))) "Helm source for looking up dictionaries" single ((:commit . "b316a1d55e58645d59a84d33851d46fab3cd54b5") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "malsburg@posteo.de") ("Michael Heerdegen" . "michael_heerdegen@web.de")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "malsburg@posteo.de") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-dictionary"))]) (helm-directory . [(20170706 402) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 0))) "selecting directory before select the file" single ((:commit . "51bd7cd6e40a84a7efda894283ec76a0107830ad") (:authors ("Masashı Mıyaura")) (:maintainer "Masashı Mıyaura") (:url . "https://github.com/masasam/emacs-helm-directory"))]) (helm-dired-history . [(20170524 1046) ((helm (1 9 8)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Show dired history with helm.el support." single ((:commit . "281523f9fc46cf00fafd670ba5cd16552a607212") (:authors ("Joseph(纪秀峰)" . "jixiuf@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Joseph(纪秀峰)" . "jixiuf@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "dired history") (:url . "https://github.com/jixiuf/helm-dired-history"))]) (helm-dired-recent-dirs . [(20131228 1414) ((helm (1 0))) "Show recent dirs with helm.el support." single ((:commit . "3bcd125b44f5a707588ae3868777d91192351523") (:authors ("Akisute" . "akisute3@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Akisute" . "akisute3@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "dired" "zsh"))]) (helm-dirset . [(20151209 12) ((f (0 16 2)) (helm (1 6 1)) (s (1 9 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "helm sources for multi directories" single ((:commit . "eb30810cd26e1ee73d84a863e6b2667700e9aead") (:authors ("k1LoW (Kenichirou Oyama), ")) (:maintainer "k1LoW (Kenichirou Oyama), ") (:keywords "files" "directories") (:url . "http://101000lab.org"))]) (helm-emmet . [(20160713 1231) ((helm (1 0)) (emmet-mode (1 0 2))) "helm sources for emmet-mode's snippets" single ((:commit . "f0364e736b10cf44232053a78de04133a88185ae") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "helm" "emmet") (:url . "https://github.com/yasuyk/helm-emmet"))]) (helm-emms . [(20201205 1635) ((helm (1 5)) (emms (6 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "Emms for Helm." single ((:commit . "43d387504a292b36e4e4246abdc9090c1717a561") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto" . "thierry.volpiatto@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . "thierry.volpiatto@gmail.com") (:keywords "multimedia" "emms") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-emms"))]) (helm-esa . [(20190721 1429) ((emacs (26 2)) (helm (3 2)) (request (0 3 0))) "Esa with helm interface" single ((:commit . "d93b4af404346870cb2cf9c257d055332ef3f577") (:authors ("Takashi Masuda" . "masutaka.net@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Takashi Masuda" . "masutaka.net@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/masutaka/emacs-helm-esa"))]) (helm-etags-plus . [(20201003 1424) ((helm (1 7 8))) "Another Etags helm.el interface" single ((:commit . "52598fe69636add4b62cd9873041de5c6db9b7ac") (:authors ("纪秀峰(Joseph)" . "jixiuf@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "纪秀峰(Joseph)" . "jixiuf@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "etags") (:url . "https://github.com/jixiuf/helm-etags-plus"))]) (helm-evil-markers . [(20200506 715) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (2 0 0)) (evil (1 2 10))) "Show evil markers with helm" single ((:commit . "0245f0c268e0eaec85df51ab2deba7ac961f6770") (:authors ("Bill Xue")) (:maintainer "Bill Xue") (:keywords "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/xueeinstein/helm-evil-markers"))]) (helm-eww . [(20190315 907) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 8 6)) (seq (1 8))) "Helm UI wrapper for EWW." single ((:commit . "76ba59fda8dd6f32a1bc7c6df0b43c6f76169911") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz") (:keywords "helm" "packages") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-eww"))]) (helm-ext . [(20200722 107) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 5 3))) "A few extensions to Helm" tar ((:commit . "c30f7772ec577a5ce1de3215f0507826e0725a69") (:authors ("Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Junpeng Qiu" . "qjpchmail@gmail.com") (:keywords "extensions"))]) (helm-exwm . [(20210215 858) ((emacs (25 2)) (helm (2 8 5)) (exwm (0 15))) "Helm for EXWM buffers" single ((:commit . "5b35a42ff10fbcbf673268987df700ea6b6288e8") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz") (:keywords "helm" "exwm") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-exwm"))]) (helm-file-preview . [(20200927 528) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (2 0))) "Preview the current helm file selection" single ((:commit . "5d6366adc14c51570374320fa827b0772833a61e") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/helm-file-preview"))]) (helm-filesets . [(20140929 1835) ((helm (1 6 3)) (filesets+ (0))) "A helm source for emacs filesets" single ((:commit . "b352910af4c3099267a8aa0169c7f743b35bb1fa") (:authors ("Graham Clark" . "grclark@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Graham Clark" . "grclark@gmail.com") (:keywords "filesets") (:url . "https://github.com/gcla/helm-filesets"))]) (helm-firefox . [(20210331 1900) ((helm (1 5)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "Firefox bookmarks" single ((:commit . "58a7ff023c76857ca9cd82075c8743446a50c055") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-firefox"))]) (helm-fish-completion . [(20200908 1504) ((emacs (25)) (helm (3)) (fish-completion (1 2))) "Helm interface for fish completion" single ((:commit . "2a2001b3a876da3c468ffec8935572509c485aac") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-fish-completion"))]) (helm-flx . [(20180103 516) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (1 7 9)) (flx (0 5))) "Sort helm candidates by flx score" single ((:commit . "6640fac5cb16bee73c95b8ed1248a4e5e113690e") (:authors ("PythonNut" . "pythonnut@pythonnut.com")) (:maintainer "PythonNut" . "pythonnut@pythonnut.com") (:keywords "convenience" "helm" "fuzzy" "flx") (:url . "https://github.com/PythonNut/helm-flx"))]) (helm-flycheck . [(20160710 829) ((dash (2 12 1)) (flycheck (28)) (helm-core (1 9 8))) "Show flycheck errors with helm" single ((:commit . "3cf7d3bb194acacc6395f88360588013d92675d6") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "flycheck") (:url . "https://github.com/yasuyk/helm-flycheck"))]) (helm-flymake . [(20160610 2) ((helm (1 0))) "helm interface for flymake" single ((:commit . "72cf18a1a1f843db9bb5d58301739ea9ccb1655b") (:authors ("Akira Tamamori" . "tamamori5917@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Akira Tamamori" . "tamamori5917@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/tam17aki"))]) (helm-flyspell . [(20170210 1901) ((helm (1 6 5))) "Helm extension for correcting words with flyspell" single ((:commit . "8d4d947c687cb650cb149aa2271ad5201ea92594") (:authors ("Andrzej Pronobis")) (:maintainer "Andrzej Pronobis") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/pronobis/helm-flyspell"))]) (helm-frame . [(20180604 1005) ((emacs (24 4))) "open helm buffers in a dedicated frame" single ((:commit . "485e2a534b0de5e8dbeb144a9a60ceca00215a4a") (:authors ("chee" . "chee@snake.dog")) (:maintainer "chee" . "chee@snake.dog") (:keywords "lisp" "helm" "popup" "frame"))]) (helm-fuz . [(20200812 1222) ((emacs (25 1)) (fuz (1 4 0)) (helm (3 6))) "Integrate Helm and Fuz" single ((:commit . "fee874aa35d2ee6b12b836290b5c8eaa44175a28") (:authors ("Zhu Zihao" . "all_but_last@163.com")) (:maintainer "Zhu Zihao" . "all_but_last@163.