;;; base-ivy.el --- Ayuditas y autocompletado del minibufer -*- lexical-binding: t -*- ;; Author: kj ;; URL: https://git.kj2.me/kj/confi-emacs-actual ;;; Commentary: ;;; Code: ;; Autocompletado para el minibuffer (counsel e ivy) (use-package counsel :defer t :straight t :diminish ivy-mode counsel-mode :bind (("C-s" . swiper-isearch) ("C-r" . swiper-isearch-backward) ("s-f" . swiper) ("C-S-s" . swiper-all) ("C-c C-r" . ivy-resume) ("C-c v p" . ivy-push-view) ("C-c v o" . ivy-pop-view) ("C-c v ." . ivy-switch-view) :map counsel-mode-map ([remap swiper] . counsel-grep-or-swiper) ([remap swiper-backward] . counsel-grep-or-swiper-backward) ([remap dired] . counsel-dired) ([remap set-variable] . counsel-set-variable) ([remap insert-char] . counsel-unicode-char) ([remap recentf-open-files] . counsel-recentf) ([remap org-capture] . counsel-org-capture) ([remap jump-to-register] . counsel-register) ("C-c c B" . counsel-bookmarked-directory) ("C-c c F" . counsel-faces) ("C-c c L" . counsel-load-library) ("C-c c K" . counsel-ace-link) ("C-c c O" . counsel-find-file-extern) ("C-c c P" . counsel-package) ("C-c c R" . counsel-list-processes) ("C-c c a" . counsel-apropos) ("C-c c e" . counsel-colors-emacs) ("C-c c f" . counsel-find-library) ("C-c c g" . counsel-grep) ("C-c c h" . counsel-command-history) ("C-c c i" . counsel-git) ("C-c c j" . counsel-git-grep) ("C-c c l" . counsel-git-log) ("C-c c m" . counsel-minibuffer-history) ("C-c c o" . counsel-outline) ("C-c c p" . counsel-pt) ("C-c c r" . counsel-rg) ("C-c c s" . counsel-ag) ("C-c c t" . counsel-load-theme) ("C-c c u" . counsel-unicode-char) ("C-c c w" . counsel-colors-web) ("C-c c v" . counsel-set-variable) ("C-c c z" . counsel-fzf) ("C-c " . counsel-mark-ring) :map ivy-minibuffer-map ("C-w" . ivy-yank-word) ("" . ivy-partial) ("" . minibuffer-keyboard-quit) :map counsel-find-file-map ("C-h" . counsel-up-directory) :map swiper-map ("M-s" . swiper-isearch-toggle) ("M-%" . swiper-query-replace) :map isearch-mode-map ("M-s" . swiper-isearch-toggle)) :hook ((after-init . ivy-mode) (ivy-mode . counsel-mode)) :init (setq enable-recursive-minibuffers t) ; Allow commands in minibuffers (setq ivy-height 12 ivy-use-selectable-prompt t ivy-use-virtual-buffers t ; Enable bookmarks and recentf ivy-fixed-height-minibuffer t ivy-count-format "(%d/%d) " ivy-ignore-buffers '("\\` " "\\`\\*tramp/" "\\`\\*xref" "\\`\\*helpful " "\\`\\*.+-posframe-buffer\\*" "\\` ?\\*company-.+\\*") ivy-on-del-error-function #'ignore ivy-initial-inputs-alist nil) ;; Use orderless regex strategy (setq ivy-re-builders-alist '((t . ivy--regex-ignore-order))) ;; Set minibuffer height for different commands (setq ivy-height-alist '((counsel-evil-registers . 5) (counsel-yank-pop . 8) (counsel-git-log . 4) (swiper . 15) (counsel-projectile-ag . 15) (counsel-projectile-rg . 15))) (setq swiper-action-recenter t) (setq counsel-find-file-at-point t counsel-preselect-current-file t counsel-yank-pop-separator "\n────────\n") (add-hook 'counsel-grep-post-action-hook #'recenter) ;; Use the faster search tools (when (executable-find "rg") (setq counsel-grep-base-command "rg -S --no-heading --line-number --color never '%s' '%s'")) (when (executable-find "fd") (setq counsel-fzf-cmd "fd --type f --hidden --follow --exclude .git --color never '%s'")) :config (with-no-warnings ;; persist views (with-eval-after-load 'savehist (add-to-list 'savehist-additional-variables 'ivy-views)) ;; Highlight the selected item (defun my-ivy-format-function (cands) "Transform CANDS into a string for minibuffer." (if (display-graphic-p) (ivy-format-function-line cands) (ivy-format-function-arrow cands))) (setf (alist-get 't ivy-format-functions-alist) #'my-ivy-format-function) ;; Pre-fill search keywords ;; @see https://www.reddit.com/r/emacs/comments/b7g1px/withemacs_execute_commands_like_marty_mcfly/ (defvar my-ivy-fly-commands '(query-replace-regexp flush-lines keep-lines ivy-read swiper swiper-backward swiper-all swiper-isearch swiper-isearch-backward lsp-ivy-workspace-symbol lsp-ivy-global-workspace-symbol counsel-grep-or-swiper counsel-grep-or-swiper-backward counsel-grep counsel-ack counsel-ag counsel-rg counsel-pt)) (defvar my-ivy-fly-back-commands '(self-insert-command ivy-forward-char ivy-delete-char delete-forward-char kill-word kill-sexp end-of-line mwim-end-of-line mwim-end-of-code-or-line mwim-end-of-line-or-code yank ivy-yank-word ivy-yank-char ivy-yank-symbol counsel-yank-pop)) (defvar-local my-ivy-fly--travel nil) (defun my-ivy-fly-back-to-present () (cond ((and (memq last-command my-ivy-fly-commands) (equal (this-command-keys-vector) (kbd "M-p"))) ;; repeat one time to get straight to the first history item (setq unread-command-events (append unread-command-events (listify-key-sequence (kbd "M-p"))))) ((or (memq this-command my-ivy-fly-back-commands) (equal (this-command-keys-vector) (kbd "M-n"))) (unless my-ivy-fly--travel (delete-region (point) (point-max)) (when (memq this-command '(ivy-forward-char ivy-delete-char delete-forward-char kill-word kill-sexp end-of-line mwim-end-of-line mwim-end-of-code-or-line mwim-end-of-line-or-code)) (insert (ivy-cleanup-string ivy-text)) (when (memq this-command '(ivy-delete-char delete-forward-char kill-word kill-sexp)) (beginning-of-line))) (setq my-ivy-fly--travel t))))) (defun my-ivy-fly-time-travel () (when (memq this-command my-ivy-fly-commands) (insert (propertize (save-excursion (set-buffer (window-buffer (minibuffer-selected-window))) (ivy-thing-at-point)) 'face 'shadow)) (add-hook 'pre-command-hook 'my-ivy-fly-back-to-present nil t) (beginning-of-line))) (add-hook 'minibuffer-setup-hook #'my-ivy-fly-time-travel) (add-hook 'minibuffer-exit-hook (lambda () (remove-hook 'pre-command-hook 'my-ivy-fly-back-to-present t))) ;; ;; Improve search experience of `swiper' and `counsel' ;; (defun my-ivy-switch-to-swiper (&rest _) "Switch to `swiper' with the current input." (swiper ivy-text)) (defun my-ivy-switch-to-swiper-isearch (&rest _) "Switch to `swiper-isearch' with the current input." (swiper-isearch ivy-text)) (defun my-ivy-switch-to-swiper-all (&rest _) "Switch to `swiper-all' with the current input." (swiper-all ivy-text)) (defun my-ivy-switch-to-rg-dwim (&rest _) "Switch to `rg-dwim' with the current input." (ivy-quit-and-run (rg-dwim default-directory))) (defun my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-rg (&rest _) "Switch to `counsel-rg' with the current input." (counsel-rg ivy-text default-directory)) (defun my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-git-grep (&rest _) "Switch to `counsel-git-grep' with the current input." (counsel-git-grep ivy-text default-directory)) (defun