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/cireu/fuz.el"))]) (helm-fuzzier . [(20160605 2145) ((emacs (24 3)) (helm (1 7 0))) "Better fuzzy matching for Helm" single ((:commit . "8798dcf3583b863df5b9dea7fe3b0179ba1c35bc") (:authors ("Ephram Perdition")) (:maintainer "Ephram Perdition") (:keywords "convenience" "helm" "fuzzy") (:url . "http://github.com/EphramPerdition/helm-fuzzier"))]) (helm-fuzzy . [(20200927 532) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (1 7 9)) (flx (0 5))) "Fuzzy matching for helm source" single ((:commit . "9d57e4802aacfc50efe4804e45ace16f6931635c") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/jcs-elpa/helm-fuzzy"))]) (helm-fuzzy-find . [(20171106 400) ((emacs (24 1)) (helm (1 7 0))) "Find file using Fuzzy Search" single ((:commit . "de2abbf7ca13609587325bacd4a1ed4376b5c927") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "xuchunyang56@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "xuchunyang56@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "fuzzy" "find" "file") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/helm-fuzzy-find"))]) (helm-ghq . [(20210724 744) ((emacs (24)) (helm (3 8 0))) "Ghq with helm interface" single ((:commit . "7b47ac91e42762f2ecbbceeaadc05b86c9fe5f14") (:authors ("Takashi Masuda" . "masutaka.net@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Takashi Masuda" . "masutaka.net@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/masutaka/emacs-helm-ghq"))]) (helm-ghs . [(20170715 541) ((emacs (24)) (helm (2 2 0))) "ghs with helm interface" single ((:commit . "17a70bf16255d90d67c8350e88200ec8bfd47563") (:authors ("iory" . "ab.ioryz@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "iory" . "ab.ioryz@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/iory/emacs-helm-ghs"))]) (helm-git . [(20120630 2103) nil "Helm extension for Git." single ((:commit . "cb96a52b5aecadd3c27aba7749d14e43ab128d55") (:authors ("Marian Schubert" . "marian.schubert@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Marian Schubert" . "marian.schubert@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "git") (:url . "https://github.com/maio/helm-git"))]) (helm-git-files . [(20141212 1317) ((helm (1 5 9))) "helm for git files" single ((:commit . "43193960774069369ac6964bbf7c026900206fa8") (:authors ("INA Lintaro ") ("TAKAGI Kentaro ")) (:maintainer "INA Lintaro ") (:keywords "helm" "git"))]) (helm-git-grep . [(20170614 1411) ((helm-core (2 2 0))) "helm for git grep, an incremental git-grep(1)" single ((:commit . "744cea07dba6e6a5effbdba83f1b786c78fd86d3") (:authors ("mechairoi")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/yasuyk/helm-git-grep"))]) (helm-github-stars . [(20190428 1047) ((helm (1 6 8)) (emacs (24 4))) "Helm interface for your github's stars" single ((:commit . "c891690218b0d8b957ea6cb45b1b6cffd15a6950") (:authors ("Sliim" . "sliim@mailoo.org") ("xuchunyang" . "xuchunyang56@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sliim" . "sliim@mailoo.org") (:keywords "helm" "github" "stars") (:url . "https://github.com/Sliim/helm-github-stars"))]) (helm-gitignore . [(20170211 8) ((gitignore-mode (1 1 0)) (helm (1 7 0)) (request (0 1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Generate .gitignore files with gitignore.io." single ((:commit . "2a2e7da7855a6db0ab3bb6a6a087863d7abd4391") (:authors ("Juan Placencia")) (:maintainer "Juan Placencia") (:keywords "helm" "gitignore" "gitignore.io") (:url . "https://github.com/jupl/helm-gitignore"))]) (helm-gitlab . [(20180312 1647) ((s (1 9 0)) (dash (2 9 0)) (helm (1 0)) (gitlab (0 8 0))) "Helm interface to Gitlab" single ((:commit . "8c2324c02119500f094c2f92dfaba4c9977ce1ba") (:authors ("Nicolas Lamirault" . "nicolas.lamirault@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Nicolas Lamirault" . "nicolas.lamirault@gmail.com") (:keywords "gitlab" "helm") (:url . "https://github.com/nlamirault/emacs-gitlab"))]) (helm-go-package . [(20161103 153) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm-core (2 2 1)) (go-mode (1 4 0)) (deferred (0 4 0))) "helm sources for Go programming language's package" single ((:commit . "e42c563936c205ceedb930a687c11b4bb56447bc") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/yasuyk/helm-go-package"))]) (helm-google . [(20210527 900) ((helm (0))) "Emacs Helm Interface for quick Google searches" single ((:commit . "27834161391c350ef790062391cb7eab1d59fb62") (:authors ("steckerhalter")) (:maintainer "steckerhalter") (:keywords "helm" "google" "search" "browse" "searx") (:url . "https://framagit.org/steckerhalter/helm-google"))]) (helm-grepint . [(20200811 1616) ((helm (2 9 7)) (emacs (24 4))) "Generic helm interface to grep" single ((:commit . "9aec98428823b749eb14d2c8512b46b59ca9f8ca") (:authors ("Kalle Kankare" . "kalle.kankare@iki.fi")) (:maintainer "Kalle Kankare" . "kalle.kankare@iki.fi") (:keywords "grep" "grepping" "searching" "helm" "tools" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/kopoli/helm-grepint"))]) (helm-growthforecast . [(20140120 344) ((helm (1 5 9))) "helm extensions for growthforecast." single ((:commit . "0f94ac090d6c354058ad89a86e5c18385c136d9b") (:authors ("Daichi Hirata" . "daichi.hirat@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Daichi Hirata" . "daichi.hirat@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/daic-h/helm-growthforecast"))]) (helm-gtags . [(20200602 1610) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 0))) "GNU GLOBAL helm interface" single ((:commit . "a15fe1dd272d252ad933d8129db1dce02fd41adb") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-helm-gtags"))]) (helm-hatena-bookmark . [(20210724 732) ((emacs (24)) (helm (2 8 2))) "Hatena::Bookmark with helm interface" single ((:commit . "a6a2b37370ac84ca2cae5ef65b2b144a010b1584") (:authors ("Takashi Masuda" . "masutaka.net@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Takashi Masuda" . "masutaka.net@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/masutaka/emacs-helm-hatena-bookmark"))]) (helm-hayoo . [(20151014 651) ((helm (1 6 0)) (json (1 2)) (haskell-mode (13 7))) "Source and configured helm for searching hayoo" single ((:commit . "dd4c0c8c87521026edf1b808c4de01fa19b7c693") (:authors ("Markus Hauck" . "markus1189@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Markus Hauck" . "markus1189@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm"))]) (helm-helm-commands . [(20130902 1748) ((helm (1 5 4))) "List all helm commands with helm" single ((:commit . "3a05aa19c976501343ad9ae630a36810921a85f6") (:authors ("Joe Bloggs" . "vapniks@yahoo.com")) (:maintainer "Joe Bloggs" . "vapniks@yahoo.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/vapniks/helm-helm-commands"))]) (helm-hoogle . [(20161027 534) ((helm (1 6 2)) (emacs (24 4))) "Use helm to navigate query results from Hoogle" single ((:commit . "73969a9d46d2121a849a01a9f7ed3636d01f7bbc") (:authors ("John Wiegley" . "jwiegley@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "John Wiegley" . "jwiegley@gmail.com") (:keywords "haskell" "programming" "hoogle") (:url . "https://github.com/jwiegley/haskell-config"))]) (helm-hunks . [(20171217 1933) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (1 9 8))) "A helm interface for git hunks - browsing, staging, unstaging and killing" single ((:commit . "6392bf716f618eac23ce81140aceb0dfacb9c6d0") (:authors ("@torgeir")) (:maintainer "@torgeir") (:keywords "helm" "git" "hunks" "vc"))]) (helm-icons . [(20210330 1216) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (f (0 20 0)) (treemacs (2 7))) "Helm icons" single ((:commit . "8d2f5e705c8b78a390677cf242024739c932fc95") (:authors ("Ivan Yonchovski" . "yyoncho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ivan Yonchovski" . "yyoncho@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/yyoncho/helm-icons"))]) (helm-idris . [(20141202 1757) ((helm (0 0 0)) (idris-mode (0 9 14))) "A Helm datasource for Idris documentation, queried from the compiler" single ((:commit . "a2f45d6817974f318b55ad9b7fd19d5df132d47e") (:authors ("David Raymond Christiansen" . "david@davidchristiansen.dk")) (:maintainer "David Raymond Christiansen" . "david@davidchristiansen.dk") (:keywords "languages" "helm"))]) (helm-img . [(20151224 2321) ((helm (1 7 7)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Utilities for making image sources for helm." tar ((:commit . "aa3f8a5dce8d0413bf07584f07153a39015c2bfc") (:authors ("Sho Matsumoto ")) (:maintainer "l3msh0") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/l3msh0/helm-img"))]) (helm-img-tiqav . [(20151224 2322) ((helm-img (0 0 1))) "An helm-source for joking." single ((:commit . "33a7e9508bc8f37d53320b56c92b53d321a57bb0") (:authors ("Sho Matsumoto ")) (:maintainer "l3msh0") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/l3msh0/helm-img"))]) (helm-ispell . [(20151231 853) ((helm-core (1 7 7))) "ispell-complete-word with helm interface" single ((:commit . "cb735695ab3a0e66c123c2f3f3e8911fb1c2d5fc") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-helm-ispell"))]) (helm-itunes . [(20151013 648) ((helm (1 6 1))) "Play local iTunes and Spotify tracks" single ((:commit . "966de755a5aadbe02311a6cef77bd4790e84c263") (:authors ("Adam Schwartz" . "adam@adamschwartz.io")) (:maintainer "Adam Schwartz" . "adam@adamschwartz.io") (:url . "https://github.com/daschwa/helm-itunes"))]) (helm-j-cheatsheet . [(20170217 829) ((helm (1 5 3))) "Quick J reference for Emacs" single ((:commit . "6c47e7162b9ba2de4b41221d01180146973d860b") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/abo-abo/helm-j-cheatsheet"))]) (helm-jira . [(20180802 815) ((emacs (25)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (helm (1 9 9))) "Helm bindings for JIRA/Bitbucket/stash" single ((:commit . "75d6ed5bd7a041fa8c1adb21cbbbe57b5a7c7cc7") (:authors ("Roman Decker ")) (:maintainer "Roman Decker ") (:keywords "tools" "helm" "jira" "bitbucket" "stash") (:url . "https://github.com/DeX3/helm-jira"))]) (helm-js-codemod . [(20190921 942) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm-core (1 9 8)) (js-codemod (1 0 0))) "A helm interface for running js-codemods" single ((:commit . "29b1b3c441f0d7e450a3c65b5ff9e72023dc6314") (:authors (nil . "Torgeir Thoresen <@torgeir>")) (:maintainer nil . "Torgeir Thoresen <@torgeir>") (:keywords "helm" "js" "codemod" "region"))]) (helm-jstack . [(20150603 422) ((emacs (24)) (helm (1 7 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Helm interface to Jps & Jstack for Java/JVM processes" single ((:commit . "2064f7215dcf4ccbd6a7b8784223251507746da4") (:authors ("Raghav Kumar Gautam" . "rgautam@apache.com")) (:maintainer "Raghav Kumar Gautam" . "rgautam@apache.com") (:keywords "java" "jps" "jstack" "jvm" "emacs" "elisp" "helm"))]) (helm-kythe . [(20170709 726) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 12 0)) (helm (2 0))) "Google Kythe helm interface" single ((:commit . "eabbef4948f8ec7c7b2fac498e9145dfdb10ca82") (:authors ("Fangrui Song" . "i@maskray.me")) (:maintainer "Fangrui Song" . "i@maskray.me") (:url . "https://github.com/MaskRay/emacs-helm-kythe"))]) (helm-lastpass . [(20180722 806) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (2 0)) (csv (2 1))) "Helm interface of LastPass" single ((:commit . "82e1ffb6ae77d9d9e29c398eb013cd20ce963f77") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang" . "mail@xuchunyang.me")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang" . "mail@xuchunyang.me") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/helm-lastpass"))]) (helm-lean . [(20210305 1705) ((emacs (24 3)) (dash (2 18 0)) (helm (2 8 0)) (lean-mode (3 3 0))) "Helm interfaces for lean-mode" single ((:commit . "bf32bb97930ed67c5cbe0fe3d4a69dedcf68be44") (:authors ("Leonardo de Moura" . "leonardo@microsoft.com") ("Soonho Kong " . "soonhok@cs.cmu.edu") ("Gabriel Ebner " . "gebner@gebner.org") ("Sebastian Ullrich" . "sebasti@nullri.ch")) (:maintainer "Sebastian Ullrich" . "sebasti@nullri.ch") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/leanprover/lean-mode"))]) (helm-lib-babel . [(20180510 1324) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (helm (1 9 2)) (emacs (24 4))) "helm insertion of babel function references" single ((:commit . "41bc0cdea8a604c6c8dc83ed5066644d33688fad") (:authors ("Derek Feichtinger" . "dfeich@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Derek Feichtinger" . "dfeich@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/dfeich/helm-lib-babel.el"))]) (helm-lines . [(20180601 2033) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (1 9 8))) "A helm interface for completing by lines" single ((:commit . "3bfe15a60c6405682085ab289de3eb364624c4e9") (:authors ("@torgeir")) (:maintainer "@torgeir") (:keywords "files" "helm" "ag" "pt" "vc" "git" "lines" "complete" "tools" "languages") (:url . "https://github.com/torgeir/helm-lines.el/"))]) (helm-lobsters . [(20150213 1546) ((helm (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "helm front-end for lobste.rs" single ((:commit . "53c5b42baf72776dcba891fc3d7cd7d47721e9b0") (:authors ("Julien BLANCHARD" . "julien@sideburns.eu")) (:maintainer "Julien BLANCHARD" . "julien@sideburns.eu") (:url . "https://github.com/julienXX/helm-lobste.rs"))]) (helm-ls-git . [(20210729 911) ((helm (1 7 8))) "list git files." single ((:commit . "d861fb407d72470db41ac458447b92c6d9b00206"))]) (helm-ls-hg . [(20150909 543) ((helm (1 7 8))) "List hg files in hg project." single ((:commit . "61b91a22fcfb62d0fc56e361ec01ce96973c7165"))]) (helm-ls-svn . [(20190316 2203) ((emacs (24 1)) (helm (1 7 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "helm extension to list svn files" single ((:commit . "a6043e1187282f649e2cb9f0e722a42daf41294b") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "chunyang@macports.org")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "chunyang@macports.org") (:keywords "helm" "svn") (:url . "https://svn.macports.org/repository/macports/users/chunyang/helm-ls-svn.el/helm-ls-svn.el"))]) (helm-lsp . [(20210419 2014) ((emacs (25 1)) (dash (2 14 1)) (lsp-mode (5 0)) (helm (2 0))) "LSP helm integration" single ((:commit . "c2c6974dadfac459b1a69a1217441283874cea92") (:authors ("Ivan Yonchovski" . "yyoncho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ivan Yonchovski" . "yyoncho@gmail.com") (:keywords "languages" "debug") (:url . "https://github.com/yyoncho/helm-lsp"))]) (helm-lxc . [(20200323 816) ((emacs (25)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (helm (2 9 4)) (lxc-tramp (0 2 0))) "Helm interface to manage LXC containers" single ((:commit . "37fe2d7ed97967edf59a3b68b1434910516ae24f") (:authors ("montag451")) (:maintainer "montag451") (:keywords "helm" "lxc" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/montag451/helm-lxc"))]) (helm-make . [(20200620 27) nil "Select a Makefile target with helm" single ((:commit . "ebd71e85046d59b37f6a96535e01993b6962c559") (:authors ("Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Oleh Krehel" . "ohwoeowho@gmail.com") (:keywords "makefile") (:url . "https://github.com/abo-abo/helm-make"))]) (helm-migemo . [(20151010 356) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm-core (1 7 8)) (migemo (1 9)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Migemo plug-in for helm" single ((:commit . "66c6a19d07c6a385daefd2090d0709d26b608b4e") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "rubikitch@ruby-lang.org")) (:maintainer "Yuhei Maeda ") (:keywords "matching" "convenience" "tools" "i18n") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-jp/helm-migemo"))]) (helm-mode-manager . [(20210108 2330) ((helm (1 5 3))) "Select and toggle major and minor modes with helm" single ((:commit . "7df8ed3ddd46a0402838b748d317c01454346164") (:authors ("istib")) (:maintainer "istib") (:url . "https://github.com/istib/helm-mode-manager"))]) (helm-mt . [(20160918 452) ((emacs (24)) (helm (0 0)) (multi-term (0 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "helm multi-term management" single ((:commit . "d2bff4100118483bc398c56d0ff095294209265b") (:authors ("Didier Deshommes" . "dfdeshom@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Didier Deshommes" . "dfdeshom@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "multi-term") (:url . "https://github.com/dfdeshom/helm-mt"))]) (helm-mu . [(20210104 1214) ((helm (1 5 5))) "Helm sources for searching emails and contacts" single ((:commit . "392a8c11ab27b625d9f863cdde14e09893401b15") (:authors ("Titus von der Malsburg" . "malsburg@posteo.de")) (:maintainer "Titus von der Malsburg" . "malsburg@posteo.de") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-mu"))]) (helm-navi . [(20201220 1823) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (1 9 4)) (helm-org (1 0)) (navi-mode (2 0)) (s (1 10 0))) "Helm for navi-mode" single ((:commit . "c5666cc171288d1fa892900ee66fba2a1c892c81") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net") (:keywords "navigation" "outlines") (:url . "http://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-navi"))]) (helm-nixos-options . [(20151013 2309) ((nixos-options (0 0 1)) (helm (1 5 6))) "Helm Interface for nixos-options" single ((:commit . "053a2d5110ce05b7f99bcc2ac4804b70cbe87916") (:authors ("Diego Berrocal" . "cestdiego@gmail.com") ("Travis B. Hartwell" . "nafai@travishartwell.net")) (:maintainer "Diego Berrocal" . "cestdiego@gmail.com") (:keywords "unix") (:url . "http://www.github.com/travisbhartwell/nix-emacs/"))]) (helm-notmuch . [(20190320 1048) ((helm (1 9 3)) (notmuch (0 21))) "Search emails with Notmuch and Helm" single ((:commit . "97a01497e079a7b6505987e9feba6b603bbec288") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "mail@xuchunyang.me")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "mail@xuchunyang.me") (:keywords "mail") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-notmuch"))]) (helm-open-github . [(20170220 159) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm-core (1 7 7)) (gh (0 8 2))) "Utilities of Opening Github Page" single ((:commit . "2f03d97552a1233db7694116d5f80ecde7612756") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-helm-open-github"))]) (helm-org . [(20210324 1927) ((helm (3 3)) (emacs (24 4))) "Helm for org headlines and keywords completion" single ((:commit . "d67186d3a64e610c03a5f3d583488f018fb032e4") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto" . "thierry.volpiatto@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto" . "thierry.volpiatto@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-org"))]) (helm-org-multi-wiki . [(20210228 1853) ((emacs (26 1)) (org (9 3)) (org-multi-wiki (0 4)) (org-ql (0 5)) (dash (2 18)) (helm-org-ql (0 5)) (helm (3 5))) "Helm interface to org-multi-wiki" single ((:commit . "bf8039aadddaf02569fab473f766071ef7e63563") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "akira.komamura@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "akira.komamura@gmail.com") (:keywords "org" "outlines") (:url . "https://github.com/akirak/org-multi-wiki"))]) (helm-org-ql . [(20210608 