my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-find-file (&rest _) "Switch to `counsel-find-file' with the current input." (counsel-find-file ivy-text)) (defun my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-fzf (&rest _) "Switch to `counsel-fzf' with the current input." (counsel-fzf ivy-text default-directory)) (defun my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-git (&rest _) "Switch to `counsel-git' with the current input." (counsel-git ivy-text)) (defun my-ivy-switch-to-list-bookmarks (&rest _) "Switch to `list-bookmarks'." (ivy-quit-and-run (call-interactively #'list-bookmarks))) (defun my-ivy-switch-to-list-colors (&rest _) "Switch to `list-colors-display'." (ivy-quit-and-run (list-colors-display))) (defun my-ivy-switch-to-list-packages (&rest _) "Switch to `list-packages'." (ivy-quit-and-run (list-packages))) (defun my-ivy-switch-to-list-processes (&rest _) "Switch to `list-processes'." (ivy-quit-and-run (list-processes))) (defun my-ivy-copy-library-path (lib) "Copy the full path of LIB." (let ((path (find-library-name lib))) (kill-new path) (message "Copied path: \"%s\"." path))) ;; @see https://emacs-china.org/t/swiper-swiper-isearch/9007/12 (defun my-swiper-toggle-counsel-rg () "Toggle `counsel-rg' and `swiper'/`swiper-isearch' with the current input." (interactive) (ivy-quit-and-run (if (memq (ivy-state-caller ivy-last) '(swiper swiper-isearch)) (my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-rg) (my-ivy-switch-to-swiper-isearch)))) (bind-key "" #'my-swiper-toggle-counsel-rg swiper-map) (bind-key "" #'my-swiper-toggle-counsel-rg counsel-ag-map) (with-eval-after-load 'rg (defun my-swiper-toggle-rg-dwim () "Toggle `rg-dwim' with the current input." (interactive) (ivy-quit-and-run (rg-dwim default-directory))) (bind-key "" #'my-swiper-toggle-rg-dwim swiper-map) (bind-key "" #'my-swiper-toggle-rg-dwim counsel-ag-map)) (defun my-swiper-toggle-swiper-isearch () "Toggle `swiper' and `swiper-isearch' with the current input." (interactive) (ivy-quit-and-run (if (eq (ivy-state-caller ivy-last) 'swiper-isearch) (swiper ivy-text) (swiper-isearch ivy-text)))) (bind-key "" #'my-swiper-toggle-swiper-isearch swiper-map) (defun my-counsel-find-file-toggle-fzf () "Toggle `counsel-fzf' with the current `counsel-find-file' input." (interactive) (ivy-quit-and-run (counsel-fzf (or ivy-text "") default-directory))) (bind-key "" #'my-counsel-find-file-toggle-fzf counsel-find-file-map) (defun my-counsel-toggle () "Toggle `counsel' commands and original commands." (interactive) (pcase (ivy-state-caller ivy-last) ('counsel-bookmark (my-ivy-switch-to-list-bookmarks)) ('counsel-colors-emacs (my-ivy-switch-to-list-colors)) ('counsel-colors-web (my-ivy-switch-to-list-colors)) ('counsel-list-processes (my-ivy-switch-to-list-processes)) ('counsel-package (my-ivy-switch-to-list-packages)) (_ (ignore)))) (bind-key "" #'my-counsel-toggle ivy-minibuffer-map) ;; More actions (ivy-add-actions #'swiper-isearch '(("r" my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-rg "rg") ("d" my-ivy-switch-to-rg-dwim "rg dwim") ("s" my-ivy-switch-to-swiper "swiper") ("a" my-ivy-switch-to-swiper-all "swiper all"))) (ivy-add-actions #'swiper '(("r" my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-rg "rg") ("d" my-ivy-switch-to-rg-dwim "rg dwim") ("s" my-ivy-switch-to-swiper-isearch "swiper