1556) ((emacs (26 1)) (dash (2 18 1)) (s (1 12 0)) (helm-org (1 0)) (org-ql (0 6 -1))) "Helm support for org-ql" single ((:commit . "94f9e6f3031b32cf5e2149beca7074807235dcb0") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net") (:url . "https://github.com/alphapapa/org-ql"))]) (helm-org-recent-headings . [(20201213 837) ((emacs (26 1)) (org (9 0 5)) (dash (2 13 0)) (helm (1 9 4)) (org-recent-headings (0 2 -1)) (s (1 12 0))) "Helm source for org-recent-headings" single ((:commit . "5da516a1586675992c0122ed32978c18dda06318") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines" "org") (:url . "http://github.com/alphapapa/org-recent-headings"))]) (helm-org-rifle . [(20200512 1943) ((emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 12)) (f (0 18 1)) (helm (1 9 4)) (s (1 10 0))) "Rifle through your Org files" single ((:commit . "5e13a0e59606b40088927870dab116a8eab8e66c") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net") (:keywords "hypermedia" "outlines") (:url . "http://github.com/alphapapa/helm-org-rifle"))]) (helm-orgcard . [(20151001 1524) ((helm-core (1 7 7))) "browse the orgcard by helm" single ((:commit . "9655ac340d1ccc5f3d1c0f7c49be8dd3556d4d0d") (:authors ("Yuhei Maeda ")) (:maintainer "Yuhei Maeda") (:keywords "convenience" "helm" "org") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-jp/helm-orgcard"))]) (helm-osx-app . [(20190717 958) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm-core (3 0))) "Launch macOS apps with helm" single ((:commit . "634ed5d721a20af265825a018e9df3ee6640daee") (:authors ("Xu Chunyang")) (:maintainer "Xu Chunyang") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/helm-osx-app"))]) (helm-pages . [(20161121 226) ((helm (1 6 5)) (emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Pages in current buffer as Helm datasource" single ((:commit . "51dcb9374d1df9feaae85e60cfb39b970554ecba") (:authors ("David Christiansen" . "david@davidchristiansen.dk")) (:maintainer "David Christiansen" . "david@davidchristiansen.dk") (:keywords "convenience" "helm" "outlines"))]) (helm-pass . [(20210221 1655) ((emacs (25)) (helm (0)) (password-store (0)) (auth-source-pass (4 0 0))) "helm interface of pass, the standard Unix password manager" single ((:commit . "4ce46f1801f2e76e53482c65aa0619d427a3fbf9") (:authors ("J. Alexander Branham" . "branham@utexas.edu")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-pass"))]) (helm-perldoc . [(20200315 1716) ((helm-core (2 0)) (deferred (0 3 1)) (emacs (24 4))) "perldoc with helm interface" tar ((:commit . "6f3526f07f3df3059dbde779f8e681f5f1fee6ea") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-helm-perldoc"))]) (helm-perspeen . [(20170228 1345) ((perspeen (0 1 0)) (helm (2 5 0))) "Helm interface for perspeen." single ((:commit . "7fe2922d85608bfa9e18269fc44181428b8849ff") (:authors ("Yoshinobu Fujimoto")) (:maintainer "Yoshinobu Fujimoto") (:keywords "projects" "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/jimo1001/helm-perspeen"))]) (helm-phpunit . [(20160513 853) ((helm (1 9 5)) (phpunit (0 7 0))) "Helm integration for phpunit.el" single ((:commit . "739f26204ad2ba76c25f45e8eab1e5216f7c3518") (:authors ("Eric Hansen" . "hansen.c.eric@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Eric Hansen" . "hansen.c.eric@gmail.com") (:keywords "phpunit" "helm" "php") (:url . "https://github.com/eric-hansen/phpunit-helm"))]) (helm-posframe . [(20210412 1147) ((emacs (26 0)) (posframe (1 0 0)) (helm (0 1))) "Using posframe to show helm window" single ((:commit . "2412e5b3c584c7683982a7e9cfa10a67427f2567") (:authors ("Feng Shu")) (:maintainer "Feng Shu" . "tumashu@163.com") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "matching" "helm") (:url . "https://github.com/tumashu/helm-posframe"))]) (helm-proc . [(20161006 305) ((helm (1 6 0))) "Helm interface for managing system processes" tar ((:commit . "576d31c2d74ba3897d56e2acd2b0993f52c2547c") (:authors ("Markus Hauck" . "markus1189@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Markus Hauck" . "markus1189@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm"))]) (helm-project-persist . [(20151210 1543) ((helm (1 5 2)) (project-persist (0 1 4))) "Helm integration for project-persist package" single ((:commit . "357950fbac18090985a750e40d5d8b10ee9dcd53") (:authors ("Sliim" . "sliim@mailoo.org")) (:maintainer "Sliim" . "sliim@mailoo.org") (:keywords "project-persist" "project" "helm"))]) (helm-projectile . [(20201217 908) ((helm (1 9 9)) (projectile (2 2 0)) (cl-lib (0 3))) "Helm integration for Projectile" single ((:commit . "58123f14c392021714fc5d23b9f95c7f95ce07f1") (:authors ("Bozhidar Batsov")) (:maintainer "Bozhidar Batsov") (:keywords "project" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/bbatsov/helm-projectile"))]) (helm-prosjekt . [(20140129 717) ((prosjekt (0 3)) (helm (1 5 9))) "Helm integration for prosjekt." single ((:commit . "a864a8be5842223043702395f311e3350c28e9db") (:authors ("Sohail Somani" . "sohail@taggedtype.net")) (:maintainer "Sohail Somani" . "sohail@taggedtype.net") (:url . "https://github.com/abingham/prosjekt"))]) (helm-pt . [(20160214 2342) ((helm (1 5 6))) "Helm interface to the platinum searcher" tar ((:commit . "8acc52911dad1ed0c3975f134a468762afe0b76b") (:authors ("Rich Alesi")) (:maintainer "Rich Alesi") (:url . "https://github.com/ralesi/helm-pt"))]) (helm-purpose . [(20170114 1636) ((emacs (24)) (helm (1 9 2)) (window-purpose (1 4))) "Helm Interface for Purpose" single ((:commit . "9ff4c21c1e9ebc7afb851b738f815df7343bb287") (:authors ("Bar Magal (2016)")) (:maintainer "Bar Magal (2016)") (:url . "https://github.com/bmag/helm-purpose"))]) (helm-pydoc . [(20160918 542) ((helm-core (2 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "pydoc with helm interface" tar ((:commit . "85480a29b56dacde425655bc8f5a597c785afdf5") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-helm-pydoc"))]) (helm-qiita . [(20190526 1359) ((emacs (24)) (helm (2 8 2))) "Qiita with helm interface" single ((:commit . "5f82010c595f8e122aa3f68148ba8d8ccb1333d8") (:authors ("Takashi Masuda" . "masutaka.net@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Takashi Masuda" . "masutaka.net@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/masutaka/emacs-helm-qiita"))]) (helm-rage . [(20180118 1532) ((helm (1 9 8)) (emacs (24 4)) (dash (2 13 0)) (s (1 11 0))) "Helm command for rage characters." tar ((:commit . "5d0aefb53d859186181d4bdcfeff7d315339c7b8") (:keywords "helm" "rage" "meme") (:url . "https://github.com/bomgar/helm-rage"))]) (helm-rails . [(20130424 1519) ((helm (1 5 1)) (inflections (1 1))) "Helm extension for Rails projects." single ((:commit . "506d9948d45dfbc575c9c4c0d102c1ad2f511e82") (:authors ("Adam Sokolnicki" . "adam.sokolnicki@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Adam Sokolnicki" . "adam.sokolnicki@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "rails" "git") (:url . "https://github.com/asok/helm-rails"))]) (helm-rb . [(20131123 1639) ((helm (1 0)) (helm-ag-r (20131123))) "Search Ruby's method by ag and display helm" tar ((:commit . "4949d646420a9849af234dacdd8eb34a77c662fd") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada ")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada ") (:keywords "searching" "ruby") (:url . "https://github.com/yuutayamada/helm-rb"))]) (helm-rdefs . [(20161130 536) ((emacs (24)) (helm (1 6 4))) "rdefs with helm interface" single ((:commit . "cd3a6b3af3015ee58ef30cb7c81c79ebe5fc867b") (:authors ("Hiroshi Saito" . "monodie@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Hiroshi Saito" . "monodie@gmail.com") (:keywords "matching" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/saidie/helm-rdefs"))]) (helm-recoll . [(20200805 1235) ((helm (3 3)) (emacs (24 4))) "helm interface for the recoll desktop search tool." single ((:commit . "c021a3b5e8c010bdad062cceb80fb49788f89e9f") (:authors ("Thierry Volpiatto ")) (:maintainer "Thierry Volpiatto ") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-recoll"))]) (helm-rg . [(20200721 725) ((emacs (25)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (dash (2 13 0)) (helm (2 8 8))) "a helm interface to ripgrep" single ((:commit . "ee0a3c09da0c843715344919400ab0a0190cc9dc") (:authors ("Danny McClanahan")) (:maintainer "Danny McClanahan") (:keywords "find" "file" "files" "helm" "fast" "rg" "ripgrep" "grep" "search" "match") (:url . "https://github.com/cosmicexplorer/helm-rg"))]) (helm-rhythmbox . [(20160524 1158) ((helm (1 5 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "control Rhythmbox's play queue via Helm" single ((:commit . "c92e1ded34ddd4e62e7e9a558259c232e05193fa") (:authors ("Thomas Winant" . "dewinant@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Thomas Winant" . "dewinant@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/mrBliss/helm-rhythmbox"))]) (helm-robe . [(20151209 355) ((helm (1 7 7))) "completing read function for robe" single ((:commit . "6e69543b4ee76c5f8f3f2510c76e6d9aed17a370") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-helm-robe"))]) (helm-ros . [(20160812 1752) ((helm (1 9 9)) (xterm-color (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Interfaces ROS with helm" single ((:commit . "92b0b215f6a017f0f57f1af15466cc0b2a5a0135") (:authors ("David Landry" . "davidlandry93@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "David Landry" . "davidlandry93@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "ros") (:url . "https://www.github.com/davidlandry93/helm-ros"))]) (helm-rtags . [(20191222 920) ((helm (2 0)) (rtags (2 10))) "A front-end for rtags" single ((:commit . "3a057f127b931c683288f8731f05ba5e2aab4133") (:authors ("Jan Erik Hanssen" . "jhanssen@gmail.com") ("Anders Bakken" . "agbakken@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jan Erik Hanssen" . "jhanssen@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/Andersbakken/rtags"))]) (helm-rubygems-local . [(20130712 111) ((helm (1 5 3))) "Installed local rubygems find-file for helm" single ((:commit . "289cb33d41c703af9791d6da46b55f070013c2e3") (:authors ("hadashiA" . "dev@hadashikick.jp")) (:maintainer "hadashiA" . "dev@hadashikick.jp") (:url . "https://github.com/f-kubotar/helm-rubygems-local"))]) (helm-rubygems-org . [(20140826 1156) ((emacs (24)) (helm (1 6 3)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Use helm to search rubygems.org" single ((:commit . "6aaed984f698cbdf9f9aceb0221404563e28764d") (:authors ("Chad Albers" . "calbers@neomantic.com")) (:maintainer "Chad Albers" . "calbers@neomantic.com") (:keywords "ruby" "rubygems" "gemfile" "helm") (:url . "https://github.com/neomantic/helm-rubygems-org"))]) (helm-safari . [(20160404 324) ((helm (1 9 1)) (emacs (24))) "Browse your Safari bookmarks and history" single ((:commit . "664c7f4488829228eed7e90cd53002e14bec555b") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "xuchunyang56@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "xuchunyang56@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/helm-safari"))]) (helm-sage . [(20160514 745) ((cl-lib (0 5)) (helm (1 5 6)) (sage-shell-mode (0 1 0))) "A helm extension for sage-shell-mode." single ((:commit . "f14e9281d8f2162df7d8f9c2ad9ad1248a24803b") (:authors ("Sho Takemori" . "stakemorii@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Sho Takemori" . "stakemorii@gmail.com") (:keywords "sage" "math" "helm") (:url . "https://github.com/stakemori/helm-sage"))]) (helm-searcher . [(20210221 923) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (2 0)) (searcher (0 1 8)) (s (1 12 0)) (f (0 20 0))) "Helm interface to use searcher" single ((:commit . "76a8de11e39da5c7a94066bcf3d515cdd23c6f63") (:authors ("Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Shen, Jen-Chieh" . "jcs090218@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-searcher"))]) (helm-selected . [(20171223 210) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 8 6)) (selected (1 1))) "helm extension for selected.el" single ((:commit . "a9c769998bc56373d19f0ec9cbbbb4bd89a43c2d") (:authors ("Takaaki ISHIKAWA ")) (:maintainer "Takaaki ISHIKAWA ") (:keywords "extensions" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/takaxp/helm-selected"))]) (helm-selector . [(20210125 857) ((emacs (26 1)) (helm (3))) "Helm buffer selector" tar ((:commit . "4da4711c4cfd14527abe20d66787beeb49171b26") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-selector"))]) (helm-sheet . [(20130630 1239) ((helm (1 0))) "helm sources for sheet" single ((:commit . "d360b68d0ddb09aa1854e7b2f3cb39caeee26463") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "sheet") (:url . "https://github.com/yasuyk/helm-sheet"))]) (helm-shell-history . [(20210214 948) ((helm (3 7)) (emacs (24 3))) "Find shell history from helm" single ((:commit . "0c861f3db721e54053fc65f5651cf548cc1cb600") (:authors ("Yuta Yamada ")) (:maintainer "Yuta Yamada ") (:keywords "helm" "terminals" "shell") (:url . "https://github.com/yuutayamada/helm-shell-history"))]) (helm-slime . [(20191016 1601) ((emacs (25)) (helm (3 2)) (slime (2 18)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "helm-sources and some utilities for SLIME." single ((:commit . "7886cc49906a87ebd73be3b71f5dd6b1433a9b7b") (:authors ("Takeshi Banse" . "takebi@laafc.net")) (:maintainer "Takeshi Banse" . "takebi@laafc.net") (:keywords "convenience" "helm" "slime") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-slime"))]) (helm-sly . [(20210205 1424) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (3 2)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (sly (0 0))) "Helm sources and some utilities for SLY." single ((:commit . "3691626c80620e992a338c3222283d9149f1ecb5") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz") (:keywords "convenience" "helm" "sly" "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-sly"))]) (helm-smex . [(20171004 2008) ((emacs (24)) (smex (3 0)) (helm (1 7 7))) "Helm interface for smex" single ((:commit . "2269375dfa452b88b5170d1a5d5849ebb2c1e413") (:authors ("Peter Vasil" . "mail@petervasil.net")) (:maintainer "Peter Vasil" . "mail@petervasil.net") (:keywords "convenience"))]) (helm-spaces . [(20161001 1409) ((helm-core (2 2)) (spaces (0 1 0))) "helm sources for spaces" single ((:commit . "877e2b5178926308d6a7c2a37477bb12c33a96d4") (:authors ("Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Yasuyuki Oka" . "yasuyk@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "frames" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/yasuyk/helm-spaces"))]) (helm-spotify . [(20160905 2147) ((helm (0 0 0)) (multi (2 0 0))) "Control Spotify with Helm." single ((:commit . "f7a62d1ff88e3127de9be7cd3e818b0a92268ab3") (:authors ("Kris Jenkins" . "krisajenkins@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Kris Jenkins" . "krisajenkins@gmail.com") (:keywords "helm" "spotify") (:url . "https://github.com/krisajenkins/helm-spotify"))]) (helm-spotify-plus . [(20190913 2236) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 0 0)) (multi (2 0 1))) "Control Spotify search and select music with Helm." single ((:commit . "c3922ec368250965e483876cde5880d88a40a71b") (:authors ("Wanderson Ferreira and Luis Moneda ")) (:maintainer "Wanderson Ferreira and Luis Moneda ") (:url . "https://github.com/wandersoncferreira/helm-spotify-plus"))]) (helm-sql-connect . [(20170319 1251) ((helm (0 0 0))) "Choose a database to connect to via Helm." single ((:commit . "5aead55b6f8636140945714d8c332b287ab9ef10") (:authors ("Eric Hansen" . "hansen.c.eric@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Eric Hansen" . "hansen.c.eric@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "convenience" "comm") (:url . "https://github.com/eric-hansen/helm-sql-connect"))]) (helm-switch-shell . [(20210713 1440) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (2 8 8))) "A Helm source for switching between shell buffers" single ((:commit . "8d7ba1d99ff12a8f1d6ce3b9684ae8aebf494cf3") (:authors ("James N. V. Cash" . "james.cash@occasionallycogent.com")) (:maintainer "James N. V. Cash" . "james.cash@occasionallycogent.com") (:keywords "matching" "processes" "terminals" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/jamesnvc/helm-switch-shell"))]) (helm-switch-to-repl . [(20210206 844) ((emacs (26 1)) (helm (3))) "Helm action to switch directory in REPLs" single ((:commit . "f0e732e7217fc0373b0805245fa15920cf676619") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-switch-to-repl"))]) (helm-swoop . [(20210426 547) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (3 6))) "Efficiently hopping squeezed lines powered by helm interface" single ((:commit . "1b3285791f1dc1fde548fe67aec07214d698fd57") (:authors ("Shingo Fukuyama - http://fukuyama.co")) (:maintainer "Shingo Fukuyama - http://fukuyama.co") (:keywords "convenience" "helm" "swoop" "inner" "buffer" "search") (:url . "https://github.com/emacsorphanage/helm-swoop"))]) (helm-system-packages . [(20210628 1727) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (2 8 7)) (seq (1 8))) "Helm UI wrapper for system package managers." tar ((:commit . "a16bb1c3708416984106a98353700d456414b6a1") (:authors ("Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz")) (:maintainer "Pierre Neidhardt" . "mail@ambrevar.xyz") (:keywords "helm" "packages") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-system-packages"))]) (helm-systemd . [(20210105 542) ((emacs (24 4)) (helm (1 9 2)) (with-editor (2 5 0))) "helm's systemd interface" single ((:commit . "8b26ab2d3a5b08c1e03c9312818512d7492bbc9a") (:authors (nil . "")) (:maintainer nil . "") (:keywords "convenience"))]) (helm-tail . [(20181124 439) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (2 7 0))) "Read recent output from various sources" single ((:commit . "1f5a6355aa3bdb00b9b0bc93db29c17f0d6701e3") (:authors ("Akira