isearch") ("a" my-ivy-switch-to-swiper-all "swiper all"))) (ivy-add-actions #'swiper-all '(("g" my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-git-grep "git grep") ("r" my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-rg "rg") ("d" my-ivy-switch-to-rg-dwim "rg dwim") ("s" my-swiper-toggle-swiper-isearch "swiper isearch") ("S" my-ivy-switch-to-swiper "swiper"))) (ivy-add-actions #'counsel-rg '(("s" my-ivy-switch-to-swiper-isearch "swiper isearch") ("S" my-ivy-switch-to-swiper "swiper") ("a" my-ivy-switch-to-swiper-all "swiper all") ("d" my-ivy-switch-to-rg-dwim "rg dwim"))) (ivy-add-actions #'counsel-git-grep '(("s" my-ivy-switch-to-swiper-isearch "swiper isearch") ("S" my-ivy-switch-to-swiper "swiper") ("r" my-ivy-switch-to-rg-dwim "rg") ("d" my-ivy-switch-to-rg-dwim "rg dwim") ("a" my-ivy-switch-to-swiper-all "swiper all"))) (ivy-add-actions #'counsel-find-file '(("g" my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-git "git") ("z" my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-fzf "fzf"))) (ivy-add-actions #'counsel-git '(("f" my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-find-file "find file") ("z" my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-fzf "fzf"))) (ivy-add-actions 'counsel-fzf '(("f" my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-find-file "find file") ("g" my-ivy-switch-to-counsel-git "git"))) (ivy-add-actions 'counsel-find-library '(("p" my-ivy-copy-library-path "copy path"))) (ivy-add-actions 'counsel-load-library '(("p" my-ivy-copy-library-path "copy path"))) (ivy-add-actions #'counsel-bookmark '(("l" my-ivy-switch-to-list-bookmarks "list"))) (ivy-add-actions #'counsel-colors-emacs '(("l" my-ivy-switch-to-list-colors "list"))) (ivy-add-actions #'counsel-colors-web '(("l" my-ivy-switch-to-list-colors "list"))) (ivy-add-actions #'counsel-package '(("l" my-ivy-switch-to-list-packages "list packages"))) (ivy-add-actions #'counsel-list-processes '(("l" my-ivy-switch-to-list-processes "list"))))) ;; Autocompletado de proyectos en counsel (projectile) (use-package counsel-projectile :defer t :straight t :bind* ("C-x p" . counsel-projectile) :hook (counsel-mode . counsel-projectile-mode) :init (setq counsel-projectile-grep-initial-input '(ivy-thing-at-point))) ;; Enhance M-x (use-package amx :defer t :straight t :bind (("M-x" . amx) ("" . amx)) :init (setq amx-history-length 20)) ;; Avy integration (use-package ivy-avy :defer t :straight t :bind (:map ivy-minibuffer-map ("C-'" . ivy-avy))) (use-package ivy :defer t :straight t :hook (after-init . ivy-mode) :config (setq ivy-use-virtual-buffers nil)) (use-package ivy-rich :defer t :straight t :ensure t :hook ((counsel-projectile-mode . ivy-rich-mode) ; MUST after `counsel-projectile' (ivy-rich-mode . ivy-rich-project-root-cache-mode) (ivy-rich-mode . (lambda () "Use abbreviate in `ivy-rich-mode'." (setq ivy-virtual-abbreviate (or (and ivy-rich-mode 'abbreviate) 'name))))) :init ;; For better performance (setq ivy-rich-parse-remote-buffer nil)) ;; Iconos en Ivy (allthe icons) (use-package all-the-icons-ivy-rich :defer t :straight t :ensure t :hook (ivy-mode . all-the-icons-ivy-rich-mode) :config (setq all-the-icons-ivy-rich-color-icon t)) ;; Integrate yasnippet (use-package ivy-yasnippet :defer t :straight t :bind ("C-c C-y" . ivy-yasnippet)) (provide 'base-ivy) ;;; base-ivy.el ends here