Komamura" . "akira.komamura@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Akira Komamura" . "akira.komamura@gmail.com") (:keywords "maint" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/akirak/helm-tail"))]) (helm-taskswitch . [(20190304 1414) ((emacs (24)) (helm (3 0))) "Use helm to switch windows and buffers" single ((:commit . "59f7cb99defa6e6bf6e7d599559fa8d5786cf8a9") (:authors ("Brian Caruso" . "briancaruso@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Brian Caruso" . "briancaruso@gmail.com") (:keywords "frames") (:url . "https://github.com/bdc34/helm-taskswitch"))]) (helm-themes . [(20200323 712) ((helm-core (2 0)) (emacs (24 4))) "Color theme selection with helm interface" single ((:commit . "244121903650c2d25a233d12b378060cf8b010e7") (:authors ("Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Syohei YOSHIDA" . "syohex@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/syohex/emacs-helm-themes"))]) (helm-tramp . [(20190616 125) ((emacs (24 3)) (helm (2 0))) "Tramp helm interface for ssh, docker, vagrant" single ((:commit . "55e56975fe1456591a293bf60c183c3dda9f788f") (:authors ("Masashı Mıyaura")) (:maintainer "Masashı Mıyaura") (:url . "https://github.com/masasam/emacs-helm-tramp"))]) (helm-unicode . [(20180608 1407) ((helm (1 9 8)) (emacs (24 4))) "Helm command for unicode characters." single ((:commit . "fbeb0c5e741a6f462520884b744d43a9acbe1d34"))]) (helm-w32-launcher . [(20141223 2014) ((emacs (24)) (helm (1 6 5)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Start Menu entry launcher using Helm" tar ((:commit . "3e59ad62b89dd21d334af0203d445a83eb25dc5b") (:authors ("Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/Fanael/helm-w32-launcher"))]) (helm-w3m . [(20210315 723) ((helm (1 5)) (w3m (0 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 1))) "W3m bookmark - helm interface." single ((:commit . "0a25a2b1df9bc660a90d633beb301b3815556e4e"))]) (helm-wikipedia . [(20210525 717) ((helm (3 6)) (emacs (25 1))) "Wikipedia suggestions" single ((:commit . "c242c74efaeda2ffbafd281ee6bceae1a42507bb") (:url . "https://github.com/emacs-helm/helm-wikipedia"))]) (helm-wordnet . [(20160128 1507) ((emacs (24)) (helm (1 7 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Helm interface to local wordnet dictionary" single ((:commit . "a36dbc6fcb570b812870bc1e190f203e0a0042fc") (:authors ("Raghav Kumar Gautam" . "rgautam@apache.com")) (:maintainer "Raghav Kumar Gautam" . "rgautam@apache.com") (:keywords "dictionary" "wordnet" "emacs" "elisp" "helm") (:url . "https://github.com/raghavgautam/helm-wordnet"))]) (helm-xcdoc . [(20160116 1018) ((helm (1 5)) (emacs (24 4))) "Search Xcode Document by docsetutil and eww with helm interface" single ((:commit . "a85612149a6d8e18ab309b3db2d222ce39c42049") (:authors ("Ryo Fujimoto" . "fujimisakri@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ryo Fujimoto" . "fujimisakri@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/fujimisakari/emacs-helm-xcdoc"))]) (helm-xref . [(20201004 1817) ((emacs (25 1)) (helm (1 9 4))) "Helm interface for xref results" single ((:commit . "23f1174cfca7667d95828dcd388c655a4a9c877d") (:authors ("Fritz Stelzer" . "brotzeitmacher@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Fritz Stelzer" . "brotzeitmacher@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/brotzeit/helm-xref"))]) (helm-youtube . [(20190101 1733) ((request (0 2 0)) (helm (2 3 1)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Query YouTube and play videos in your browser" single ((:commit . "e7272f1648c7fa836ea5ac1a61770b4931ab4709") (:authors ("Maximilian Roquemore" . "maximus12793@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Maximilian Roquemore" . "maximus12793@gmail.com") (:keywords "youtube" "multimedia") (:url . "https://github.com/maximus12793/helm-youtube"))]) (helm-z . [(20171204 325) ((helm (1 0))) "Show z directory list with helm.el support." single ((:commit . "37212220bebea8b9c238cb1bbacd8332b7f26c03") (:authors ("yynozk" . "yynozk@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "yynozk" . "yynozk@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/yynozk/helm-z"))]) (helm-zhihu-daily . [(20160625 1145) ((helm (1 0)) (cl-lib (0 5)) (emacs (24 4))) "Helm interface for 知乎日报 (http://daily.zhihu.com)" single ((:commit . "be27dcc6be1eb97663b65581a9a5c0fc81cfaba7") (:authors ("Chunyang Xu" . "xuchunyang56@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Chunyang Xu" . "xuchunyang56@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/xuchunyang/helm-zhihu-daily"))]) (help-find-org-mode . [(20181204 234) ((emacs (24 4))) "Advise help to find org source over tangled code" single ((:commit . "aeda7f92c086dab9d8dfcd580fe80b332887a548") (:authors ("Eric Crosson" . "eric.s.crosson@utexas.com")) (:maintainer "Eric Crosson" . "eric.s.crosson@utexas.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/EricCrosson/help-find-org-mode"))]) (helpful . [(20210319 802) ((emacs (25)) (dash (2 18 0)) (s (1 11 0)) (f (0 20 0)) (elisp-refs (1 2))) "A better *help* buffer" single ((:commit . "7e4b1f0d5572a4e2b8ee7a9b084ef863d0315a73") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk") (:keywords "help" "lisp") (:url . "https://github.com/Wilfred/helpful"))]) (hemera-theme . [(20180916 924) ((emacs (24))) "Light theme" single ((:commit . "b67c902b210b37b00cac68726822404543147ba8") (:authors ("Guido Schmidt")) (:maintainer "Guido Schmidt" . "guido.schmidt.2912@gmail.com") (:keywords "themes" "light-theme") (:url . "https://github.com/GuidoSchmidt/emacs-hemera-theme"))]) (hemisu-theme . [(20130508 1844) nil "Hemisu for Emacs." tar ((:commit . "5c206561aa2c844ecdf3e3b672c3235e559ddd7f") (:authors ("Andrzej Sliwa")) (:maintainer "Andrzej Sliwa") (:url . "http://github/anrzejsliwa/django-theme"))]) (hercules . [(20200420 747) ((emacs (24 4)) (which-key (3 3 2))) "An auto-magical, which-key-based hydra banisher." single ((:commit . "557da39878d0637395fdded91243b340c37eff7b") (:authors ("Uros Perisic")) (:maintainer "Uros Perisic") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/jjzmajic/hercules"))]) (heroku-theme . [(20150523 219) nil "Heroku color theme" single ((:commit . "8083643fe92ec3a1c3eb82f1b8dc2236c9c9691d") (:authors ("Jonathan Chu" . "me@jonathanchu.is")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Chu" . "me@jonathanchu.is") (:url . "https://github.com/jonathanchu/color-theme-heroku"))]) (hexo . [(20200416 1410) ((emacs (24 3))) "Major mode & tools for Hexo" single ((:commit . "d600b6c2d51959f1331c8abf3953365544322afa") (:authors ("Ono Hiroko (kuanyui)" . "azazabc123@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Ono Hiroko (kuanyui)" . "azazabc123@gmail.com") (:keywords "tools" "hexo") (:url . "https://github.com/kuanyui/hexo.el"))]) (hfst-mode . [(20160708 1202) nil "major mode for editing HFST files" single ((:commit . "ac1bb9dd92545d3e7fdc05c83996c227cc15c6b8") (:authors ("Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer@fsfe.org")) (:maintainer "Kevin Brubeck Unhammer" . "unhammer@fsfe.org") (:keywords "languages") (:url . "http://wiki.apertium.org/wiki/Emacs"))]) (hg-histedit . [(20210302 2334) ((emacs (25 1)) (with-editor (2 8 3))) "Edit HG histedit files" single ((:commit . "a05149483b9c5f7848ece0ba6028c900595a6a25") (:authors ("James Nguyen" . "james@jojojames.com")) (:maintainer "James Nguyen" . "james@jojojames.com") (:keywords "mercurial" "hg" "emacs" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/jojojames/hg-histedit"))]) (hgignore-mode . [(20210314 431) nil "a major mode for editing hgignore files" single ((:commit . "2c5aa4c238848f5b4f2955afcfb5f21ea513653b") (:authors ("Omair Majid" . "omair.majid@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Omair Majid" . "omair.majid@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "vc" "hg") (:url . "http://github.com/omajid/hgignore-mode"))]) (hgrc-mode . [(20150409 2043) nil "major mode for editing hgrc files" single ((:commit . "314e8320b82cc1ce74b1bd372f296252e7a23090") (:authors ("Omair Majid" . "omair.majid@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Omair Majid" . "omair.majid@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "vc" "hg") (:url . "http://github.com/omajid/hgrc-mode"))]) (hi2 . [(20141005 1931) nil "indentation module for Haskell Mode" single ((:commit . "c9d199727b5cdcb9e36a972b38131ce4611fd6c8") (:authors ("Gergely Risko" . "gergely@risko.hu")) (:maintainer "Gergely Risko" . "gergely@risko.hu") (:keywords "indentation" "haskell") (:url . "https://github.com/errge/hi2"))]) (hiccup-cli . [(20210208 652) ((emacs (26 1))) "Convert HTML to Hiccup syntax" single ((:commit . "b56ae0d5cd5ce3ef24ed13be5103e231c91ef4e2") (:authors ("Kevin W. van Rooijen")) (:maintainer "Kevin W. van Rooijen") (:keywords "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/kwrooijen/hiccup-cli"))]) (hide-lines . [(20210513 1636) nil "Commands for hiding lines based on a regexp" single ((:commit . "f0828c15e50db5eddb905de783e7683b04d1eca3") (:authors ("Mark Hulme-Jones ")) (:maintainer "Joe Bloggs" . "vapniks@yahoo.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/vapniks/hide-lines"))]) (hide-mode-line . [(20190922 115) ((emacs (24 4))) "minor mode that hides/masks your modeline" single ((:commit . "88888825b5b27b300683e662fa3be88d954b1cea") (:authors ("Henrik Lissner ")) (:maintainer "Henrik Lissner" . "henrik@lissner.net") (:keywords "frames" "mode-line") (:url . "https://github.com/hlissner/emacs-hide-mode-line"))]) (hidepw . [(20200326 112) nil "Minor mode to hide passwords" single ((:commit . "73f099da79d73fe4087472df3469d8b9b20a59f2") (:authors ("Chris Forno" . "jekor@jekor.com")) (:maintainer "Chris Forno" . "jekor@jekor.com") (:keywords "hide" "hidden" "password" "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/jekor/hidepw"))]) (hideshow-org . 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[(20200520 1713) nil "Highlight Doxygen comments" single ((:commit . "eec4874e2e89d4eb39091aad89a67dff8f8ec84c") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:keywords "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/Lindydancer/highlight-doxygen"))]) (highlight-escape-sequences . [(20201214 1730) nil "Highlight escape sequences" single ((:commit . "fae976568c04b6fe8a9f2d854c8fe23b357a6878") (:authors ("Dmitry Gutov" . "dgutov@yandex.ru") ("Pavel Matcula" . "dev.plvlml@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Dmitry Gutov" . "dgutov@yandex.ru") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/dgutov/highlight-escape-sequences"))]) (highlight-function-calls . [(20170908 500) ((emacs (24 4))) "Highlight function/macro calls" single ((:commit . "f7a1eaf95fc64cc0db4d0567f9ff79ec4ae04787") (:authors ("Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net")) (:maintainer "Adam Porter" . "adam@alphapapa.net") (:keywords "faces" "highlighting") (:url . "http://github.com/alphapapa/highlight-function-calls"))]) (highlight-indent-guides . [(20200820 2328) ((emacs (24 1))) "Minor mode to highlight indentation" single ((:commit . "cf352c85cd15dd18aa096ba9d9ab9b7ab493e8f6") (:authors ("DarthFennec" . "darthfennec@derpymail.org")) (:maintainer "DarthFennec" . "darthfennec@derpymail.org") (:url . "https://github.com/DarthFennec/highlight-indent-guides"))]) (highlight-indentation . [(20210221 1418) nil "Minor modes for highlighting indentation" single ((:commit . "d88db4248882da2d4316e76ed673b4ac1fa99ce3") (:authors ("Anton Johansson" . "anton.johansson@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Anton Johansson" . "anton.johansson@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/antonj/Highlight-Indentation-for-Emacs"))]) (highlight-leading-spaces . [(20151216 1222) ((emacs (24 4))) "Highlight leading spaces" single ((:commit . "840db19d863dd97993fd9f893f5be501627b6354") (:authors ("Thomas Winant" . "dewinant@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Thomas Winant" . "dewinant@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/mrBliss/highlight-leading-spaces"))]) (highlight-numbers . [(20181013 1744) ((emacs (24)) (parent-mode (2 0))) "Highlight numbers in source code" single ((:commit . "8b4744c7f46c72b1d3d599d4fb75ef8183dee307") (:authors ("Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/Fanael/highlight-numbers"))]) (highlight-operators . [(20170213 2220) nil "a face for operators in programming modes" single ((:commit . "7696b43419505d6e3511ad2781f9f1dd3c55ef8c") (:authors ("Jonathan Kotta" . "jpkotta@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Jonathan Kotta" . "jpkotta@gmail.com"))]) (highlight-parentheses . [(20210420 1924) ((emacs (24 3))) "Highlight surrounding parentheses" single ((:commit . "891538de31524956136e1419e1206af0c8befe02") (:authors ("Nikolaj Schumacher ")) (:maintainer "Tassilo Horn" . "tsdh@gnu.org") (:keywords "faces" "matching") (:url . "https://sr.ht/~tsdh/highlight-parentheses.el/"))]) (highlight-quoted . [(20140916 1822) ((emacs (24))) "Highlight Lisp quotes and quoted symbols" single ((:commit . "24103478158cd19fbcfb4339a3f1fa1f054f1469") (:authors ("Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Fanael Linithien" . "fanael4@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/Fanael/highlight-quoted"))]) (highlight-refontification . [(20170211 2024) nil "Visualize font-lock refontification." single ((:commit . "32632897d88c4611fadb08517ca00ef5cbc989b6") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:keywords "faces" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/Lindydancer/highlight-refontification"))]) (highlight-stages . [(20210306 418) nil "highlight staged (quasi-quoted) expressions" single ((:commit . "95daa710f3d8fc83f42c5da38003fc71ae0da1fc") (:authors ("zk_phi")) (:maintainer "zk_phi") (:url . "http://hins11.yu-yake.com/"))]) (highlight-symbol . [(20160102 2009) nil "automatic and manual symbol highlighting" single ((:commit . "7a789c779648c55b16e43278e51be5898c121b3a") (:authors ("Nikolaj Schumacher ")) (:maintainer "Nikolaj Schumacher ") (:keywords "faces" "matching") (:url . "http://nschum.de/src/emacs/highlight-symbol/"))]) (highlight-thing . [(20181229 1301) nil "Minimalistic minor mode to highlight current thing under point." single ((:commit . "561d08a26f78f18d405d4f371f1c813db094e2f3") (:authors ("Felix Geller" . "fgeller@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Felix Geller" . "fgeller@gmail.com") (:keywords "highlight" "thing" "symbol") (:url . "https://github.com/fgeller/highlight-thing.el"))]) (highlight-unique-symbol . [(20130612 542) ((deferred (0 3 2))) "highlight symbols which not appear in the repository" single ((:commit . "4141bf86a94e30d94d9af9c29d40b16886226e1c") (:authors ("hitode909" . "hitode909@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "hitode909" . "hitode909@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/hitode909/emacs-highlight-unique-symbol"))]) (highlight2clipboard . [(20151020 1840) ((htmlize (1 47))) "Copy text to clipboard with highlighting." tar ((:commit . "6ce58a060d9c5843ccb8c79ec2bba7858c68ac15") (:authors ("Anders Lindgren")) (:maintainer "Anders Lindgren") (:keywords "tools"))]) (hindent . [(20210201 148) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Indent haskell code using the \"hindent\" program" single ((:commit . "e146d672ea4c00fe17018e7e76e49d59570eeb2b") (:authors ("Chris Done" . "chrisdone@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Chris Done" . "chrisdone@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/chrisdone/hindent"))]) (hippie-exp-ext . [(20160502 2326) nil "Extension of hippie-expand" single ((:commit . "4eda13f90da51ab217d024701f4c30f91ffcb90e") (:authors ("rubikitch" . "rubikitch@ruby-lang.org")) (:maintainer "rubikitch" . "rubikitch@ruby-lang.org") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "completions" "hippie-expand") (:url . "http://www.emacswiki.org/emacs/download/hippie-exp-ext.el"))]) (hippie-expand-slime . [(20170723 146) nil "Hook slime's completion into hippie-expand" single ((:commit . "39bbae94896a62854d31754debdfae71d35fec62") (:authors ("Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com")) (:maintainer "Steve Purcell" . "steve@sanityinc.com") (:url . "https://github.com/purcell/hippie-expand-slime"))]) (hippie-namespace . [(20140508 2041) nil "Special treatment for namespace prefixes in hippie-expand" single ((:commit . "d0d0f15c67ab8bef5e9d1e29a89ecd3613a60b49") (:authors ("Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com")) (:maintainer "Roland Walker" . "walker@pobox.com") (:keywords "convenience" "lisp" "tools" "completion") (:url . "http://github.com/rolandwalker/hippie-namespace"))]) (historian . [(20200203 1927) ((emacs (24 4))) "Persistently store selected minibuffer candidates" single ((:commit . "852cb4e72c0f78c8dbb2c972bdcb4e7b0108ff4c") (:authors ("PythonNut" . "pythonnut@pythonnut.com")) (:maintainer "PythonNut" . "pythonnut@pythonnut.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/PythonNut/historian.el"))]) (history . [(20160821 1602) ((emacs (24 3))) "History utility for source code navigation" tar ((:commit . "5317663fb45bbd5e96d258cb0807dcc266ce67ff") (:authors ("boyw165")) (:maintainer "boyw165") (:url . "https://github.com/boyw165/history"))]) (historyf . [(20151124 159) nil "file history library like browser" single ((:commit . "196c058ceb092fdd56b0e4ce85b7e714d6f72224") (:authors ("k1LoW (Kenichirou Oyama), ")) (:maintainer "k1LoW (Kenichirou Oyama), ") (:url . "https://github.com/k1LoW/emacs-historyf"))]) (hive . [(20131217 1512) ((sql (3 0))) "Hive SQL mode extension" single ((:commit . "11b5172e081ad8079fc78758bef6f306f82ae32b") (:authors ("Roman Scherer" . "roman@burningswell.com")) (:maintainer "Roman Scherer" . "roman@burningswell.com") (:keywords "sql" "hive"))]) (hiwin . [(20150825 827) nil "Visible active window mode." single ((:commit . "6ee8ed051405653bd9b7332d7e9fbb591d954051") (:authors ("k.sugita")) (:maintainer "k.sugita") (:keywords "faces" "editing" "emulating"))]) (hl-anything . [(20160422 1708) ((emacs (24 3))) "Highlight symbols, selections, enclosing parens and more." tar ((:commit . "8696bc55a8cba408f0fc83a907a9ec529d79e558") (:authors ("boyw165")) (:maintainer "boyw165"))]) (hl-block-mode . [(20210617 1324) ((emacs (26 0))) "highlighting nested blocks" single ((:commit . "0ea43d320219ba4e6b7b1be36a5c1533ac3edb42") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/ideasman42/emacs-hl-block-mode"))]) (hl-fill-column . [(20200607 757) ((names (0 5)) (emacs (24))) "Highlight fill column." single ((:commit . "5782a91ba0182c4e562fa0db6379ff9dd472856b") (:keywords "fill column" "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/laishulu/hl-fill-column"))]) (hl-indent . [(20170429 2104) ((emacs (24)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Highlight irregular indentation." single ((:commit . "bdb2e0177a7c8b29af26998e688b856adc6ded93") (:authors ("Kirill Ignatiev ")) (:maintainer "Kirill Ignatiev ") (:keywords "convenience" "faces") (:url . "https://github.com/ikirill/hl-indent"))]) (hl-prog-extra . [(20210629 602) ((emacs (26 2))) "Customizable highlighting for source-code" single ((:commit . "c251d0cd354565b859ddf7c61bdae32649c6a0f4") (:authors ("Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Campbell Barton" . "ideasman42@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://gitlab.com/ideasman42/emacs-hl-prog-extra"))]) (hl-sentence . [(20171018 1519) nil "highlight a sentence based on customizable face" single ((:commit . "86ae38d3103bd20da5485cbdd59dfbd396c45ee4") (:authors ("Donald Ephraim Curtis" . "dcurtis@milkbox.net")) (:maintainer "Donald Ephraim Curtis" . "dcurtis@milkbox.net") (:keywords "highlighting") (:url . "http://github.com/milkypostman/hl-sentence"))]) (hl-todo . [(20210615 1505) ((emacs (25))) "highlight TODO and similar keywords" single ((:commit . "5ac0076cfeaea57f7c7a59d9d41a34c1bdc4b22e") (:authors ("Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li")) (:maintainer "Jonas Bernoulli" . "jonas@bernoul.li") (:keywords "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/tarsius/hl-todo"))]) (hledger-mode . [(20210706 1225) ((emacs (24 4)) (popup (0 5 3)) (async (1 9)) (htmlize (1 47))) "A mode for writing journal entries for hledger." tar ((:commit . "9ac07ff0adbce6a402c17e789b1750f9da0d22f4") (:authors ("Narendra Joshi" . "narendraj9@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Narendra Joshi" . "narendraj9@gmail.com") (:keywords "data") (:url . "https://github.com/narendraj9/hledger-mode.git"))]) (hlint-refactor . [(20190115 900) nil "Apply HLint suggestions" single ((:commit . "c4307f86aad6d02e32e9b30cb6edc115584c791c") (:keywords "haskell" "refactor") (:url . "https://github.com/mpickering/hlint-refactor-mode"))]) (hlinum . [(20180422 412) ((cl-lib (0 2))) "Extension for linum.el to highlight current line number" single ((:commit . "5646d9c0b9e7598b20b2004eab5439fdc6dbeda5") (:authors ("Tomoya Tanjo" . "ttanjo@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Tomoya Tanjo" . "ttanjo@gmail.com") (:keywords "convenience" "extensions") (:url . "https://github.com/tom-tan/hlinum-mode/"))]) (hmac . [(20201004 1819) ((emacs (25 1))) "Hash-based message authentication code" single ((:commit . "f2b99a9a10becfff207cf9418c6dce78364b1a4b") (:authors ("Sean McAfee")) (:maintainer "Sean McAfee") (:url . "https://github.com/grimnebulin/emacs-hmac"))]) (hnreader . [(20210518 428) ((emacs (25 1)) (promise (1 1)) (request (0 3 0)) (org (9 2))) "A hackernews reader" single ((:commit . "0bda35e6b2063ddecca2fe2b0dd21f46a3391de3") (:authors ("Thanh Vuong" . "thanhvg@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Thanh Vuong" . "thanhvg@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/thanhvg/emacs-hnreader/"))]) (hoa-mode . [(20200610 1339) nil "Major mode for the HOA format" single ((:commit . "18f5c981e256f867f29a93376ccdc04717b159cd") (:authors ("Alexandre Duret-Lutz" . "adl@lrde.epita.fr")) (:maintainer "Alexandre Duret-Lutz" . "adl@lrde.epita.fr") (:keywords "major-mode" "automata" "convenience") (:url . "https://gitlab.lrde.epita.fr/spot/emacs-modes"))]) (hoa-pp-mode . [(20151027 736) ((emacs (24 1)) (names (20150723 0))) "Major mode for Hoa PP grammars" single ((:commit . "925b79930a3f4377b0fb2a36b3c6d5566d4b9a8e") (:authors ("Steven Rémot")) (:maintainer "Steven Rémot") (:keywords "php" "hoa") (:url . "https://github.com/hoaproject/Contributions-Emacs-Pp"))]) (holiday-pascha-etc . [(20160822 58) nil "Eastern Christian analog to holiday-easter-etc" single ((:commit . "eb198656f63cb8679fb0e3a8248782df071a0f3c") (:authors ("Mark A. Hershberger" . "mah@everybody.org")) (:maintainer "Mark A. Hershberger" . "mah@everybody.org") (:url . "http://github.com/hexmode/holiday-pascha-etc"))]) (holy-books . [(20210227 2225) ((s (1 12 0)) (dash (2 16 0)) (emacs (27 1)) (org (9 1))) "Org-mode links/tooltips/lookups for Quran & Bible" single ((:commit . "53ee29d1b1a1a9cbd664c318b01aa1c13011efff") (:authors ("Musa Al-hassy" . "alhassy@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Musa Al-hassy" . "alhassy@gmail.com") (:keywords "quran" "bible" "links" "tooltips" "convenience" "comm" "hypermedia") (:url . "https://alhassy.github.io/holy-books/"))]) (home-end . [(20180817 855) ((emacs (24 3)) (keypress-multi-event (1 0))) "Smart multi-purpose home / end keys" single ((:commit . "fbddad2c1268720ce17662a232b48f666e489526") (:authors ("Boruch Baum" . "boruch_baum@gmx.com")) (:maintainer "Boruch Baum" . "boruch_baum@gmx.com") (:keywords "abbrev" "convenience" "wp" "keyboard") (:url . "https://www.github.com/Boruch_Baum/emacs-home-end"))]) (homebrew-mode . 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"philippe.vaucher@gmail.com") (:keywords "hook" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/Silex/hookify"))]) (horizon-theme . [(20200720 1832) ((emacs (24 3))) "A beautifully warm dual theme" single ((:commit . "9595549c514a9376c61d5d303405f6a6982e9e46") (:url . "https://github.com/aodhneine/horizon-theme.el"))]) (horoscope . [(20180409 641) ((emacs (24))) "generate horoscopes." single ((:commit . "f4c683e991adce0a8f9023f15050f306f9b9a9ed") (:authors ("Bob Manson" . "manson@cygnus.com")) (:maintainer "Noah Friedman" . "friedman@prep.ai.mit.edu") (:keywords "extensions" "games") (:url . "https://github.com/mschuldt/horoscope.el"))]) (hotfuzz . [(20210731 821) ((emacs (27 1))) "Fuzzy completion style" single ((:commit . "c09ee50c337a56114834b66ab3475985e3099d06") (:authors ("Axel Forsman" . "axelsfor@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Axel Forsman" . "axelsfor@gmail.com") (:keywords "matching") (:url . "https://github.com/axelf4/hotfuzz"))]) (hound . [(20200122 1700) ((request (0 2 0)) (cl-lib (0 5))) "Display hound search results in a compilation window" single ((:commit . "35e2cdc81fcc904b450a7ef3ec00fd25df6a4431") (:authors ("Ryan Young")) (:maintainer "Ryan Young"))]) (hover . [(20201206 2227) ((emacs (25 2)) (dash (2 14 1))) "Package to use hover with flutter" single ((:commit . "c9c0593b2bffd6a494f570d707fe8d4e97718da4") (:authors ("Eric Dallo")) (:maintainer "Eric Dallo") (:keywords "hover" "flutter" "mobile" "tools") (:url . "https://github.com/ericdallo/hover.el"))]) (howdoi . [(20150204 43) nil "Instant coding answers via Emacs." tar ((:commit . "5fbf7069ee160c597a328e5ce5fb32920e1ca88f") (:authors ("Andrey Tykhonov ")) (:maintainer "Andrey Tykhonov" . "atykhonov@gmail.com") (:keywords "howdoi" "convenience") (:url . "https://github.com/atykhonov/emacs-howdoi/"))]) (howdoyou . [(20210707 1513) ((emacs (25 1)) (promise (1 1)) (request (0 3 0)) (org (9 2))) "A stackoverflow and its sisters' sites reader" single ((:commit . "4943a4ef8d242952ade64903a05c13094de2fbf0") (:authors ("Thanh Vuong" . "thanhvg@gmail.com")) (:maintainer "Thanh Vuong" . "thanhvg@gmail.com") (:url . "https://github.com/thanhvg/howdoyou/"))]) (howm . [(20210217 1128) ((cl-lib (0 5))) "Wiki-like note-taking tool" tar ((:commit . "bac98b873d07baf039fe252b9d67f71c235dca06") (:authors ("HIRAOKA Kazuyuki" . "khi@users.osdn.me")) (:maintainer "HIRAOKA Kazuyuki" . "khi@users.osdn.me") (:url . "https://howm.osdn.jp"))]) (hsluv . [(20181127 1206) ((seq (2 20))) "hsluv color space conversions" single ((:commit . "c3bc5228e30d66e7dee9ff1a0694c2b976862fc0") (:authors ("Geert Vermeiren")) (:maintainer "Geert Vermeiren") (:keywords "color" "hsluv") (:url . "https://github.com/hsluv/hsluv-emacs"))]) (ht . [(20210119 741) ((dash (2 12 0))) "The missing hash table library for Emacs" single ((:commit . "c4c1be487d6ecb353d07881526db05d7fc90ea87") (:authors ("Wilfred Hughes" . "me@wilfred.me.uk")) (:maintainer "Wilfred Hughes" . 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